1 - Welcome to Fiore
---Marinette's POV---
I can't believe that I am in another country! I am so excited to see all of Fiore. I just hope that no one here needs Ladybug. I am hoping that this trip is a break from saving the world. And even if it needed help, I wouldn't be able to do much without Chat Noir. I hear that this country is magical, but I want to see for myself the magic of Fiore.
This is my first time leaving Paris in my whole life. I don't know much about this outside world, all that I know is that I don't have to worry because I am with my friends.
"What was that?" I shout as the train comes to a stop at a station.
"I don't know but I want to get off the train so I can film it," Alya said as she almost jumps out of her seat.
"Alya wait! We can't go out there. We don't have the Ladybug and Chat Noir here to save us if we are in trouble." Nino said while grabbing her wrist to stop her.
"But I really want to at least see what it is," Alya begs Nino to let her go.
"I need to use the restroom." I make an excuse to go see what the boom was about.
Once I was in the bathroom I transform. "Tikki, Spots On!" I leap out of the train station unnoticed. But little did I know a little kitty was following me.
"Hello, M'Lady. Fancy seeing you here." The black cat purred, as we jumped over one of the buildings.
"Nevermind the pleasantries we need to see what caused all this commotion," I say as we finally reached a wall of fire.
"LUCKY CHARM!" I say as I throw my yoyo into the air. A picture of a man with pink hair was what fell into my hands. "What am I suppose to do with this?"
"Maybe we have to find that person?" Chat chimed in.
"You may be right," I say surprised that he might have a brain after all.
We look around for someone with pink hair but all we see is a girl with blonde hair holding what looked like a house key. We go down to ask her if she knows where we could find the man with pink hair. As we jump down she looks scared and points her key at us.
"Who the hell are you?" She screams at us. I realize that no-one in Fiore knows who Ladybug and Chat Noir are.
"We are superheroes who are trying to save the town. Do you know who this man is? I think he might be able to help us." She looks surprised when she sees the photo.
"Yeah, I know him. He is already dealing with the fire now. Wait. How did you get this photo?" She sounded like the man had already gotten rid of the fire. Then I look to see the fire starting to disappear.
"Do you know where he is?" Chat asks her. He probably hasn't even noticed the fire disappearing.
"Oh, he is over at the base of the fire." She said this statement as though he can stand in the fire. But doesn't she know that people burn in a fire, I mean this guy is most likely already dead.
We start to run to the base of the fire. I use my yoyo to breathe though so I don't breathe in the smoke. Chat does the same with his baton. We run until we see, what looks like a man with red eyes swallowing the flame? Then all the flames are gone and I see that his man has pink hair. I start to walk forward until someone in only their underwear puts his arm in front of me and Chat to stop us from going any further.
"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" The pink-haired man yells and fire spews from his fist as he punches a man in a cape (Bora). I am so mesmerized by the fire that I don't realize that the pink-haired man turned in our direction with red eyes. He was about to attack us when the blonde lady walks in front of us. He stops immediately and his eyes turn to pine green.
"Who are you?" Chat says in a scared voice. He was obviously scared by the pyromaniac.
"We should be asking you that." The almost naked man says while turning back around to face us.
"What are you talking about. We are the superheroes Ladybug and Chat Noir." Chat says without even thinking that only Paris knows we exist.
"The who?" The blonde lady asks.
"We are not from around here. You must excuse my ignorant friend here. He doesn't understand that only Parisians know who we are." I say while pushing Chat away from his scared, angry stance.
"I am Lucy, this is Natsu and this is Gray." The blonde lady, Lucy, pointed to the pink-haired man, Natsu I think, and the naked man, Gray.
I hear my earings flash. "I got to go but I hope to see you again in the future," I say as I grab Chat and start to swing my way back to the train station. I let go of Chat and he goes a block over to the right.
I make it back to the train station and transform back. I give Tikki a cookie and head back to the group.
Alya tells me that a group of magicians were solving the issue with the fire. She also tells me that there were two masked costumed people running into the fight. She believes it is Ladybug and Chat Noir. I tell her that she is crazy and that they are still in Paris.
"It's not like Ladybug and Chat Noir never leave Paris. Maybe they came here for a vacation." Adrien said while walking up to us. I scramble to be next to Alya.
"Hello and Welcome to Clover!" A woman with long pale pink hair said to us. "My name is Mira, and I will be your Tour Guide for your time here in Fiore. We will visit 2 other towns in Fiore. I have a very fun agenda for your next 3 weeks."
I hope you like my crossover. This is my first time doing a crossover and I think I might be doing it pretty well. This was a pretty long intro but it was a good way to start this new series. Find out what Mira has planned for the Parisians in the next chapter. I am trying to do 1st person so don't hate the POV. Have a magical, miraculous day. Bye.
1128 words
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