Chapter Twenty: Night Of The Living Virus
Luna's Pov
I was in the living room with my wonderful boyfriend, and two guy best friends.
They were all playing some game with these weird helmet looking things and a control in their hands, while I watched them on the couch.
"Yes! Totally gonna make it to the final level" Chase cheered and I giggled.
They had finished but instead of cheering they all sighed in disappointment and sat down.
"I just wasted three hours of my life getting to that level. I'm never playing mental chaos again" Leo complained and the other two nodded in agreement.
"Me neither" both Adam and Chase said.
"Again" all three of them yelled as they sat back up to play their game.
I rolled my eyes at their childish behaviors and just looked at my phone and scrolled through social media.
I noticed Tasha walking in and saying something but I wasn't paying attention.
A few minutes passed and that's when Bree came downstairs.
"Hey, I thought I told you guys to get lost. The coolest girls in school are coming for a sleepover, and I don't want this place smelling like feet and pickles" Bree said.
"That's not what the place smells like at all" I said.
Adam them sniffed his armpits and looked back at Bree.
"Well, not me. I'm armpits and onions" Adam said and I shuddered in disgust.
"Hey, why does she get to have a party?" Chase asked.
"Because she needs to socialize more with girls so she'll stop challenging random strangers to loogie contests" Tasha explained and I giggled.
"Aw, but she's the champ" Adam said and Chase nodded.
"She has had some epic hang times" Chase said.
"You gotta work up a green one. They're meatier" Bree said with a proud smile.
"That's my little princess" Dad said sarcastically and I glared at him.
"And what am I?" I asked.
"You are my baby girl, my beautiful pumpkin, and the second person that scares me" Dad explained and I smiled.
"Who's the first person that scares you?" Bree asked.
"That's my scary and beautiful wife" Dad said and Tasha gave him the death stare.
"Gotta go, bye honey" Dad said as he grabbed Leo's arm and ran down to the lab.
"So, I have watched every slumber party movie ever made. We're gonna have a pillow fight, we're gonna put cucumbers on our eyes, and then we're gonna snake Francesca's legs. Her knees have eyebrows" Bree explained.
I stared at her weirdly and made a face.
"I know her. Every time she sits, she looks surprised" Chase said and I giggled.
"Well, have fun at your sleepover Bree" I said.
"You're invited too Luna" Bree said and I stared at her in shock.
"What, why" I yelled.
"Because you're my best friend, you have to be there" Bree said and I groaned.
"I don't want to be at your dumb sleepover, especially if you invited some bratty popular girls" I said and the boys laughed.
"Honey I think you should join the sleepover. You need more friends other then the trio and Leo" Tasha said.
"I'd rather keep it that way" I said.
"Come on Luna, please, I won't have any fun without you" Bree begged.
I was about to say no but Bree gave me puppy dog eyes and Tasha smiled at me.
Groaning in annoyance I sighed.
"Alright fine, I'll be at your dumb sleepover" I agreed and she cheered.
"Thank you, thank you Luna" Bree said and I nodded.
"Whatever, but the minute I get bored or annoyed I'm leaving, you got that?" I said and she nodded.
"Yes, deal" Bree said and I nodded.
Chase walked over to me and kissed my forehead.
"No worries sweetheart, I'm sure it won't be too bad" Chase reassured me and I smiled.
"Thanks bubba" I said and he smiled.
"Well, have fun, me and Adam are going to be together, planning something" Chase said with a smirk.
He gave me a soft kiss on the lips and walked away.
I rolled my eyes but smiled, knowing full well what Chase and Adam were planning to do.
A Few Hours Later
I was in my room getting ready since Bree is making me go to her dumb sleepover.
I just hope she didn't invite Stephanie because that girl is nothing but rude, annoying, bratty, and mean.
Quickly straightening my hair and putting on some nice comfy clothes.
I smiled and left my room to head downstairs.
Once I got there I saw Bree and Tasha setting up the living room.
The doorbell then rang and Bree looked nervous.
