Chapter 3: Secrets~
3rd Person P.O.V:
Freddy & Bonnie, from housemates to boyfriends~, great upgrade~. Anyway, they are home, cuddling on the couch. Freddy gently moves his hand down to Bonnie's waist, Bonnie blushing, leans on Freddy's chest, and giggles, "We've known each other for a year, and didn't know we liked each other~."
"Maybe because we were both busy with work. I was really nervous if you feel the same or not. . ."
"I felt the same~. I really liked you from the beginning~."
"Yea~, but. . .I felt a bit like a. . .you know, the b-word, since that day we met, it was when. . .I got dumped so. I moved on so quick, making me feel like. . .a horrible animatronic."
"Bonnie. . ." Freddy holds Bonnie's hand, then holds it up to his lips , placing a gentle kiss, making Bonnie blush, "You are not a horrible animatronic. It just means that. . .she was NEVER the one for you. . .I am, Bonnie~."
"Freddy~, I love you so much~. I-I wanted to say this for so long~."
"The feeling is mutual, Bonnie~. I love you so much as well~." The lovers stare at each other lovingly, then lean in for a kiss~. A kiss so soft, but full of passionate love for each other~. They part, blushing, then Bonnie says, "This. . .feels just like our first time~, hehe~." Freddy smiles, but the smile that contains a hint of mischief~, "If this is JUST LIKE our first time, then we are missing something~."
"And that is~?" Bonnie asks, suddenly, Freddy carries Bonnie, bridal style, and says, "Making love~." Bonnie blushes hard, and Freddy, carrying Bonnie, goes to their bedroom~. Freddy gently lays Bonnie down on the bed, then pins him, "Shall we? Or do you want to just cuddle for tonight?" Bonnie wraps his arms around Freddy's neck, pulling him closer, "Of course I want to. . .make love~." Freddy blushes, feeling relief that he isn't forcing Bonnie or anything~. Freddy kisses Bonnie, who kisses back~, soon, they will take their clothes off~, then proceed to enjoy the rest of the night, making love~.
Time skips to next day, at lunch time, "And so, we're boyfriends now~." Bonnie says blushing.
"Finally, took you guys long enough." Fredbear says with a smirk.
"Neither of us knew if we liked each other or not. . .until yesterday~."
"First of all, congratulations, Bonnie." Fredbear smiles, and Bonnie smiles back, "Thank you, Fredbear."
"Second, you guys going on an official date?"
"Well, we had a dinner date."
"No, I meant like 'official', on day offs, go watch a movie or something."
"Ohhhh. . .well, we haven't talked about it. I mean, we live together."
". . .Tomorrow's the weekend, try going somewhere with him."
"I-Is that a good idea? I mean, I don't know where to go."
"There are movies, malls, amusement parks, museums, bowling, golf, attractions, and a lot more."
"Hmm. . .I'll talk with Freddy. What do you think he'll like?"
"I don't know, he's your boyfriend."
"A little guess won't hurt."
". . .Maybe a movie?"
"Ohh, but what is in theaters now?"
"You can check later. And really. . .congrats, bud."
"Thank you~." Bonnie smiles, his ears wiggling in joy. He took Fredbear's suggestion, and talked with Freddy about going on a date this weekend~.
On the day of the date~, Bonnie was so nervous, even though they live together & hang out, thinking this is a DATE, made him nervous, and Freddy felt the same~. The two decided to go for a walk outside & have a relaxing date. They walk around a bit, looking at the city they live in.
"This really is our first date, I mean, we had a dinner, but um-"
"It is okay, Bonnie. I understand, and I actually feel nervous about our date."
"Y-You too?"
"Yes. We have gone out together, but as friends, now. . .as boyfriends. . .I still cannot believe that you. . .really are mine~." Freddy says with a smile & a blush~, making Bonnie blush as well~.
"I-I can't believe it either! You're. . .really my boyfriend~." Bonnie says, then Freddy gently holds Bonnie's hand, Bonnie's ears stand in surprise, Freddy was smiling gently, and Bonnie soon relaxes, holding Freddy's hand back~. They enjoy each other's company, going to a park to have a little picnic lunch.
"Yes! Your food!" Bonnie cheers, his ears wiggling in excitement.
"Haha, you seem excited, Bonnie." Freddy giggles, finding Bonnie cute~.
"Of course I am! I love your food! Anything you cook is delicious! No question!"
"Awww~, well, I hope you enjoy these sandwiches~. I made varieties to enjoy different tastes."
"AMAZING~! You're so considerate~, and that's one of the things I love about you." Bonnie says, and Freddy blushes, "R-Really?"
"Yea~. I-I mean, I love, a lot, about you! You have. . .no idea."
"Bonnie~, you are too sweet~." Bonnie blushes, and they start to eat the sandwiches Freddy prepared, they watch the nature, wind blowing gently, waving the leaves on the tree~, the grass, etc.
