Chapter Thirty Three: The Rats Strike Back
Luna's Pov
I was with dad and Leo in the lab waiting for the trio to return from their mission.
Soon the lab doors slid open revealing the trio who looked really tried.
"Another successful mission! Sure you guys blew a lot of stuff up, but hey, that's the city's problem now" Dad chuckled.
I walked up to Chase and kissed him softly on the lips.
"I'm glad you're safe bubba" I said and he smiled.
"Me too sweetheart" Chase said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Uh, I am so exhausted. I can't wait to just stand up, and go to sleep" Bree said as I giggled.
"Well, you guys get your rest. My big NASA presentation is this week, and we still have to complete training on my gravity propulsion belt" Dad explained.
"I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it does a lot more than hold up my pants" Leo said.
Chase walked over to a chair and sat down as he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped both arms around my waist.
"This is a huge contract. If NASA buys this, astronauts will be able to spacewalk anywhere in the galaxy. They'll probably name a moon after me, or a planet! Things are gonna land on me! Ha ha!" Dad cheered and I rolled my eyes.
"I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning" Dad said as he started walking away but Leo stopped him.
"Wait, tomorrow? No, no. That's not gonna work. I planned an awesome cyberpong tournament. I made nicknames and everything. I'm Kingpong" Leo protested.
"Really?" I asked and he glared at me.
"And tomorrow's the Teen Fiancé marathon on TV. I didn't think it was possible, but I actually found a group of people who's lives are more pathetic than mine" Bree said.
"You don't say" I said and Chase chuckled.
"Yeah, and I was gonna have a spa day. According to one of Bree's girly magazine's... I have cankles" Adam said and we all gave him a disgusted look.
"Adam, nobody wants to know that" I said and everyone nodded.
"And I was gonna get a head start on my homework" Chase said and we all stared at him.
'Homework, is he serious' I thought in disblief.
"I mean, play sports and talk to girls" Chase said and I glared at him.
"What girls?" I asked.
"Did I say girls? I meant girl, and that girl is my beautiful girlfriend that I love so much" Chase quickly said.
I glared at him and he smiled nervously at me, "please don't kill me" Chase begged.
I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.
"You're lucky you're cute and I love you" I said and he sighed in relief.
"And I was planning on sleeping all day since we got no school" I said with a smirk, making dad roll his eyes but smile.
"All right. Look, none of that is happening. This stuff is important" Dad said.
"What makes your stuff more important than ours?" Bree asked as she walked towards him.
"Uh, 'cause my stuff can make a billion dollars" Dad said with a smile.
"Yeah, so, when you're the boss, you can make the rules. But until then" Dad said as he started walking backwards and held his arms up in the air.
"I am the king of Davenportia, and you will all do my bidding" Dad said in a deep voice.
"Except for me" I said with a glare.
"Except for my pumpkin because she's her own person, and if I made her do my bidding she'd beat my ass" Dad said.
"Correct" I said with a smirk.
"Ha ha ha ha" Dad laughed as he continued walking backwards, but then the lab doors closed on him and he got hurt.
"Oh! Ow!" Dad whined as he got hurt and removed himself from the doors and we all laughed.
"Man, this stinks" Leo whined.
"Why do we always have to do what he wants us to do?" Bree asked in annoyance.
"Weren't you listening? The man is king!" Adam said and I rolled my eyes at him as I get off of Chase's lap and he gets off the chair and we walk over to them.
"Hey! Maybe you guys should do what those hotel workers downtown did. You know, strike" Leo suggested.
"Okay" Adam agreed as he turned around and punched Chase in the arm.
"Ow! What was that for?" Chase asked.
"Leo said strike" Adam said.
"Strike?" Bree asked and Adam once again hit Chase.
"Ow!" Chase yelled.
"What's a strike?" Bree asked.
Adam was going to hit him but Chase grabbed his arm and glared at him, "stop it!" Chase yelled as he released Adam's arm.
"It's when employees refuse to work, until they get better working conditions, like more days off. Or in your case...a day off" I explained and Leo nodded.
"Hey, that's a great idea" Chase said as he walked towards the middle of where we all were.
"I say we all strike!" Chase suggested and then the three of them punched him.
"Oh, come on!" Chase complained and I giggled while the others laughed.
Leo walked over to his desk while the trio walked into their capsules to get changed.
Once they got changed I walked over to Chase.
"Come on bubba, let's go" I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the elevator.
"Sweetheart, where are we going?" Chase asked and I smirked.
