Chapter 2: The Question
3rd Person P.O.V:
A year ago, the morning after the prologue. Bonnie wakes up on a soft bed, he groans a bit, he looks up at the ceiling. . .
(I had an amazing night~. . .that guy. . .Freddy~. . .he was SO GOOD~. I never felt that good before. Hah~. . .was it. . .real?) Bonnie sits up from the bed, then sees an unfamiliar room he's in.
"Where. . .am I?" Bonnie says, looking around, he sees his clothes folded neatly. Bonnie gets out of bed, suddenly. . .
"Ugh. . ." Bonnie felt a little pain in his bottom. Bonnie rubs his bottom, then blushes as he remembers about last night. . . "It's real. . ."
Bonnie smells a faint scent, the room has a sweet orange scent. He wears his boxer, then walks slowly towards the door. He exits, then he catches another scent, a delicious one~. Bonnie follows the scent, then he sees an orange-colored bear, which is Freddy, wearing an apron, and he was cooking. Freddy turns around, sensing Bonnie, then smiles.
"Good morning, Bonnie~. I was cooking breakfast, and I am glad you made it." Freddy greets Bonnie, and Bonnie blushes.
"G-Good morning, um. . .F-Freddy."
"Bonnie, it is cold to be in just your underwear." Freddy turns the stove off, and walks up to Bonnie, Bonnie blushes more.
"Let's get you dressed up." Freddy says with an innocent smile.
"I-I feel hot though~."
"Is that so? Are you okay? Did I. . .go too rough last night? I made sure to use lube, and I prepared you thoroughly, so you would not-"
"N-No, no! Last night was amazing! And I. . .like. . .just. . .feel hot, haha. . .if that makes any sense."
"Oh, well then, you can use the bathroom to cool off if you like. Shall I get you new clothes?"
"W-Well. . .if you don't mind."
"I do not mind at all~. After cooling off, we can eat breakfast together." Freddy's gentle smile was like a warm sunlight to Bonnie~.
Bonnie does what Freddy says, goes to the bathroom to wash his face, cooling off, then wears the clothes Freddy prepared for him. After that, he goes back to Freddy, Freddy prepares the table, serving their breakfast on the table. They sat down & began to eat. Just one bite, Bonnie's eyes sparkle~.
"Wow. . .this is so good!"
"Haha, it is just scrambled eggs & bacon, Bonnie. Though I did add some spice, I feel relieved that you like it."
"I don't think I ever tasted scrambled eggs & bacon this delicious before."
"Haha, thank you for your kind words~."
"Last night's meal, to the breakfast, you're a really good cook!"
"You are very kind, Bonnie~."
"I think you're the kind one, Freddy. Letting me have dinner, breakfast, clothes, bed to sleep. . .and that. . .amazing night~. You're really good. Can't believe someone dumped you." Freddy blushes as Bonnie says that.
"I-I am a chef after all, serving people is what I do, and. . .last night. . .it was fantastic~. I appreciate you having a high perspective of me."
"It's the truth~. Oh! Um. . .do you have work today? If so, I should leave after breakfast."
"I do have work, but there is still time. What about you?"
"Oh. . .well. . .I'm uh. . ." Bonnie's vision turns monochrome, "Unemployed."
"Oh. . .I apologize for asking."
"It's fine. I just. . .need to find something soon. I'm late paying rent. . .s***."
"Swear." Freddy says, and Bonnie looks at him, then Freddy says, "Oh, apologies, and if you would like. . .you can stay here."
"Until you find a job, so you would not feel any pressure nor stress to pay rent."
". . .But. . .staying here is. . .like. . .I-I don't know what to say.
". . .I-I know we just met, and. . .well. . ." Freddy trails off, feeling nervous.
"A-Are you really offering me to stay here till I get a job?" Bonnie asks, and Freddy lights up.
"Yes, and do not worry about paying living expenses here."
"I. . ." Bonnie's vision of colors comes back, "Freddy. . .I-I can't just live here for free! I feel bad!"
"Well then, if you can do chores around & in the house, that will be very helpful."
"Just chores?"
"Yes, and keep me company. It gets lonely to live alone."
". . .Freddy, of course I will, and I can't thank you enough. I'm such a mess. . .I won't trouble you."
"It is okay, Bonnie, and if you like, you can work as a waiter at my restaurant."
