disclaimer 🌶️🌶️🌶️ !!
"The jury were debating for maybe, 2 minutes? We barely had time to grab a drink before court was back in session and they were sending that guy down for life, all thanks to Sasha."
Tony turned his head to look at Sasha, admiration and pride pooling in his dark eyes beneath the dimmed light of an overpriced restaurant in Manhattan.
She stayed looking across the table at Ryan Taylor as he recalled the story, a humble happiness radiating from a shy smile, her cheeks red with embarrassment at the praise.
"God, isn't she incredible? Finest lawyer New York City's ever had, at least in our lifetime."
Sasha glanced at Tony then, feeling his hand squeeze her thigh beneath the table. She smiled at him, her heart swelling whenever he complemented her on her work. She placed a hand on top of his, wrapping her fingers around his knuckles that gave him an instant comfort.
"Damn right she is, the firm's win rate would way lower without you, Sasha."
Relishing in praise had always been fulfilling to Sasha, though she was equally adverse to receiving it. She wasn't one to know how to act when she was paid a complement, and that hadn't changed over the years as she began to hear them more and more.
"Ryan talks about you all the time," Vanessa Taylor said, "You sure do make his life a lot easier at work."
"I'd be nothing if it wasn't for Ryan's mentoring, he's taught me so much over these years."
"Come on Sasha, stop being so humble for once, you know this is in your blood, you've been a natural from the beginning."
Ryan nodded at her with knowing eyes and a smile, tipping his wine glass in her direction before taking a sip. Sasha just chuckled, shaking her head once.
"I'll bet," Tony smirked, pulling off his blue-lenses glasses with one hand while his other remained on his fiancée's thigh, "Always gets what she wants, no point arguing."
The way Tony was unapologetically head over heels in love with Sasha, and had no problem letting the world know, was enough to make even the coldest of hearts melt. He was confident in his love for her and comfortable enough to make himself vulnerable by declaring it, always having a hand touching her or stealing a kiss whenever the opportunity presented itself, and if it didn't, Tony would do it anyway.
There wasn't a better feeling on earth to Tony than being able to love Sasha unconditionally, and seeing the way her cheeks would blush pink and her eyes would glow tenderly at his touch or a soft kiss only willed him stronger, wanting to give her that sensation for the rest of his life just so he could see her smile.
"As much as I love all of this, my ego doesn't need feeding any more, trust me," Sasha laughed quietly and picked up her glass of white wine, "Tonight is to celebrate both of us, together, right?"
Glancing around the table, the light caught the ring on Sasha's finger as she took a sip from the glass. Tony watched, feeling complete for this first time in his life as he looked at Sasha with the engagement ring shining on her left hand, knowing that she was all for him, forever. There was nothing else in the world he could wish for.
"Right," Ryan said, "A toast, to the happy couple. Congratulations on your engagement, and to what I imagine will be the best wedding the world has ever seen."
All four of them raised their glasses in the centre of the tables and clinked them together, Tony pressing his lips to Sasha's cheek before taking a sip of his wine, that same pale pink returning to her skin at the action.
The couples conversed over a three course meal and several bottles of expensive wine, followed by an after dinner round of cocktails in the bar area of the restaurant. Tony and Ryan fought over footing the bill, though Ryan had already flashed his Platinum AMEX before Tony had chance to reach for his wallet.
Neither Sasha or Tony had ever been on a double date, but both of them had enjoyed their evening out far more than they'd expected to. There was something about going out together with another couple that made their relationship seem real, and not that it hadn't felt that way before, but it had felt like they'd kept their love to themselves for the longest time, finally sharing it with the other people in their lives.
They bid goodbye to Ryan and Vanessa at just shy of two AM, slurred farewells and tight hugs were exchanged between them all before they headed in separate directions into the cold mid-December air of the city.
Snow had yet to fall but the sidewalks were covered in frost by the early hours of the morning, making Sasha cling to Tony's arm with all the strength she had left after consuming far too much alcohol as they walked down the street in search of a cab.
Sasha was stumbling over her Louboutins with a childish giggle as Tony tried to keep her on her feet, though he too found it hard to keep his balance skating over black ice that had frosted the ground. He wasn't sure how she hadn't gotten frostbite from the subzero winds that must've surely been biting at her bare legs, a black cocktail dress barely reaching halfway down her thighs. Her fur coat covered her arms and while Tony's hands were turning white from the cold, hers were happily swinging a black leather mini Kelly with gold hardware without a care in the world.
"So," Tony cleared his throat after hailing cab, opening the door for her and sliding into the backseat after she'd jumped in, "My place or yours?"
The way Sasha's eyes changed from sleepily drunk to intoxicatingly seductive in a flash caught Tony off guard. Her coat was falling off one shoulder, showing a glimpse of bronzed collarbone as she leant across the seat and grabbed hold of the collar of his black overcoat, her lips tickling the skin of his neck.