"Where would you like to go next, Bonnie?"
"Oh, well. . .I actually don't have anything in mind. Fredbear gave me suggestions, but. . .what would you like to do, Freddy?"
"Hmm. . ." Freddy trails off, thinking. . .Bonnie looks at Freddy, his eyes seemed sad. Bonnie panics a bit, looks around to see what he can do, then pokes Freddy's cheek. Freddy snaps out, and looks at Bonnie, Bonnie asks, "Um. . .are you okay?"
"I apologize. I just remembered a time."
". . .When I had a date with my ex."
"Since the breakup, I never really went out to enjoy life. I focused solely on my job so. I-I know that I should not bring up about my ex-"
"I feel you, Freddy. I actually thought the same."
"Yea, and your ex made the biggest mistake dumping you. She'll regret it, I'll make sure. Freddy, you're an amazing guy~. You pleased me, sheltered me in, assisted me in finding a job. . .just. . .made my life incredible. I really can't imagine a b**** like your ex exists! I know I won't ever regret loving you, Freddy~." Freddy blushes hard, he felt his heart skip a beat, his shoulders felt light, "Bonnie. . ."
Bonnie soon blushes, "S***, d-did I really say that out loud?"
Freddy holds Bonnie's hand, "Thank you, Bonnie. . .and do not mind, we are boyfriends now, I want to know how you feel about me. I cannot believe someone would dump you. You're beautiful, kind, cuddly, talented, and full of passion~. I am blessed to have met you, Bonnie~."
"T-That's my line~!" Bonnie & Freddy pull each other close, then share a kiss~. They moan in the kiss, such lovely, full of passion kiss~. The two parts, feeling breathless~.
After lunch, they continue their walk, then find new places that they didn't even notice before. "It's their grand opening. . .huh. I don't even know what was here before it became this." Bonnie says.
"We both should walk outside a little more." Freddy giggles, Bonnie blushes a bit, then smiles, looking at Freddy, "So, more dates?" Freddy blushes a bit, then smiles, pulling Bonnie close, "Always~." Bonnie's ears wiggling in joy, "Yes~!" Even though they live together, calling their 'walk outside', a date, was refreshing for their just upgraded relationship status as boyfriends. Freddy & Bonnie finds some interesting stores, and looks in, enjoying their date~.
They take a break at a café, getting some snacks & drinks. Bonnie taking a bite of the snack, "Mmm. . .yea, yours is WAAAAAY better." Freddy blushes a bit & giggles, "I make meals, not snacks, Bonnie."
"You're good at making desserts too. I think it counts as a snack."
"I have never seen anyone who enjoys my meal this much, Bonnie."
"Really? Then people have no taste. Your meals gave colors in my life."
"Colors. . .you have mentioned it before, but. . .care to explain?"
"Oh. . .well, I don't know if you would. . .understand, but. . .I have this. . .monochrome kind of vision. I can see colors, but I just. . .don't feel anything, everything feels the same."
"Does colors mean your emotions?"
"I think so. Your meals. . .one bite, and I can feel emotions running through me."
"I am glad that my meals can provide colors to your world & to your emotions."
"You're just that good~. And. . .I used to love arts, specifically taking photos." Freddy's ears perked up a bit, "You did?"
"Yea. . .I was a photographer, remember?"
"You have told me, but 'arts', means you liked drawing or creating?"
"Well, yea. I liked taking photos the best, but I did like drawing."
". . .Do you not like it anymore?"
". . .Not anymore. It just. . .reminds me how it broke me."
"Bonnie. . ."
"Taking photos of what you DON'T like. . .just cause it's a job, they tried to make me take photos of p***." Freddy gets startled a bit at the comment, "Oh my. . ."
"I smashed my camera into pieces to avoid it, and smashed others as insurance. And even in nature. . .I saw messed up stuff. I just lost passion. Also, people are just a*******. I'm not a people person. Plus, photography. . .reminds me of her. . ."
"Your ex?"
"Yea. . .she was a reporter or journalist & we worked together, but she changed job. I don't know what she is now."
". . .Do you like your job now?"
"Yea, I do. It's fun, editing takes time, but I got used to it, and I get to edit some fun stuff. I hate the clients though."
"Haha, people are hard to please."
"I know. Sorry that I was ranting a bit. What about you? You always liked cooking?"
"Oh, well, I did. I learned how to cook when I was young. I went to culinary school, and acquired knowledge for it, then made my own restaurant."
"Wow. . .you accomplished a lot."
"I tried. Though, I did have an unpleasant time in culinary."
"What was that?"
"I had to learn about butchering."
"Yes, when I was unsure if I wanted to make my own restaurant, or work in a preparation side. I took both required classes to decide."