"Oh, my gosh! They're here" Bree said as she looked down at her clothes.
"I hate my outfit" Bree complained as she superspeeded back upstairs and came back down with new clothes.
"Worse" Bree complained as she once again superspeeded back upstairs and came back down with new clothes.
"Better" Bree said with a smile.
"Yeah, I'm never gonna get used to that" Tasha said before giving Bree a smile and walked away to head to her room.
Bree smiled and walked towards the door and opened it.
"Hi, I'm so-" Bree started but got cut off by someone throwing their sleeping bag to her and barging in.
And of fucking course, it was Stephanie.
'I'm going to kill Bree later' I thought in annoyance.
"Sick house. Totally huge, insane views, and it looks down at all the renters" Stephanie said with a smile and I glared at her.
"Okay, girls, you can come in" Stephanie said as she waved for the other girls to come in.
Soon more girls walked inside the house with smiles on their faces.
"Hi! Thanks for coming" Bree said as she closed the door once the last girl walked inside.
"We were gonna go to Caitlin's, but her house is a dump compared to this" Stephanie said and I rolled my eyes at her.
"I'm getting a pool" Caitlin said.
"In ground or above?" Stephanie asked.
"Above" Caitlin said.
"Oh, nice, an outdoor bathtub. We might as well just go to the city pool" Stephanie said and I resisted the urge to punch her.
She seemed to have noticed me and smiled.
"Oh Luna, I nearly forgot you lived here" Stephanie said.
I rolled my eyes at her in annoyance, "and I only came here because Bree begged me to" I said as I took out my phone.
"Well this party got a whole lot better if you're here" Stephanie said as she tried hugging me but I immediately moved away from her.
Now you see...Stephanie fucking likes me.
But the only reason she likes me and tries to act nice is so she can try and get me to become a cheerleader.
Apparently after the incident with Trent I became more popular and cooler then Stephanie.
She was mad, because trust me.
Prissy, Pink, Bratty bitch barbie dolls always whine when they aren't the most popular.
But instead of being mean to me she's trying to be nice to me.
I already knew the reason, she's trying to get me to warm up to her and join the cheerleaders.
I'm assuming that if I hang out with her then people will start to like her and she'll be popular just like me.
'No way am in hell am I ever going to hang out with that bitch' I thought in annoyance.
"Pillow fight" Bree yelled as she grabbed a pillow and hit Stephanie in the face, causing her to fall on the couch.
I smirked and was laughing my fucking ass off on the inside.
"Did you just hit me with that pillow?!" Stephanie asked.
"Yeah, and you just totally ate that couch" Bree said and I smiled at my crazy best friend.
"Okay, if you're gonna get all weird, we need to pull the drapes" Stephanie said.
"Well, if we're not gonna have a pillow fight, what are we gonna do?" Bree asked, completely confused.
"Duh. We're gonna take pictures of ourselves having fun and send them to the girls we didn't invite" Stephanie said as she sat down on the couch.
"I swear I want to murder this bitch" I muttered under my breath.
Soon Adam and Chase walked into the room.
Chase smiled at me and kissed my cheek before turning his attention to the other girls.
"Hello, ladies. May I offer you a healthy and delicious snack?" Chase asked.
"Yes. Care for a horse Da-ver-ver?" Adam asked and I giggled at him.
Caitlin took one from the plate Adam was holding.
"Ugh. I don't feel so good" Chase said and I raised my eyebrows at him.
Soon a fake hand popped out of his chest and his screamed, Adam soon yelled in fear.
"It's alive! It's coming out of his chest" Adam said in fear.
I giggled while the other girls looked confused and annoyed.
Chase looked at him annoyed.
"Adam, we've been over this. It's a prank! I don't really have three arms" Chase explained.
"I know, but it looks so real" Adam defended.
"Can you guys leave, now" Bree ordered.
Both of them nodded, but before Chase left he brought his lips closer to my ear.
