Chapter 7.2: Missing Wolf
3rd Person P.O.V:
Afterwards, they head to the café Bonnie told Monty, so they can meet up. Monty wasn't here yet, so they took a seat, and ordered some food. Bonnie pouts, "This doesn't taste good as Freddy's."
"Does Mr. Freddy make cookies too?"
"Of course~! He's good at cooking & baking! I'll bring you some if Freddy makes any."
"Yay! Oh! Mr. Bonnie, I just remembered."
"Mom & I were going to get my bracelet from Mr. Freddy today. I forgot it at his restaurant."
"Oh, okay, I'll let Freddy know & I'll bring it to you."
"Thank you!"
Soon, Monty arrives, he sees the two, and runs up to them, "Cassie! Bonnie!" Bonnie & Cassie see Monty, Cassie calms herself, building courage, and Bonnie stood up from his seat, and says, "You're la-" Suddenly, Monty punches Bonnie.
"YOU MOTHERF***ING PSYCHOPATH! The h*** did you do to Cassie!?" Monty shouts, Bonnie had fallen down from that punch, and he stands up, wiping dust off himself, looks at Monty with his dead eyes.
"MONTY!" Cassie kicks Monty's leg.
"Cassie, are you okay!?" Monty asks.
"You hit Mr. Bonnie! He didn't do anything bad!"
"He kidnapped you!"
"He didn't! Say sorry to him!" Cassie says.
"It's fine, nothing bad like before." Bonnie says.
". . .Whatever, I'm just glad Cassie is okay. But really, the f*** were you thinking!?"
". . .I did what I thought was right. Get her away from you. Now, take her home, and we'll continue the search." Bonnie says.
"You- wait, what? 'We'?"
"Yes, WE. I'll help you search for Roxanne."
". . .Why the change of. . ." Monty trails off as he glances at Cassie.
"First, take her home."
"I can't leave her alone at home."
"She's not alone."
"Yea, I have Helpy." Cassie says.
"'Helpy'? Who's that?"
"My friend." Cassie says.
". . .What kinda name is that? Who named-" Monty cuts off as Bonnie stomps on Monty's foot, "OW!"
"Anyway, Helpy, take care of Cassie. Cassie, you be careful, alright?" Bonnie says.
"Oh, Mr. Bonnie?"
". . .Can I have this drawing of Helpy?" Cassie asks, holding the paper Bonnie drew a bear on.
"Oh, sure, if you want."
"Thank you~." Cassie smiles, looking at the drawing.
Monty took Cassie & Helpy home, after, Monty & Bonnie started searching for Roxanne.
"So, where'd you go look for?"
"Well. . .I asked around the neighborhood first, then her workplace."
"Alright, any info?"
". . .Not really."
"You suck."
"What do you mean!? No one knew where she went!"
"No wonder you needed help."
"Then how would YOU do this!? I'm not a f***ing cop!"
"Exactly. Anyway, tell me exactly what they said."
And so, Monty tells Bonnie what he gathered from the people he asked. "Wow, you're pretty thorough." Monty says, as Bonnie takes notes.
"Yea? I used to work with her, when she had her old job, so you know. It stuck. . .and it sucks." Bonnie grips on his pen as he finishes writing & speaking at the same time.
"So, Roxy wasn't acting weird." Monty says.
"But I know she was bothered."
"Wait, you do?"
"Yea, let's go to the neighborhood, since you did a s***** job."
"Hey, I told you I ain't a cop!"
"Exactly, but put some effort, it's your girlfriend who's missing."
"I am! I gather & told you the info!"
"Yea, but there's something I need to check."
Monty & Bonnie goes to Roxanne & Cassie's house, he checks around the house, and Monty says, "You're acting like a stalker."
". . .Monty, do you know her car?"
"Yea, it's that red one, why?"
". . .So she didn't use her car. Okay, next."
"Hey creep, tell me the f*** you're doing."
"Just follow, dumb***."
"F*** you!" Monty says, but follows Bonnie, and they ask the neighbors, then one mentioned about a car zooming off, they heard the engine, so whoever driving the car was in a hurry, and it was also late at night.
"Huh, you think that was Roxy?" Monty asks.
"But the car is back here. So she must've came back, then went somewhere on foot."
"Why though?"
"That's why we're looking for her, cause we don't know."
"Okay, but for real. . .where did she go? Wish we could find her phone, maybe there could've been a text or a phone call."
". . .Let's check her car." Bonnie goes to Roxanne car, then picks up a big rock nearby to smash the window.
"BONNIE!" Monty grabs Bonnie's hands, "You really are crazy! First off, that's gonna cause the alarm to blast off! Second, Cassie is home, so we can get the keys!"
"Tsk. Fine."
"Did you actually wanted to smash the window!?"
Anyway, they do as what Monty suggested, Cassie opened the door for the guys, and they look for the car keys inside the house, but couldn't find it.
"Huh. . .maybe Roxy left with it." Monty says.
"So, let's smash the window." Bonnie says, grabbing a chair from the dining.
"Put that down, psycho!"
"Mr. Bonnie!" Cassie runs up to Bonnie, then shows her wrist, specifically her bracelet, "My bracelet was in the mailbox!"
"Oh? I thought you left it at Freddy's restaurant."
"I thought so too! I'm happy it's back! . . .Hopefully, mom will be back too."
"We'll get her back, Cassie." Monty says, and Cassie nods.
