Chapter Thirty-Seven: Leo Vs Evil
So once again, school has ended and we're all getting ready to go home but Chase has challenged Adam to an arm wrestling match.
I really don't want Chase to do this because Adam won't hesitate to beat him and most likely break his hand.
But, Chase being Chase, still wants to do it.
"Chase, there's no way you can beat Adam arm-wrestling. It'd be like a chicken wrestling an alligator. All we hear is a cock-a-doodle crunch" Leo said as we all walked down the stairs.
Adam and Bree laugh while I roll my eyes.
"He's right, bro. Your spaghetti arms are no match for these meatballs" Adam smirked.
"Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah" Adam said as he started kissing his biceps.
"Hey... When you're done kissing your girlfriends, let's do this" Chase said and I giggled.
They walked over to the school bench and we all followed.
"Better back up, Leo. You're in the splatter zone" I said and Bree nodded.
"Okay, I want a clean match. No whining, screaming, crying, or tap-outs" Leo said.
The boys nodded but Leo looked at Chase, "i'm looking at you Chase" Leo said.
Chase glared at him but we all nodded, even me because it was true.
"Three, two, one, go!" Leo yelled.
Then to my surprise Chase licked his arm and Adam cringed when he touched his hand and made him lose.
"Ugh! Hey! No fair! He licked his hand!" Adam said as he wiped his hand on Bree's shirt.
"Ew!" Bree said as she moved away from him.
"Exactly. Clever beats strong any day" Chase said with a smirk.
"That's true, but you better not touch me until you wash that hand" I said.
"Chase wins" Leo said as he walked over to him and held up his hand.
"Wait, which hand did you lick?" Leo asked.
"That one" Chase said while pointing to the hand Leo was holding, causing him to cringe and let go.
"Chase wins" Leo said while holding up Chase's clean hand.
Soon we heard footsteps and saw Marcus walking towards us with a freaking stupid smile on his damn face.
"Hey guys, how's it going?" Marcus asked.
"Ooh, bundle up, everyone. It just got partly creepy with a hundred percent chance of annoying" Leo said while glaring at him.
"Oof. Am I gonna need my umbrella for that?" Adam asked.
"No" I said while rolling my eyes at him.
"So, you guys wanna hang out at my house after school? We just got a sick new flat screen" Marcus said.
Then he looked at me and smiled even more.
"You're welcome to come to Luna" Marcus said.
I gave him a fake smile and shook my head.
"Sorry Marcus, but I'm busy" I said.
"Is it as sick as you make me? 'Cause that'd be pretty sick" Leo said and I quietly giggled.
"We'd love to hang out today" Chase nodded.
"Chase is too polite to say it, so I'll say it for him. You're a lunatic, and we're leaving" Leo said while glaring at Marcus.
"Leo!" Bree scolded.
"Leo, come on" Adam groaned in annoyance.
"Leo, I was not gonna say that at all" Chase sighed.
Leo ignored him as he started pushing us out of school so we could get home and I'm honestly thankful for him doing that.
Once we were outside Chase had walked up to me and tried holding my hand but I moved away from him.
"Don't touch me, not until you wash that hand of yours" I said.
"Oh come on sweetheart" Chase said.
"No, wash that hand you licked with soap and then you can touch me" I said.
"Ugh, fine" Chase groaned.
I giggled and walked up to Bree as the four of us continued walking to get home.
In The Lab
Once we got home we all went down to the lab.
Leo wasn't here with us which made me worry just a bit but I brushed off that feeling.
"Behold the invention the will revolutionize travel: The Davenport Industries Teleporter!" Dad said.
"Don't you mean the "Tele-Davenport-er"?" Adam asked and we all looked at him weirdly.
"Oh, come on. I wanna be the clever one around here for once" Adam said and I giggled.
"Yeah. And I want a convertible made out of diamonds. But that's not gonna happen, either" Bree said in annoyance.
"I can't wait any longer. Please tell us about your amazing invention" Dad said, trying to sound like one of us which failed.
