Chapter 5: Ex & Current Lover
3rd Person P.O.V:
Bonnie was in front of Freddy's restaurant, waiting for Roxanne, Monty, & the daughter, Cassie. Freddy comes out, and walks up to Bonnie, "Are they here?"
Bonnie turns to Freddy, "Almost, I think, I never got the number, so. . .yea. I'm really sorry about this, Freddy."
Freddy pulls Bonnie close, "Do not worry, Bonnie. I would love to have new customers, and I am curious of seeing your ex." Freddy lift Bonnie's chin up, "I want to see the face of someone who would dump my little bunny, AND make her regret hurting you."
"F-Freddy~. . ." Bonnie blushes, Freddy caresses Bonnie's cheek, they were about to kiss~.
"Do you guys always do this? In front of the restaurant?" Roxanne's voice comes, and the lovers turn to the voice, seeing Roxanne, Monty, & a little girl, having her eyes covered by Roxanne.
"Cockblocker. . ." Bonnie mumbles, his eyes looking dead.
"I apologize for that. I just could not help myself~." Freddy apologizes.
"Well, damn, pretty bold~. Anyway, are you the chef?" Monty asks.
"Yes, I am the head chef & owner of this restaurant. Do you have a reservation?" Freddy asks politely.
"No, but we're here for dinner, and. . .you must be Freddy then. Bonnie's boyfriend." Roxanne says, crossing her arms.
"Yes, indeed~. I am Bonnie's boyfriend~. You must be Bonnie's ex-girlfriend. Nice to meet you, I have heard about you coming." Freddy greets, bows a bit forward as a kind gesture.
"I rather not be called his ex, I have a name. Roxanne Wolf. He never told you my name, huh?"
"Why would I?" Bonnie says, crossing his arms.
". . .Mom. . ." the little girl says, tugging Roxanne's pants, "I'm hungry."
"Oh, sorry, Cassie. Can we get a table for 3?" Roxanne asks Freddy.
"Of course, I have your table reserved~." Freddy opens & holds the door for them. The three enter, Bonnie sighs a bit, and enters, soon, Freddy closes the door, then holds Bonnie's hand, making Bonnie blush, his eyes looking alive. Freddy smiles, and guides everyone to a table~.
Everyone sits down, and Freddy lights the candle on the middle of the table, giving them menus. Bonnie was having the hamburger steak he requested earlier. Freddy asks if any of them have any allergies or dislikes, Roxanne looking at the menu, Monty & Cassie didn't have any allergies, though Cassie didn't really like meat. Roxanne asks about a meal she wants, Freddy answers flawlessly, however. . .Roxanne had mischievous eyes, and says, "I would like this, I have high standards, so this is perfect, HOWEVER, I am allergic to some ingredients you listed. You think you can substitute it?"
"I see. Other meals are not up to your standards?"
"Yea, like I said, I have high standards, and I want this, BUT it's unfortunate that I'm allergic to some of the ingredients used. I heard you're a 5-star chef, and as Bonnie says, 'the world's best chef', then surely you can bring out the same taste using different ingredients."
"You're a f***ing liar. You don't have any allergies." Bonnie says, glaring at Roxanne.
"I found out after we split. People & animatronics don't always stay the same, Bonnie. Just like how we both moved on."
"You swiney little bi-"
"Ahem! Bonnie, swear." Freddy says.
"Sorry, Freddy. I forgot that a child was present." Bonnie says with his ears down a bit.
"Roxanne isn't lying, dude. You don't know a person nor animatronic fully, there's always a secret."
"Alright, I will be back with your drinks." Freddy bows, and walks away, into the kitchen. Bonnie looks at Roxanne, and says, "The h*** are you thinking?"
"You don't fully know me, Bonnie. Besides, he's the 'world's best chef', right? I'm sure he can handle it."
"I knew it was bulls*** that you care about me. You just wanted to harass my boyfriend. You were always like that. . .challenging people, pushing people to their limits, and throw them away after you're done!"
