Thank You Note & Bonus Chapter:
(Thank you so much for reading~! I know it was not a constant update, but I appreciate you all for reading~.
This book is inspired by "DeadPlate" an indie horror game, I watched KubzScouts play. I really liked the story, and wanted to make one with Glamrock Fronnie. I wanted to twist the personalities of Freddy & Bonnie, therefore, they are both psychopaths in the story.
Please go watch or play the game if you are interested~!
Also, shout-out to @Bonnio for making a fanart of this book! Please go check it out, I was so happy seeing it! ^w^
I appreciate everyone for staying with me & the updates of this book. I saw familiar names in the notification from "Made To Be. . .", and I am really glad I was able to keep you all entertained. I hope the next book can do that as well. X3)
Bonus Chapter:
Bonnie was carrying meals to a table, and places it down, "Here are your meals. Hope you enjoy." Bonnie tries to put a smile on his face as best as he can & soon returns to the kitchen, then to the restroom. Bonnie sighs heavily, then looks in the mirror, "I hate people. . ."
Soon, a knock & voice comes, "Bonnie?"
Bonnie soon opens the door, and sees Freddy, his heart flutters, seeing his husband~.
"Are you okay?" Freddy asks, then holds Bonnie's hand.
"I-I'm okay, it's just. . .I hate people. Seeing you, calmed me down~." Bonnie takes Freddy's hand, then puts Freddy's paw against his cheek, making Freddy blush & smile~.
Freddy caresses Bonnie's cheek, "I apologize for making you help."
"It's okay, I know it's not your fault. You're just short on staff, and I had time. Plus, I can stay with you more~."
"Oh Bonnie~." Freddy kisses Bonnie, closing the door behind him. Bonnie blushes & kisses back, wrapping his arms around Freddy's neck.
"Mmmm~. . ." They moan, loving their kiss~. They slowly part, Bonnie wanted to more & get his energy to step back out, however, another knock comes, halting the married couples' time.
Bonnie has been helping Freddy's restaurant for two days, since a waiter was injured by a rude customer. Freddy banned them, and the waiter has a few days off to recover. The injury is not severe, so they'll recover soon. The problem is. . .Bonnie is not good with customer service. He had minimum interaction with people, since he was good at his job, he didn't need to talk long with people to get the result they liked. Also. . .he had to smile to people he doesn't even care about. However, he cannot say no to his husband, and wants to help him more than anything.
While working, Gregory & Cassie came to the restaurant, calling, "DAD! PAPA/BON-DAD!" Freddy & Bonnie turns to their kids, and says, "Welcome~!" Gregory & Cassie hug them each, Freddy & Bonnie hug each back.
"How was school?" Freddy asks.
"It was fun!" Cassie replies.
"Yea, we made friends!" Gregory says.
"That's good to hear." Bonnie says with a genuine smile.
"Papa, are you okay?" Cassie asks.
"I'm okay, a little tired." Bonnie pats Cassie's head.
"Don't fall down like yesterday, Bon-Dad. Cassie was really worried." Gregory says.
"I'm sorry for making you worry, Cassie. I'm not the best with people."
"It's okay, but please, drink a lot of water! Teacher said water is very good, and helps you from getting dizzy."
"Alright, little nurse, I will drink a lot of water." Bonnie giggles, and Freddy does as well, seeing how cute his husband & kids are.
Gregory & Cassie go to Freddy's office & do homework together, then help the restaurant a little. Soon, it was getting late, Bonnie goes to take out trash, plus get some fresh air outside. Bonnie sighs, tossing the bag over in the dumpster, then he hears a voice. Bonnie slowly walks to the voice, then sees a guy mumbling, holding a spray paint.
"That f***ing bear. . .serving s***** food. . .'famous' my a**. . ." The guy mumbles, shaking the spray paint, then tries to spray paint the wall of the restaurant, so Bonnie immediately throws a rock at his head.
"Ow!" The guy turns to Bonnie, who soon runs to the back, and the guy says, "You motherf***er!"
The guy goes after Bonnie, Bonnie doesn't run back in the restaurant, but runs to the fence, a dead end. Bonnie turns around, acting scared. Seeing how Bonnie was scared, the guy smirks, "You little s***!" The guy pounces on Bonnie, grabbing his hands.
Bonnie struggles, "LET ME GO!"
"Shut the f*** up!" The guy covers Bonnie's mouth, Bonnie muffles, "Mmmmph!" Bonnie still struggled, then the guy grabbed Bonnie's neck, starting to strangle him. "Be. . .quiet. . .you little bunny. . .hehe. . .I can use your f***ing fur for money."
Bonnie slowly stops struggling, the guy lets go of Bonnie's neck, Bonnie seemed to have 'fainted', the guy tries to strip Bonnie to take his fur or anything he has that's worth something. Suddenly. . .his vision went. . .weird. He was falling to the ground. . .before his vision cut off, he saw. . .his own body. . .with no head.
"Bonnie!" Freddy hurries to support Bonnie, Freddy's hands were bloodied, he had dropped his butcher knife that decapitated the guy.
"Bonnie, please, wake up!" Freddy says, his eyes in fear, despair, anxiety. . .then Bonnie opens his eyes, and looks at Freddy, "Hey Freddy-"
"BONNIE!" Freddy hugs Bonnie tight, "I-I thought I lost you! Oh, my sweet bunny. . .I am so sorry!"
Bonnie blushes, and hugs Freddy back, "I'm okay. I acted a bit too much."
Freddy releases Bonnie, "Are you hurt?"
