Part 1
Harry opened his eyes at the sound of faint rustling. He picked up his glasses from beside his pillow and silently slid them on with one hand; the other reached out to open the curtains just a crack.
Draco slipped between his bed curtains rather than pull them open and padded over to his wardrobe on bare feet. He took down the uniform he had hung over the doors the night before, draping it over his arm, picked up his shoes and a small black silk bag. Harry suspected it had an undetectable extension charm on it because he'd never seen Draco take anything else and he only kept his hair potions in the bathroom.
The door gave it a faint click as Draco eased it shut. Harry laid back down until he heard the shower start then sat back up, shoving his curtains open.
Harry dragged his feet off the side of his bed with a groan and scrubbing his hands through his hair. All round their tiny tower room, tall narrow windows cast gashes of light on the walls. He stared around their little double room. Two beds with a table with two drawers between them, two tall, thin wardrobes on either side of the beds, and beside the wardrobes, two desks, one neat and organised, one chaotically strewn with papers and books, and between the desks, the small door to their shared bathroom. It had been months, but Harry still wasn't used to the way all the furniture curved to fit against the round walls, even the headboards of their beds.
The door to the bathroom finally reopened letting out a cloud of sweet-smelling steam and Draco in his uniform and robes; black shoes polished to a shine. His hair was still just slightly damp and fell around his ear in a silver blond cascade as Harry watched.
Draco paused to push it back with an annoyed sigh. When he finally noticed Harry, a slight twitch was the only sign that Harry had startled him.
"Good morning, Potter," Draco said after a moment's hesitation, "The shower's free." He shifted his weight, and the narrow line of light that had been across his chest moved up and caressed his cheek. "I didn't mean to take so long."
"It's fine; I just woke up," Harry said.
Draco nodded and went to his desk, retrieving his bag, and Harry got to his feet and went into the bathroom, slowly letting out a breath he didn't realise he'd been holding.
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