Pink or Blue?
"We have everything set up to go live right when the reveal starts. It'll be two in the morning here but it will be live!" Karly said through my computer screen.
"You guys are really going to stay up until two over there?" I asked.
"She is. I'm going to take a nap during the day," Korra said.
"Can't sleep. Too excited," Karly said.
"Wait, how did you guys know that the reveal started at nine?" I asked.
Karly laughed. "You're really gonna act like I didn't look Opal and the rest of your friends up and contact them?"
"A-list stalker," Korra said.
"I'd rather refer to it as detective skills," Karly said.
"So you know what Opal planned?" I asked.
"Stop prying," Korra said.
I crossed my arms over my chest. "Fine."
"You'll see it later," Karly said.
"Well, you guys should probably get back to everyone," I said. "But before I sign off, any last guesses?"
"One of each! I'm really feeling one of each!" Karly said.
"What's your guess, Kimi?" Korra asked.
"I dunno. Some days I feel like it could go one way and then other days I feel like it'll be something else. But I feel like it's either two of the same, or there will be at least one girl. I don't know why, but Opal told me that her biological mom's name was Roslyn and I really started obsessing over girl names that start with R-O-S."
"Oh! Like what?" Karly asked, getting way too close to the screen. I was quiet. I didn't know if I should tell them or not. "You have one picked out, don't you?"
"You have to tell us!" Karly said, shaking her computer.
"Calm down. Don't pressure her," Korra said.
"I have to know!" Karly said.
"Don't tell anyone, okay?" I said.
"My lips are sealed," Karly said.
"Okay. I don't know if it's too old-timey or not," I said. "It's...Roselle."
"I don't think that's old-timey at all," Korra said.
"It's pretty! I like it," Karly said.
"Thanks. Just don't tell anyone!" I said.
"We won't," Karly whined.
"Okay. I gotta go have breakfast. I'm starving. I'll see you guys later," I said.
"See ya!" Karly said.
"Bye, sis," Korra said.
I signed off and then went to have breakfast. After that I just had some me-time. I did my nails and my toes, took a bubble bath, then played video games after lunch. I was determined to get to the bottom of the mines. I made it to level fifty, which was farther than I'd ever gotten before.
Right before dinner, Dad and I went grocery shopping. I picked up a couple frozen Hawiian pizzas and some chocolate. Pregnancy cravings were something else. Once we were home, I popped one of those bad boys in the oven for us. When it was done, I poured my little chocolate candies over it.
We sat down to watch Netflix together while eating. My dad had somehow never seen Squid Game. There were people literally being shot to death on the screen, but I think he was more horrified by my pizza monstrosity.
"You can't knock it until you try it," I said.
"I honestly don't think I'd ever want to try that, lass," he said.
"Why not? It's salty, fruity, and sweet all at the same time!"
"Your mum made some scary things when she was pregnant with you three. This really brings back memories," he said.
Soon, it was eight. Finally time to get ready for this thing. I turned off the tv, got the plates cleaned up, and went back to my room. It was a little chilly tonight, and I had a feeling we'd be outside. I put on the pink and blue leggings given to me specially for this occasion and just chose a sweatshirt to put over them
Once I grabbed my favorite wig, dad and I got in the car. He told me I had to cover my eyes so I couldn't see where we were going, but with such a short ride I had a pretty good guess that it would be the beach.
We parked the car and got out. The beach was lined with all my friends, their families, and a few other people we knew. Rick was grilling burgers, tiki torches were sporadically placed everywhere, and my favorite Taylor songs were blasting through someone's speaker.
I gave my three friends hugs when I saw them. My heart felt so full.
"I can't believe you guys planned all this!" I said.
"Me either!" said DJ.
Opal nudged him in the side. I knew her and Brayden did most of the party-planning.
"In all fairness, his parents did pay for us to have the beach for the night," Opal said.
"Oh. Are they actually here so I can thank them?" I asked DJ.
"Nah. They're hardcore church people who think teen pregnancy and sex before marriage is like, not cool. So, I told them I was using the money to finally buy a car," he said.
"But what are you gonna do when you go back to your house and your parents don't see a car?" Brayden asked.
"Easy. Gonna say it was aliens, and if that doesn't work, I'll say it had bad brakes and I accidentally drove it into the lake," he said.
"Oh, sure. If that worked for your snowmobile then I'm sure it'll work for the imaginary car," Brayden said. Opal and I looked at the both of them, completely perplexed. "In January, he found an ad for someone who was looking to trade one for an album of really fancy Pokemon cards."
"First edition!" DJ said.
"So we meet the guy, DJ gives him his snowmobile for this album," Brayden said.
"You traded a snowmobile for Pokemon cards?" Opal said.
"It had the first edition Charizard in it!" DJ said. "It's worth a hundred grand."
"If it's not a fake. You still haven't taken it to get looked at," Brayden said.
"Because where am I gonna find a Pokemon expert in the middle of the Adirondacks that isn't me?" DJ said.
I rolled my eyes, pulled my tripod out of my pocket, and got it set up in the sand. Karly's phone was already calling me. I answered, and she and Korra came on the screen. My friends and I all waved to them. My mom and relatives squeezed in in the background.
"Hello everyone, and thanks for coming!" I looked down on the dock and saw my dad. He had a microphone and a speaker. "As you all know, we're here to reveal the sex of my little Kimi's twins. And as someone with access to free fireworks, we figured this would be the best way to do it."
"Oh...wow," I said, feeling a little embarrassed. So much for doing something discrete.
My dad continued with his speech. "So Kimi, we just wanted to say that we all love you, and if we're ready we're going to get started with Baby A. If we could, let's all start a countdown. Ten!"
"Nine! Eight!" said the crowd. "Seven! Six!"
My friends and I all held hands. "Five! Four! Three! Two! One!"
The fireworks shot up from the dock, as well as a boat that was out on the water. When they blew up, the sky was filled with bright pink.
"It's a girl! It's a girl!" I yelled, jumping up and down with excitement. My eyes quickly welled up with tears. A little girl. I couldn't believe I was getting a little girl. My little Roselle. "I can't wait for the next one! The suspense is killing me!"
"Okay, so the first one is a girl! Let's see what Baby B is!" my dad said. "Everybody count down again!"
"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!" Let's go. "Six! Five! Four!" This is the longest ten seconds of my entire life. "Three! Two! One!"
The fireworks shot up into the sky, and when they exploded, I could not believe what I saw.
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