Chapter 8: Quality Meat
3rd Person P.O.V:
After a day of searching for Roxanne, Bonnie finally came home. Freddy was home, making dinner. Bonnie smiles seeing Freddy, his beloved~. Bonnie blushes, as Freddy greets him, "Welcome back, Buns~."
"I-Is that my pet name now~?"
"We do not need to settle on just ONE pet name~." Freddy says with a smile, and Bonnie hugs him. Freddy hugs Bonnie back~, then Bonnie tries to pull away, but Freddy wraps his arms around Bonnie's waist, keeping him close.
"Bonnie~. . ." Freddy kisses Bonnie, and Bonnie kisses back~. They're at the front door, and they started making out right there & now. Bonnie moans in the kiss, Freddy was being a little aggressive, not that Bonnie complains~. Finally, they part, feeling breathless~.
"Whoa~. . .big bear~, you're being aggressive tonight~."
"I apologize. I just. . .wanted to love you so much~."
"Freddy~!" Bonnie hugs Freddy, melting in love~.
They pull away, and Bonnie asks, "What's for dinner, tonight~?" Freddy caresses Bonnie's cheek, and says, "Bonnie, what happened?"
"Your cheek is a little red."
"Oh? Oh! Probably when Monty punched me."
"Yea, and that reminds me. Freddy, can you ask your friend for help?"
"First, let's get an ice pack for you."
Freddy leads Bonnie to the couch, and brings an ice pack for Bonnie's cheek. "Thanks, Freddy."
"You're welcome, and what did you need help with?"
"Oh yea, about this." Bonnie shows Roxanne's phone to Freddy, "Can you ask M.X.E.S to hack this open?"
". . .Sure, anything for you." Freddy says with a smile, taking the phone.
"You're the best, Freddy~!"
The two prepare dinner, and sit down to eat, Freddy asks, "So. . .what did you do today?"
"Oh, I helped that idiot gator search for my ex, aka his girlfriend."
"I see. . .you are very nice to help him."
"I'm not, I just. . .felt bad for the kid. I don't really care what happens to Monty or Roxanne. Mmmm~, this meal is delicious~!"
"Is it? We just got a new type of meat, and I took some to cook for you."
"You're so good to me~."
". . .Bonnie?"
"Would you. . .like to go on a date tomorrow?"
". . .YES! Absolutely~!"
"I am glad~, I wanted to go see a movie I was interested in. I do not know if you are interested, but I wanted to watch it with you."
"Of course, Freddy~! We have similar taste in movies, so I am excited~!"
"I am excited as well~. Oh. . .but what about your search with Monty?"
"You know I'd prioritize you before anybody~. He can look for her himself, and who knows she might be back home tonight."
"Alright~. I will have M.X.E.S look into the phone."
"Thanks, we just want to know who she texted or called before disappearing, that's it."
"Understood~." Freddy smiles, the lovers enjoying their dinner.
Deep into night, Bonnie is asleep on the bed, and Freddy. . .he was awake, outside. He was looking down, and at Roxanne's phone in his hand. Suddenly, someone walks up to him.
"So. . .you called me out this late at night for what?" the voice says.
"I apologize. . .I need your help." Freddy looks beside him, there was a purple, dark blue-ish rabbit standing, "M.X.E.S."
"Alright, must be important if you called me out at night." M.X.E.S says.
"VERY important. . .you are good at hacking, right?"
"Always at your service, my friend. You know what I am capable of." M.X.E.S says, then Freddy holds out the phone to him.
"I need you to hack this phone open."
". . .Have you done something?"
"Yes. . .and Bonnie is now involved with it. I do not want him to know. . ."
". . .Alright, and I need to just crack it open?"
"If you can. . .delete any traces of me in the phone. I apologize for making you clean my tracks, M.X.E.S."
"What are friends for? You know I would do anything for you. You changed me. I owe my life to you."
"M.X.E.S. . .you are a great friend. Thank you." Freddy smiles, and M.X.E.S smiles back.
Afterwards, Freddy goes back inside the house, goes to the kitchen, then starts cleaning the knives.
"For delicate, soft skin. . .a quick slice is the best. . .prevents ruining the meat. . .for rough, scaly skin. . .a strong chop is the best. . .separates the meat precisely. . ." Freddy holds a knife, checking its sharpness. . . "At least you were a good meat. . .Ms. Wolf."
