Here I am in front of Jungkook's door. I made sure I had all the equipment and books with me before knocking. Jisoo told me I needed a diary and to insert all my actions in the journal and at the end of every three days she will review it till Jungkook is healed. In her judgement, it will be two weeks.
I haven't really spoken to Jungkook since everything happened. It was all Jisoo's planning and she told me to make sure my uncle doesn't know. I'm not sure why everyone is being weird about me with Jungkook but since my uncle didn't like it, I agreed.
I knocked on his door, and after a few seconds, I heard rustling and some voices behind the door. When the door open, I see a happy Taehyung at the door.
"Lisa!" Taehyung greets me loudly. But the odd part was that he wasn't even looking at me. He was looking behind me.
I looked behind me and no one was there.
"I am so glad you are here! I.." he points to himself "Taehyung will be here as well!" Again he was speaking loudly. "Yep! Two weeks. I will be here!" He shouts.
With a confused look, "Taehyung why are you yelling?"
He finally looks down at me as if he noticed I was there.
"Huh I am not yelling." He tells me. He wasn't shouting this time but his voice was still loud.
Before I could say anything, the door behind me open. "Yes you are yelling. You have been yelling since you got here this morning! The whole damn world knows you are Taehyung!"
Jennie was there at her door, with fist rolled up and her face scrunch up filled with rage. I finally understood what was going on.
"Oh Jennie! What a surprise." He made a shocked face. "I totally forgot Jin hyung lives across from Jungkook."
Jennie rolls her eyes, "Oh shut up you idiot. You did not. You came by last night and dropped off some Soju and ate dinner with us."
I raise a brow to Taehyung and he looks down at me with a sheepish smile.
"I'm going to go inside." I tell him. I wanted to get away from this situation.
"Oh yeah." He steps aside. "JK is in his room."
I nod my head and walk inside. Taehyung closes the door leaving me inside the house alone with Jungkook. I vaguely remember his place since I only been here once. But most military homes have the same floor plan. I went toward the end of the hall where I assume the master bedroom was.
I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I knock again and nothing. I bit my lips from nervousness and confusion.
Do I go in? Or should I just come back? I scold myself for being indecisive. I'm his nurse, so I should be able to make a decision quickly. I grab the door knob and twist it lightly. Then all of a sudden the door was pushed open, and Jungkook was there in front of me.
"Taehyung hyung can you—"
Jungkook stop mid sentence when he realized it was me. He had a shoulder compression sleeve on his right side. And did I mention shirtless.
Well he did have a shirt but it was in his left hand not on himself.
I added 2 and 2 and realized he was having a hard time putting his shirt on.
"Do you need help?" I ask him.
He shook his head. "Taehyung will help." He looks to his left and noticed his apartment was empty. "Where is he?"
I smirk, "He is outside getting on Jennie's nerve."
"Of course he is." Jungkook mumbles. "I'll wait." He tells me.
I arch a brow. "Are you sure?"
He nods his head. He went back into his room and close the door in the process. I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness. I leaned against the wall next to his door.
He's going to need help. I'll wait till he realizes he is being a dumbass. Which should be very soon.
"Ahhhhhh" I hear a harsh growl on the other side.
With a smile on my face, I knock at his door. A couple of seconds later Jungkook opens the door with an irritated look.
"Need help?" I asked him.
His scowl didn't disperse but he nods his head. I grabbed his shirt from his hand and went into his room. I look back and he was still at his door.
"Sit down." I point to his bed.
He slowly walk to his bed and sat down. I slowly inserted his right hand into the sleeve and pulled it up. I slowly pulled his hand slightly so I could get his shirt. When that was done I helped him put his left hand in his left sleeve.
When I was down I took a step back.
"Now was that hard?" I ask him.
"No." He mumbles under his breath.
"You know a button up shirt will be easier for you put on."
"Noted" he mumbles as he stands up.
We both just stood there looking at each other awkwardly. I didn't think it would be weird since Taehyung would be here but obviously that's not the case at the moment. Since Jungkook isn't really hurt, just injured and didn't need to be on bed rest, I wasn't quite sure what I was supposed to do but it's a requirement before taking my exam.
"Have you eaten? I can make something?" I ask Jungkook. He arches a brow at me. "What?" I question.
"You can't cook." He reminds me.
I really wanted to slam my head against the wall. I definitely can't cook. I can't even attempt or I will most definitely kill Jungkook. And I can say no to my exam.
"Okay.... um how about I order something." I suggest.
"There's no need to spend money." He tells me.
"But I can't cook." I remind him. I tilt my head. "Are you suicidal?"
His face showed shock. "Excuse me?"
"You want me to cook, so I assume you are wishing death."
He shakes his head. "Are you always this dramatic?"
I rolled my eyes, "Then how are you expecting me to cook?"
"I'll tell you how. And you do as I say." He explains.
My mouth went into an o shape. Well that's not a bad idea.
"Okay. Sounds like a good idea."
We both walk out of his bedroom and towards his kitchen.
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