Chapter 12.1: Sharp Critic
3rd Person P.O.V:
Bonnie & Foxy are now down at the café nearby to talk about business, "So, ya know me already, right?"
"Yea, a food critic." Bonnie answers.
"So, I'll cut basic introduction, and to the point. I am here to visit a restaurant and give a review."
"'Fazbear's Mélodie', right?"
"Ya know that as well?"
"Of course, it's the best & only restaurant." Bonnie says with confidence.
"Well, a famous one. I usually review in article style, but this time, I am going to do a video style."
"'Video style'?"
"Ye, reading words, articles are ol' fashion, even though I prefer it. The company wanted to change it this time, and so, I need an editor to put my voice & the footage together."
"Huh. . .interesting. Well, I'll gladly accept your request."
"Of course, especially since it's my boyfriend's restaurant~."
"Yup, Freddy Fazbear~, the head chef & owner of 'Fazbear's Mélodie'~. Well, we're engaged, so he's my soon-to-be husband~." Bonnie says, blushing, his ears wiggling in joy, thinking of Freddy~.
". . .I see. Well, hope ya don't get biased."
"Hey, there's no way you'd give him a bad review. His meals are the best in the world~!"
"Alright, high expectations are set~. Also, congrats on your engagement. How long have you two been engaged?" Foxy asks, trying to make a friendly conversation to know Bonnie & get some info on Freddy.
"Few days ago."
"Wow, that's recent~. How long have you two been dating?"
"About 2 weeks & a half."
". . .'2 weeks & a half'?"
"You heard me."
". . .And you two are engaged?"
". . .Isn't that too fast?" Foxy asks, concerned. Bonnie's eyes turn dead, taking a little offense from Foxy's tone, "What do you mean?"
"How long have you two known each other for?"
"About a year."
". . .Who proposed?"
"Freddy. And what is this? Am I getting interrogated by a f***ing police?"
"No, it's not like that. Just. . .concerned."
"What do you care? We just met."
". . .True, but. . .I know about Mr. Fazbear a lil." Bonnie slams his hands on the table, "The h*** you mean!?"
"I have my source, trustworthy one. I didn't mean to offend."
"Those lamea** headlines call you 'golden tongue', but don't get f***ing carried away. That source must be wrong, and stop trying to care, all you care is about criticizing hard working restaurants & chefs!"
". . .Calm down, mate. I didn't mean to offend." Bonnie crosses his arms, and Foxy says, "I overstepped. I am engaged as well, and compared mine to yars is all. How fast ya two made progress."
". . .To me, everyone else is weird. Freddy is great, and he means the world to me. Probably you don't understand."
"No, I understand. My fiancée means the world to me. Anyway, since you accepted the job, I am looking forward to your work." Foxy reaches his hand out for a handshake.
". . .Alright. Sorry for yelling."
"It's alright."
Bonnie takes Foxy's hand, and the two handshakes. Soon, they hear footsteps coming, followed by a voice, "Foxy?" The two boys turn to the voice, then sees a female, white chicken animatronic.
"Chica~!" Foxy hugs Chica, who blushes & hugs back. They share a quick kiss, then Chica asks, "Things going well?"
"Ye~, this fella accepted the job. Bonnie, meet my fiancée, Chica~. She's a beauty, ain't she~?"
"F-Foxy~!" Chica says embarrassed.
". . .No." Bonnie replies.
"Haha, cause yar gay, my bad." Foxy giggles.
"Um, hello, my name is Chica, and you are?" Chica asks, politely.
". . .Bonnie Bunny, an editor." Bonnie introduces himself.
"Nice to meet you." Chica smiles, however. . .she stares at Bonnie, ". . .You remind me of someone."
". . .Wonder who." Bonnie says, rolling his eyes.
"Oh! Foxy, um. . ."
"What's wrong, bae?"
"Are you. . .really going to. . .that restaurant?" Chica asks, which ticked Bonnie off, calling his boyfriend, soon-to-be-husband's restaurant, 'THAT restaurant'. Foxy immediately noticing Bonnie's dead looking eyes on Chica, he pulls Chica aside a bit, and whispers, "Ye, it's my job, Chica."
"But. . .the chef is. . .you know. . ." Chica frowns, shivers a bit, and Foxy wraps his arm around her arm, "Ay, matey, don't ya worry. I can take care of myself, it's just a lil dinner."
"I. . ." Chica trails off, and Foxy kisses her cheek, "Chica. . .ya really don't have to come if ya don't want to."
". . .No, I'll go. I want to make sure you're safe."
"Haha, love ya, matey~."
"I love you too~."
Bonnie sipping on his drink, and the two takes a seat across him, then Foxy says, "Sorry, we had to talk a bit."
"It's fine, and so. . .is she helping out as well?" Bonnie asks.