The next day, Freddy & Bonnie are going on a date~. Freddy making lunch~, and Bonnie wakes up in joy~, excited for Freddy's breakfast~.
"Freddy~! I am sooo ready for today's date~!" Bonnie says, wagging his tail & wiggling his ears.
"I am too~, Bonnie." Freddy giggles, then Bonnie notices that Freddy looks a little tired. Bonnie cups Freddy's face, and Freddy blushes, "B-Bonnie?"
"Did you get proper sleep? You look tired."
"Oh, I had to talk to M.X.E.S last night, he is a busy man, so it was the only time he could see me."
"Aww, sorry, it's cause I asked you to. . ."
"Do not worry, Bonnie." Freddy holds Bonnie's paws, which are on his cheeks, "I just wanted to help as soon as I can. It was my decision, it was not your fault, Bonnie."
"Freddy~. . .I love you~."
"I love you too~." They share a quick kiss~.
"Bonnie, um. . .this may sound selfish of me, but. . .can we have a. . .phone silent date?"
"'Phone silent date'?"
"I want to focus on you, and I want you to focus on me today. Phones are distractions. . .of course, it is okay if you do not want to. We can use phones for directions or to look something up, but. . .I just. . ."
"Freddy. . ." Bonnie looks at his phone, "Well. . .Monty might call me & stuff cause of Roxanne."
"Oh. . .I se-"
"Eh, whatever. You're more important~! And I love the idea of 'phone silent date'~! Let's do it~!" Bonnie says, hugging Freddy. Freddy was relieved, and hugged Bonnie back.
"Oh Bonnie~. . .you are just the best~."
"No, you are~. I'll focus on you every day, any day~!"
"Bonnie~. . ." Freddy kisses Bonnie, who kisses back~. They part, then Freddy says, "May I ask for another selfish request?"
"Lay it on me~."
"May I hold onto your phone for today? I will give it to you if you get any texts or calls."
"Sure thing~!" Bonnie replies with a smile, and Freddy blushes, his ears wiggle in joy.
Once the lovebirds are ready, they go out to start their date~. Bonnie drives them to the movie theater.
"Freddy, have you thought about getting your own car?"
"No, I have not. Bicycle is enough for the distance between home & my restaurant."
"Good, cause if you did, then I'd miss driving you in my car."
"Oh Bonnie~, but thank you for teaching me how to drive."
"Of course~, and you were good at it."
"I do have my driver's license, but I have not driven for a long time, so I was worried I may have forgotten how to drive."
"Haha, glad you remembered."
"All because I had a cute rabbit instructor~."
"Freddy~!" Bonnie giggles, blushing, and Freddy giggles as well~.
At the movie theater, they look at their options, Freddy mentions the one he had interest in, and Bonnie's eyes sparkle, "Ohhh! I want to see that too!"
"Of course! I've seen some trailers; the plot is pretty intriguing!"
"I thought so too. The trailer was very good."
"Let's watch it~!" Bonnie holds Freddy's arm, and Freddy blushes.
"We shall~." Freddy kisses Bonnie's forehead~, and Bonnie blushes~.
They buy tickets, and go to get their seats~, enjoying small talk. Freddy puts their phones on silent, so it doesn't disturb them. Freddy was glad Bonnie agreed to his requests, Bonnie really had no problem with the requests, all he needed was Freddy~.
Meanwhile, at Monty, he was looking for Roxanne, going any place he could think of Roxanne going. However, no trace of her. . . Monty sighs, he tries calling Bonnie, asking if he can help, but no answer. Monty sighs, and takes a rest, he did talk to the police about Roxanne going missing. Monty looks through Roxanne's small notebook to see if anything is written. He misses her. . . the past flashes back in his mind. . .
["I'm not interesting or anything. I'm just a gator, just. . .an expendable worker."
"That's what I like, silly."
"That I'm boring?"
"No~, that you're normal."
". . .Am I? People are scared of me."
"I think you're normal, and I like that. If people are scared of you, then use that for an advantage~."
"I think I know a perfect job for you~."]
'A beautiful wolf girl like Roxanne liking me, I thought I was dreaming. The more & more we talked, hang out, I fell for her, and she fell for me. . .we love each other, and everything was worth for her. No one else would accept & love me like she does. Roxy. . .'
