It was a day before family week was over and Uncle Yang had an urgent meeting to attend, so I went out to get breakfast. I went to a small cafe that was famous for their breakfast tacos. As I waited for my order, I noticed an all too familiar face, Comrade Jungkook.
"Ma'am here is your order." The waiter at the counter handed me my bag of food.
"Thank you." I gave him a smile.
I look down at my to go bag then back to Jungkook. I don't know why, but I felt some kind pull towards him. Against my better judgement, I went to his table.
I sat down without asking, and took out my two breakfast tacos.
"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked me across from the table.
I was going to get ready to take a bite but froze at his question.
"I saw you here, so I sat down."
I noticed his eyes looked around before looking back at me. "I need you to leave." He hesitantly tells me.
I arch a brow, "Why?"
He bit his lips, "Please leave."
My mouth widens for a half a second. I put my food back in the bag. Before I closed my bag he spoke out again.
"Are you mad?"
I let out a scoff at his question, "Mad? Why would I be mad?"
"Umm, well your hand is balled up in a fist." He points to my hand.
I looked down and sure enough my hand was in a fist. I released my hand and took a breath. I look Jungkook in the eye and smile.
"No I am not mad."
He didn't look convinced but I didn't care. As I was going to get up, I heard my name from a familiar voice. I look up and my uncle is standing in front of me.
"General Yang." Jungkook stood up and salutes.
"At ease comrade." My uncle chuckles.
I got up with an awkward smile. "I'll just leave."
"No sweetheart , why don't you stay." My uncle tells me.
Both Jungkook and my eyes widened. "Well our meeting isn't a real secret and I actually want to ask my niece about something, and maybe you can help me." My uncles explains.
My uncle sat between me and Jungkook. He had paperwork on which he put on the table. He took out some documents and placed them in front of Jungkook.
I tried to take a glance at what kind of document they were but I wasn't able to read it.
My uncle gave Jungkook a pen and he took it as he took a glance at me. When he looks down at the paperwork, my uncle looks at me with a small smile.
"These are the reenlisted paperwork for five years, like you wanted." My uncle tells Jungkook.
My eyes went to Jungkook, who happened to be looking at me as well. I noticed his lips went into a straight line as we both stared at one another. My uncle has been in the military for over 25 years, so I'm used to seeing soldiers re-enlisting. But Jungkook's eyes had hesitation, and for some reason it was like he was asking me.
"Isn't this what you asked for?" My uncle 's word caught our attention.
I turned to him, and his confused eyes went from Jungkook then mine. He took in a breath with a confused face and pointed to Jungkook then me.
"Are you two dating?" My uncle asked.
My eyes widened, "No!"
"No sir."
"Definitely not."
"No disrespect sir but no."
My uncle slightly chuckles, "I was making sure. I knew better. My Lalice here wouldn't date a soldier."
I subconsciously looked at Jungkook with my uncle's statement, and again Jungkook was already looking at me but this time with a confused face.
"Hahaha..." I gave a fake chuckle then cleared my throat. "What did you want from me Uncle?"
"Ahh yes." My uncle's eyes focus on me. "I heard you were considering retaking your nurse exam and becoming a nurse at base."
I roll my eyes, "my no good friends..." I mumble under my breath. I gave my uncle a smile, "That was a suggestion not a consideration." I explained to him.
"You used to be a nurse?" This time it was Jungkook who asked but his tone was more surprising.
"Well I studied to be a nurse. I just didn't take my exam."
Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but shut it. I rolled my eyes at him once again.
"Uncle, you have plenty of nurses here. You don't need me."
My uncle gave me a smile, but to me it seemed like a forced smile.
"Well it's good to have extra, these hooligans we call soldiers, like to act tough but get hurt in the way." My uncle narrows his eyes at Jungkook. I couldn't help but smirk at how embarrassed Jungkook got. "Secondly, It would be nice to know where you are and not constantly moving. And thirdly, this is what you always wanted to do."
I look into my uncle's pleading eyes, and I can see he really wanted this for me. I sigh out a breath of annoyance, "When is the next exam at the college?"
"In one month." My uncle said no hesitation
I arch a brow, "You clearly had this plan."
My uncle turned to Jungkook after giving me a wink. "Now you."
Jungkook stares at the pen for a moment. His eyes went up towards me without moving his head. But I saw his eyes, and for some reason I gave him a nod of encouragement. Just like that he grabbed his pen and signed the paperwork.
My uncle grabbed Jungkook's paperwork with a smile. He put them in his bag and stood from the chair.
"Are you staying sweetheart?" My uncle asks me.
I was going to stand up, but Jungkook spoke out. "You haven't finished your breakfast."
My uncle kisses me on the forehead, "You finish breakfast, I have to head to base anyway." He turns to Jungkook, "Thank you for looking over my niece. I know she isn't easy to handle."
Jungkook stood up and saluted my uncle as he left. Jungkook sat back down and we just sat there quietly. I have to admit it wasn't awkward.
"So five more years, huh?" I ask.
He nods his head. "You are going to be a nurse."
"If I pass the exam."
He took a sip of his drink then put it down, "You will."
I gave him an appreciative smile. I gave him my second breakfast taco. "Here eat."
He grabbed the taco and we silently ate. After 10 minutes,someone entered the diner, calling for Jungkook.
"What the hell is she doing here?" Bambam asks.
I rolled my eyes, "I'm eating. Are you that stupid, that you didn't notice this is a diner?"
"Yah!" He points at me.
"What?" I stood up.
He slightly jumps back. Jungkook got up in between us. I didn't pay any attention to him, I was glaring at his friend who did his best not to look frightened, but clearly failed.
"How about we just sit down." Jungkook suggests.
"With satan?" BamBam whispered but I heard him clearly.
Before I could raise my hand ready to hit, Jungkook's warm hands held my wrist down. I look down to his hand on my wrist, and back at Jungkook, who had his rare tender eyes on me. I pull my back hand in annoyance.
"Whatever." I grumbled.
BamBam sat down next to Jungkook, and we ate except him.
"Where's my food?" He whines.
"I'm sorry, are you a baby?" I ask him.
"I was talking to my buddy, not satan." BamBam three back.
I gave him a hiss before aggressively taking a bite of my taco. A small chuckle was heard, and both BamBam and I turn to Jungkook trying not to laugh but failed.
"What is wrong with you?" BamBam ask.
"You two haven't spoken to each other much but you two make it seem like you have had a lifetime of troubles with one another." He explained through laughter.
"Stop laughing! You look like a crazy person." BamBam scolds him.
I drop my taco on the plate, "Wow! You must not be a likeable person. People laugh, it doesn't mean they are a crazy person. He looks normal."
"Tsk tsk, and that's where you are wrong." Bambam pat Jungkook on the shoulder, "He isn't a normal person. He doesn't laugh like this."
I shrug my shoulders, "I have seen him smile like this before. Maybe it's you, who is the problem."
Bambam pouts and turns to Jungkook, "Tell her who is your favorite person in the world." Bambam bats his eyelashes.
Jungkook smirks as he shrugs BamBam hand off his shoulder, and takes a bite of his taco. BamBam's mouth widened in surprise. But he crosses his arm like a child and stays quiet as he pouts.
Jungkook smirks as he watches his friend pout and turns to me. I gave him a smile, as I ate in victory.
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