"You'll see" I said.
We stepped out of the elevator and we walked upstairs and held hands the entire time.
We made it into my room and I closed the door.
"Sweetheart, what are we doing in your room?" Chase asked.
"What can I say?" I shrugged as I walked towards him and caressed his cheek.
"I missed you during the mission and I was hoping we some things" I said with a smirk.
His eyes slightly widened in realization and smirked.
"Oooh, Really?" Chase asked and I nodded.
"Really" I said with a smirk.
He immediately pulled me closer to him and I cupped his face.
We stared at each other for a few seconds before pressing our lips against each others.
I wrapped both arm around his neck and he held onto my hips with his hands.
Soon we both started walking towards my bed and fell down together with Chase on his back and me on top of him.
I soon cupped his face and he wrapped both arms around my waist.
He deepened the kiss, making me moan a bit loud.
I moved one hand from his face and travelled down to his chest and just rested it there.
I could feel his abs and it was amazing.
'Why the hell does he get teased so much? He's amazing' I thought.
Soon we both pulled away and started panting, trying to catch our breath.
We smiled at each other and laughed.
"Gosh, I love you so much sweetheart" Chase said.
I smiled at him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
"I love you too bubba" I said with a smile and he smiled back.
I then rolled off of him and rested my head on his chest and cuddled into him as he wrapped both arms around me.
"Get some rest sweetheart" Chase said and I nodded.
I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.
The Next Day
I walked down into the lab to see the others making signs.
"What in the name of hell is going on?" I asked.
"Oh hey Luna, we're making signs for our strike" Bree said.
"You guys are actually going to do it?" I asked.
"Of course we are, we deserve a day off" Chase said and I sighed.
"Alright fine, I'm not joining but I will be here for some moral support" I said as I sat down on a chair.
"Thanks Luna" Adam said and I nodded.
Soon the lab elevator doors opened and dad walked in and the others were quick to grab their signs.
"Greetings people of Davenportia. It is I, king Donald, here to train thee. Ha ha!" Dad laughed.
"Unfair. On strike. Unfair. On strike" everyone yelled with the signs in their hands.
"What's all this?" Dad asked.
"We... are on strike" Chase said.
"Why would you guys strike? You have the most awesome lives ever. Except maybe for mine" Dad asked.
" Ha... ha... ha. We're serious. Adam even made us signs" Bree said as Adam got up from his work station completely covered in marker.
"Probably should have used a pencil" Adam said and I giggled.
"Okay, guys. Quit being ridiculous" Dad said.
"There's nothing ridiculous about it. They're on strike, and I'm their captain. We're sticking it to the man" Leo said.
"Yeah! And I don't know exactly what it is, but we're sticking it to ya! And it's gonna be really hard to get off" Adam cheered and we all looked at him weirdly.
"Leo, pumpkin, why are you two striking? You two don't even have to train" Dad asked.
"I'm only here for moral support" I said.
"This isn't about training. It's about unity! And equality! And getting what we want! Ity..." Leo started but Chase cut him off.
"We're striking for a day off. We need downtime just to have fun. As long as it doesn't effect our school work" Chase said.
"Really bubba?" I asked.
"That's right. We are united in this cause. We will get what we deserve, because... superhumans are humans too! Come on, guys" Leo said and they went back to striking.
"Superhumans are humans too! Superhumans are humans too! Superhumans are humans too! Superhumans are humans too!" all of them yelled.
"I see. You guys want to play hardball" Dad said.
"Yes, we do. And after that, we're going to go right back to striking" Adam said and I rolled my eyes at him.
Dad left the lab and the others started doing their own things.
Bree was sitting on a chair with a bowl of popcorn in her lap while having her tablet in her hands watching her favorite marathon.
Chase and Leo were playing cyber pong while yelling comebacks at each other and it really annoyed me since I was trying to watch YouTube on my phone.
"Can you guys please keep it down? Teen Fiancé is on. Jimmy-John is about to pop the question at the Taco Shack. He hid her ring in a churro!" Bree squeals.
"What?" me and Chase asked.
"Who wants burritos?! Ah! Fresh out of the eyeball" Adam asked as he walked in the room with some sort of white stuff all over his face.
He then used his heat vision to heat up the burrito. Then he walked over to his chair and turned on the feet soaker.
"Ahh! That's the stuff" Adam said.
"That's gross" I said.
Suddenly the power went off, "hey!" everyone yelled.
"What gives?" Chase asked, "my cankles" Adam said.
