Chapter Twenty-Three: Mission Space
Luna's Pov
"Oh, I love history class! Someone is always leaving me a little piece of gum stuck under my desk" Adam said.
"Adam, please tell me you didn't" I begged.
He then blew the bubble and popped it.
"He did. He totally did" Bree said in disgust.
"Oh. Guys, don't look now, but here comes that guy none of us like. Marcus" Leo said and I nodded.
"M-dog!" all of us yelled, since I had to pretend I was still his friend I need to be nice to him.
"Hey" Marcus greeted.
I moved closer to Chase since I didn't want to be anywhere near that crazy weird kid.
"Wait. Hold the phone. Hold the phone, hold the freaky-deaky phone. 'M-dog'?" Leo asked.
"Yeah. Bro's call each other by nicknames" Chase said.
"Well, I'm your actual bro and you don't call me by a nickname" Leo said.
"Actually, we do. We just choose not to do it in your presence. Mr. Tiny McLittlestein" Adam said and I giggled.
"Hey, Marcus, what are you up to this weekend?" Chase asked.
"Ah, my dad's out of town so I'll be stuck home alone with my grandma" Marcus said and I quietly growled.
He's such a faker.
"Aha! You said your grandma was dead" Leo said as he pointed at him.
"The other grandma. But thanks for reminding me" Marcus said as he looked away in sadness.
The trio scolded Leo while I rolled my eyes.
This dude really is a great actor.
"I wish I could stay with you guys for the weekend" Marcus said.
"And I wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues" Leo said.
"Leo give it a rest" I said, giving him a small wink and a smirk.
"Look, Marcus, I'm sure you can stay with us. I'll just check with Mr. Davenport" Chase said.
"You call your dad Mr. Davenport?" Marcus asked and Chase's eyes widened in realization.
"Uh, No. Pssh. No. But you do, and I wanted to make sure you knew who I was talking about" Chase quickly said.
"Okay. Cool. Thanks, guys" Marcus said as he walked away.
The bell rang and I walked away to get to my next class when a football flew towards me.
"Sweetheart watch out" Chase yelled when suddenly the football flew the other way.
The football players looked confused but walked away from us while the five us looked at Chase, really confused.
"What just happened?" I asked.
"Did you just...?" Adam asked.
"I think I just moved that ball with my mind" Chase said.
"I didn't know you could do that" Leo said.
"Neither did I" Chase said.
"Man, if you can do that with your mind, I wonder what I can do with mine" Adam said and we all stared at him.
"We've been wondering that for years" Bree said and we all nodded before walking away to head to class.
Back At Home
We were all down in the lab, trying to figure out what happened today at school.
"Chase, this is amazing. You can move things with your mind! You're like a really cool magician. You know, if there was such a thing as a really cool magician" Leo said and I nodded.
"It doesn't make any sense. It was probably just a fluke. I mean, it's not like everything around me is gonna suddenly start flying through the air" Chase said.
He then threw his arm out and a few things flew across the room.
We all stared at him with wide eyes.
"Uh-oh" Chase said.
"I'm gonna go tell Mr. Davenport about this" Bree said as she got up to head upstairs but Chase ran over to her and stopped her.
"What? No, wait! If this is a glitch, and Mr. Davenport finds out about it, he won't let me go to school anymore" Chase said.
"Oh I know, let me tap into his cyber desk, see if I can find out anything" I suggested.
"Awesome idea sweetheart" Chase praised.
We all walked over to the cyber desk and I started typing some things to see what was going on with Chase.
Soon the holographic files showed up and my eyes widened in shock.
"Oh my gosh" I said.
"What's wrong?" Bree asked.
"Guys, this isn't a glitch. Chase can move objects by manipulating the energy around them. He's unlocked a hidden bionic ability called molecular kinesis" I explained.
"What, really?" Chase asked.
"Yeah, come look for yourself" I said.
Chase scanned the files and his eyes widened in shock.
"According to this, you all have hidden abilities" I said.
"What?!" Bree yelled.
"What are they?" Adam asked, suddenly getting excited.
"I don't know, let me see" I said.
I tried going through their files but they were all locked.
"Oh, no. It's shutting us out. Mr. Davenport must have put a security lock on it. I'm sorry, guys, I guess we'll just have to discover them on our own" Chase explained and the other two groaned.
"Fine" Bree said.
"Ooh! Maybe my new ability is that I can speak Russian" Adam said.
"How the hell is that an ability?" I asked to the Chase and Bree and all they did was shrug.
