Everyone was at my house to just hang out. It's almost the end of family week and we will get back on to our normal lives, so we wanted to have a hang out. We originally all wanted to go to the bar but Jin hyung said he didn't want his little cousin to be in the bar again.
Jisoo noona apparently called nurse Rose and nurse Nayeon to come over me as well. So we are all waiting for them. The girls seem to be bored from all the guy talk.
BamBam came up to me and offered me a beer. I gladly accepted it and took a sip. BamBam's eyes wander around like he wanted to tell me something.
"What's up?" I ask him.
BamBam took a sip before answering. "Sargent Namjoon said you have another six month left."
I looked down with a tight lip smile as he mentioned the remainder of my time. I was well aware that I have only six months left for my duty. But this was my third time re-enlisting.
I look back up. "Yeah."
"Are you planning to do more time?" He asked me.
I signed out and took a sip of my beer. I shrug my shoulders, "Probably."
"Jimin told me that you are thinking of enrolling for five years this time."
BamBam eye found mines. And neither of us looked away. The plan was if I decided to enroll in the military it would be a year, three tops. But somehow it became five and possibly five more years.
"Look, if it's a home you are worried about, you know you can always crash at my place. You don't have to do this." BamBam tells me.
BamBam is too kind to me, More than I deserve. His family has always been good to me. His mother cherished me and treated me like a son, and his father taught me what it was to be strong and what it is to be a man.
See BamBam father was in the military for 15 years, that's why BamBam wanted to enlist. But the year he pass, BamBam didn't want to leave his mom, but I remembered every story his father told me and how being in the military shaped him. That's what I wanted. I wanted to be shaped, but I still feel like I haven't been shaped up enough. I told myself maybe it will take me a couple of more years till I find what I'm looking for.
BamBam was still looking at me. I didn't want to rely on his family anymore. If and when I decide to go back home, I would have things set and in place with no help. It's not a pride thing, it's more of, let me show you how you helped me, kind of thing.
"BamBam, I know I can count on you and your family but I like being here. I still don't feel finished."
BamBm didn't move yet but eventually he did. He gave me a tight smirk. "I hope you know my dad would have been proud."
I took a step toward BamBam and pats his shoulders, "I'm sure he is more proud of you, and is grateful for every sacrifice you have done for you mom."
We gave each other a knowing look, that our words were good and we were both happy and proud of each other. We didn't say anymore and just separated.
The doorbell rings, so I went to go answer it. Nurse Rose and Nayeon were here along with Lisa. My eyes momentarily went to Lisa and as her eyes roamed around outside.
"Hey Kooks, wanna let us in?" Nayeon teases.
I side step so the girls could come but Lisa still hasn't noticed. Her eyes were on the stars. Before I called her, I felt a hand on my arm. I looked over and saw Rose shaking her head, telling me don't interrupt.
"Just let her be." Rose's eyes went to Lisa then back to me. She notices my hesitation, and arches a brow at me. "If you want, just stay out there till she is ready."
I didn't know what to do. It seems like she does this often and I shouldn't worry but I feel rude to close the door on her. I look over to Lisa and realize she is clutching her arm to warm herself up. I shut the door with me being outside and took off my light sweater and wrapped it around her. She didn't move or look away from the sky. All she did was clutch my light sweater, for a warmer feeling.
I leaned on the wall near my door and waited till she was done. I still had my beer, so I was sipping it till either she was done or my beer. Lisa's eyes stayed glue to the stars for five more minutes till she finally finished with a satisfied smile on her face.
Her smile vanished when she noticed me.
"What the hell are you doing out here?"
I had a small smirk on me as she raised her voice. "You know I'm not deaf right?" Her brow furrowed in confusion, which I found entertaining. "Every time you talk to me, your voice raises."
She crosses her arm in a mix of annoyance and embarrassment. "Whatever." She mumbles out.
"Are you done?"
"With what?"
"With whatever you are doing. Looking at the stars." I explained.
She tugged a piece of her hair, "Yeah."
I straightened my posture and ready to open the door, but I felt something on me. I looked over my shoulder and it was my sweater.
"You know, if you think I'm rude, then you should stop being nice." She said out loud.
I grabbed my sweater as I turned to face her. I gave her a curious look. "Do you think I should be mean to you because you are rude to me?"
"I know I wouldn't put up with it."
I let out a small chuckle. "I don't compromise my manners because of other's behavior. Just because you are rude doesn't mean I have to be." Her eyes widened at my words. I ignored her expression and continued, "That is one of things I learned in my first year in the military."
I didn't let her say a word, I opened the door to my place, where everyone was. I waited till she stepped inside and I followed her in. Before she went to where all the girls were sitting in the living room, she turned to me.
"That's a hard thing to do, let alone learning or hearing it. Whoever you learn that from, is a good person."
Her voice was small but stern. Her strong demeanor became soft. She looked away wanting to say more but stopped herself. I felt myself feeling good and proud.
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