Today BamBam was leaving, it was the end of family week. It was hard to say goodbye in the beginning when we first did this but now it became easy. As much as I would like to say it's a good thing but when is saying goodbye should be easy, especially with someone who you considered as a brother.
"Well... I guess this is it." BamBam placed his hand in his front pocket. I gave him a nod. "You know my mom is always hoping that you would come back home with me."
I nod my head. This I knew. She calls me twice a month to check on me. I always reassured her that I was doing well but nevertheless she still wanted me home.
"Do I tell her that you aren't coming home for at least another five years?" BamBam asked me.
I gave a tight lip smile, "No, I will."
BamBam released a breath, "You know even though my father found something here, not all people find their answers at the same place."
"That might be true but you aren't in the military, have you found yourself out there?" I ask him.
BamBam and I stared at one another. We both were still clueless little boys doing what we think it's best but we don't What the hell that is.
BamBam lifts his hand up in surrender, "Okay you got me." We heard the warning for BamBam flight. "I guess I have to go." We gave each other a hug. "Stay strong and don't do anything stupid."
"Same to you." I tell him.
We let go and he walked towards his terminal. A smile crept on my face as BamBam turned around dabbing as he walked away. A flight attendant gave him a worried look but all he did was give her a wink.
He finally was in the plane and I left the airport. I got in my car and drove back to town. I was driving the main road down when I saw a familiar petite figure balancing books in her arm. I accidentally swerved not paying attention to the road when I realized it was Lisa.
I pulled to my right side and pulled into the curve. Lisa's eyes looked up at my car with a confused look. When she saw it was me, she arched her brow.
I roll my down the window, "Are you okay?" I ask her.
She looks around, then down her body, "Do I look hurt?"
This girl with her back talk.
I shook my head, "I just saw you and wanted to make sure you are okay." I stop and look at what she was holding. "You have a lot of books."
Lisa rolls her eyes, "No shit Sherlocks."
With the amount of sarcasm and talk back this girl can do, amazes me.
"Do you need a ride anywhere?" I ask.
"I'm fine." She said with a straight face. It was believable till two books fell out of her hand. I heard her groaning with a few curse words under breath.
As she bent down to grab the books, I took this opportunity to put my car in park and get out of the car, to help her. When I was next to her, she was fixing her bag on her shoulder and was surprised to see me in front of her.
Her eyes stared at me intensely, as my eyes wandered to her bangs. They were a little out of place. I gently and slightly fix a strand. When I was done I was surprised by action, to ignore the awkwardness, I grabbed her books.
"Yah, What are you doing?" She yelled out.
I opens the passenger door and waited for her to get the idea. She crosses her arm like a child.
"I told you I didn't need your help."
"Before your books fell down. I'm going the same place." I tell her.
She narrowed her eyes, "I didn't tell you where I was going."
He shrugs his shoulders, "Wherever you go, I'll go."
"Even to a strip club?" She challenges.
I look down to her books then back to her with a smirk. "You are going to a strip club with medical books?"
I noticed her hand rolled up into a fist. She stomped my way and got into my car. I put her books in the back seat and went into the driver seat.
"So which strip club are we going to?" I ask her with an amusing smile.
She rolls her eyes, "Oh shut up, and take me home."
I started to drive off, the ride was quiet for a second.
"What are you doing in the city?" She ask me.
"I dropped BamBam off at the airport." I tell her.
"Is he really a friend?" Her question threw me off. I nod my head. "You two are very different." She explained.
I chuckle, "Yeah we kind of are. We have been buddies for a long time. His parents basically raised me."
"Where are you parents?"
I stayed quiet for a moment. I didn't know if she was asking because she was making conversation or because she genuinely wanted to know.
"My parents were busy." Was all I said. She didn't say anything but I can feel her stare. "What about your parents?"
I turn to the right to see her face. "Your parents."
"What about them?" She asked.
"From what it seems, your uncle is very protective of you, like he raised you." I explained.
I went back looking at the road. She didn't answer immediately, but she cleared her throat before talking.
"My father passed away. And my mom has been sick since then."
I gulp after hearing her reply. I tried to see her face but she was facing the window.
"My uncle helped me for sometime, but overall I was of age and had a mind of my own. So he helped what he could, but there wasn't much he could do."
We stopped at a red light and I turned back to her, "I'm sorry."
She looked at me with a smile, "It's okay."
We stayed quiet since then and we made it back to town before the sunset. We arrived at her place and the lights were off.
"General Yang isn't home yet?" I ask.
"Hmm, I guess not." She said in a whisper. She unbuckles her seat. As she opens the door and gets out, she looks at me. "Want to come in and have dinner?"
My eyes widen at her question.
"It's a thank you for the ride." She tells me.
I look at her then back around the road, like there some kind answers for me.
"You know you can say no?" She said in response of my nervousness.
"No... ummm." And I noticed her brow raise. "I mean yes."
She laughs and shakes her head. She went to the back seat and grabbed her medical books. I got out of my car and followed her inside. I went into her home once and it was the same as it was before. It's clean and barely anything out of place.
"So ummm, I have no food." She shamelessly admitted.
I tilt my head, "but you invited me for dinner."
She nods her head, "I guess I should have checked my fridge." She nervously chuckles.
Is it weird, I think this is cute?
"I can order take out." She said as she went to her phone.
I went to the kitchen and I noticed some chicken unfrozen, some vegetables, eggs, and other thing.
"I can cook."
Lisa froze and turned to me. "You can cook?"
I nod my head, "I can cook." I reassured her.
"Well then cook." She tells me. I laugh at her enthusiasm. She went to the fridge, "What do you need?"
I told her what I need and she helped me throughout the night. She was lost at some terms I told her and I helped her about 90% of the time and it was a mess but we made something edible. Lisa laughs hard throughout the night and she seems more relaxed and kind. Her laughs were deep and contagious.
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