"I'm not really a people animatronic, but. . .I can try."
"It is okay if you are not comfortable."
"But thank you, Freddy. Really~."
"You're welcome, Bonnie~."
And so, the two's relationship started off just like that. Back in the present, it is morning, Freddy & Bonnie both wake up, gets dressed. Freddy cooks breakfast, Bonnie getting his things ready for work. Bonnie comes to the dining room, his ears wiggling in excitement for breakfast. Freddy giggles seeing Bonnie excited. Freddy serves breakfast, and they eat together.
"Splendid breakfast~! I love it so much! These biscuits are so soft." Bonnie says, and takes another bite.
"Bonnie, slow down, please do not choke yourself."
"I'm okay, Freddy~. I just love your food so much. You're so talented to make a simple breakfast into amazing meal!"
"I try my best~." Freddy smiles, and eats breakfast with Bonnie.
After breakfast, they both get ready for work. Freddy walks up to Bonnie, "Bonnie, your collar. . ." Freddy fixes the collar of Bonnie's shirt.
"Thanks, Freddy."
"You're welcome, and. . .do you have anything planned today?"
"Only work, why?"
"After work, I want you to come to my restaurant."
"Sure, is it to pick you up or. . .are we having dinner there~!?" Bonnie's eyes sparkle, his tail wiggling a bit.
"Yes, we will~. I packed a light lunch today, if that was okay."
"Yea! If we're going to have dinner at the restaurant, I don't want to go with a full stomach. Do you need a taste tester for a new recipe~?" Bonnie asks excitedly.
"Well, that is a surprise for tonight~."
"Now I am so curious! Maybe I'll call today off."
"Haha, Bonnie, you cannot do that~!"
"I want to know the surprise though~!"
"You need to be patient~, and good luck at work, my friend."
"Okay~, and good luck to you too~." Bonne soon heads out for work in a very good mood. Freddy smiles, then puts his hand on his chest, mumbles to himself, "It's tonight. . .it needs to be perfect."
At Bonnie, he walks in his workplace, humming in joy. His coworkers see how much of a good mood he's in, relieved to know he is, but also a little creeped out of how TOO happy he looks. Cannot satisfy everyone. Bonnie gets to his desk, and starts working.
"Someone's in a good mood this morning~." Bonnie hears a certain voice, he turns to the voice, and sees his coworker & friend, Fredbear, a golden bear animatronic.
"Morning, and how did you know?" Bonnie asked, obliviously.
"Duh, you're humming, your ears & tail are wiggling. If those aren't signs of good mood, then what is it?" Fredbear says, sipping on a mug of coffee.
"True, and well, Freddy asked me out for dinner tonight~."
"Your housemate? Sounds like a date night." Fredbear says, and Bonnie blushes, replying, "I guess, you can call it a date~."
"Seriously, are you two not dating yet?"
"Well. . .yea, we're just housemates."
"You guys sure act like a newlywed to me."
"Yea, so get together already, you like him, like A LOT, & he obviously likes you."
"Well. . .I asked him if he's like. . .ready for a new relationship last night."
"So, what did he say?"
"He did think about it, and well. . .has someone in mind. . .or not."
"Dude, that's obviously hinting towards being YOU." Bonnie's ears stand, startled, and turns fully towards Fredbear, "Y-You think so?"
"Yea, you amuse me with how oblivious you are. Maybe it's time to ask the question."
"The. . .q-question. . .n. . .NAAAAAHH!" Bonnie spins his chair, hugging his knees, "N-No way! I mean I really like him & everything, but um, I don't know!"
"Calm your a** down, and you better hurry before someone takes him. He's quite good looking, girls & guys won't leave him alone." Bonnie immediately stops spinning his chair, "T-That's a problem! S-Should I ask him the question tonight though?"
"You're asking me? I say, you should've done it ages ago, so YES."
"But I won't have my composure in just few hours! Why weren't you here yesterday to talk with me?"
"I had s*** to take care of. The boss dumped some work to me, and I had meetings to attend to. Plus, you were in a bad mood yesterday morning. I bet you forgot your lovely lunch."
"How did you know?"
"I've known you for a long time. And since a year ago, you've always brought lunch, and the pattern. You're easy to read."
"I-I guess, for you."
"Hello? Um, Mr. Bunny?" A nervous looking coworker walks up to Bonnie, "Um, the boss wanted you to edit these files." The coworker hands the files to Bonnie.