Monty flips through, finding a blank page, he sighs, looking at the notebook, suddenly. . .he noticed a little bit of paper stuck, he touches it, and it was a sign of a page being torn out. . .Monty touches the page, then he feels a faint, ridge-like texture, which means something was written on it. Someone must've torn a page out of the notebook! Monty looks for any pencils or pen, he didn't have any, so he goes to a nearby store & buys it. Once purchased, he uses it to shade in the page where the ridge is. . . Monty's eyes widen, as the words are visible. . .it was written, 'Freddy Fazbear, 11:32pm, left restaurant. Target: office, retrieve photos'.
". . .Freddy?" Monty immediately goes to Bonnie's workplace.
"Call Bonnie Bunny down here, ASAP! I'm his friend! It's urgent!" Monty says to the receptionist.
"Y-Yes sir." The receptionist calls Bonnie, then hangs up, turning to Monty, "Mr. Bunny is off today."
"What!? W-Where did he go!?"
"I-I do not know, I apologize."
"S***!" Monty rushes out, and calls Bonnie, but again, no answer, "Where the f*** is he!?"
At Bonnie, he & Freddy just finished watching, the phone was still silent though.
"That was amazing, Freddy~! I loved it!"
"I did as well, Bonnie~. It had a great plot twist at the end."
"Yea, didn't expect that turn, but made a lot of sense now thinking about it."
"It does~." Freddy giggles.
"Now, I'm hungry~! Let's go eat your food~!" Bonnie says, then Freddy says, "Sure, and. . .I actually have a hotel room reserved for us~."
Bonnie blushes, "R-Really? 'Hotel room'?"
"Yes, I thought it would be nice to. . .spend time together. . .in a different, private place than home~." Freddy smiles, a bit mischievously~, Bonnie's ears & tail wiggles, "You are so creative~! Let's get going~!"
Back at Monty, he drove to Freddy's restaurant, the only place he knew that Freddy might be, he kept calling Bonnie, but no answer. Monty walks in, and asks the waiter, "Is Freddy Fazbear here? I need to talk to him, it's urgent."
"I apologize, our head chef is not present today."
"What? Do you know where he's gone? Like away for business?"
"I do not know, but he will be back tomorrow, however. . .he did say that he will be back at midnight if anyone asks about his whereabouts."
"Midnight? Perfect. Thanks." Monty walks out, and checks the time, "Midnight. . .Freddy, he's the only lead I got. Roxy's phone may have more information. . .s***, but I can't wait. He might not talk honestly if I bring Bonnie. . .f***. . .where the h*** are those two?"
Meanwhile, the boyfriends are at a hotel, enjoying their date~. "Freddy, you spoil me~. The room is so nice & has a great view! When did you book a room like this?" Bonnie asks.
"I have some connections, and I wanted you the best~. We can always have fun & be together at home, but. . .a little spice would be nice, does it not?"
"More like a whole new sauce~. This is amazing~, but what's the occasion? Am I missing an anniversary of ours!? If so, I'm sorry, I-"
"Haha, calm down, Bonnie~. It is not an anniversary; it is just my selfish wish to spoil you & spend time with you~. I thought work was stressful, since. . .you had to help your ex."
"Oh. . .yea. It has been, at least that's over with."
"But. . .you are helping Monty now."
"Yea, but eh, I was mostly doing it for Cassie. Speaking of, you met with M.X.E.S last night, right?"
"I did."
"Did he say yes or no? "
"Do not worry, he accepted."
"I appreciate it. You have such a nice friend. You guys first met at night too, right?"
"Why yes. When I was going home, this is when I had a car. He had snuck in my car, and tried to scare me."
"Knowing him, he lockpicked into your car or something, huh?"
"Haha, he did, and we started talking while I drove him to where he wanted. We got out of the car, and took a walk in the forest, he just needed a friend."
"I'm glad he found you. You must've been a life savior to him."
"He overexaggerates that he owes me his life."
"I think it's not an over exaggeration, cause you saved my life."
"Bonnie~. . .you saved mine as well~."
"Did I?"
"You did. I had some nights thinking of. . .ending life, but that night, I met you. . .changed everything. I want to be with you, stay with you, love you for eternity~."
"Freddy~. . .I love you so much~."
"I love you too, Bonnie~." They hold hands, and share a kiss~. They start to make out~, then Freddy carries Bonnie to the bed~, pins him down as they part~.
"Are you in the mood~?" Bonnie asks.
"Can you tell~?"
"Yea~, and so am I~."
