After lunch with my Uncle, he told me he had to go back to base for some business. I asked him if he was okay because he was spacing out throughout lunch. I did my best to comfort him but I knew he was stress about something.
After lunch was done, he told me he would make up the loss time. But I know to never rely on a soldier's words about time. I gave him a smile and told him I will be fine.
It was 2:00pm when I got home, and I got a call from Rose.
"Hey, what are you doing?" She asked me.
"Nothing, just got home. I had lunch with Uncle."
"Jisoo told me that General Yang has been busy lately."
I nod my head. "Yeah, but he's a General. What do you expect."
"Jisoo said Sargent Namjoon is worried that you are all alone."
My brow knitted together. "Is Doctor Jisoo and Sargent Namjoon dating?"
"No. Well they used to. They recently broke up but they still talk. I believe she still loves him."
"Well why did they break up?" I ask in curiosity.
"Since Namjoon has been a Sargent, he has been extremely busy and hasn't had time to focus on them." Rose explains.
I understand that. My mother would count the days till my father came home. It was hard for her and some nights I could hear her cries. I respect soldiers for what they do, but do I trust them in a relationship, no.
I took a breath. "Understandable." There was silence on the other line for a second. "Rose?"
"You think she did right on breaking up with him? I would think you of all people would tell people to keep trying. Your parents were madly in love."
"And look where they are now?" My voice came out harsh. A little too harsh. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Rose. I just mean, it may seem like a happy sweet romantic story from the outside. But inside it's very different." I pause for a second. "Not every relationship is the same. Maybe they just need space. Obviously if they are still talking then, there is still hope for them."
I hear Rose sign out. "I hope so. They are so good for each other. Namjoon is calm, but intelligent. He thinks before he acts and Jisoo, well you know her, she's so unpredictable. They compliment each other so well."
Once upon a time, I would have melted at Rose's words but unfortunately, I have seen too many men and women's relationships fall apart because one of them is a soldier. I truly believe dating a soldier will turn into a tragic love story.
"Lisa? Are you still there?"
"Yeah sorry. I'm still here." I tell her.
"Well I didn't call about Jisoo, I actually called because Jennie Jisoo Nayeon chaeyoung and I are going to the city tonight. Do you want to come?"
"What's going on in the city?"
"Oh you don't know? Well it's been awhile I guess..." she mumbles. "During family week, the city does a festival honoring our men and women that are soldiers. At the end of the night they have this huge display of fireworks. It's beautiful."
I'll admit it does sound fun. "Yeah I'll go."
"Awesome we will pick you up at 5:30." Rose tells me before hanging up.
I had three hours before Rose got me. So I decided to do a little house chores, organize my stuff a little, then get ready. I decided on a pair of jean shorts and long sleeve lavender light sweater. By the time I was done with my make up, I heard a honk outside the house.
I got in Nayeon SUV that fit all six of us.
"You look nice Lisa." Jennie compliments me.
"Thank you." I thank her.
We all talked and sang on our ride there. It took about thirty minutes to get there. When we arrived, the huge land was filled with people, food trucks, a few rides,and games. It's been awhile since I came to this event and it grew so much.
We all turn to the person who called my Rose's name and it's the same men from the bar. I only knew a few of them. Sargent Namjoon, BamBam, Jackson, Mingyu and Jungkook. I do know the tall broad shoulder guy is Jennie's older cousin.
"Jimin." Rose smiles as she waves at him.
My eyes went to Rose and then back to the guy. I couldn't help but smile. Rose is a beautiful girl indeed and I have seen plenty of men, especially in our first two years of college, would flirt with Rose but no man has ever caught her attention.
The men came towards us, and they all introduced themselves. The only two introductions needed from us were me and Jennie, since the others are nurses and doctors at the military base.
"Hey JK, want to play a game?" BamBam asked Jungkook.
Before Jungkook could reply, a short girl with long blonde hair came in view and wrapped her arms around Jungkook.
"Oppa, you didn't tell me you were coming." The girl pouts.
"Seriously, this girl." I heard Nayeon whisper behind me.
All eyes were on Jungkook. His cheeks were slightly pink. His eyes went to mine for a second then back to the girl. He slowly pried his arms away from the girl, she pouts at his action. I wish I could laugh because the whole scene was like a drama.
I felt a nudge, I looked over to see Jisoo's eyes widen at me. I gave her a confused look, then looked around and noticed everyone looking at me with a surprise look. Well all except the girl, who was glaring at me.
"Did you just laugh?" The girl asked.
My eyes went to Jisoo, who just nodded her head. Did I really just laugh out loud? I look over to Jungkook who didn't have a particular emotion on his face.
"I asked you a question, are you deaf? Did you just laugh at me?"
"Jiwon" Jungkook calls her name out.
She didn't look away from me. It's not that I'm scared of the little girl. I just don't want to deal with this kind of drama.
"Look I didn't mean to. It just slipped out." I tell her.
"You should know your manners and apologize then." Jiwon sneers.
I gave her a smirk. She wanted me to apologize? Is she serious right now? Is she that insecure? Her eyes widened at my smirk.
I turn to Jisoo, "Can we go do something? This is a little below me."
"Below you? Who the hell are you?"
"Comrade Jiwon stop!" Namjoon shouts. Jiwon, froze. She turns to Namjoon with a frightened look. Namjoon signed out, "She is General Yang's niece. If I were you, I would stop."
The girl turned to me, eyed me up and down with a disgusted look. All I could do was just stare at the girl. Doesn't she think she's being a little dramatic. Jiwon just rolled her eyes and walked off.
"Well since the show is over, Rose would you like to play some games?" Jimin broke the silence.
Rose nods her head, "Yes we all should go."
"When can we go on some rides?" Jennie asked.
Taehyung smiles, "If you want, I'll go with you."
Jin eyes narrows to Taehyung. "How about no? I'll go with you Jennie."
Jennie pouts, "Don't you think it would be weird in riding rides with your little cousin? Don't you have a girlfriend or something?"
The boys next to him snickers. Jin glares at them which made them stop. "Fine but you can't just go with him." He points to Taehyung.
Jennie grabs me. "Fine Lisa will go too."
My head whips to Jennie so fast I thought I could have sworn I got whiplash. " I Am?"
Jennie nods her head. "Okay who else wants to go?" Taehyung ask. His eyes went to Jungkook, "JK come on let's go!"
Jungkook eyes widen. He looked at me and I had the same expression. Can I seriously have some space from the guy? I feel like he is always around.
"But he is playing with me?" Bambam whines.
"Do you really want to lose?" Yoongi asked.
BamBam took a second to rethink. "Yeah I guess it would be lame. Hoseok, let play some games."
With that being said everyone disperse. We all agreed to meet by the cotton candy machine at 7:30 to watch the fireworks together.
Taehyung took this opportunity to grab Jennie and talk to her, leaving Jungkook and I together alone, once again.
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