Chapter 5
I gasped for air as Angelica tightened my dress,"BE GENTLE WOMAN!"
"Oh quote your complaining!" I rolled my eyes,"Why can't I just wear my uniform?" I heard a knock on the door,"Yes father?" Washington was my father he adopted me after my parents died and my brothers needed parents surprising right never mentioned it because I don't want to,"No you can't so stop you complain!"
"I'll complain about this if I want to!" He laughed at me,"There done!" I gasped for and faced her I was in a blue dress,"Why blue?" I groaned,"I'm getting so tired
Of it." She placed her hands on her hips,"Ready?" I nodded at my father and followed him out and into the festival musical filled room and noticed a few men smiling at me,"Thank you my lady." I said to him and we laughed,"Have you seen-"
"Hello miss I'm Trystan." I looked at him he looked just like Lafayette but shorter hair and a beard like Hamilton,"Your quite a sight."
"EXCUSE ME?" I raised my face and pulled my hand away,"U think you've talked to me long enough." I made my way to Lafayette and he hugged me
I went to bed in the guest tent for the party since they thought it would be better then having to make the rooms . I was alone it was quiet and cold I shivered,"Ma amour?" I faced him with a droopy face,"You look cold?" I nodded and he sat next
To me he hugged me close to
Him and I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Lafs POV
She looked so peaceful sleeping there I was holding her and we were siting on the bed. I heard the boys walking in they sounded slightly Tipsy,"She was a light fine woman don't you a-" I shushed them and they nodded seeing (Y/N) the tent fit ten people so there were for others who we hadn't met up with yet. After awhile of talking (Y/N) was panting heavily and shaking I looked at her and her once peacefully face was full of fear before I even shook her awake she popped up,"Ma amour?" She looked around panting and wide eyes everyone stared at her.
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