chapter 3
As soon as I made it back to camp I noticed that Washington was looking at me I was still mad so I ignored him when he called for me, I was raised like this even though I was caring I didn't know how to act in some situations for I had never had to deal with it before. Washington screamed my name and I stopped in my tracks and faced him,"What the hells up with you!" I narrowed my eyes at him and didn't talk we just glared into each other's eyes for a very long time,"You're afraid." he finally said,"What?" "You're afraid to die like your parents and brother did, you don't want your other three siblings to live a life without you, you're scared that if you die you'll be forgotten." I was shocked but I kept my mouth shut,"Well listen here it's war and everyone's afraid to die." "Would you want to be torched?" "What?" "Beaten to death?" "What are you sa-" "Hung gasping." "Tell me what your-" "No one wants to die from something they never did. torched because you were practicing different languages? or beaten because you didn't go to church or didn't like churches! What about my brother hung because he was seen talking to me he was the only one who knew I was alive!" "DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE!" "Well I guess i'm just your problem! Am I just like any other person, i'm sorry that I even I exist!" I had raised my voice that a few men noticed me I moved back and have him and frown,"I'm sorry." I walked away and didn't stop for nothing I didn't care anymore,"I'm sorry general for not being able to understand you or anyone else. Living with six people never getting sick doing everything not understanding anyone, maybe I should have been, hung, or torched, or beaten." I was in the bar talking quietly to myself and apparently Alexander was behind me to ask me to join him,"After all those years I never thought I'd lose to you..." I looked to the man sitting next to me with peer black hair and dark purple eyes he smiled and looked at me,"It's over isn't it? You've won and i've lost. It's over isn't it? You won...and they're gone.." He patted my back,"Hey at least your alive?" I looked at him with a heart wanting to kill him,"Well mate you won't be alive soon." He looked shocked at me as I looked at him with my blue eyes,"May god help your lonely soul.." I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him and stood up and left,"HOW DARE YOU!" "NO how dare you!" I smiled,"We had a deal!" "No you had a deal with Raven not me." I had a huge grin on my face and he was shocked,"She's got purple hair and green eyes, I've got one light blue eye and one dark blue eye and blue hair." He smashed his glass on the bar and held a sharp handle in his hand,"HOW DARE YOU!!" He charged straight at me I didn't move I let him stab me,"How dare you lie to me.." He had missed me completely. I dodged him and he collapsed I heard the bartender get irritated so I decided to sprint away until I made it back to the camp
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