Into Memories Pt. 2
Reader POV (Back when they were teenagers)
"C'mon, Braid Face!" You shouted to Nozel.
He growled; "Stop calling me that, Novochrono!"
You ignored him and grabbed his hand.
"B-Baka! What are you doing?" His face was flushed. "Oh!" The boy was running downhill so fast that he ended up tripping and falling down, dragging you down with him.
"Oh..." Your face flushed when you saw that he was on top of you, hands on either side of your head.
Nozel stuttered; "I'm sorry, (n/n)! I didn't mean to!"
You laughed at his face. "Baka." Feeling bold, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his nose.
"EWWW! Germs!!" He closed his eyes and his nose wrinkled in horror.
"Aww, so cute!" Fuegelon teased.
Both you and Nozel aimed dirty looks at him.
"It's so good to see you around Nozel Silva so much," Dad said as he fixed up your hair.
You were going to attend a ball for Nobles and Royals, hosted by the King himself. Not the Wizard King, but the actual king.
Though everyone wished that your father was the actual king instead of who was on the throne.
Nozel's jaw dropped when he saw you.
(You can change the colors if you want)
" look amazing..."
Nebra smirked at you. "Go get some with Nozel, eh?"
"Ohmygodno!" You spat.
Nozel held your hand and walked into the palace gates.
You spotted Noelle, Mimosa, and Leopold sitting in the children's area.
"Presenting Lord Nozel Silva and Wizard Princess (y/n) Novochrono!" The announcer shouted.
Everyone clapped and greeted both of you.
The Vaudes were also there.
You noticed Finral was missing, but he was probably flirting with someone.
The night was spent dancing in Nozel's arms.
You began to notice that ever since you kissed his nose, he became a lot more flustered and nicer to you.
"That is such a beautiful couple," A noble from the Heart Kingdom commented.
"I agree," A royal from the Spade Kingdom added.
Nozel's arm around your waist tightened. "Why the hell are they saying that...?!"
You laughed. "Why do you think, Noz?"
"A nickname, deal with it."
"I SHIP IT TOO HARD!" Dad squealed as he ate his breakfast with you in the morning.
"Stoppppp!!" You yeeted a sugar cube at him in annoyance.
"You know, if he proposed to you, I would allow it," Dad smirked at you.
"Uh...?" How were you supposed to respond to that?
It wasn't long until Nozel finally had the balls to ask for your hand in marriage...
"Come in, Nozel," Julius called from his office.
Nozel took in a deep breath and exhaled, and entered the room. "Wizard King Julius,"
Julius snorted. "No need to be so formal, Nozel. We're basically family."
"Please, let me just say what I have to say." This was it.
"I have come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage. I love her with all my heart. Though we aren't always on the best terms, I truly do wish her the best. I want to make us-her happy for the rest of our lives." He knelt down on his knee, head bowed.
Now Julius was in shock. "Silva, stand up." Nozel stood up. Julius grabbed his collar. "I don't give a flying rat's ass if you are a captain. Break her heart and I'll run you out of this kingdom."
"You have my approval." Julius threw the papers from his desk out the window, smiling. "I've waited far too long for this conversation! I already knew this would happen, the moment you met my daughter."
"But like I said. If you hurt her, I'll run you out of this kingdom. Protect her." He smiled cheerily. "Also, I'd better become a Grandpa."
"I promise I will protect her, and you will be a Grandpa," Nozel promised.
End of Flashback
Nozel POV
"This will help," I said to Asta, Mimosa, and Yuno. I was wary of Yuno, seeing he was an elf. But then again, my own wife was an elf.
Could it be possible that they had their other-selves known...because they were of kin?
I've studied lots of spells. I clearly remember that if a reincarnation spell is placed upon a person with a soul of another, they will still have the host's memories if they are related to the caster.
Could it be that Yuno and (y/n) were related as elves?
"Thank you for letting us use this," Mimosa thanked.
I nodded. "That spell must have been pretty bad if Merelona herself is unconscious..."
Reader POV
"Licht. What are you doing to your own sons, then?" You snapped to your father. "Also, how the hell am I still normal if the others are different? Why do I remember that I am married to Nozel?"
Licht's eyes glowed more. "It's a mixture of explanations. For one, you are of my kin so you and Yuno will remember everything. And Asta, but it seems the spell didn't work on him since he has anti-magic..."
Your head was still spinning from the news that you were the older sister of Asta and Yuno.
"Maybe its also because you have an attachment to Nozel."
"But what does being married have to do with anything?" You asked.
Another figure came from the mist. It was your human father, Julius.
"(y/n). I'm a Grandfather now!" He said cherrily. "Licht is saying that since you have Nozel's child in your womb, that is another possibility of why you still remember that your human self is my kin,"
"Wait, Dad...?" You tried to run up and hug him, but unlike Licht, he was just a projection.
"I died," Julius said. "But I exist only in your mind."
Your head was spinning and spinning. "Wait...I'm pregnant?"
"And so the ball drops into the game." With that, the illusion vanished and you were back.
"(y/n)? Are you alright? You spaced out," A fellow elf said.
Your mind was roaring with thoughts. "Oh my god..."
The world around you went black.
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