"I don't care," she whispered, her teeth gently grazing his ear, forcing him to swallow hard.
"57th Street please Sir, there's an extra twenty in it for you if you can get us there in less than ten minutes."
Tony couldn't begin to count the amount of times he and Sasha had slept together. Sober drunk, morning, evening, happy, angry, they'd ended up making love in every emotion, in every situation, though Tony knew he'd never seen Sasha with as much lust in her eyes before as she had in the back of that cab.
She was usually the shyer one of the two, blushing at Tony touching her and falling silent at the things he'd whisper in her ear while they had sex, being able to respond with nothing but a kiss.
That time, however, Tony felt like he was on the back burner. Sasha was in control and the way her perfectly manicured French nails cut across his jawline made it almost impossible for him to stop himself from grabbing her and pulling her onto his lap right then and there, but somehow, he found the restraint he needed.
He practically threw forty dollars at the cab driver when he pulled up outside Sasha's apartment building, jumping out of the car and offering his hand to Sasha to help her out.
"My lipgloss!" She called out, pouting as the cab disappeared down the street, her hand inside Tony's who was eagerly pulling her towards the warm glow of her building.
"I'll buy you a new one, I'll buy you the whole goddamn store if you hurry up."
Sasha yanked on Tony's hand as he tried to walk inside, forcing him to keep his feet firmly planted on the sidewalk. He turned to look back at Sasha who was staring at him with a playful smile on her lips, mischief sparkling in her eyes under the glow of a full Manhattan moon.
"What's the rush? Why do you want to get inside so bad, hm?"
Tony wasn't sure whether it was the different brand of wine that she'd drank that night, but the way Sasha was painfully flirting with him in a way she never had before was almost making him fall to his knees, desperate to get her inside and do anything and everything to her.
She looked at him through her black lashes, cherry red lips driving his thoughts wild as he traced his eyes from the infamous soles of her shoes across her legs and her chest, the feeling of hunger and want only growing hotter the longer he looked without being able to touch.
With a strong pull, Tony grabbed Sasha's waist and held her body against his, his lips by her ear the same way hers had been in the cab.
"I want to get inside so bad," he said, his voice low and rough, "So I can fuck you so hard you forget your own name, sweetheart."
Sasha pulled away from him and walked up the stairs in front of her building, smiling effortlessly at the doorman who greeted her with a charming 'good evening', the intoxicated state she'd been in for half the night seemingly disappearing in an instant.
Tony was left chasing shortly behind her, thanking the doorman as he passed by and saying hello to the security guard who headed up Sasha's protection, though he knew by then who Tony was and didn't make any effort to stop the man who was climbing a stairway to his own personal heaven by following Sasha through the lobby towards the elevator.
Her heels were loud on the marble floors and as she reached the elevator, Tony managed to catch up with her when she began rummaging around in her purse in search of the key card.
"Give me that," he mumbled, pulling open her purse and retrieving the key card in an instant before swiping it once, grabbing Sasha by the hand and dragging her into the elevator as soon as the doors opened.
Tony kissed her hard, pulling away for one split second to hit the right button before closing his eyes and kissing her again, pushing her up against the mirrored walls and lifting her body so it was perched on the brass railing, their bodies as close as they possibly could be in that moment.
Sasha was grinning as she kissed Tony, almost laughing at the way he was so achingly desperate to get her back home all to himself. It made her feel good about herself to be so desired by someone, especially by Tony. She knew about his past and about the supermodels and actresses he'd slept with, but to see him on the edge of losing his mind at the idea of being able to sleep with her made her feel like the most powerful force in the world.
And to Tony, that's exactly what she was.
She broke the kiss once they reached her floor, strutting out of the elevator with her fur coat now hanging off both her shoulders, trailing on the floor by her feet as her dark hair cascaded in loose waves down her back.
Tony followed her with a clenched jaw and even tighter fists, trying his best to calm his heart rate despite feeling it only increasing with each step.
Sasha unlocked her door and walked inside, leaving it wide open for Tony to follow behind her. He kicked it closed with the heel of his shoe and flicked all three of the locks shut before slipping off his overcoat and throwing it over the back of the sofa.
Sasha was stood by the window, looking down at Central Park beneath her. The view always managed to make her feel relaxed, and for a moment she felt completely at peace, though the heavy footsteps from Tony approaching her quickly pulled her back into a lust-fuelled reality that she was more than happy to return to.
"You want a drink?" Sasha said as she turned around, smiling at Tony who was walking across the room towards her, hands in the pockets of his jeans.
He was wearing black dress shoes and a white cotton shirt, silver cuff links and a blue-faced Rolex that matched the glasses tucked into the front pocket of a fitted black blazer. His hair was slicked back and his stubble a little grown out, rugged and enticing to Sasha in the best way possible.