"Bonnie~. . ."
"Freddy~. . ." They share another kiss, and start to strip each other~, then proceed to make love on the fancy hotel bed~.
"F-Freddy~!" Bonnie moans~, as Freddy gives gentle, yet rough love from behind~.
"Bonnie~. . ." Freddy moans, feeling Bonnie's love. Freddy glances at the nightstand as he sees their phones, Bonnie's phone was vibrating, SOMEONE is calling. . . Freddy makes sure Bonnie doesn't hear it, and whispers loving words to Bonnie's ear~, Bonnie's ears turn red at the tips~, loving it all~.
"Freddy~, f*** me harder, pwease~!"
"Language, my bunny~."
Time passes, it's already nighttime~. Freddy wakes up, Bonnie still sleeping beside him after their heated love making~. Freddy smiles, kissing Bonnie's forehead, then he turns to the nightstand, grabbing Bonnie's phone. He turns it on, then sees notifications. Freddy swipes the screen up, and it required a password, obviously. Freddy thinks about it, then he nervously inputs his name in the password. . .it unlocked~. Freddy blushes, looks at Bonnie, who's sleeping peacefully~. Freddy pats Bonnie's back gently as he uses one hand to check the notifications on Bonnie's phone, a lot of missed calls. . .from Monty.
There were texts as well, telling Bonnie to pick up the phone, about Freddy being involved, contexts of the notebook, etc. Freddy reads it, then deletes it. He kisses Bonnie, then makes sure he's tucked in, kept warm, then slowly gets out of the bed. Freddy grabs his clothes & wears it, then grabs the keys & a keycard, then leaves.
At Monty, he was in his car, waiting for Freddy. Once Freddy comes, on the bicycle, Monty gets out of the car to confront Freddy.
"Freddy!" Monty says, and Freddy turns to Monty.
"Oh, hello, Mr. Gator." Freddy greets Monty.
"I need to talk to you."
"Sure, but can we at least get inside?" Freddy asks.
". . .Fine." Monty says, and Freddy unlocks the doors, the two walks in. Freddy starts checking, routine check, and making sure the restaurant is secure.
"I'm getting straight to the point; you've met Roxanne before she went missing."
"Oh, yes I did." Freddy answers honestly.
"Don't lie to- wait, what? You're admitting?"
"Yes, I have met her. Is something wrong?"
"Yea, actually, A LOT! She's gone missing, and since the night you met her! You know something! Where is she!?" Monty shouts.
". . .She has gone somewhere she belongs."
"The f*** does that mean!?"
". . .She got what she deserved." Freddy walks to the kitchen, and Monty goes after him, grabbing Freddy's arm, "WHAT DID YOU DO!?"
". . .I watched her last moment."
"'Last moment'?" Monty's grip on Freddy's arm tightens, his heart pounding, "You. . .son of a-"
Suddenly, Freddy grips Monty's wrist of the arm that's holding Freddy's arm, then twists it a bit to loosen the grip.
"Agh!" Monty shouts, and pulls his arm out of Freddy's grip, "What the f***!?"
Freddy walks up to his office, and Monty says, "WAIT, YOU A******!"
Monty chased after Freddy, then Freddy was holding something, "That night, she broke into my restaurant, searching for these."
"What is that?"
". . .Something she wanted. She asked me questions, so I asked her ONE question. . .that sealed her fate."
"The h*** are you talking about!? What did you do to her!? I swear to god if you hurt her, I'm going to-"
"See for yourself. . ." Freddy throws the photos he was holding in the air, "LIAR."
One of the photos lands in front of Monty's foot, and Monty picks it up, looks at the photo. . .then his eyes widened.
"W-What the- when did YOU-"
"I am not the one who took it. . .think about it. . .who hates you?"
Monty looks at Freddy, then Cassie pops up in his mind, "C-Cassie?"
"She is quite an intelligent child. . .taking 'interesting' photos. . .just to save her, non-related, mother from. . .a CHEATER like you." Freddy says in a deep tone.
The photo. . .it was a photo of Monty kissing a female white rabbit animatronic.
"Cassie had secretly taken this photo to show her mother when the time was right, but for a child, this was a difficult choice, so she seek for my help."
"I-I didn't cheat! T-This is not what it looks like!"
"Oh, was the angle not right? Then look at the other photos of you & your mistress, holding hands, being close, and kissing."
"It's not, this is all staged!"
