Chapter 11: Engagement~
3rd Person P.O.V:
Freddy blushing, his tail wags, and asks, "R-Really?"
"Yes. . .yes. . .YES, YES, YES! F*** YES! I'LL MARRY YOU!" Bonnie says & hugs onto Freddy, Freddy hugs Bonnie back immediately, tearing up.
"Oh Bonnie~. . .Bonnie~. . .BONNIE~! I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH~!" Freddy says, hugging Bonnie tight.
"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, FREDDY~!" Bonnie says, the two share a passionate kiss~. They part, kiss again, repeat again & again, making out, embracing each other~. They two finally part, breathless~, then Freddy says, "You already made me the happiest animatronic alive~."
Bonnie blushes, "And you made ME the happiest animatronic ever~. You're going to be my husband~. . .we're gonna get married~."
"Yes, we are, Bonnie~. I. . .I really cannot believe you said 'yes'."
"What~? Were you expecting me to say 'no'~?"
"I was nervous that you might say no."
"I'd never, Freddy~. I want to belong to you~, and have you belong to me~."
"Oh Bonnie~." Freddy pulls Bonnie into another kiss, Bonnie kisses back~.
Freddy slipped the ring on Bonnie's finger, which fit perfectly~, Bonnie had heart in his eyes~, loving it, so did Freddy~. The boyfriends are now engaged~, they enjoy the dinner, talking about their wedding & the future they look forward to~.
"Let's plan the wedding together~, have a peaceful wedding~." Bonnie says.
"I would love that, Bonnie~. It does not have to be a big wedding, just peaceful & have the space for us~." Freddy says.
"Yes~! Oh, we just got engaged, and I already can't wait to marry you~!"
"I feel exactly the same, Bonnie~. I want to marry you already~. It may take a bit to plan & set up the wedding, but. . .our heart is set to marry~."
"Freddy~, let's make love tonight~."
"Of course, my love~.
The two giggles, enjoying their dinner & conversation. After dinner, they cuddle on the couch, watches a movie or something, but they were focused on each other more than the movie.
"This ring looks beautiful, and a little heavy."
"It is a real ruby, Bonnie~. I wanted the best for you~."
"R-Really? Wow. . .w-wasn't it expensive? Y-You didn't have to-"
"Do not worry about how expensive it is. You are worth more, this is nothing~."
"F-Freddy~!" Bonnie hugs Freddy, who hugs back.
"Can I ask why it's ruby?"
"Because of your eyes~, they're red & elegant like rubies are~. Shining & full of love~, I can stare at them all day long~."
"Freddy~. . .I love you~." Bonnie kisses Freddy, who kisses back~, the two are deeply in love~.
Deeper into the night, they moved to the bed, making out~. "Bonnie~. . ." "Freddy~. . ." The two moans each other's name~, then Bonnie giggles.
"Is something funny?" Freddy asks.
"Hehe, it's just. . .I'm really happy~. Having you as my boyfriend was like a dream, now, you're going to be my husband~. It feels like a deep dream~."
"Haha, nothing is a dream, Bonnie. This is real, and we are going to be together. . .you & me. . .forever~."
"And ever~." They share a passionate kiss~, then slowly move to love making~. They feel each other's love, more than before, can tell how much they desire for each other~. Gentle, yet passionate~. Freddy gently holding Bonnie's waists as he gives love~, Bonnie moans in pleasure, moaning Freddy's name~. Both having hearts in their eyes~, they make love for hours~, making a mess, but didn't care, they held each other close, interlocking their fingers, holding hands, keeping each other close, kissing again & again~. They do not remember when they passed out, however, remembers how loving & fantastic their love making went~.
Few days later, at Bonnie's workplace, he was in a very good mood, ever since the night of proposal~. His coworkers are, like always, creeped out a little about his behavior, though curious why Bonnie was in such a good mood.
"Go ask him." "Why me!?" "I don't want to talk to him, you're a newbie, you should talk to him." "I-I'm kinda scared of him, ever since the first day I met him!" "He's in a good mood right now." "That's not the point! Go ask him yourself then!" "No way, I am not going to bother him." "That's so unfair!"
Bonnie's ears wiggled while he worked. Bonnie & Freddy has been talking about their wedding, it's going smooth~, they had same taste, ideas, and liking each other's image of their wedding. No argument nor discussion to be held~, truly the healthiest couple~.
