Chapter 8
As we tried to get me to a hospital I scanned the path we were taking and there! I saw it a blur of red,"Move!" I shot up and shoved him of the horse he fell but onto the next horse which started to run faster then before. I grabbed the rains as it bucked up,"Tough one you are!" Laughed a man riding his horse behind me. I flinched as the pain grew bigger in my chest I changed my path and galloped into the forest, little did I know it was a quicker way to YorkTown and I noticed the rest of my group. I gritted my teeth as I pulled the reins of my horse to a jolting stop it reared and I gripped the reins and stayed on the horse,"Damn!" I heard him shout as his horse toppled over and collapsed braking a one of his legs I smiled but gasped in pain and noticed the wound was getting worse,"Damn it." I whispered and looked at the horse and noticed Lafayette and everyone else looking for me, I quickly noticed that everyone was whispering and pointing at me,"Over here!" I shouted and waved even though it was painful,"We lost you!" I looked at the man behind me,"I'm not as important as this-"
"Nothing's more important than you!" Boomed one of the me.
After we left the hospital and I was patched up and had surgery, Lafayette never treated my the same he was always worried about me.
As I made my way threw the crowds to get to my tent,"Wanna test that pretty boy?" I turned my head to see a fight a man with black hair and red bangs with London eyes,"The duck?" I whispered and watched another man pure blind eyes and pure crystal like blue eyes,"N-n-no sire." The red banged one said looking quite fearful, will the other one pushed him,"Sure bout that?" He nodded frantically,"Don't lie!" He shoved him again Jared he nearly tripped over himself I quickly walked over to catch him,"Oi! What's going on here?" I had a slight scent from my fathers side when I say oi,"This little kids calling me stupid!"
"Well he sure is right as rain." I helped him up,"What did you just say? Little girl!"
"I'm actually probably older then 18 so shit the hell up. And my names (Y/N), and I'm a high ranking general so watch your mouth sir!"
"Hey listen here I'm 19 and my names Gold and I'm new here so for-" he punched me in the haw,"Ok mate wanna go there?" I sniffed and looked at the other kid,"So what's- (Y/N)!!" Lafayette looked at me with rage,"Heyo!" I said looking at the other blond,"Gold, Taylor!" He sounded quite irritated at me,"Why the hell are you fighting in your condition especially!"
"Oh shut up! I'm fine!" I smirked at him and he crossed his arms,"You gold!" Lafayette pointed st him and motioned for him,"
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