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It's been almost 2 weeks since Zelia arrived at the Glade. There is nothing new in her lifestyle aside from being a Med-jack. It's not every day that there is a patient, but somehow she treated some wounds.
She is now on her way to the Med-hut to entertain herself. Zelia volunteered to help with other work, but Newt said that it would be better if there were Med-jacks available so that if something ever happened, they wouldn't have a hard time finding them.
In the middle of her walk, she accidentally bumps a guy on his shoulder. She was about to apologize when he suddenly spoke.
"Watch it, Shank." Zelia looked at him, and she saw him that he started to walk again. She rolled her eyes, and she continued to walk to her destination.
Even though she didn't see his face, she still knows who that person is. She talked to everyone from the Glade except the Keeper of the Runners. Zelia didn't care about that, but she felt that the guy was angry at her. One day, she tried to approach him, but every time they make an eye contact, Minho was the first to look away.
She asked Newt and Kendrix about the Keeper of the Runners; they just said that the man was like that at first. I feel like he knows me before, and I have a big sin that I do to him; that's why he's mad at me.
Zelia just took a deep breath and took a book from the cabinet to study about medicine and herbs. Kendrix wants to stay with her at the Med-Hut but Gally said that they will do a lot of work as builders.
It's almost impossible to separate them. The girl just let it go because there was nothing she could do. Kendrix is the type of guy who will do everything just to be friends with him. They only talk about random topics when they have free time.
When Zelia was in the middle of reading, she heard a knock, so she let her in to find out who was behind the door.
"Hey, just wondering if you don't have any plans to get out from the hut; that's why I bring you food for your lunch," Newt jokingly said, and Zelia just glared at him.
"Thanks, you don't have to do this. I just didn't notice that it's already lunch time."
"Well, I want to, and I'm just curious; that's why I'm also here since I'm on my break right now," he said, giving Zelia the tray full of food and drinks.
"Curious on what?" The girl asked and put the book aside before taking the tray. Newt took an empty seat and sat in front of Zelia.
"What's wrong between you and Minho? I mean, I saw you earlier; he said something with a deadly glare on his eyes before he started to walk away."
"Seriously? Did you really ask me about that? It seems like just a day ago, I just asked if that's really how he behaves," said the girl before starting to eat.
"That's just weird; I know he's not that friendly type, but not to the point; it feels like he's ignoring you." That was obvious to the young man because, except for running inside the Maze every day, Zelia noticed that he only talked to numbers aside from the Runners. She can feel the determination coming from him just to get them out of here.
"Ask him, as if I can answer your questions. I'm only almost 2 weeks at the Glade; how should I know about that guy? I tried to talk to him the other day, but suddenly he started to walk away when I'm still approaching him." Zelia heard Newt let out a chuckle; that's why she just glared at him.
"Maybe he's just allergic to the girls, or worse, you did something on him from the past."
"How should I know about that? I'm just wondering if he's really the smartest one here at the Glade. I just wanted to make a friend, not an enemy," Zelia said, and Newt laughed at her even more. The girl finished her food and returned the tray to the man.
"If I answered your questions, which is not helpful, you can go leave," Zelia said and pointed to the door.
"So grumpy, easy there. It's better that I will leave you alone; I might get punched in the face again."
"You'll really get it if you ask me more about him," the girl said jokingly. She even heard his laugh before going out. She took a deep breath before continuing to read.
It just makes me think, Why are the two of them my closest friends? They are just messing with me every day.
Zelia looked out the window, and she noticed that the sky was dark. She just read a book the whole day in hut.
While she was putting the book she read in the cabinet, the girl heard a knock. She let that person in and saw Ben with a smile on his face.
"Thank goodness, you're still here. I don't need to find the other Med-jacks."
"What's up?" Zelia asked, and she noticed that Ben pulled someone to let her see him.
"Well, you have a patient. I know it's late because I need to pull him just to arrive here at the Med-hut." She stopped herself from laughing when she saw who he's with. She clears her throat and looks at Ben.