"Here comes the work dump." Fredbear says, rolling his eyes.
". . .Does the boss expect me to finish these by 6?" Bonnie asks.
"I-I am not sure, sorry."
". . .Okay." Bonnie replies to turns to his computer & starts working. The coworker quickly walks away.
"That's a lot of files. The boss sure has high hopes for you."
"I guess. . .or just dumping stuff on me like I'm a garbage."
"Hey, you're not a garbage."
"Thank you, Fredbear."
Time flies by, Bonnie finished all the files, and reports to the boss. It was lunch time, Bonnie went to the rooftop to enjoy his lunch, today, Fredbear joined him.
"Looks light for a lunch." Fredbear says.
"Yea, just so I have space for dinner at the restaurant tonight."
"Huh. . .well, hope it lasts long enough." Fredbear takes a bite of his lunch, which was a sandwich. Suddenly, Bonnie's phone rings, and Bonnie looks at it, it was from Freddy, so Bonnie immediately picks up, [Hello?]
[Hello, Bonnie, I apologize, were you busy?]
[No, just having lunch. Eating your delicious food~.]
[Awww~, and I called you at the right time then. I wanted to ask you what time you would arrive. Is it same time as yesterday?]
[Yea, I think so, I really am looking forward for tonight~.]
[I am as well, Bonnie. I hope work is going well for you.]
[It has been so far.] Fredbear leans closer to Bonnie, listening to the conversation, Bonnie notices, [Freddy, Fredbear is here with me, and he looks like he wants to say hi.]
"Wait, what?" Fredbear says, then Bonnie leans the phone towards Fredbear, [Hey, is this Bonnie's housemate, Freddy?]
[Hello, Mr. Fredbear, how are you doing?]
[I'm doing fine. Well. . .have fun tonight with the date~.]
"F-Fredbear!" Bonnie blushing, takes the phone away from Fredbear.
[Haha, good to talk to you, Mr. Fredbear~.] Freddy giggles.
[S-Sorry, I shouldn't have let him talk.]
[It is okay, Bonnie, and. . .I look forward for the dinner tonight~.]
[Me too~! I can't wait~!]
[Now, I shall let you have your lunch~.]
[Thank you for the call, Freddy~.]
[You're welcome~.] The two hang up, Bonnie's ear wiggling in joy~.
"It really makes me wonder why you guys are not together yet."
"F-Fredbear!" Fredbear supports, but also teases Bonnie, and the two enjoy lunch with each other's company.
After lunch, Bonnie went back to his desk, then was greeted by more work. Bonnie tries not to get his mood ruined by some work. While working, some coworkers ask for his help, Bonnie's mood slowly, but surely going down & down. It was almost 6pm, time to go home, HOWEVER, the boss calls Bonnie over to the office, and they have a little talk.
"So. . .the client wants you to fix it." The boss says.
". . .Wasn't this what they wanted?" Bonnie asks.
"Yea, well, they changed their mind, and it's our job to make it a reality. You're good at what you do, Bonnie, that's why they're asking you."
". . .It's almost time to leave."
"Come on, a little overtime won't hurt."
". . .No."
In the end, Bonnie had to accept it, so Bonnie calls Freddy to let him know about a little delay, [So. . .yea, sorry, I'm gonna be having a little overtime.]
[It is alright, Bonnie, do not worry, please. I can wait.]
[Freddy. . .I feel really bad. Thank you for understanding, I'll try to make it there as soon as I can.]
[I will be waiting, but do not force yourself, Bonnie.]
[Thanks, Freddy~.] The two hang up & Bonnie gets back to work. A little overtime doesn't hurt, Freddy is an understanding animatronic.
Bonnie works on the project the client asked him to fix, he focused on it very hard that he did not hear anyone else around him. His coworkers, few by few, clock out. Bonnie applied the fixes, it took about 30 minutes, he just had to rewatch & make sure the video is smooth, working well. Suddenly, a voice comes, "Mr. Bunny?" Bonnie turned to the voice, saw one of his coworkers and stared.
"Um. . .we have a little issue with the data, and we wanted to ask for your. . .help." Bonnie glances at the time, he's already making Freddy wait 30 minutes, he doesn't want to waste any more time. Before Bonnie could give an answer, more of his coworkers came to ask for help, and had no choice, but to help.