Soon dad walked into the lab with a smirk on his face, "and darkness falls across the land of Davenportia. Ha ha ha ha!" Dad laughed.
"Turn our stuff back on!" Bree yelled.
"I think you mean, turn my stuff back on. Because you can't strike against me without striking against Davenport Industries, and that means you can't use Davenport Industries' equipment. Ha! Boom! Mmm!" Dad yelled as he used his finger and blew on it and put it behind his butt.
"Don't ever do that again, please" I said.
"So, if you don't mind" Dad said as he walked over to Chase and Leo and took their cyber paddles away.
"And that and this" Dad said as he walked over to Bree and took the tablet and popcorn away from her.
"No!" Bree yelled.
"Ha ha! And... that!" Dad laughed as he walked over to Adam and took some white stuff from his hands.
"Oh, hey! That's my face cream!" Adam said.
"Adam, this is sour cream" Dad said and I made a disgusted face.
"Yeah, and when it's done on my face, I use it on my burrito" Adam said.
"And that is also mine" Dad said as he took his burrito.
"Hey!" Adam yelled.
"Yep! Now, all you have to do is end the strike, and you can have the stuff back" Dad said.
"Hmm. Sounds like a win-win. I think we should go for it" Adam said and I glared at him.
"Really?" I asked in annoyance and he just nodded.
"What about your day off? Come on, guys! Stay defiant! Stand up to the man!" Leo argued.
"But the man has my burrito!" Adam argued back.
"Just buy another one" I said.
"And the man is having it for lunch. Now, if you don't mind... I'll be up in my well-lit mansion, playing with all my toys that still work. Ha ha ha ha!" Dad laughed before leaving the lab.
"Well, this was a bad idea" I said and the others glared at me.
I rolled my eyes and went back to watching my YouTube videos.
The Next Day
I woke up the next day and took a nice long hot shower.
The trio and Leo were still down in the lab doing the strike and honestly I'm surprised they're still going.
Once I got out of the shower I changed into some nice clothes.
Once I got changed I left my room to get to the lab.
Once I got there I saw the trio and Leo huddled inside Chase's capsule.
"What in the name of hell is going on?" I asked.
"Big D turned up the air conditioning last night" Leo said.
"So... cold" Chase said.
"It's freezing down here" Bree said.
"I... can't... feel my toes" Adam said and Chase glared at him.
"Because those are mine, weirdo!" Chase yelled and I giggled.
"How are you not cold?" Bree asked.
"Because I'm wearing clothes that keep me warm along with this nice blazer" I said with a smirk.
Soon dad ran into the lab while wearing a huge coat.
"Guys! NASA called" Dad yelled as he started typing into the cyber desk.
"They want their nerd back?" Bree mocked and the others laughed while I rolled my eyes.
"Look, they moved the gravity belt presentation up to tomorrow! So, we have to put all this ridiculousness behind us, and get back to work! Strike's over!" Dad yelled.
Soon the power came back on and it was no longer cold and the others got out of their capsules.
"Au contraire, Big D. You obviously don't know how a strike works. It's not over because you say it's over" Leo said and the others nodded.
"Guys, the biggest contract of my life is on the line here" Dad said.
"Oh! We'd love to help you, Mr. Davenport, but since you didn't care about our needs, why should we care about yours?" Chase asked.
"Uh, because I, and listen closely now..." Dad said and the others leaned forward.
"SAID SO!" Dad shouted and they all flinched.
"I'm gonna go get the gravity belt, and when I come back, strike's over!" Dad yelled as he ran out of the lab.
"Did we win?" Adam asked and we all looked at him.
"What the hell do you think?" I asked in annoyance.
"Great plan, Leo. We lost" Bree said but Leo shook his head.
"No, that's what he wants you to think. But now we have all the leverage" Leo said.
"You're right! He can't do that presentation without us" Chase said with a smile.
"Mm-hmm. And we can use that to get what you guys want, and more! Trust me, guys. I smell a victory" Leo said in confidence.
"Oh! No, those are my feet. I used, uh, rosewater in my cankle bath" Adam said and we all gagged.
The trio sent Leo upstairs to talk to dad and negotiate with him while we stayed down in the lab.
Adam was standing to a side, Bree was pacing back and forth, and Chase was standing next to me keeping one arm around my waist as I laid my head on his shoulder.
"Leo should have been back by now. His lungs are way too tiny to be talking this long" Bree said and I giggled.
"True point" I said.
"The negotiations must be grueling" Chase said and I rolled my eyes.