"Testing, testing... Is this Russian?" Adam asked.
"Keep looking" Bree said and we all nodded.
Back Upstairs
We all walked back upstairs where dad was sitting on the couch looking at his tablet.
"Hey, Mr. Davenport. Is it okay if Marcus spends the weekend here? His dad is away and he doesn't want to spend it with his not-dead grandma" Adam asked.
Leo suddenly ran downstairs and came up from behind dad.
"No. Don't do it. Marcus is an evil, two-faced liar. And also... a sagittarius. They're shifty" Leo said and we all nodded.
Bree stood up and gave Leo an offended look, "I'm a sagittarius" Bree said.
"I rest my case" Leo said and we all laughed.
The doorbell ran and Chase got up to open the door.
"You know, guys, this is really not a great weekend... for visitors. I got a lot of stuff..." Dad started but Chase cut him off by opening the door to reveal Marcus.
"Marcus. What a surprise. We were just talking about you" Chase said as Marcus walked inside.
"I wish we weren't" I whispered to Leo and he nodded.
"Yeah, let me catch you up to speed. You're two-faced and no one likes you. Goodbye" Leo said and I quietly giggled.
"I love this little guy. He's so full of fire" Marcus said as he patted Leo's head and I scowled.
Marcus walked inside and dad walked over to him.
"Mr. Davenport, my dad left before my grandma got there and I was all alone and this is the only place that I feel safe and... please don't make me leave!" Marcus begged and nearly cried.
Dad was uncomfortable since he hugged him and so was I.
"Yeah, okay, okay. Okay, all right. You can stay" Dad agreed and Marcus let go of him.
Then dad's watch started beeping.
"What is that?" Marcus asked.
"Uh, that? That means it's, uh-- it's happy time. How about you stay here and be happy, and we'll be happy over there" Dad said as he grabbed us and we all walked over to the kitchen.
"Guys, that is the mission alarm. We have to get down to the lab immediately. Leo, pumpkin, distract Marcus" Dad ordered.
"What?! No-- no. No" Leo whispered yelled and I nodded in agreement.
Chase gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before him and dad ran downstairs to the lab as Marcus walked over to us.
"Uh, Marcus. We'll be right back. We gotta go... pick up a pizza" Bree said.
"All of you?" Marcus asked.
"t's an... extra-large" Adam said as the two of them quickly ran downstairs, leaving the three of us alone.
"This just got weird" I said.
"Okay. So they're busy, I hate you, and you hate me" Leo said.
"Who doesn't?" I asked, making Marcus chuckle.
Leo rolled his eyes and dragged the both of us to the living room.
"So why don't we kill some time and brush up on the latest issue of...Ladies Life Monthly" Leo suggested and Marcus rolled his eyes.
"I'm not going to suffer this, bye bye" I said while walking away.
"Don't leave me" Leo yelled but I ignored him and continued walking away until I got into the hallway.
I'm not going anywhere near the weird, he has a crush on me and is trying to take me away from Chase.
I'd rather hang out with Principal Perry for a day then go near him.
So I just stood in the hallway and stayed on my phone the entire time.
A few minutes passed by until dad came into the hallway with Leo.
"How's it going?" Dad asked Leo.
"Oh, fine. I'm distracting him with my mom's lady magazines. Turns out the chicas actually prefer a man with insecurities. Who knew?" Leo said with a smile and I giggled.
"Look, this mission is very complicated. I had to send Adam, Bree and Chase into space" Dad said and my eyes widened in shock, along with Leo.
"They're in space" me and Leo yelled but dad told us to be quiet.
"And I'm stuck here making small talk with a narcissistic commitment-phobe who nine out of ten women wouldn't take home to meet their mother?" Leo said as he showed us the magazine he was holding.
"I expect combat pay for this" I said and Leo nodded.
Dad rolled his eyes and dragged us back to the living room, only to see that Marcus wasn't there.
"Where'd he go?" Dad asked.
"He's probably up on the second floor dangling my hamster out of the window" Leo sarcastically said.
"Just find him and get him out of here" Dad said.
"Ahem!" me and Leo said together as we held out our hands for him.
Dad rolled his eyes and went through his pockets and gave us each $200.
"Fine. Combat pay" Dad said and we smiled.
"Thank you. But just so we're clear, this does not include my gas, mileage, meals--" Leo started but dad cut him off.
"Just go!" Dad yelled and Leo ran out the room to search for Marcus.