After helping, he was hurrying back to his desk to turn in the work, however, when he turned the corner, something fell on top of him, soaking his top half, and a voice, "Oh s***! You okay!?" Bonnie shakes his head, then looks around at what poured on top of him. It was just water, thankfully, but now, had to clean up. He sees a janitor, apologizing to him, though Bonnie just walks away & into the restroom.
Finally, back at his desk. He had to change his top clothes, but he only had a spare jacket, so he's only wearing a jacket for his top now. Bonnie was about to turn in the work, but the boss comes up to him, "Bonnie! Thank god, you're still here." Bonnie slowly turns his head to the boss, having a BAD feeling.
"The client called & they changed their mind again. They want to keep the first edit, so if you already applied the new edits, revert it back." Bonnie's ear twitches a bit, he glances at the clock, it's already past 7pm. . .
Another 30 minutes passed. . .and Bonnie finally clocked out, running past everyone & everything, till he gets to his car & hurries to drive to Freddy's restaurant. Although, when bad luck comes after bad luck, it usually comes with ANOTHER bad luck. . .TRAFFIC. Bonnie was tapping his finger impatiently against the steering wheel. . .he was frustrated. . .panicking. . .worried. . .then he reaches into the glovebox, finding a photo of Freddy he secretly took. Freddy, always smiling, kind, considerate, passionate, handsome, talented, sweet, and a whole lot of praises & compliments comes to Bonnie's mind. . .
"I. . .love him. . ." Bonnie mumbles to himself. Finally, Bonnie reaches his destination, and rushes in, "FREDDY!"
There were still some customers in the restaurant, Bonnie's shout startled them. Bonnie looks around for Freddy, concerns run through his mind, (Is he mad? Where is he? I should've called him. I need to apologize. I need to see him. Please. . .) Suddenly, Freddy walks out from the kitchen, and smiles, spotting Bonnie. Bonnie runs up to Freddy, "Freddy!"
"Hello, Bonnie. Are you oka-"
"I'M SO SORRY! I forgot to call you! I-I had a s*** ton of work dumped on me! The client was so selfish, and I had to edit, then fix it, like back & forth, my coworkers needed my help, a water splashed on me, and-and, I-"
"BONNIE." Freddy says, and Bonnie cuts off, he looks at Freddy nervously, his heart pounding, worried. . .but Freddy was just smiling, "Calm down, Bonnie, the plan did not change."
"'P-Plan'?" Bonnie asks, then Freddy brings a plate with a metal cover on top, he holds it towards Bonnie.
"This is. . .t-the surprise?" Bonnie asks.
"Open & find out~." Freddy says, his smiles had a little mischief~. Bonnie nervously lifts the cover, revealing the meal. . .Bonnie's eyes widens as he sees a gorgeous meal, with sauces showing words. . .'Boyfriend?' Bonnie looked at Freddy, blushing, Freddy was blushing as well.
"Freddy. . ."
"Bonnie, you are the light of my life~. I never felt this way, not even to my ex-girlfriend. You are special, and. . .I. . .love you, Bonnie." Freddy says, making Bonnie turn bright red in the face, and Freddy takes a deep breath, then asks THE QUESTION. . . "Will you. . .be my boyfriend?"
"YES!" Bonnie replies, hugging Freddy. Freddy carefully hugs Bonnie back, while balancing the meal with one hand.
"Bonnie. . .r-really?"
"I. . .I love you too, Freddy~! I really do! You're amazing, kind, talented, handsome, and-"
"Bonnie~." Freddy & Bonnie stare at each other, then Freddy gently wipes the tears off Bonnie's cheek. Bonnie had tears of joy, and he didn't notice.
"S-Sorry, I. . .I was stressed a bit, and. . ." Bonnie trails off as Freddy caresses Bonnie's cheek, "Bonnie~. . ."
"Freddy~. . ." They slowly lean in, closing their eyes as their lips connect~, sharing a kiss~.
"Mmm~. . ." They moan a bit in the kiss~.
Some customers go 'awww~'. Freddy & Bonnie part, blushing & smiling, and Freddy says, "Will my boyfriend have a taste of my new recipe~?" Bonnie smiles happily, replying, "I would love to taste my boyfriend's new recipe~." The new boyfriends enjoy a dinner date~, having sweet dessert as well~.
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