'Highly doubt that, dad must be up to something' I thought.
"Uhh! I knew I shouldn't have demanded that bucket of sour cream!" Adam said in annoyance and we all looked at him weirdly.
"Yes, I'm sure that's the sticking point" Chase said and I nodded.
Soon the elevators door opened and dad walked out.
"Oh, finally. Is the man with the fancy belt ready to buckle?" Bree asked as we all stepped forward.
"Nope. Actually, I'm ready to begin training for the presentation" Dad said and we looked confused.
"You can't do that without one of us" Chase argued and the others nodded.
'Hold on a sec' I thought in realization.
"Actually, I can, because you have been replaced" Dad said with a smirk.
The trio looked confused and were about to say something when the elevator doors opened again, revealing Leo in a grey Davenport industries suit and a helmet.
"Boom!" Leo yelled.
"Boom" Dad yelled.
I rolled my eyes while the trio looked mad and betrayed, can't blame them.
"Wait, you're replacing us? You were supposed to negotiate for us!" Bree yelled in anger.
"To be fair, your demands were... ridiculous" Leo said and him and dad started laughing.
'I'm so close to punching both of them' I thought in annoyance.
"They were your demands!" I yelled and the others nodded.
"When did they become ridiculous?" Bree asked as she crossed her arms.
"When I got what I wanted. Boom!" Leo yelled and both him and dad laughed.
I walked to both of them and kneed them both in their private areas, causing both of them to groan and fall to the ground.
"Well, that made my day" I said with a smirk and the trio burst out laughing.
I flipped my hair and walked into the elevator to head upstairs, the trio following behind me.
Me and Adam sat on the couch while Bree and Chase were standing.
"This is unbelievable! We had Davenport right where we wanted him, and Leo just handed him all the power" Bree said.
"I know. What was he thinking? Now we're never going to get matching hats!" Adam said in sadness.
I rolled my eyes and smacked him upside the head.
"That's not the issue right now you idiot" I said in annoyance.
"If Leo succeeds as a test pilot, Davenport gets what he wants, and we lose" Bree said before pouting.
"I need my TV! I am a highly irrational teenage girl, and it is the only thing keeping me from unleashing all of this... on you" Bree said while pointing to the boys.
Suddenly my eyes widened in realization and I smiled.
"Guys, I think I figured out dad's game" I said while standing up from the couch.
"What do you mean?" Adam asked.
"He can't use Leo to present the gravity belt. He's bluffing!" I said with a smirk.
The others soon caught on to what I was saying and they smirked.
"You're right! Davenport needs us because we're trained, fit, and conditioned to wear it" Bree said.
"And Leo's... Leo" Bree said and we all nodded.
" Mr. Davenport knew Leo was our leader. He thought if he cut off the head of the beast, the beast would die!" Chase said with a smirk.
'That smirk always turns me on' I thought.
"Wait, there's a beast, and we're gonna die?! I did not train for that!" Adam said and I rolled my eyes.
"I say we call Davenport's bluff, and at the same time, get revenge on Leo. We kill two birds with one stone!" Chase said.
"If it revolves getting revenge count me in bubba" I said, making me smirk even more.
"Wait, are we killing birds or beasts? I am so confused!" Adam said and we all looked at him weirdly.
"Come on" Bree said as she started walking towards the elevator with Adam following behind her.
I was about to walk away when I was suddenly spun around. Chase immediately pressed his lips against mine and I gladly kissed back.
We pulled away and smiled at each other.
"Sorry, I just wanted to kiss you so badly" Chase said.
I giggled and nodded, "understandable bubba, I wanted to do the same" I said and he chuckled.
We held hands as we walked into the elevator to head down to the lab.
Once we got there dad spotted us and smirked.
"Oh! Hey, guys. Did you come here to grovel? Proceed!" Dad said.
"Uh, no. Actually, we came to check on your new test pilot" Bree said as we all looked at Leo who was lifting small weights.
"You really want to replace my best friends and boyfriend with Leo, we should really make sure he's up to it" I said with a smirk the trio nodded.
"Pumpkin, Leo is up to it" Dad said.
We looked at Leo again who dropped the small weight and winced in pain.
"It's a hand cramp" Leo said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Look, if you're replacing us with Leo, shouldn't he be doing the same training that we did?" Adam asked.
"Oh, no. I mean, I don't think that's necessary" Dad said in a nervous tone and we all smirked.