In the end, they end up smashing the window of the car to open it, finding Roxanne's bag inside, they find the keys of the car to shut the car alarm off, inside the bag, there were also a camera, small notebook, pens, binoculars, lockpicks, and self-defense items.
"What the h*** are these lockpicks doing here?" Monty asks, confused.
"She used it for her journalist career."
"I know, but why is it here?"
Something clicks in Bonnie's mind, but he decides to ignore it, and grabs Roxanne's phone that was inside the bag. He turns to Monty, "You know her password?"
"No, that's invasion of privacy, even if we're dating, we're not that far in yet."
"How much more useless are you gonna be?"
"Shut up! I'm trying!"
". . .I'll crack it open."
"Don't f***ing break it! That's our only lead!"
"I didn't mean like that. Freddy has a friend who's good at hacking, he could help."
"First, you're a psychopath, who has the audacity to kidnap a kid, & break a window of a car. Now, you have a boyfriend, who has a friend, who apparently is a borderline criminal!"
"You want to find Roxanne or not? I, frankly, don't care if she's alive or dead."
"F*** you, and yes, I want to find her! Fine, take it & crack it open. I'll take her notebook, see if anything's written."
"Sure, and it's getting late. I should head back to work."
". . .Oh yea, what happened to your work?"
"I ditched."
"Are you insane!? You're gonna get fired again!"
"I let the boss know I had an emergency."
"That's not 'ditching' then!"
Monty & Bonnie decided to buy dinner for Cassie first, Monty drags Bonnie with him, cause he's worried Cassie won't eat the dinner he bought her.
". . .Are you serious about being her dad?" Bonnie asks, and Monty gets startled.
"W-What the h*** are you asking all of a sudden?"
"Now that her mom is missing, you're the closest to being her dad, or a guardian at least. If you're gonna adopt her, are you serious about being her dad?"
". . .I. . .honestly don't know about that."
"Shut up, it's not easy."
"Yea, I can tell."
". . .I'm serious about Roxy. I want to marry her, and have a family with her, of course, that means being Cassie's dad, but. . .Cassie hates me."
"She did say that."
". . .Now that Roxy is missing. . .I don't know. We were going to work together & get Cassie's approval. . .but. . .I can't decide. Though, at this rate, Cassie may need to go back to an orphanage if. . .Roxy doesn't come back."
". . .You know it's still not been 24 hours."
"Yea, but it's definitely weird that she's not back yet! I'll stay with Cassie tonight, maybe Roxy might come back too, and. . .I. . .I just. . .what would you do, if you were in my shoes?"
". . .I'd leave."
"Leave Cassie?"
"Yea, if she hates me, there's no reason for me to stay. If I leave, it's beneficial for us both."
". . .I thought you had a heart. She's still a kid."
"So, you're gonna ignore that you're ambiguous of what to do with her?"
"That's different! I wouldn't just leave a kid!"
"Then why'd you ask? You wanted to feel better, didn't you? I say some heartless s***, then you act as a good guy, saying 'she's a kid', 'I wouldn't do that', 'I care about her even if she hates me'. The fact is, she hates you, and you're hurting yourself being with her. Speaking from experience, DON'T kill your feelings for others. They are not worth your time. Why do you think Roxanne & I didn't work out?"
". . .Bonnie. . .I. . .f***. . ."
"You're also hurting Cassie by being with her, when she clearly said she hates you. So, find Roxanne & do as you two planned, or abandon Cassie. You're not the ONLY adult who'd look after her, you know?"
". . .F***. . .I can't say s***, Bonnie. Maybe. . .you're right. . .but I'll at least try a little bit more. . .I love Roxy, she's worth the pain."
". . .I thought so too." Bonnie mumbles, grabbing a bento from the shelf.
"I thought you're not that talkative, but you actually talk a lot. I kinda like it."
"I'll shut up then."
"Hahaha! You're funny, I like ya!"
"I'll sew my mouth shut."
"Okay, okay, don't do that~. I still need your help. And maybe. . .you & Roxy can be back as friends. I consider you as a friend, right now."
"End me." Monty just laughs, and the two ends shopping dinner for Cassie.
"Seriously, we should've asked Freddy to make dinner for Cassie, Cassie would be so happy. Freddy's meals are the best!"
"You talk differently when it's about Freddy, huh? But I get you~. After we find Roxy, I'll treat you food."
"I only eat Freddy's food."
"That's a lie! I saw you eating cookies at the café!" Monty wraps his arm around Bonnie's neck.
"Ugh! Yea, but I don't like it one bit."
"Haha! You are weird~. What's your favorite band?"
"Why did you assume I like any?"
"Duh, you have a piercing."
"That's so rude! This is a pair piercing with Freddy! My first ever gift from Freddy!"
"Yikes! Don't bite~!" Monty chuckles, then touches Bonnie's piercing, and Bonnie struggles to escape Monty's grip.
"Don't touch with your 'Not Freddy' hand!"
"The f*** is that!?" Monty laughs.
The two walks to the parking lot to their car. Monty still has his arm around Bonnie's neck, Bonnie pouting & struggling, while Monty laughs, liking it. These two are unaware, but there was someone watching them. . .INTENSELY. . .
"Bonnie. . ." Freddy says, watching Monty & Bonnie together, being VERY CLOSE. Freddy clenches his fists. . .Monty. . .that gator. . .touching his boyfriend. . .making Bonnie pout. . .struggling. . .UNFORGIVABLE.
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