"Yes, we are going to work together on this project." Chica says.
"Hmm. . .well, can you tell me more detail? Any specific requests for the video, how long it's going to be, deadlines, etc."
"Ye, we have them listed." Foxy says, and shows a list to Bonnie, who takes a look at it.
"Hmm. . .doable. Just need to check the footage & recording, when will those be ready?"
"Hopefully tomorrow noon, IF nothing goes wrong."
"Tomorrow noon, got it." Bonnie takes out a little notebook and writes it down.
"We will take the footage tomorrow, from there, we will have interviews & lunch." Foxy says, and Bonnie writes it down.
"Do I need to be there when taking footage?" Bonnie asks.
"Ya do not have to, but ya can." Foxy answers.
"Hmm. . ." Bonnie's ears wiggles, "I'll be there, so it'll be easier when I get the footage."
"Well then, here's the schedule just in case." Chica says, handing a schedule to Bonnie, and he looks at it. The three talk a bit more, Bonnie getting more information & detail.
Time passes by, and it is time for Bonnie to go home. Bonnie hurries home, he couldn't keep his excitement. Once home, he walks in, "Freddy~! I'm home~!"
"Welcome back, Bonnie~. You sound excited~." Freddy greets Bonnie home.
"Listen, listen~! I'm gonna be at your restaurant tomorrow~!"
"Oh? Well then, I shall prepare a special meal for you~."
"Yay~! But I'm going there for work, I didn't have to, but you know. . .I wanted to stay with you~." Bonnie says, blushing.
"Aww~, Bonnie~. I cannot wait for tomorrow then~. I will be motivated, having you near me~. Oh. . .but tomorrow, I might be busy with filming."
"THAT! I actually got a client, the stupid food critic, Foxy! He's my client, and that's why I'll be at your restaurant~!"
"Oh. . .I see, he's the client for you. . ."
"Yea, and well, there are benefits~."
"Really? Well, let us get you changed & have dinner, so we can talk more about it."
After Bonnie changed, the two have dinner together, and Bonnie says, "So, if that fox says some insults about your cooking, I can edit it out & change it."
"Pfft! B-Bonnie! You can get fired doing that!"
"I don't care, I would not let anyone insult you, your cooking skills, nor your restaurant! Though, you did help me get the job. . .well, I can always work at your restaurant as a waiter, though. . .I might not be good at it."
"Bonnie~. . ."
"Also, that stupid food critic is criticizing people way too much! I told him about our relationship, since he's gonna review your restaurant, probably wanting info, and he had the AUDACITY to judge our relationship! We are in love! Doesn't matter how long or fast we get married! A year was too long! I'm happy at where we're at~, can't wait to marry the world's best animatronic~.
"Oh Bonnie~. . .you are just the sweetest~."
"All for you to taste~, hehe~." Bonnie giggles, blushing, his ears wiggle in joy~.
"You are my favorite, Bonnie~. I cannot wait to make you all mine~." Freddy says with a gentle smile~, with desire in his eyes~, making Bonnie blush more~.
"A-And so, we'll be able to be together tomorrow~. You might be busy, but you know. . .I get to watch you~, and that's enough~."
"Watching is not enough~, I want you to touch me, and talk to me~."
"Freddy~! Let's do that a lot tonight!"
"With pleasure~." The two lovers giggle, having a lovely conversation~.
"About the wedding, I want to invite Cassie, will that be okay?"
"Of course, Bonnie. How is she doing?"
"When I went to give your cookies to her, she was really happy, and was doing good. I'm gonna go see her tomorrow after work, let's go together! She wanted to see you too, she was happy for us being engaged too, remember?"
"I would love to go see her. Bonnie, thank you for looking after her."
"Haha, why are you thanking me? It's just something I'm doing on my own. Plus. . .it's a good practice."
"'Practice'?" Freddy asks, obliviously, and Bonnie blushes, "You know. . .for. . .future."
Freddy blushes, "Oh. . .well. . .it IS a good practice then~." Bonnie pulls his ears to cover his blushed face, and Freddy giggles, "Bonnie~, I cannot see your pretty face if you do that~."
"I LOVE YOU~." Bonnie says, blushing hard.
"I love you too~."
Deep at night, Freddy woke up & slipped out of bed & the bedroom, working on something at the dining table.
"So, you called me to help out with this?" M.X.E.S asks.
"I apologize for the sudden call, M.X.E.S." Freddy says, using a little screwdriver, working on something, a small device.
"It's fine. You're preparing it for someone huh?"
"Yes. . .I am re-shackled by my past. . .now is the perfect time to get rid of it once & for all. First. . .the OBSTACLE."
"That obstacle is getting close to Bonnie, huh?"
"Yes. . .and I must protect him."
"Understood." M.X.E.S says.
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