"Hey, quit talking s*** about her! You're not even good yourself. You have no right to judge her, a******!"
"Guys, quit it. Sorry, Cassie. You know boys, they fight for no reason." Roxanne says.
"It's okay." Cassie says, then Freddy comes back with their drinks.
"Is everything alright?" Freddy asks.
"Everything's fine." Roxanne says.
"It's NOT fine." Bonnie says, crossing his arms, his eyes looking dead once again. Freddy serves everyone the drink they ordered, then when serving a juice to Cassie, Freddy gives a little toy umbrella to her glass. Freddy crouches, facing Cassie, "I never got your name, young lady. I am Freddy Fazbear."
". . .I'm Cassie, and thank you for the umbrella." Cassie says with a smile, seeing the cute little umbrella toy.
"You are welcome. I will make a delicious meal for you, I hope you will like it. If you like, you can come see me cook too. Our kitchen is not too crowded right now, and. . .if you feel uncomfortable, you can come see. Of course, you can bring your mother or father with you as well."
"Thank you, Mr. Freddy. And. . .well. . ." Cassie glances at Monty, then looks back at Freddy, whispers, "He's not my dad."
"Oh. I apologize."
"It's okay." Cassie says, and Freddy smiles, "You are a wonderful young lady. I wish I had a child like you." Cassie giggles, and others seeing that, smiles. Bonnie is feeling a little jealous that Freddy is giving attention to Cassie. She's a kid, so he understands.
Freddy is back in the kitchen to cook their meal, Roxanne says, "Nice umbrella, Cassie. Lucky you~."
"It's really pretty. I like it." Cassie says with a smile, then drinks her juice, "Mmm! This is yummy!"
"Really? It's just an orange juice."
"Really, it's yummy!" Cassie says, smiling, and Roxanne smiles, "Wonder if we can get a bottle of it for you."
Bonnie stands up from his seat, and goes to the kitchen to see Freddy, plus he wanted to get the heck away from them. Bonnie walks in the kitchen, and as Freddy said, it was not crowded. Freddy was preparing ingredients, and Bonnie says, Freddy?" Freddy turns around to Bonnie, and smiles.
"Bonnie~. I was just going to cook your meals."
"Freddy. . .you're the head chef, and you're serving us?"
"I wanted to serve you all. I will always serve you, Bonnie~, you know that~."
Bonnie blushes, his ears wiggles, "Y-Yea~."
"What brought you here? Was it uncomfortable to sit & wait?"
"Well. . .yea. And. . .can I poison Roxanne's meal?"
". . .Haha! You must really dislike her."
"Of course. I felt really stupid to even love her. The Roxanne I loved is gone. I only love you, Freddy~."
Freddy blushes, and smiles, "Bonnie~."
"Anyway, Roxanne, she's lying. She doesn't have any allergies, nor have high standards, she's just harassing you."
"Hmm. . .if so, why would she?"
"Cause she hates me. She wants to destroy what I have now. She doesn't care about me, that two-faced b****. . ."
Freddy walks up to Bonnie, suddenly pins him against the wall, and says, "Bonnie. . .SWEAR."
"But if she IS harassing me, because of you. . .then that means she's jealous."
"Why would she be jealous?"
"If an ex was doing better than you, anyone would feel jealous. This is a good sign."
"Is it?"
"Yes, because this gives me an opportunity. . .to prove I am far better than her. I am the one for you, Bonnie~."
"F-Freddy~. . .of course, you're the only one for me~."
"And I will prove it, no matter what she does, no matter what selfish, specific order she has, I will not surrender." Freddy kisses Bonnie, who blushes hard & kisses back. Few seconds later, they part, and Freddy says, "Look forward for the meal, Bonnie~. I will make yours with all my love for you~."