"Huh. . .I never thought about butchering stuff needing a class. So. . .if you didn't choose to make your own restaurant, would you have been a butcher?"
"Could be, but I am not sure."
"I am so glad you didn't go that path, cause I love your meal~, and because you were the chef. . .we met." Bonnie blushes as he says that, and Freddy does as well, "Well then, I am glad too~."
"We've known each other for a year, even living together, and there are things we don't know."
"We can reveal those secrets more~, I love you, Bonnie~."
"I love you too, Freddy~." They feed each other snacks, and enjoy the rest of their date~.
It was getting late, so they decided to head home & make dinner together~. Freddy pulls out his old recipe book, and shows it to Bonnie. Together, they chose what to make~. While preparing, Bonnie says, "Freddy. . .can I ask you a question?"
"Yes, Bonnie?"
". . .So um. . .you. . .like me, right?" Freddy turns to Bonnie, who was blushing, and giggles, "Of course I do~."
"S-So um. . .WHERE. . .do you actually. . .like about me?"
"'Where' I like about you?"
"Y-Yea, it's just. . .sorry, weird question."
"It is okay, Bonnie. Hmm. . .where I like. . .your personality."
"A-Are you sure?" Freddy blinks in confusion about why Bonnie is being defensive, Bonnie says, "S-Sorry. I just. . .I know I'm weird. A creep. . ."
"You are not a creep." Freddy holds Bonnie's hand, Bonnie looks at Freddy, and Freddy says, "What I like about you is that. . .you're understanding."
"I-I am?"
"You understood me & my feelings. I. . .have a little trouble expressing my feelings, but meeting you. . .I learned to not be afraid to be myself. That night we met. . .you enjoyed my meal & dessert. . .you. . .desired to spend a night with me. I. . .felt the same. My feelings. . .you accepted. . .and I am grateful to have you by my side. . .as a housemate. . .as a boyfriend~."
Bonnie blushes hard, "Freddy. . ."
"You are very cute. Your blue fur, red eyes, your soft voice, your body figure. . .everything. . .I love about you. The more & more I spend days, weeks, months with you. . .I could not help myself, but fall for you~."
"Freddy~!" Bonnie hugs Freddy, "I-I can be really. . .weird & awkward. . .but. . .I love you so much, and. . .I-I'll never f*** it up this time!" Freddy hugs Bonnie back, "I will not make the same mistake again."
They share a loving kiss~, Bonnie wrapping his arms around Freddy's neck, Freddy places one arm around Bonnie's waist, while his other hand places on the back of Bonnie's head. They moan in the kiss~, hearts floating around them~. They part, stare at each other lovingly~.
"So~, where do YOU like about me, Bonnie~?" Freddy asks, and Bonnie blushes, "I. . .I love everything about you!"
"Haha, that is cheating, Bonnie~!"
"You lifted me when I was at my lowest! How could I NOT be in love with you!? You changed my life, Freddy. . .really. You're sexy as h***, your voice sends shivers of pleasure~, your soft, orange fur is like a sunset, your eyes are like sapphire. . .your skill. . .your talent. . .I fell in love with you. . .and most importantly. . .it's your heart. You accepted me, did so much for me, when you didn't even know me. . .you didn't make me feel like trash. . .treating me with care. . .even if I don't deserve it."
"You deserve everything, Bonnie."
"I don't. . .you keep me sane. . .keep me safe. . .that everything will be okay, and. . .I don't need to. . .feel like disappearing."
"Bonnie. . ."
"You're my savior, and the love of my life. I won't ever let go of you."
"Bonnie~!" Freddy kisses Bonnie again, gently pins him against the refrigerator, deepening the kiss~. They part for air, then Freddy kisses Bonnie, slipping his tongue in Bonnie's mouth~, Bonnie moans in the kiss, they started to make out~. Freddy moves his hand down to Bonnie's bottom, slipping his hand under his pants.
"Mmmm~!" Bonnie moans, and the two parts, Bonnie moans, "F-Freddy~. . .i-in the kitchen~?"
"I apologize, I think I got carried away~. I must save you for tonight~."
"Are you planning to eat me~?"
"I will devour you in love~."
"Freddy~! I love this side of you~."
"Haha, oh Bonnie~. Oh! I just remembered." Bonnie looks at Freddy, "About?" Freddy takes Bonnie's hands. . .then pins them above Bonnie's head & against the refrigerator.
"F-Freddy?" Bonnie asks, blushing.
"You swore during the date, instead of a swear jar, I would like rounds to make up for it~." Bonnie's face turns all red in an instant.
"Or kisses work~." Freddy chuckles, seeing Bonnie's reaction, and Bonnie says, "F-FREDDY!" They laugh, then share another kiss, after that, they continue with making dinner. Bonnie made a little mistake, but Freddy made sure Bonnie was safe from injuries. The date went very well & into the night~.
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