"Oh! But we do. I mean, unless, of course, you've been bluffing this entire time. And you really have no intention of letting Leo test the gravity belt" Chase said.
"Okay. Fine" Dad nodded.
"Why don't we start with some pushups?" Dad suggested before looking at Leo.
"Or a pushup" Dad said.
"No. Leo has to train exactly as we did. Throw him in the deep end" Chase said.
"Yeah, Big D. Throw me in the deep end" Leo said in confidence.
"Just give me a second to get my floaties" Leo said and we all looked at him weirdly.
A little while later dad began 'training' with Leo, Adam and Bree were standing while I was sitting on Chase's lap as he had both arms wrapped around my waist and chin rested on my shoulder.
Dad gently threw a medicine ball at Leo who just barely managed to catch it.
"Good work! That was heavy" Dad said and I scoffed.
"That's not heavy" Adam said as he walked away and grabbed a yellow barrel and Leo dropped the ball in shock.
Adam smirked before throwing it at Leo, who of course wasn't able to hold it and fell to the ground.
"Ah!" Leo yelled as he dropped to the ground.
"That's heavy" Adam said with a smirk.
"I'm ok" Leo yelled.
"Sure about that?" I asked and Chase chuckled.
After that dad had Leo focus under pressure so he made him build up blocks to make a tower while dad was timing him.
"Okay, Leo. Ten more seconds. Way to focus under pressure" Dad said with a smile.
"That is not pressure" Chase said.
He kissed my cheek before walking away and started up the tennis ball machine and soon tennis balls were being thrown at Leo and dad.
"Ahh! Stop" Leo yelled.
Just then a ball hit the tower causing it to fall.
"That's pressure" Chase said with a smirk.
"I'm okay!" Leo yelled and I rolled my eyes.
The last test dad made him do was for him to block shots from the floating sphere that shot lasers.
Leo was dodging them quite well I'll say that.
I stood behind Chase with both arms wrapped around his waist.
"This is awesome!" Leo yelled.
"That's 'cause you're in beginner mode. Why don't we test your reaction time in, uh, combat mode" Bree said with a smirk.
"Man, I wish I brought some popcorn" I muttered under my breath.
Soon more lasers were being shot out a lot faster than before and to my surprise Leo was actually dodging all of them.
"Yes! Wasting my life playing video games finally paid off" Leo cheered.
Soon another laser shot at him and hit him in the chest.
"Here we go" Leo said before falling to the ground.
"I'm okay!" Leo yelled and we all laughed.
Once the tests were done we all went back upstairs. Me and the trio were talking to each other when dad and Leo walked in with the gravity belt.
"Ha ha ha! Congratulations, Leo. You have completed every training test necessary for the gravity belt presentation" Dad cheered.
"How many did he pass?" Chase asked.
"He completed them!" Dad yelled.
Soon we all got annoyed and glared at him.
"Just give it up! We all know you're not letting Leo go up in that thing" Bree said and we all nodded.
"Oh, yes, I will, missy! The NASA rep will be here any second now, and Leo is good to go" Dad said with a smile.
Then he turned to us and I could tell there was nervousness and faith in his eyes.
"Unless, of course, you guys want to end this right now and help me with the presentation" Dad said and we rolled our eyes at him.
"Not unless you're ready to give us more time off" Chase said.
"Not a chance!" Dad yelled.
"All right. Fine. Then let's belt you up, Leo!" Chase said and I smirked.
"Don't mind if I do" Leo said with a smile as the trio surrounded him to put the belt on him.
"Uh- Uh, yeah, that's- that's, hey! That's fine. You know, I am 100% comfortable with this!" Dad said nervously.
The doorbell than rang and dad shrieked. "Ahh! NASA rep! Okay. Take it off! Take it off! Help me with the presentation! I'll give you anything you want!" Dad yelled.
"I want a purple pony named Blue!" Adam yelled and we all looked at him weirdly.
"What? You said anything" Adam defended.
"We want you to be fair. We work hard and deserve time off. Just think about that the next time before you automatically say no" Bree said and I nodded.
"Yeah. You have to know when to be our boss, and when to be our dad. And our dad would know when we need a day off" Chase said and I smiled.
"Mm-hmm. The "dad" card. Well played" Dad said impressed.
The doorbell rang and dad got more nervous.
"Come on, guys! Please?" Dad begged.
" Do we get a day off, every week, to do whatever we want?" Chase asked.
"I'll let you ride blue" Adam offered and I giggled.