"What a lame excuse. Must be nice to be a bodyguard, you protect ladies like the one in the photo, with a little push, you get to mess around with them. When Ms. Wolf saw this photo, . . .the face. . .the expression she made. . .and the sound of her voice. . .truly in despair. . ."
"Stop. . .I-I didn't. . .it's a mistake. . .it's not-"
"The tears. . .throwing all logic out the window, drowning in panic."
"YOU HURT HER! I know I would NEVER hurt Bonnie like you did to her. . .and she felt it. . .the PAIN, how she hurt BONNIE by cheating on him! You two are truly a PERFECT couple!"
"STOP!" Monty clenches the photo, ruining it.
"You even hurt Cassie! You are a liar! Her mother did not believe her, Roxanne does not deserve Cassie!"
"SHUT UP!" Monty pounces on Freddy, pinning him against the wall, "IT WASN'T LIKE THAT! IT WAS STAGED! She had a stalker problem! So I acted as her boyfriend! I was hired to! That's it! NOTHING ELSE! I LOVE ROXANNE!"
Freddy was unfazed, and says, "You are a liar."
". . .Where is she!? You f***ing psychopath! WHERE IS SHE!?" Monty asks with tears in his eyes.
"Do you know what makes a quality meat?"
". . .What?"
"Quality meat, it is from WHERE you cut. For example, beef, the cow's meat can be harvested from different parts of their body, specific part, even if it is a small amount, is the best, high quality meat when cooked. So, here is my question. . .what makes a quality meat~?"
". . .Stop f***ing around! I'm the one asking questions! You have her, don't you!? Where's Roxanne!?"
Suddenly, Freddy knees Monty in the gut, Monty groans in pain, then Freddy slips away from Monty, and walks back to the kitchen.
"Ugh. . .wait. . .you. . .MOTHERF***ER!" Monty goes after Freddy, then finds Freddy standing in front of a fridge.
"The answer is. . ." Freddy faces Monty, "EMOTIONS. Anger, fear, excitement, anxiety, panic, etc. Those are what makes quality meat. The emotions making the blood rush through the body. At the right moment, normal parts of the body meat turn to quality meat. Like a magic~."
". . .You son of a b****! Quit asking weird*** questions!"
"And here's YOUR answer." Freddy opens the fridge, then Monty's eyes widen, chills run down his spine.
"She had such a quality meat~." Freddy smiles.
"R-Roxy. . ." Tears streams down Monty's cheeks. . .he clenches his fists, "YOU MURDERER!" Monty pounces on Freddy once again, fully intent to murder him.
Suddenly. . .Monty falls on the floor, his arm bleeding, "UGH!" He shouts in pain. He pants, and looks over his shoulder, then sees Freddy. . .holding a butcher knife.
'Did he. . .cut through my scales with that butcher knife!?'
"Sharp, is it not~? This is a special knife I made."
'Made?' Monty pulls himself up, then holds his wound.
"Oh, I forgot to tell you. . .your fate was chosen when you. . ." Freddy grips on his knife, "Touched my Bonnie, yesterday."
". . .You. . .ugh. . .you're doing this s*** for that. . .psycho rabbit!?"
"You are a threat. . .you lost your love & now trying to take Bonnie. . ."
"You're so f***ed up! I'd never do s*** to that crazy, kidnapping, psychopath rabbit!"
"Very well. . .Be glad, Mr. Gator. . .you are going to die with the same knife Ms. Wolf died with." Freddy says with a mischievous smile.
"F. . .FREDDY!" shouts Monty, and attacks Freddy. Freddy grins, then swings his knife.
At the hotel, Bonnie hears the door, and opens his eyes, still sleepy & his eyes not used to the darkness, ". . .Freddy?"
"Oh, I apologize, did I wake you up?" Freddy asks.
". . .Nah. . .teddy. . ." Bonnie says sleepily, and he feels Freddy sit next to him, feels Freddy's hand on his cheek.
"Go back to sleep, my love. You need rest."
"Mmm. . ." Bonnie scoots closer to Freddy, then kisses him. Freddy kisses back, the two starts to make out. Bonnie wrapping his arms around Freddy, they intertwine their tongue, moans in the kiss. Once they part, Bonnie slowly drifts to sleep. Freddy smiles, caresses Bonnie's cheek, then says, "Goodnight, my love~." Freddy goes to wash off the blood on his hand.
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