"So, what's the problem?"
"Well, it's really my fault why I need to pull him here. I accidentally pushed Minho at the ivy walls; that's why he has wounds on his forehead. I didn't notice that he stopped running for a second and I bumped him." Ben explained what happened, and he let Minho sit down. Minho secretly rolled his eyes.
Zelia approached the Keeper to see if his wound needed to be stitched or not. Minho immediately averted his gaze from Zelia.
"You can leave him here if you still haven't eaten your dinner. His wound is not that deep, so it is up to you if you wait for him to be treated. I just clean it and apply some ointment; no stitches are needed," she said while getting the equipment she needed to treat the young man's wound.
Minho stared at Ben as if he were saying don't leave him here. If it's needed, he probably whispered to his friend, repeating the words 'don't leave me here'. The man didn't seem to understand what his friend wanted to say, so Ben's smile widened.
"Really? That's good to know; I was too hungry to pull our Keeper. I trust you, Zelia, take care of him even though he looks like the person who can bite someone if he leaves him alone." Minho glared at Ben, but the latter let out a chuckle. Zelia glanced at Minho and secretly shook her head.
Even if he doesn't speak, I can feel that he doesn't want to be alone right now. If only looks could kill, Ben would have been on the floor by now.
"Yeah, don't worry, I'll take care of Minho. This will be quick since there's no need to sew," Zelia said, and she gave Ben a smile. He just nodded and thanked her before he taps the Keeper's shoulder before he leaves to eat his dinner.
Secretly, the girl took a deep breath before facing Minho, who was looking away to treat the wound on his forehead.
"This is going to sting just so you know." Minho didn't say anything, and he let Zelia do whatever she wanted. So cold.
The girl silently treated the young man's wound. Even though there was a part of Zelia that wanted to talk to Minho, she chose to remain silent. Maybe he will just ignore her; she doesn't want that to happen.
"All done. Tomorrow, before you go to the Maze, find Clint or Jeff for them to clean your wound. Even if it's small, your wound still needs-." Zelia didn't finish what she had to say when she suddenly heard the door open and close. She just rolled his eyes before putting the things away and leaving the Med-hut to go to the kitchen.
At this point, I want to punch him. I guess I'm just thanking myself then because I treated his wound. He didn't let me finish what was I going to say?! Such a rude—
Zelia's ranting to herself was interrupted when someone spoke and tapped her shoulder, so she looked to see who it was.
"Do you still have a plan to take the tray?" Kendrix jokingly asked. Zelia looks at what Frypan is holding.
"Oh, shuck. I am very sorry, Fry. I was just thinking too deeply that I didn't notice that I'm standing too long in front of you." Fry gave Zelia a wide smile.
"No worries. Looks like someone ruined your day."
"Yeah, right," the girl just said before taking the tray and sitting in the empty seat. She knew Kendrix followed her, but she didn't mind too much.
"So, what happened?" Zelia glared at him. He immediately raised his hands. "Wow, okay, I won't ask; I might even receive a punch coming from you."
The girl took a deep breath and combed her hair using her own fingers before drinking her own water.
"I had a patient earlier. It's fine with me if he doesn't want to speak because I don't have a problem with being quiet until I finish treating him. The only annoying thing here is that he didn't let me even finish what I was going to say. He is not only very rude, but also he's really getting on my nerves," Zelia said, obviously annoyed that Kendrix secretly swallowed. He could feel the girl's annoyance in her voice.
"That's worse. Even if you don't name that person, I already know who you're talking about," he said, and she just took a deep breath before she started to eat her food.
"If only I could find out what was really wrong with him, I would have done it. It's just really annoying that he didn't even finish what I was going to say." Kendrix held the girl's left hand and squeezed it to somehow calm her down.
"Your feelings are valid, so you really have the right to get mad at him." Zelia just gave the latter a short smile before finishing her meal.
I really hope I won't be too affected by what happened today.
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