"No," he said as he reached her, tugging on the fur coat that was sat at her forearms, finally pulling it from her body before throwing it onto the sofa beside his own, "I don't."
Tony was often laughing or smiling, at least around Sasha, though there was something intriguing about seeing him completely straight-faced. She felt breathless as he grabbed her by the waist with one hand and dug the other into the roots of her hair, not so much as even breaking into a smirk before kissing her passionately, no room to breathe between the two of them.
He tugged on the ends of the bow that tied up the neck of Sasha's dress before pulling the zip at her waist, taking a step back to admire her as the dress fell to the floor, leaving her stood in the moonlight above the rest of the world in a pair of expensive high heels and a lace lingerie set in a shade of familiar Iron Man red.
She stepped out of the dress and gently kicked it to the side, a soft smirk on her lips as she lifted a leg to reach for her heels, only for Tony to stop her.
"No way," he said, shaking his head as his eyes danced across her body, his breathing weak at the sight before him, "You're keeping those on, but that's all you're keeping on."
In one swift motion, Tony spun her around by the waist to face the window, her hands pressed against the glass to steady herself while he kissed her neck, exhaling deeply at the sounds of her gentle moans.
His fingers made quick work of unhooking her bra, allowing her to shrug it from her body before his hands fell to her chest, teasing her with subtle brushes across her tender skin that made her shiver against him, his lips still kissing at her jaw.
It didn't take long for Sasha to fight back, turning around after breaking from his grasp. She wasted no time in unbuttoning his shirt, letting him throw his blazer onto the ground next to her dress.
After pulling their lips together with her hands on the sides of his open shirt, Sasha let her fingertips trace down his bare torso, stealing a quick glance down at the blue light on his chest, something that only ever turned her on even more every time they'd had sex.
She quickly unbuckled his leather belt and reached for the button on his jeans, only for him to grab his hands and pin them up behind her head against the window, her cold skin tensing up at the sensation of it meeting the icy glass.
"Not yet, honey," Tony grinned, winking at her once before dropping to his knees.
He traced kisses along the insides of her thighs while his hands rest on her hips, toying with the hem of her panties that sat above her waist. He was unable to help himself as he slipped a finger beneath the satin and lace, letting out a deep sigh at how wet she felt against him, his eyes narrowed in clenched pleasure and frustration of equal measure.
Tony teased her for an enduring moment before finally pulling down her panties, the sight of the red garment around her ankles being sexier to him than having nothing there at all.
He wasted no time in peppering kisses across the tops of her thighs, his lips lingering at the bottom of her stomach before finally meeting her core, his hands squeezing her hips once more at the way she tasted so sweet on his tongue, hearing her moaning his name and feeling her fingers claw through his dark hair only spurring him on more to draw pleasure from her.
"Tony," she gasped, almost in tears at the way his tongue felt against her sensitive skin, making her knees weak as she leant back against the window in her heels.
She clutched his wrist, grabbing his attention and forcing him to take a moment to look up at her from his knees. Her chest was rising and falling erratically and her lips were parted as she tried to catch her breath, her eyes dark and filled with desire, her hair scattered across her shoulders.
Tony felt as though he was looking up at an angel, never seeing anything as beautiful in his life as the was Sasha looked with her hands clinging to him, gazing into his eyes like she'd never wanted anything more in her life. She looked untouchable as she stood framed by the famous green seclusion of New York City, and to the rest of the world, she was. Luckily for Tony, he had her right where everybody else could only dream of having her.
He rose to his feet before placing a long kiss on her lips, the two of them melting into one another as Sasha finally undid Tony's jeans without interruption, leaving them sat undone on his hips, enjoying the way he looked flustered and rough with his shirt hanging from his shoulders and a thin silver chain around his neck that matched his cuff links.
Tony saw the way Sasha was devouring him with her eyes, smirking slyly before grabbing both her wrists and holding them behind her back, his other hand pushing two fingers inside of her that made her almost scream if his lips hadn't been there to silence her.
"Please," she moaned weakly, her eyes closed as Tony pulled back from their kiss to watch her writing on his fingers, growing harder himself at how desperate she was becoming.
"Please what? Use your words, baby."
Sasha swallowed, forcing her eyes open as she pushed her chest forward, her hands still behind held together at the base of her spine by Tony's strong grip.
As intolerable as it felt to need Tony that badly, Sasha loved being teased by him. She loved feeling vulnerable and tortured by having him so close to her, yet not quite there. Tony equally loved it, feeling euphoric at the way she'd crumble so easily at his touch and how a woman so powerful in her usual day to day life became submissive at no more than a wink or a rough kiss that drew the slightest amount of blood from her lips.
"Tell me what you want, Sasha."