"A little on the neck. He strangled me, but he wasn't that strong, so I played along. Pretty stupid to not notice me faking."
"Bonnie, that was risky. What if you really did die? I-I. . ." Freddy tears up, and kisses Bonnie, who blushes. Freddy slowly pulls away, "I would not know what to do with my life. . .without you."
"Freddy~. . .I knew you'd come save me. Because I collapsed yesterday after work, I knew if I was out of your sight for too long, you'd come to get me. I had full trust in you~."
"Bonnie~. . .still, that was too risky! Please, do not put yourself in danger again."
"Sorry, I couldn't just stand & watch. . .this a****** was going to vandalize your restaurant! I won't let such a disrespectful jerk do that!"
"Oh Bonnie. . .thank you, but it's just a building. You are worth more than anything in life. . .I do not care if my restaurant gets vandalized. . .I want you safe."
"I'm sorry, Freddy. . .but good thing is, we have more meat~."
"Haha, yes we do~. But. . ." Freddy stares at Bonnie & his uniform, which was roughed up a little from the guy trying to strip Bonnie. Freddy looks at the guy's head with pure hatred in his eyes, "I should have cooked him alive for trying to sexually assault my husband."
"I-I doubt he was gonna f*** me, but try to take my fur for money."
"Still. . .I wish I could torture this fool. . .I will make sure NOTHING of this disgusting creature is left." Freddy smiles, mischievously~. Bonnie blushes red, seeing Freddy with an expression like that, turned him on~.
"F-Freddy. . ."
"Yes, my love~?"
". . .F*** me."
". . .Pardon?"
And so. . .Freddy & Bonnie proceed to have sex in the back of the restaurant, not caring that a corpse is lying right there. Freddy pinning Bonnie against the wall, as he thrusts up into Bonnie~. Bonnie wrapping his arms around Freddy's neck, and his legs around Freddy's waist, as he rides Freddy~.
"Ahhhh~!! F-Freddy~!! S-So good~!! Mmmm~!!!" Bonnie moans, having hearts & tears of pleasure in his eyes.
"Mmm~. . .ooohhh~, Bonnie~. . .hah~! S-So tight~. . .and so good~. . ." Freddy whispers to Bonnie's ear~, making Bonnie's ears to turn red at the tip~. Freddy leans to Bonnie's neck, kissing & leaving a hickey there~, trying to make the touch of the guy's hands disappear from Bonnie's neck.
"A-Ahhhh~!! S-So big, daddy~! I-I'm gonna-aaahhhh~!! C**~!!!" Bonnie moans out.
"B-Bon-bon~! My sweet little bunny~!" Freddy moans, increasing the pace.
"Ahh~!! Ahhh~!! F-FREDDYYYYY~!!" Bonnie moans out, as he climaxes.
Freddy feels Bonnie tighten, and he gives few more thrusts, then inside deep, Freddy moans out, "BONNIEEEEE~!!" Freddy climaxes, filling up Bonnie~. They pant heavily, then kiss & makes out~.
After a few more rounds, they dress back up, drag the corpse & its head into the restaurant, into the freezer room.
"Hmm. . .this man is the one who injured my employee." Freddy says, holding the head.
"Oh, what a petty guy. He probably tried to vandalize as some kind of a revenge for being banned."
"Seems like it." Freddy puts the head in the freezer, "Now, next is to clear the footage. Bonnie, are you able to-"
"No worries, Freddy~. That place was a blind spot from the camera." Bonnie says, who's getting support from Freddy to walk, since his legs feel like jello~.
"Really? I do not remember it being a blind spot."
"Remember when you had maintenance workers? I borrowed a ladder & shifted the camera a bit, so it creates a blind spot."
"You. . .are very intelligent~. You purposely lured the man to the blind spot, did you not?" Freddy asks, and Bonnie smirks, "Yup~. That way, if you instantly kill him, nothing gets on the camera. Plus, that side is a dead end, people won't suspect anything if it's a blind spot."
"You are amazing, Bonnie~." Freddy pulls Bonnie into a kiss~, Bonnie blushes & kisses back~. They part, and Bonnie says, "F-Freddy~, are you going to make love to me again~?"
"I would love to~, but we should not do it in here. The kids are in the office."
"Oh shhhh-shoot. Are they okay? Did they see us?"
"I told them to stay in the office, they are good children, do not worry, Bonnie."
"You're right. . .I might pretend to collapse, so I don't need to explain this."
"I agree."
Afterwards, Bonnie pretends to be passed out as the family go home together. The kids go to sleep, Freddy carries Bonnie to bed, Bonnie stops pretending, and says, "When does your employee come back again?"
"At least 2 more days. Bonnie, it is really okay if you cannot help."
"I'm fine, you already have a lot on your plate, and I want to stay close to you. I'm not busy this week anyway."
Freddy kisses Bonnie's forehead, "Thank you, my love~. You really are sweet~, and you are a quick learner~."
"I try my best, all for you~. I love you, Freddy~."
"I love you too, Bonnie~."
"Now, let's get to sleep, we need to go to the restaurant early, right?" Bonnie asks, then Freddy crawls on top of him.
Bonnie blushes, "F-Freddy?"
". . .I obeyed to satisfy your desire earlier. . .so. . .may I have my turn~?" Freddy asks with a seductive expression, yet innocent.
Bonnie's face turns all red, ". . .Yes, please take me~."
"I would love to~, my buns~."
"My teddy bear~. . ." Freddy & Bonnie, the two lovebirds, proceed to make love again~.
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