"Meet me in the bathroom and we can have some alone time for a bit" Chase whispered before walking away.
I shivered at his voice but let a small smirk appear on my face.
If it meant getting me away from this sleepover for a while I would want that.
"Hey Bree, I'll be right back, just need to use the bathroom for a bit" I said.
"No problem Luna, just hurry back" Bree said and I nodded.
I quickly got off the couch and walked away from the girls.
Tasha was in her room while dad and Leo were in the lab and Adam was doing who knows what.
I continued walking until someone grabbed me and pulled me into the bathroom.
The lights turned on and I smiled when I saw Chase in front of me.
"Hey sweetheart" Chase said with a smirk.
"Hey bubba" I said with a smile.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his lips against mine.
I smiled into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck.
He pulled my body closer to his and deepened the kiss, making me moan.
We pulled away for a few seconds before kissing once again.
He gently pushed me up against the wall and deepened the kiss, making me moan a little louder then before.
He smirked into the kiss and his grip around my waist tightened just a little more.
'Chase is hot when he's like this' I thought.
We pulled away and started panting like crazy.
Once we stopped we smiled at each other and pressed our foreheads against each others.
"That was amazing" Chase said with a smirk and I giggled.
"Yeah, it was" I said with a smile.
He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead and caressed my cheek.
"I love you" Chase said.
"I love you too" I said with a smile.
"I need to get back, before the girls wonder what happened" I said and he groaned.
"Why can't you stay?" Chase asked.
I giggled and kissed his nose.
"I would love to, but I promised Bree I would be at her dumb sleepover" I said.
Chase rolled his eyes but nodded.
He planted one last kiss on my lips.
"Have fun" Chase said.
"I probably won't" I said, making him chuckle.
I exited the bathroom and quickly made it back to the living room.
A Few Hours Later
A few hours passed and things were getting really boring.
Bree and the other girls changed into their pajamas while I stayed in my same clothes.
Bree had brought some of her clothes downstairs and Stephanie was picking some out.
'This is so fucking boring' I thought in annoyance.
Tasha walked in and looked confused.
"What's going on here?" Tasha asked.
"Stephanie's deciding which of my clothes are cute enough for her to wear" Bree said.
"Cute. Boring. Soccer mom. Yard sale. Ugh. Who died and gave you this?" Stephanie asked as she looked through Bree's clothes.
Can I punch her and throw her out the window?
It's not like anybody likes her.
"I don't think it's a good idea for you to give her all your clothes" Tasha said and I nodded in agreement.
"She's just borrowing them" Bree said.
"No, she's not" Caitlin said.
'For once I agree with Caitlin' I thought.
Where's Chase and Adam when you need them?
"Let's play a board game" Bree suggested.
"That would be appropriate 'cause I'm bored" Stephanie said as she stood up from the couch.
"I have a better idea. Let's rate each other on a scale of one to ten. I'm a ten" Stephanie said and she looked at me.
"Oh Luna, why don't you go" Stephanie said with a fake smile.
"Sure, why not. Obviously my bestie Bree is a 10" I said.
"Awww, thanks Luna" Bree said with a smile and I smiled back.
"Of course I'm a 10 as well, and Stephanie, you're good enough for a 2" I said with a smirk.
The girls giggled while Stephanie glared at me, making me smirk even wider.
"Okay. Why don't we tell a scary story?" Tasha asked and the girls nodded.
"If you wanna hear a scary story, ask Caitlin about her sweet 16" Stephanie suggested.
"You weren't even there" Caitlin said, really confused.
"I sent my people" Stephanie said and I rolled my eyes at her.
"Sit" Tasha said as she pulled Stephanie back down.
"Many years ago, in this very spot, a group of pioneer girls, with one very mean one... were being chased by a demon, and when he finally caught them by their long, blonde hair... he ground their bones into dust! And made clothes out of their livers" Tasha started.
The front door slowly started opening and Caitlin jumped.
"What was that?!" Caitlin asked, clearly scared.
