Reader POV
(months later)
Nozel was crowned the new Wizard King (much to Asta and Yuno's dislike).
Currently, you were sitting outside staring at the water fountain, rubbing your huge stomach and humming.
"(y/n)?" Noelle walked over to you.
You snapped out of your daze and smiled at your sister-in-law. "Yes, Noe?"
She looked at your stomach with a blush. "Can I...?"
You took her hand and placed it on your stomach. The growing child inside of you kicked which caused you both to laugh.
Nozel looked at you from your other side and smiled warmly. "Noelle, that's our daughter."
Noelle nodded. "Nozel, I have a request."
Your husband gestured for her to continue.
"Can I one day teach her to use magic?"
You placed your hands on hers. "Of course, Noe. Even if she doesn't have your magic, I can't think of someone better."
Noelle hugged you and nodded. "Thank you, (y/n)."
As the young Silva walked away, you turned to Nozel. "Noz, we should find godparents for her,"
"And we should decide a name,"
You thought for a second. "How about...Amore?"
"That's a beautiful name,"
Both of you thought about your old future self and her darling daughter Amore.
"How about Noelle and Yuno?" You suggested. "My brother and your sister, that's our best bet."
Nozel agreed. "I don't think Asta would be fit to be our child's godfather,"
You shivered at the thought. "He'd probably put bad thoughts about Elves attacking the capital into her head. Even though he respects them, he wouldn't understand that a child's mind is fragile. But I could be wrong,"
Yuno double blinked. "(y/n), I..." He smiled. "I would love to be the godfather of your child,"
You hugged him. "Thank you, Yuno."
Asta looked dejected as he tapped his foot multiple times. "Why him and not me???"
Nozel glared at him and Asta shut his mouth.
Noelle was shocked and the poor girl almost fainted.
Solid and Nebra grinned. "Good, we can teach Amore how to properly torment her father,"
Nozel's face went paler than it normally was. "Oh god, no..."
The three eldest Silva siblings bickered.
Fuegelon nodded in approval at your decision. "Amore will definitely grow up strong,"
"You bet your damn jewel collection that I will teach Amore to unleash her inner beast!" Merelona smirked.
"Please...just be careful with her!" You protested.
Leopold unleashed a flare in the courtyard. "I'll definitely chase the little rascal around!"
Kirsch frowned. "While you ruffians are teaching the poor Wizard Princess, I will be teaching her to be a refined lady!"
"Shut up, brother," Mimosa rolled her eyes.
The guards watched in confusion as everyone bickered about who would do what with Amore.
That night, Nozel gently kissed your bare stomach. "The baby isn't reacting," he said anxiously.
You laughed. "Noz, maybe Amore is tired of her father always trying to bother her!"
Noz sighed. "I know, but it's only a month or so before she's born! I want to be the first to kiss her toes,"
"A Silva Family tradition," he explained. "Father used to do that except with Noelle since he...well, he died before she was born."
You patted his head. "Noz, I promise that nothing will happen to me or you."
Nozel was silent.
Amore Novochrono Silva.
A beautiful baby with Nozel's purple eyes and (h/c) hairs. She had a birthmark in the shape of a heart.
Nozel happily kissed her toes as the baby cried since she was just born.
You slumped into the covers, filled with exhaustion.
"My beautiful wife!" Nozel gently cradled Amore into your arms and kissed you feverishly on the forehead. "You did so well. I'm so proud of you,"
Your eyes fluttered in exhaustion. "Nozel...I..."
The doctors looked at you worriedly. "Queen (y/n)?"
You kissed Nozel on the lips and stared at Amore. "I love you, Nozel."
"Hey, she's losing blood!" A doctor yelled.
Quickly, Nozel and Amore were rushed out of the room as the nurses and doctors rushed about.
Nozel POV
Worry flashed through me as I waited outside our bedroom with a crying Amore.
I kissed Amore's head and she instantly calmed down. "Don't worry, Am. Mommy will be better. She's just tired, okay? Daddy's got you..."
A while later, the doctor ushered me into the room.
(y/n)'s eyes were closed...
"No need to worry, King Nozel," an older nurse said kindly. "She is alright. But sleeping."
I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you..."
"We'll give you some time," they all walked out of the room and shut the door.
I placed Amore in (y/n)'s sleeping arms and wrapped my own around the two of them.
"Mother Acier, this is my family..." I was on a high from the baby. "I'll protect them both with my life as you did."
(y/n) awoke hours later. She gently woke me up.
"Noz, look!"
I looked down at her arms. Precious Amore was sleeping with her thumb in her mouth.
"She's so perfect," I whispered. "And so are you. I love you so, so, so much..."
(y/n) nodded. "I know, Nozel. I know."
Five-year time skip
"DADDY! COME CHASE ME!!" Amore shouted to me as she ran about the castle.
I chased after my beautiful daughter. "BIG ANGRY BEAR IS HUNGRYYYYYY!!!"
Amore squealed and hid behind her mother as I gained on her.
"Ahh! Don't eat me, Big Angry Bear!" (y/n) laughed.
I growled, "I'll spare you but at a cost,"
"Which is what??" Amore and (y/n) giggled.
"A kiss from the fairest woman in the land named (y/n) Novochrono Silva!"
(y/n) laughed and kissed me. "There you go, Big Angry Bear!"
Amore stuck out her tongue in disgust. "Ewww! You guys are so gross!"
"Not as gross as your diapers," I cringed.
(y/n) laughed harder. "Amore, your uncle Solid still shivers at the day he changed your diaper and you peed on him!"
I snorted. "I'm glad you never did that to me when I changed your diapers,"
Amore ran away. "Shush!!"
We let her run to the other side of the castle, content looks on our faces.
"Our baby..." I smiled at (y/n). "She looks more like you each and every day,"
"But has your eyes," (y/n) countered. Then her face lit up. "Oh! Nozel, I have something important to tell you!"
"What?" I wasn't really paying attention.
"Nozel, I'm expecting a son!"
"Nice...WAIT WHAT???" I double-blinked.
(y/n)'s face went red. "Nozel, Amore is going to have a brother!"
I picked her up bridal style and kissed her repeatedly. "Yes! Yes!! (y/n), our family! It's getting bigger!"
"How should we tell the others?"
I grinned. "Leave it to me,"
The bedroom door closed behind us.
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