I ran upstairs to find him but he wasn't there, so I decided to head to the lab.
Once I got there I ran inside.
"Dad I couldn't...oh shit" I said.
I saw dad inside the lab, but I also spotted Marcus in the lab inside one of the capsules.
"Hey Luna" Marcus said with a smile.
Leo came running inside the lab right after me, "I couldn't find Marcus any-- Oh, boy" Leo said as he spotted Marcus inside the capsule.
Marcus stepped out of the capsule and we all walked over to him.
"What is this place? What are these?" Marcus asked, pointing towards the capsules.
"Uh, those-- those are... Leo, tell him what those are" Dad said as he pushed Leo in front of him.
"Oh. Um, they are... washing machines" Leo quickly said.
"Yes! These are my dads new high-tech industrial washing machines. Each load costs 150 quarters" I explained and dad nodded.
"Okay, back upstairs, you little weirdo" Leo said as he started pushing Marcus away but he moves away from him.
"But I want to watch you work" Marcus said with a smile.
"No" we all shouted.
"Um, actually, you know what, uh, maybe some other time. Um, but, uh, Leo, pumpkin, I will be back before the rinse cycle has enough space to land" Dad said as he started pushing Marcus out of the lab.
"Got it. Okay. Until you're back, I will make it my mission to control the rise cycle. But I think the rinse cycle might need more... of a payload" Leo said.
Dad rolled his eyes before pushing Marcus out of the lab.
Once they were gone me and Leo sighed in relief.
"That was close" I said.
"Ya think?" Leo asked and I rolled my eyes at him.
Leo then walked over to dad's computer and decided to talk to the trio and guide them through the mission.
But all he did was talk about them bringing back some souvenirs.
'This is what I have to deal with?' I thought in annoyance.
Not wanting to get caught up in any of this I sat down on top of the cyber desk and just waited.
40 minutes passed and dad finally came back.
"On my way home I discovered what that little red light on my dashboard of my hydrogen car means. It means you're out of hydrogen and you're walking home" Dad said as he pushed Leo out of the way.
"How's the mission going? Guys? Guys? What's the status of the space station? Are you there?" Dad asked as he tried getting ahold of the trio.
"Yup, right here" Bree said as we turned around.
"Oh. Hello" Dad said and we all smiled.
"Where have you been?" Chase asked.
"You totally abandoned us! And the entire mission!" Bree said.
"Adam floated out into space and almost became the world's dumbest satellite. And he would have if I hadn't have stumbled upon my molecular kinesis" Chase explained.
Our eyes widened in shock when Chase said that and dad stared at him in shock too.
"Oh... also I stumbled upon my molecular kinesis" Chase said.
"Nice save bubba" I sarcastically said and he playfully glared at me.
"How did you find out about that?" Dad asked.
"I think the more important question is how could you not have told me sooner?" Chase said and I nodded.
"Uh, Mr. Davenport, what other abilities do I have? Because I vote for the ability to look into the future and see myself far, far away from all of... this" Bree asked.
"Yes, it's-- it's true, you all have abilities you don't know about. But I can't tell you what they are or when they'll appear" Dad said and we all looked at him confused.
"Why not?" Adam asked as we walked over to the cyber desk.
"Because I don't know what they all are or when they'll appear" Dad said.
"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked.
"Look, there are certain things I can't tell you right now, but it's for your own good. Strange things will continue to happen, and I promise eventually I will give you the answers you're looking for. But for now, you just have to trust me" Dad explained.
"But, Mr. Davenport--" Chase started but dad cut him off.
"Please, I need you to trust me. And you have to be careful who you allow into your lives. We had a close call today" Dad said.
"Yeah, Marcus found the lab" I said and the trio looked at me in shock.
"What?" Chase asked.
"Hmm... Who would have guessed that Marcus coming here would lead to bad things? I'll tell you. It's Mr. Tiny McLittlestein! Right here!" Leo said.
"We're just lucky I came down when I did, or he could have discovered all of our secrets" Dad said and we all nodded.
They all walked upstairs to eat some dinner while I walked over to Chase and smiled.
"I missed you bubba" I said.
"I missed you too sweetheart" Chase said.
He leaned down and pressed his lips onto mine.
I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist.
We pulled away and pressed our foreheads against each others.
"I love you" Chase said.
"I love you too" I said.
We smiled at each other and kissed once again.
I don't care what Marcus is going to do.
Nothing is going to ruin mine and Chase's relationship, I won't let that happen.
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