Chapter 7.1: Missing Wolf
3rd Person P.O.V:
Bonnie is working on the film Roxanne requested him to edit, adding final touches, and waiting to meet her to finish the job. He was in a bad mood today, just wanting to finish & never see his ex's face again. A coworker walks up to Bonnie, and says, "Um. . .Mr. Bunny? I-I was told to give you this. . .these are files for video requests from the boss." Bonnie's ears stand, then slowly. . .he turns his head towards the coworker, who was creeped out, and tears up, saying, "I'M SORRY!" She leaves the files on Bonnie's desk & runs away. Bonnie sighs, and turns back to his computer to work, he wants to eat lunch already.
Finally, it is time for Bonnie's favorite, LUNCH TIME! HOWEVER. . .Bonnie tapping his foot in frustration, seeing a familiar, gator face in front of him.
"We're gonna look for Roxy." Monty says.
". . .'We'?"
"Yes, WE."
". . .You called me out, saying it's about work, and now, you're saying that 'WE' are going to look for Roxanne. . .I don't have time for this bulls***."
"You think I WANT to ask for YOUR help!? But I HAVE to! You're my prime suspect of Roxy's disappearance!"
". . .Then why the f*** are you asking the 'prime suspect' to help!?"
"Cause I don't know anyone else in this town who can help me!"
"It's a city, and what the f*** kinda excuse is that?"
"Okay, listen. . .I suspect you, but you know her, and maybe there's something you know about her that I don't. Even if I suspect you, I don't even know if she's kidnapped or ran away or. . .worse. . ."
". . .Just ask the police."
"They don't help you until someone's missing for 24 god**** hours! I can't f***ing wait that long!"
"How long is she missing anyway?"
"Since last night."
"I'm leaving." Bonnie stands up from his seat, but Monty grabs his arm, "COME ON! She has a daughter! There's no way she won't return this long! She would never leave without saying anything to Cassie!"
"Not my problem. I'm not her boyfriend anymore, I'm not her friend, I'm not a babysitter for her daughter. . .I'm just her ex."
"Bonnie, come on. . .Cassie is still a kid. She needs Roxy, her mother. You don't have to look for Roxy for Roxy, but. . .for Cassie." Bonnie remains silent, he does like Cassie, she's a fellow fan who likes his boyfriend's cooking.
"Roxy told me about you, you changed a lot. . .but she believes you still have a heart."
". . .I do have a heart, that's why I'm alive, but I don't have a heart for her."
"I told you, do this for Cassie, not Roxanne. Do you even know how it feels. . .to wake up in the morning and to find out how your only family is gone? I felt it. . .when I saw Cassie this morning."
Time goes back to this morning, Monty arrived at Roxanne & Cassie's house, since he did agree to take Cassie to school & pick her up so. However, Roxanne did not answer her phone, no matter how many times he called, so he was getting worried. He rings the doorbell, and waits, then the door opens.
"Morning Rox-" Monty cuts off as Cassie's voice comes, "MOM!"
Cassie hugs Monty's leg, and Monty gets startled, he looks down at Cassie, and says, "C-Cassie?" Cassie looks up, Monty's eyes widened as he sees tears streaming down Cassie's cheeks. Cassie lets go of his leg, crying more.
Monty crouches, "Cassie? W-What happened?"
"M-Mom. . .she's. . .not home. . ."
"What?" Monty helps Cassie wipe her tears, sets her down on the couch in the living room.
Monty searches in the house for Roxanne, but no sign of her. He tries calling Roxanne again, but nothing. Her phone wasn't ringing in the house either. Monty looks at Cassie, who's still crying, in her pajamas. Monty felt bad, & worried. . .he walks up to Cassie, "Cassie, I'll look for your mom. Don't worry, she'll be back."
"Mom. . ." Cassie sniffles.
". . .Are you able to go to school today?" Cassie remains silent, and Monty says, "Let's get ready for school. Don't worry, I'll bring your mom back. I promise." Monty tried his best to comfort Cassie, and managed to get her to school, even if late. He promised Cassie to get Roxanne back.
Back to present, Bonnie's heart wavers hearing what happened with Cassie. "Bonnie, help me find Roxy, for Cassie. . ." Monty says, then his phone rings. He looks at his phone, then says, "S***. . .Cassie. . .I gotta go pick her up."
". . .I'm done wasting my feelings for Roxanne. Cassie is Roxanne's kid. . .and I'm not gonna waste my time & feelings for her too." Bonnie walks away from Monty.
"Bonnie!" Monty calls out for him, but Bonnie doesn't look back.
Memories flood Bonnie's mind, of his past with Roxanne. . .they were a cute couple, he truly loved her, he did everything he can for her. . .but it was a big mistake. Now, he regrets everything he did for her. . .and he's not going to repeat it. . .
However, our bunny protagonist is not as heartless as he seems here. Bonnie was in his car, had followed Monty to Cassie's school. Bonnie wanted to see if Cassie is okay, even if he denies it. He was waiting in his car, parked, then sees Monty & Cassie. . .but looking tense.
"Cassie, let's get you some rest." Monty says.
". . .I don't want to go home." Cassie says.
"Why not? Don't worry, your mom will be ba-"
"She's not coming home, is she?"
". . .She won't come back."
"She will come back, Cassie. You know that she loves you." Monty says, then Cassie glares at Monty, and says, "She won't come back, because of YOU!"
"C-Cassie. . ." Monty was shocked & hurt by that.
"You're a liar! You didn't love mom! I know your real face!"
