"Forty- Two"
"Stand tall!" Our Sargen Namjoon tells us.
I and the rest of the soldiers got up from a sit up position to stand straight and look forward at our commander. You can hear our heavy breathing but we didn't show we were tired.
"Tomorrow is the start of family week. Some of you will only have this week to spend time with your family and some of you will help your family settle. Do not waste your days... you all know every second with your family is important. Enjoy it." When he was satisfied with his speech he gave us a small. "Dismiss!" Namjoon dismisses us.
I relax my stance with heavy breathing from the two hour training we just did. I walk towards a water station where I see some of my fellow soldiers already chugging down water.
Jimin, one of my comrades, sees me walking towards them. He was putting some water in a cup. When I made it to them, he handed that cup to me.
"You've been working hard Jungkook." He tells me as I reach for the cup.
"Thanks." I was referring to the drink he gave me.
"What is your plan for the rest of the day?" Taehyung asked me and other comrades.
"Nothing, and neither our you. We have to sleep early to pick my cousin and your friend at the airport at 0630 tomorrow morning." Jimin warns Taehyung.
"I have to pick up my cousin." Jin tells him.
"Oh Jennie. Right?" Taehyung ask Jin.
Jin nods his head.
"Where is Hoseok?" I ask the guys.
"I don't know. But I did see him this morning, he was with Yoongi hyung." Jimin answers.
"Namjoon is coming this way." Jin nods his head to someone behind me.
We all stood up straight in a line and raised our right hand to our head in salute.
"Saregent!" We all said in unison.
"At ease men." Namjoon tells us.
And we all relax. Namjoon is our Sargent but he is also our friend. He was just promoted as our Sargent last year. He was one of our comrades for two years. He still drinks and hangs out with us but he will still be our boss.
"Jungkook, you are picking up your friend tomorrow right?" Namjoon asked me. I nod my head. "The Major's daughter is coming at the same airport. He has a meeting and asks if you can go pick her up as well."
"Wait what?" I ask Namjoon confusingly.
Namjoon looks me in the eye, "I know it's weird and odd but since she is coming the same time as your friend and the same flight, so he asked me to ask you." Namjoon signed out before looking me in the eye. "It's an order."
I realize I didn't have room to argue. I nod my head in agreeing. Namjoon looks over to Jimin, "Jimin make sure you get nurse Rose to look at your leg."
Jimin shrugs his shoulder, "I am fine."
"Your last lap was slower than the others. Get it checked." Namjoon tells him.
"Fine I'll go see her."
"You men clean up and make sure you rest and be your best this week." Namjoon tells us and walks away.
I watch Namjoon walk away, realizing that he didn't give me any information about the Major's niece. I sprint towards him. "Sargent!" I call out.
Namjoon froze and turned around. "What's up Kookie?"
My lips went into a straight line. I didn't like it when people called me Kookie. It made me sound like a weak man. Namjoon notices my facial expression and nods his head. "Sorry Jungkook. What is it?"
"You didn't give me any information on Major Yang's niece."
"Ah yes. Her name is Lalisa Manoban." Namjoon went to his back pocket and took out a photo. He hands it to me. "This is a picture of her."
I grab the photo from him and see a delicate girl with a wide smile and red lips. Her eyes were wide with long lashes. She was beautiful, indeed.
"He said to bring her to camp once you pick her. He is trusting you with this. Make sure you are nice to her." Namjoon orders.
I gave him a smirk. "Of course."
"Make sure, your friend of yours stays good this time." He warms me.
I chuckle out. "I can try to tell him but you know him as well as I do, I can only do so much."
"And yet you still bring him every year."
I put the picture behind my back pocket with a heavy heart. "He is my only family. I have to."
Namjoon pats my shoulder, "Then you make sure he comes every year."
I walk away towards the entrance of the military base. He notices Jin in the military car ready for him.
"Come on kid. I'm hungry." Jin yells out.
I jog toward the car with a small laugh. He is always hungry. I don't know how he can eat the amount that he eats before and after training. I would throw up every time.
I got into the military car and we started to drive to the small city in Pliwood. Since this was a military city, it's a very small community. The population is about 800 people and 400 are soldiers, 150 people are families of soldiers and the rest are regular families that love the small town.
We have one huge mall, two movie theatres and about 6 bars. We have three main grocery stores and most of the entertainment is on one block. We have two grade school campuses, one college campus. Other than that we have a huge lake where people like to hang out and a big land like a countryside with a playground for the kids.
Most soldiers live about three blocks away from the base unless they have a family and want to live closer to the school. The soldiers' homes are decent nice apartment homes. About 4 apartments in one building, Jin lives across from me, Taehyung and Jimin live a block from us and Hoseok and Yoongi live across from Jimin and Taehyung. Since Namjoon is our Sargent, he lives in a house close to our apartment.
"You have food right?" Jin asked me as we made it to our apartment building.
"Ne. I have kimchi and I'll make some rice."
Jin nods his head. "Okay make sure you clean up for that rascal of a friend of yours."
I smile, "Yeah I will. Tell Jennie I said hi."
"You'll see her." We got out of the car and walked toward our place. "What time are you picking BamBam up?"
"His flight lands at 1400 hour tomorrow and Major Yang's niece tomorrow comes at the same time."
"Oh yeah. Have you met her before?" I shook my head. "I met her once. She's ummm...." Jin paused his sentence, "Very strong willed."
I stop to give him a confused look. "What do you mean?"
He signs out. "She's a brat."
My eyes pop out, "How is she brat?"
"The Major spoils the girl. Whatever she wants she gets." I felt a pat on my shoulder, "You got this. Maybe she changed. It's been awhile since she been here."
Jin left for his apartment and I went into mine. I empty my pocket and stop when the picture is in my hand. I looked at the girl with a bright smile on the picture and thought of Jin's words. How can someone look like that and be a brat?
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