Tony's voice was deep as he pressed his forehead against hers, his fingers still working her insides as he felt her legs begin to shake, withdrawing them before he took her too far too soon.
Sasha let out a gasp at the feeling of emptiness inside her, though unable to do anything about it with her hands still frustratingly restrained at her back.
With her eyes hazily open and her lips parted in desperation, Sasha looked up at Tony who evidently felt like a King at the way he'd reduced Sasha to a quivering wreck, a smirk on his lips and raised eyebrows that urged her to give him an answer.
"I want," she whispered weakly, "I want you to fuck me."
"Yeah? That's what you want?"
He finally let go of her hands and lifted her off the ground, her legs instinctively wrapping around him for support as she clung to his neck, her back pressed firmly up against the window.
She whimpered in agreement, kissing Tony's soft lips once more after feeling lost without doing so for longer than a few seconds, hating the way the world was without them being together in some way.
Tony kissed her back, feeling the warmth between their bodies as he pulled down his jeans and his boxers, leaving nothing between them but pure sexual tension that was driving both of them insane.
Unable to wait any longer, Tony slipped inside of her, both of them letting out a gasp at the fresh sensation that drew Sasha to arch her back, Tony's hand slipping around her waist to hold her while his other palm was flat against the window, fucking her wildly above the city.
Her moans were infectious and the way her nails clawed at the nape of his neck forced him to fuck her deeper and faster, slowly feeling himself fading away from the rest of the universe's consciousness as they both fell into their own world, not caring about anything else in that moment.
"Show me the ring," Tony panted as he continued to make love to her, their lips separating for room to breathe.
Sasha's face fell into a high smile as she pulled her left hand from his neck and held it in front of his face, Tony grinning at the sight of the ring on her finger. With his free hand, he quickly grabbed her knuckles and kissed them before placing it back against the window, knowing the way Sasha's legs were tightening around his waist meant she was close.
"Tony," Sasha whispered his name again, catching his eye as her hand fell back to his neck, her eyes narrowed in pleasure that was drawing from deep inside her, "I love you."
The words were all Tony needed to fuel him from 0-60, unable to slow himself down as he felt himself on the edge of a climax, though Sasha's moans told him that she was right there with him.
They finished within seconds of one another, Tony being sure Sasha had drawn blood on his shoulder blades from the force that her nails had dug into his skin with, though he couldn't have cared less about it if he tried.
"Fuck," Tony breathed, holding her against the window, still inside of her while he caught his breath.
Sasha was panting hard, her head tilted back against the glass with her eyes closed, her chest rising and falling slower then as she felt her soul return to her body, her hand falling comfortingly to his chest.
"Look at me," Tony said, feeling sweat fall from the ends of his hair down his temples and across his forehead.
Sasha did as she was told, looking down at him while placing a hand on his cheek, brushing her thumb across the thick stubble, a breathless smile on her lips.
"I love you, I love you so much. You do crazy things to me, you know that?"
She just laughed, a shyness returning to her face that hadn't been around all night.
"And seeing this," Tony said, grabbing her left hand and looking down at the ring, "Seeing this ring on your finger while I'm fucking you senseless, is the single hottest thing on Earth. You know how it feels to be fucking my future wife up against a window overlooking New York with a rock on her hand that costs more than half of Brooklyn, you know how insanely powerful that makes me feel?"
Sasha let out a breath as Tony finally set her back down on the ground. She placed a long kiss on his lips, both of them sharing the red shade of Chanel lipstick that she'd been wearing that evening.
"I'm glad I can boost your ego, Mr Stark."
Sasha laughed and began to walk over to the bar, Tony shaking his head in disbelief as she kicked away her underwear and strutted over to her collection of spirits in nothing but a pair of five inch Louboutins, wondering how the Hell he'd gotten so lucky.
"Nah," he said, pulling his jeans back up and following her over to the bar, "You are my ego. Everything that makes me feel proud, that makes me feel like I'm better than everyone else, is you. You are everything to me."
He took her by the hand just as she grabbed bottle of whiskey and pulled her back against him, smiling at her with tender eyes before kissing her once more.
"You certainly know how to charm me, Tony." Sasha smiled back at him, her arms around his neck with the bottle of Jack Daniels hanging loosely in her grip, feeling like she was living a dream in that moment.
"Course I do. Now put that bottle down," Tony spun her around and bent her over the kitchen counter, biting his lip as he leant back to look at her from behind, "I'm not done with you yet, sweetheart."
omf this is the longest chapter I've ever written but I'm not mad about it in the slightest lmao I hope you enjoyed reading this!!! I'm honestly flustered just by writing it I've never been so in love with anyone in my life
anyway thank you for reading, I really hope you're still enjoying this story, I'd love to know your thoughts on Sasha and her relationship with in the comments!! <3
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