"Cassie, that's not-"
"I HATE YOU!" Cassie runs away with tears, Monty was in shock, took few seconds to snap out, and calls after her, "Cassie, wait!" Monty goes after her.
Bonnie sighs, hearing & seeing all that happen, then drives to catch up with Cassie, he rolls down the window, and says, "Cassie, get on!"
"Mr. Bonnie!?" Bonnie lights up the hazard lamp, stops, and opens the door for Cassie to get on. She gets on without a second thought, and closes the door. Bonnie locks the door, then Monty shouts, "CASSIE!"
Monty grabs the car door, and says, "BONNIE, YOU SON OF A B****! Kidnapping in the middle of the day & in front of me!?"
"She clearly doesn't want you following."
"YOU'RE CRAZY! Where the fuck are you gonna take her!?"
"To a park."
"I don't believe s*** you say! Cassie, get out of the car!" Monty says, but Cassie looks away, not wanting to get off.
"She's not your daughter, Monty!" Bonnie says, and Monty was lost for words for a second.
"E-Even so! You can't just pick up someone's kid!"
"We'll meet back after I talk to her. Someone she's comfortable to talk to. Or are you gonna force her to talk to you?" Cassie grips Bonnie's arm.
"Cassie. . ."
"Start looking for Roxanne, Monty. I'll talk to Cassie. Meet you at the café later." Bonnie says, Monty slowly let go of the car door, letting Bonnie drive away with Cassie.
Monty clenches his fists, "YOU F***ING PSYCHO! . . .Cassie. . .Roxy. . ."
Bonnie does take Cassie to a nearby park, they get out of the car & sit on a bench. Cassie looking down, hugging her knees.
". . .Cassie. . .I'm not good with these stuff, so. . .what are you upset about?"
". . .Mom. . ."
"You sure?"
". . .Monty. . ."
"Sounds like it, but. . .for real?" Cassie remains silent, Bonnie looks forward at the park, but also looking afar. . .into his past.
". . .I heard from your mom that you've been seeing Freddy. I mean, three of us hang out & talk a little. . .but you're talking more to Freddy, aren't you?"
"Did Mr. Freddy tell you?"
"No, he didn't, he did say you are sad, that's it. I didn't ask anything."
"Oh. . .okay."
". . .You blamed Monty that your mom isn't home, but she's only been out for few hours."
". . .She wouldn't leave me. . .right?"
"No, she'd leave you." Bonnie says blatantly, and Cassie looks at him, confused, angry or sad.
"She left me, so to me, it's not hard to imagine her leaving you."
"But she loves me!"
"Then why don't you wait for her to come back? Why do you think she won't?"
". . .Because. . .I. . ." Cassie looks away from Bonnie.
". . .You think it's your fault?"
". . .I don't know. . .but mom never did this before. . .I'm. . .scared."
". . .You feel alone." Bonnie says, and Cassie nods.
"Any friends at school?"
". . .A little."
"Then you're not alone."
". . .I'm alone at home. . ."
". . .Cassie, people are NEVER alone."
". . .Really?" Cassie looks at Bonnie once again.
"Yea, you always have that one person with you. Everyone has them. A friend."
". . .But I don't."
"Yea, you do, you just don't have the shape yet."
"'Shape'? You mean, circles, squares?"
"No, like a body." Bonnie pulls out a little notebook, then draws something on its page, and he shows it to Cassie, a drawing of a small bear.
"This is cute." Cassie says.
"So yea, imagine. A perfect friend, any shape, who you can talk to."
". . .Okay. . ." Cassie tries to imagine, then says, "What do I do now?"
"Hello there, Cassie's friend, what's your name?" Bonnie asks, looking at no one.
"Cassie, what's their name?"
"Um. . ." Cassie thinks about it, looks at the drawing Bonnie made, then says, "Helpy?"
"Helpy, what a nice name. How are you?" Cassie looks at Bonnie confused, but Bonnie was acting like it's completely normal, talking to Helpy. Cassie looks where Bonnie's looking, somehow, she starts to smile.
"Hi, Helpy." Cassie says with a smile, and Bonnie smiles, the two talk to Helpy.
"So yea, her mom left home without Cassie. Will you stay with her tonight?" Bonnie asks Helpy, "Really? That's great! See, Cassie, I told you, no one is alone."
"Hehe, thank you, Helpy, Mr. Bonnie." Cassie says, but her smile slowly turns to frown, "Helpy. . .Mr. Bonnie. . .do you two think. . .mom left because of me?"
". . .Depends on what you did. Did you do something?"
". . .I didn't give Monty a chance, like mom wanted me to. . .he's a liar, and I know it! But. . .mom didn't believe me. She. . .got annoyed by me. . .and she. . .she. . .left."
". . .Cassie, you're not the reason." Bonnie says, and Cassie sniffles, tears in her eyes, looks at Bonnie.
"Helpy agrees. I know your mom, Cassie. She's passionate, considerate, responsible, and kind. She can be annoying, stubborn, blunt, and doubtful, but. . .she cares. She loves you, and if whatever reason she left you, there must be a reason that's not about being mad at you."
". . .Mr. Bonnie. . ."
"Cassie. . .other people are not worth your time. I know. . .people hurt you if you're different, not normal. You're a special kid. You're loved by your mom, even if she left you, no one can say that she left because of you. Cassie, you're not alone, don't blame yourself." Bonnie says, and Cassie hugs Bonnie.
"Thank you. . .thank you, Mr. Bonnie." Cassie smiles, tears stream down her cheeks, out of joy or sadness, she wasn't sure herself, but she was just happy Bonnie is here for her. Bonnie pats Cassie's head.
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