Alternate Ending
I didn't plan on doing this, but enjoy the alternate ending!
Reader POV
Your magic.
I watched Nozel in the sky. He was using the powers of the three seasons to end Nordicis.
"MY GRIMOIRE!!!" I shouted with glee. "Daddy, look!!"
"Well, would you look at that?" He smiled and looked at my grimoire. It was white with blue markings and gold edges. It had a four-leaf clover.
"She's got time and water magic," the grimoire keeper said.
I opened it and ran outside to the courtyard when we got back to the Novochrono mansion.
"Time Magic: Fields of Time!"
The whole area was frozen in time. A flock of birds was in mid air.
Everyone was frozen except Dad.
His eyes were wide. "(y-y/n)!! I knew you had lots of mana, but even I wasn't able to use this spell until I was 20!"
I stuck my tongue playfully at him. "Then it just proves I'm more powerful!"
"(y/n), this isn't just any spell," Dad said with a serious glare. "This is time trapper."
No really?
He pointed to everything. "As you can see, everything is frozen. While in this state, soft objects become hard since the particles making it solid are frozen."
I ran over to a water fountain nearby and tried to dip my hand in. Sure enough, it was solid.
Timeskip (still in flashback)
"(y/n)!!" Nozel frowned at me as I winked at him. "Stop using your water magic to drown me!"
"Sorry," I smirked. "But hey, I enjoy the view."
His face flushed. "So weird! Remind me to never wear a white shirt around you!"
"Please," I placed a hand on his cheek and my lips brushed him. "I'm sure you don't mind flexing your abs."
His face turned a brighter crimson. "So ludicrous!"
"Anyway," I said as I stepped away from
him. "I've got a mission that my dad wants me to take. He said I can bring someone."
"Why are you- oh hell no." He groaned. "I've got a squad to run now."
"Okay, then put someone else in charge for the week!" I showed him the document. "This mission is by the witch's forest. We're supposed to protect the people nearby from the witches. Reports of death tolls are rising."
"Why would your father trust you with this missiom?" He frowned as he read over the paper. "This is assigned for a senior magic knight."
I rolled my eyes. "Did you forget something, Nozel? I have the power to stop time and not only that, I can use my water magic just like a blade."
He sighed. "Fine. But I trust you'll explain this to Solid, Nebra, and the brat?"
I glared at him. "Don't be so rude, Nozel. Don call Noe a brat. Now come on. I'll tell Dad you're coming with me."
When we got to the village, we saw a ghastly sight.
Witches used their magic and slaughtered everyone.
Nozel and I immediately activated our magic and flew down.
"Water Magic: Valkyrie God!"
Valkyrie God was very similar to Valkyrie Armor that Acier Silva used, except it was on a whole different level.
While in this form, I had the powers to command all the water nearby and use higher-order spells.
When the spells first appeared in my grimoire, Dad forbade me to use them unless I used time-trapper so no one would get hurt. Then when we were done practicing, he would take over in using time trapper so I could practice another spell that rewinds all the other spells I previously used. As if no damage was done.
"Valkyrie God: Roaring Seas! Time Magic: Fields of Time!"
The people were all frozen.
The witches all were cut down.
I released everyone from time-trapper and to them, it was like they blinked and all the foes were on the ground, defeated.
Among those people, I was astonished to see Princess River from her kingdom very far north.
Her and I were best friends prior to this.
"(y/n)! Nozel!" The ravenette tried to move towards us when one of the witches raised her hands.
"Dagger Magic: Deathly Dancing Blades."
Before River could counter the spell, the blades dug through her skin and ripped her up.
She let out a painful gasp.
"River!!" My blood boiled as I watched Nozel trap all the witches in his steel execution ball.
"Take care of her," Nozel shouted. "I'll take care of them."
"(y/n)!!" River tried to speak, but blood flowed out of her quicker.
"Don't speak." I grabbed her hand and tears dropped onto the ground.
"I'm going to die," she said. "Leave me and help the others."
"I refuse to let you or anyone die!!" I shouted, tears pouring out of my eyes. "You're all alive, damn it! We all need the same things. And right now, I need all of you to live."
My grimoire glowed a bright golden color and I glanced at the spell.
"Time Water Magic: Fountain of Youth."
The nearby blocks of concrete spun together and formed a huge fountain that had water in it. The water glistened in the evening sun.
"Everyone that isn't heavily injuried, help the others into that fountain," I instructed.
The fountain was something of legends.
A fountain of youth.
It had the power to bring someone back to their form that they wish within a year time span.
I watched with amazement as the people dived their heads underneath the water in the deep fountain that I created out of rubble and emerged back to the surface with no injuries.
River quickly used her magic and dried everyone off. "Thank you! Thank you!!"
Nozel had sent the ball of steel carrying the witches to the royal capital where my father was waiting. "How the hell-?"
"Want to take a dip?" I joked.
He sighed. "You just want to see some skin."
"Nozel, are you injuried? Then put some of that water on the injury and it will fix it."
I sighed in relief as the last person was healed. I pressed my hands together and a golden magic circle surrounded my form and a beam of light hit the fountain and in a matter of seconds, it was gone.
I collapsed into Nozel's arms with exhaustion. "Jeez, that took so much magic to use. You'll have to carry me home."
When we told Dad about what happened, he was astonished.
End of Flashback
Nordicis screamed in pain as a blinding flash hit the giant.
"Time Water Magic: Fountain of Youth."
The rubble around spun and a huge bath the size of a mansion was made in an empty grass field nearby.
Amore and Tashiko watched with large eyes as their father fell right into the deep bathtub and resurfaced moments later and climbed out- all healed.
I sent them a wink. "It's a spell I use to save everyone." I faced the people as the specs of what used to be Nordicis fell onto the land and melted into water.
"Everyone that is injured, please use some of that water and you will be healed."
No one's POV: 70 years later
"Grandma, tell me the story of the 29th wizard king's daughter!!"
"Okay," The female nodded. She once had (h/c) hair, but over the years, it turned white (ignore if you/your OC's hair is white).
She looked at her two grandchildren. "Saichio, Tooru, sit on my lap and let me tell you the story of my mother, (y/n) Novochrono Silva."
The two listened intently to their grandmother.
They laughed when their Grandmother told them the stories of how she and her two brothers would bother their father at the castle.
"You're 86 and you still tell the stories about you, Noah, and I?" Her brother Tashiko hobbled into the room.
"Obviously," Amore smirked at her younger brother. "I might be old, but I can kick your ass."
Later that day, the Silva family went to go visit the royal graveyard.
Amore placed a (flower) on her dead mother's grave. "Hi, Mom. I hope you, Noah, Dad, Uncle Fuegeleon, Uncle Kirsch, Aunt Mereleona, Aunt Nebra, Uncle Solid, and the rest of the family is doing okay."
The two Silva siblings looked at the graves of their parents with sad smiles.
Their mother had come down with an illness and died at the old age of 92. Their father died three years later at the age of 95.
The two distinctly remembered his last words.
"(y/n), I'm coming at last."
Now, they were both old. Their parents were dead for almost 35 years.
But now, it was almost their time to die.
Old age brought them aching in their joints.
Both Amore and Tashiko spent the rest of their days surrounded by their children and grandchildren.
Memories of their parents echoed in the old Novochrono mansion that Amore's family now lived in and the Wizard King's castle.
I hope you all liked this alternate ending. I know for a fact that I liked it more.
Anyways, please go check out my other works?❤️
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