"That was the sound of my stupid brothers trying to ruin my life" Bree said in annoyance.
Adam and Chase popped up from behind the couch.
"Wasn't us" Adam said.
"We were busy unloading our ant farm into your sleeping bags" Chase said with a laugh but nobody else laughed.
I just giggled and shook my head at my nerdy boyfriend.
"I thought it was funny" Chase said.
Soon the lights went off and the girls got more scared.
"It's worse than I thought! They didn't pay their electric bill" Stephanie said and I rolled my eyes at her.
The lights started flickering and the T.V turned on, only to show red skull surrounded by fire.
"It's the liver demon! Hide your livers!" Caitlin yelled.
All the girls screamed and huddled closer to Tasha.
"Wait, is this one of the pranks we planned?" Adam asked.
"No" Chase said and soon Adam got scared.
"Hold me!" Adam yelled as he jumped into Chase's arms and started screaming, along with the girls.
"Guys, I'm scared! Let's get out of here!" Caitlin said.
"No one cares if you're scared. I'm scared. That's why we're leaving" Stephanie said as she got up, along with the other girls.
"Wait! Don't go! Who's up for a loogie contest?" Bree asked.
The girls looked at her weirdly before walking out, but the door closed before anyone could leave.
"You're not going anywhere! This slumber party's just begun! Can I get a what, what?"
The girls and Adam started running around the house while I stayed on the couch, enjoying everything that was happening.
"There's no time to sleep when you're living in a nightmare!"
Once again the girls screamed and ran away while Stephanie ran towards Bree.
"Bree, what is going on?!" Stephanie asked.
"Something must be wrong with our smart-home system. That, or we built our house on the graves of the dead pioneer girls. Either way, let's not let it ruin our fun" Bree suggested with a smile while Stephanie glared at her.
"Anybody hungry? Who wants a sandwich?!"
The refrigerator door opened and soon a bunch of bologna came out and landed on Caitlin's face.
The girls continued screaming and running away.
I stood up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen where Chase and Adam were.
"Bubba what's going on?" I asked.
"I'm not sure" Chase said.
"Boys, go get Leo and Donald and find out what's going on. Luna go with them" Tasha demanded.
"Are you kidding?! In a horror movie, the first person to leave the room always gets killed" Chase said.
He turned to Adam and smiled at him.
"After you, Adam" Chase said and I glared at him.
"Oh, thank you. That's so nice" Adam said as he walked towards the elvator.
Chase smiled but when he saw mine and Tasha's glare his smile faded.
"Come on" I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the elevator.
Once we got into the elevator it took us to the lab.
Once we got there we saw Dad in one of the capsules, covered in pellets the trio used to eat before.
'Do I even want to know?' I thought.
We all quickly ran up to them.
"Dad" I yelled.
"Pumpkin, thank goodness you're ok" Dad said and I smiled.
"You guys aren't gonna believe this! I think there's something wrong with the house!" Adam said.
We all looked at him annoyed, "no" we all sarcastically said.
"Uh huh" Adam said.
"How are the girls?" Dad asked.
"They're fine" Chase said.
"Some of them" I said.
"Really? Even the one with no neck?" Adam asked.
"Never mind that. Eddy has a virus. And you need to go fix it" Leo said.
"And we're kind of in a hurry" Dad said.
"No shit" I said in annoyance.
Adam tried getting dad out of the capsule while Chase ran to dad's computer.
"Oh, no! I don't know how to get rid of it" Chase said.
Soon the red skull appeared in the lab.
"But I know how to get rid of you! I'll use Davenport's secret laser security system."
Chase quickly ran back to us and got in front of me.
"Dad, I love you, I really do, but please stop inventing things" I said and Leo nodded.
"Adam, Chase, you're bionic. The lasers will only stun you" Dad said.
"What about me?" Leo asked.
"And me?" I asked.
"Oh, they'll cut you both in half" Dad said and I glared at him.
"If you weren't stuck in a damn capsule I would've beaten your ass" I said in annoyance.