" Fine! Whatever you guys want! Okay. I hear you, uh... more dad, less boss. Listening... yada-yada-yada. Are we good?" Dad asked.
"Deal!" Chase said.
"Done!" Bree said.
"Yes!" Adam said before stopping and a look of confusion came on his face.
"Wait. What just happened?" Adam asked and I rolled my eyes at him.
The doorbell rang again, "leo, give the belt to Adam" Dad ordered.
" Isn't anybody gonna get the door?" Tasha asked as she walked towards the door to open it.
"No!" Dad yelled as he ran to the door to stop her but she already opened the door.
The NASA rep revealed to be a bald dude wearing a suit.
"Ooh! Hey, hey, hey! Jerry, good to see you" Dad greeted with a smile as they shook hands and dad turned to Leo.
"Leo give the belt to Adam" Dad said and Leo nodded.
He tried getting the belt off but he accidentally pressed a button.
"What was that?" Leo asked.
"The on switch" Adam said in a clam tone and all of our eyes widened.
"What?!" Dad yelled and soon Leo was floating in the air and started shrieking and shouting just a bit.
"Donald! Do something!" Tasha yelled.
"Leo, grab on to something!" I ordered him.
Leo was able to grab onto a chair but was sent back into the air while holding onto the chair as he bobbed up and down to the cieling and the floor.
"Ahh! Ah! No! No! Stop it! No! Why?" Leo yelled as he continued floating into the air.
He floated towards the table and was above it.
Then he let go of the chair as it landed on top of the table and glass shattered everywhere.
"Why do we keep getting glass dining tables?" Leo asked in annoyance.
"As you can see, it actually works pretty well. Uh, comes in black, gray, green-" Dad told the NASA rep but I ignored everything else he said because I was still looking at Leo.
He keep floating in the air and sometimes going up and down, mostly up, and I was scared he would hit his head.
"It works a lot better on a normal-sized person" Chase told the rep and I smacked his arm.
"Not the time bubba" I scolded.
"Leo!" Tasha yelled.
Leo landed onto the floor and I thought the floating stopped but then the belt started beeping faster.
"Here we go" Leo said and soon he was lifted into the air and went through the cieling.
"Leo!" I yelled.
"He went through the roof!" Tasha yelled in fear.
"Hey! See if my football's up there" Adam yelled and I smacked him upside the head.
"Here he comes!" Bree yelled as we looked out the window to see Leo floating outside.
"How did I get outside?!" Leo asked, completely confused.
He continued floating until he noticed the off switch.
"There's the off switch" Leo yelled.
"Hurry and push it before something bad happens and you give your mother a heart attack" I yelled and Tasha nodded.
He pushed the off switch and soon he crashed into the house and landed face first onto the floor.
"That's gonna leave a mark" I said and the others nodded.
Leo was on the floor for a few seconds before getting up "I'm okay!" Leo yelled and we all sighed in relief.
We all ran to him and hugged him, Adam hugged him as tight as he could and he looked like he was about to cry.
"Ohh! Where's my football?" Adam asked as he let go of Leo.
I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm.
"And that concludes our presentation" Dad the NASA rep.
The rep just patted dad on the back before leaving the house.
"Wait! Wouldn't you want to be able to do that on another planet? I mean, come on, you buy all kinds of junk that doesn't work!" Dad yelled in frustration.
I giggled and shook my head at him.
Back In The Lab
After everything that just happened we all went down to the lab to just chill and hang out together.
Me, Chase and Bree were standing together as Chase had one arm wrapped around my shoulder and Adam was sitting on a chair.
We were laughing at a joke Bree said when we heard footsteps and saw Leo walking in.
"Hey guys" Leo greeted and we all stopped laughing to hear what he has to say.
" I'm really sorry. I just... I wanted to be like you guys so much that I lost track of what's most important. Our friendship" Leo said and I smiled softly at him.
"Oh, that's so sweet it makes me want to... blah!" Bree said as she pretended to throw up in front of him and Leo took a step back.
"Yeah, I guess I can forgive you" Bree said with a small smile.
"Yeah, me too" Adam nodded.
"It's all good" Chase said and I smiled.
"So, are you ever planning on taking that outfit off?" I asked and Leo shook his head.
"Well, no. It's the closest I'm ever gonna get to a mission suit" Leo said with a smile.
"You can't get it off, can you?" Chase asked with a smirk.
"It's adhered to me in a way I'm no longer comfortable with" Leo said and we all laughed at him.
'Call this karma for him betraying the trio' I thought with a small smirk.
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