"FREDDY~! ❤️"
Freddy unpins Bonnie, they smile at each other, then Cassie walks in, and the two notices, they walk up to her, and Freddy says, "Hello there, you came to watch?" Cassie nods, and Freddy allows her to see, but not too close that she might get hurt. Bonnie keeps an eye on her. Freddy, being a friendly animatronic, lets her taste test. Cassie loving it, she smiles, getting hungrier as she watches Freddy cook. Bonnie smiles, feeling the same, and glad that Cassie appreciates Freddy. Once Freddy was finished, Bonnie & Cassie returns to the table with Freddy, who serves the meals~, and says, "I hope you enjoy~."
"Damn, these look really good." Monty says.
"Wow, mine is so cute! Look, mom!" Cassie says excitedly.
"Aww~, that's adorable~. Thank you for cooking, Mr. Fazbear."
"It is an honor, Ms. Wolf." Freddy says with a smile, he looks at Bonnie, whose eyes were sparkling~, "I've been waiting for hours~." Freddy blushes, and everyone starts to eat~.
"Mmmm~! It's so good!" Cassie says.
"Mmm~. . .it really is delicious. Cassie, don't rush, alright?" Roxanne says with a smile.
"This is really good~!" Monty says, enjoying the meal.
"Of course~, Freddy's meals are the best in the world~." Bonnie says with his ears wiggling in joy~, and Freddy blushes, "Thank you for your words, Bonnie~."
"So. . .how long have you two been together?" Roxanne asks.
"For a week." Bonnie replies.
"A week!?" Roxanne & Monty syncs.
"Yea, so?" Bonnie asks.
". . .I just. . ." Roxanne trails off, and Monty says, "Thought you two were together longer, like at least few months."
"We have known each other for a year, and a week ago, I finally had the courage to ask Bonnie to be my boyfriend." Freddy says, and Bonnie blushes.
"I see. . .so. . .how is Bonnie?" Roxanne asks.
"He is wonderful~. I love him so much. He is understanding, always listens to any issue I have. He enjoys the meals I cook, and I have never seen anyone be so happy to eat my meals. He is very special to me." Freddy says, Bonnie blushing, covers his face with his ears a bit~.
"Hmm. . .I see." Roxanne smiles, and they talk a bit more, eating & enjoying the food~. Cassie telling Roxanne how the kitchen looked, how Freddy cooked, and how nice he was. Roxanne was glad that Cassie was having fun here.
After eating, Freddy's customers were satisfied~. "Thank you for the meal." Roxanne says, and Freddy bows a bit, "It is my pleasure~."
"I want to come eat again!" Cassie says.
"You're always welcomed, Cassie~!" Bonnie says.
"Why are you answering?" Monty asks.
"Cause she is a fellow fan of my boyfriend's meal~." Bonnie smiles, Cassie smiles back, then Cassie turns to Freddy, "Mr. Freddy. . ." Freddy crouches, "Yes?"
"Thank you." Cassie hugs Freddy, and Freddy pats her back softly, "You're welcome, Cassie."
"I wish you were my dad." Cassie says, pulling away. Roxanne & Monty gives a little weak smile. . .
Suddenly, Roxanne hands Freddy her business card, "Call me when you want to talk about Bonnie. I've been with him longer than a year, so maybe I can give you some advice if needed."
"Oh, why thank you~." Freddy accepts her business card.
"I can tell Freddy about myself." Bonnie pouts, holding Freddy's arm, "And I swear to god if you harass him-"
"ALRIGHT, goodnight guys." Roxanne says, waving her hand, Cassie & Monty both waves goodnight & leaves.
"Finally." Bonnie says in relief, "But seriously, let me know if she harasses you again."
Freddy wraps his arms around Bonnie's waists, "Do not worry, Bonnie. I can protect myself & you~. Now, let me close the restaurant, so we can go home together~."
"Yea, let's go home~! Also, your meal tonight was awesome~. You're the best~!" Bonnie says with a smile, and pecks Freddy's lips. Freddy blushes, and smiles, "It is always my pleasure to cook you my meals~."
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