"We're never gonna be able to beat this thing. It's a computer" Chase said.
"Wait a minute! It's just like our video game Mental Chaos! If we can dodge his lasers and find his main power source, we can take this thing out!" Leo explained.
"But if it's shooting lasers at us, how are we gonna fight back?" Chase asked.
"I have lasers in my eyes!" Adam said.
"And I have a laser deflector!" Leo said as he ran to get the laser deflector but stopped.
"Wait, I'm not supposed to use this" Leo said.
"Yes, you can use it!" Dad yelled.
"But I specifically remember you telling me I'm not supposed to touch it" Leo said.
He quickly nodded and grabbed the thing.
"Everyone prepare to be destroyed! In three, two, one!"
"Okay, guys, we've got this. I'll be the decoy. You go left. I'll go right" Chase said and Adam nodded.
"Be careful bubba" I said.
"Always sweetheart" Chase said with a smile before getting up.
"Hey, flame face, over here" Chase yelled.
Lasers shot at him but Chase was quick to dodge as him and Adam did flips.
Adam shot his lasers while Leo used the thing to dodge them.
"Go ahead! Take your best shot! Go!" Chase yelled as another laser shot at him but he did another cool flip to dodge.
'Chase looks hot when doing flips' I thought with a small smirk.
Adam shot another laser and Leo continued dodging them using the thing.
"Catch me if you can!" Chase yelled as another laser shot at him but he flipped away.
Adam shot lasers directly at him and he disappeared.
Adam and Chase smiled at each other and fist bumped.
"Dude, we did it!" Chase cheered.
"Surprise" the skull said as it reappeared and shot lasers at them, stinging them and making them fall to the ground.
"Adam, bubba" I yelled as I ran to them, making sure to be careful.
"We're alright sweetheart, no worries" Chase reassured me.
"Leo! It's up to you! Aim for the USB port! It's the only way into the motherboard!" I yelled.
"I don't think I can do it! It's too tiny!" Leo said as he hid behind the cyber desk.
I turned back to Chase and Adam, "are you two alright?" I asked.
"We're fine, it just stung us" Adam said.
I just nodded before turning around only to see Leo running and holding the device in his hand.
He ducked and the laser hit the device and it hit the right place and deactivated the skull.
"Ow! Well, there goes my plans for the weekend!"
"Yes, it's gone" I cheered.
"I did it! I killed it! And when I killed it, I was killing it!" Leo cheered.
"Nice job Leo" I said with a smile and he smiled back at me.
I got up and helped Adam and Chase to their feet.
"You alright bubba?" I asked.
"No worries sweetheart, I'm fine" Chase reassured me and I nodded.
"Good to know, now come on, let's go upstairs to see how the other girls are doing" I suggested and Chase nodded.
We got back upstairs to find things back to the way they were before.
The girls were getting their things to leave and their hairs were all a mess.
Tasha and Bree stood by the door with a plate of smores in Bree's hands.
We walked over to them and stood next to Tasha.
Chase wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around his waist.
"Thanks for coming. Sorry my house is haunted. S'more for the road?" Bree asked.
"Just so you know, we're never coming back" Stephanie said.
"Thank goodness" I whispered to Chase and he chuckled.
"Oh, that's a shame... because you, young lady, are a delight" Tasha said sarcastically and I giggled.
Stephanie rolled her eyes and quickly left.
Caitlin was about to leave but turned around to face Bree and smiled.
"That was fun. And if you were serious about that loogie contest, I can honk a mean one!" Caitlin said.
"Awesome! I bet if we hurry, we can still hit Stephanie's car!" Bree cheered as they were quick to run out of the house.
"That's just weird" I said and Chase nodded.
"You two have fun, I'm going to bed" Tasha said and we nodded before she walked away.
Chase leaned down and kissed me and I happily kissed back.
We pulled away and he gently caressed my cheek.
"I love you" Chase said.
"I love you too" I said before pressing my lips onto his once again.
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