"You've been happy lately, Bonnie." Fredbear says.
"Hehe~, you think so~?"
"So~, when's the wedding?"
"Well~, we're still deciding~, and I promised you, I'll invite you~."
"You better, bestie~. Who else is coming?"
"M.X.E.S of course, he's Freddy's best friend. And I was going to invite Cassie."
"Yea, she is a friend to me, plus she'll probably bring Helpy."
"I see. Well, I'm looking forward to it. Let me know if you need help, Bonnie."
"Thank you, Fredbear~."
Suddenly, Bonnie gets a call from the boss, and goes to see the boss in the office. Bonnie knocks on the door, and enters, "Hello boss."
"Bonnie, you have a new client." Boss says, and Bonnie walks up to the client, who stood up & turned to him.
"Meet your new client, Foxy Pirate." The boss introduces the red fox animatronic, Foxy, to Bonnie.
Foxy bows a bit toward Bonnie, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Bunny."
"Oh. . .I've seen you before." Bonnie says, and thinks about it.
[Bonnie & Freddy were going to have a cuddle session, Bonnie made drinks for the two of them, Bonnie walks up to Freddy, who was on the couch, using a laptop. Bonnie sets the drinks on the coffee table, and sits next to Freddy, "What are you looking at?"
"Oh, I was looking up someone."
". . .That you're a fan of?"
"Haha, no, no. It's just a food critic, and I'm only a fan of YOU~." Freddy kisses Bonnie's cheek, Bonnie soon blushes~, then asks, "Aww~, I'm a fan of you too~. So. . .a food critic?"
"Yes, I was informed that a food critic will come to my restaurant." Freddy says, and Bonnie leans closer to Freddy, and looks at the laptop, "Huh. . .this red fox animatronic is the critic?"
"He is very famous, he reviewed many restaurants, gave them a five-star status. Sometimes, he gives harsh criticisms, but he pinpointed frauds."
"I see, but you already have 5-stars, there's no need for a food critic to come to review."
"Well, he never came to my restaurant, so I guess, as a critic, he wants to make sure my restaurant is worthy of a 5-stars status."
"Who does this a****** think he is!? You & your restaurant is worth 7 stars at least! I swear to god, if this motherf***** writes lies or bad stuff about my soon-to-be-husband, I'm gonna drown him in the depth of the ocean!"
"Hahaha, oh Bonnie~. Calm down, my love~. Also, swears."
"Sorry, I can't help it. Let me see." Freddy moves the laptop towards Bonnie, so Bonnie can see better.
"Let's see. . .'Foxy Pirate, the famous food critic, has once again revealed a restaurant which scammed the customers by using false ingredients'. . .'The restaurant reviewed by Foxy turned successful, worthy of being a 5-star restaurant. Foxy has a golden tongue to reveal the true taste of any meal in the world'. These seems overexaggerating."
"But it is true that the restaurants reviewed by him are successful."
"Hmm. . ." Bonnie scrolls down the page, clicks stuff about Foxy, "Oh. . .this guy is engaged too."
"Is he?"
"Yea. 'The famous, golden tongue critic, Foxy Pirate has an engagement with one of the well-known culinary artists, Chica Chicken. The fire of love between the two cooks up a true art for culinary'. . .Okay, who the f*** wrote these headlines? I can do much better." Bonnie looks at Freddy, who just stared at the screen.
"Freddy?" Bonnie asks, Freddy soon snaps out, and looks at Bonnie, "I apologize, I got a little distracted reading."
Bonnie pouts, then kisses Freddy, who blushes, Bonnie pulls away, "Okay, Mr. Teddy Bear, no more reading stupid articles of a stupid critic. Let's cuddle & watch something."
"As you wish, my darling bunny~." Freddy says, smiling, Bonnie smiles as well, puts the laptop away, then the two cuddle, watching a show~.]
". . .You're the stupid food critic." Bonnie says.
"BONNIE!" The boss yells at Bonnie.
"Hahaha, what a funny fella~. Very bold too~. Tiz a pleasure that ya know me~."
"Who wrote those stupid headlines of the articles about you?"
"Oh that. . .well. . .thaz what I came to request."
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