"Don't mind if I do" Dad said with a smile and we all rolled our eyes at him.
"My teleporter can transport any object anywhere. It deconstructs it molecule by molecule here, and then, via my network of GPS satellites, reconstructs it anywhere on the planet, instantaneously" Dad explained.
"So... wait... does this mean that we could go surfing in Hawaii after school and still be home in time for dinner?" Chase asked.
"That would be so cool" I whispered to Bree who nodded.
"Technically, yes. Uh, but I haven't tested it on a human yet. So there is a small chance only that your forehead and parts of your esophagus would make it back in time for dinner" Dad explained.
"All I'm hearing is more meatloaf for daddy" Adam said and I looked at him weirdly.
"That's why I wanna test it on an inanimate object first. So I'll be right back" Dad said as he quickly left the lab.
"Whoa, this thing can put me anywhere on Earth in a nanosecond. Faster than you Bree! Ha!" Chase mocked with a smirk.
"Whatever. You'll still be ugly when you get there" Bree said while rolling her eyes.
Seriously, ugly.
What kind of person is this girl?
My boyfriend isn't ugly, he's freaking hot.
"Ooh. Uh, super-speed, party of one. Your table is dumb" Adam mocked, making all of us look at him weirdly.
"Oh, come on! That was clever" Adam defended.
Adam then leaned on the coutner and hit something making a noise.
"The hell was that?" I asked.
"Hey. Meatballs. You just turned it on. Back off so I can shut it down" Bree said as she shoved Adam away to get to the controls.
"Step aside. I got this" Chase scoffed as he shoved Bree away.
"Uh—You got nothing. Move over" Bree said as the two of them started arguing.
"I think you have to spin this thing" Adam said as he started spinning a small globe that started to light up.
"Guys, stop!" I yelled but they didn't listent to me.
Tasha soon walked into the lab and stopped right underneath the teleporter.
"Hey, guys, I'm going to the market. Anybody need anything?" Tasha asked.
Then a second later she was gone and my eyes widenedin shock.
"Ooh! Cereal!" Adam yelled while looking up, only to see that Tasha was gone.
"Well, that was rude" Adam said.
"What? You just...? Y-You spun that thing so fast, Adam, that we've got no clue where Tasha got teleported to" Chase said.
"She has to be in there somewhere. She couldn't have gone far, right?" Bree said.
"Where could she have gone?" I asked but they just shrugged.
"Oh, guys, calm down! There's a simple solution to this. Does anyone know what it is?" Adam asked.
"I'm so close to smacking you" I said in annoyance.
"Wh—If what I think just happened, just happened, we are gonna be in so much trouble" Bree said.
"Well you guys are, not me" I muttered under my breath.
"Guys, I think we just vaporized Tasha" Chase said in horror.
Soon Eddy appeared and we all turned around to look at him.
"But I didn't even get to say goodbye" Eddy said in sadness before it soon went away.
"Oh, well. Whoo-hoo!" Eddy cheered.
Soon confetti shot out of the walls and music started playing.
"Whoo! Shake your booty!" Eddy cheered.
I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.
Hey, I love Eddy, but seriously he can be a handful sometimes.
A Few Minutes Later
" How could you drool-buckets have lost Tasha in the teleporter?" Bree asked.
"Don't you dare look at me, you three are the ones who sent her somewhere" I defended.
"Us? You were the one getting grabby with the controls" Chase defended as he wrapped one arm around my waist.
"And Adam is the one who spun the globe, so we have no idea where Tasha is" Bree scoffed.
"Me?! Oh, wait. Yep, that was me" Adam said in realization while chuckling.
"We need to tell Davenport" Bree said but I shook my head.
"That's not a good idea" I said.
"Oh, oh, tell him what? 'Sorry... we messed with your machine and lost your wife"'?" Chase sarcastically said.
"No! Let me give him the good news" Eddy said.
"Eddy, not now, please" I sighed in annoyance while laying my head on Chase's shoulder.
"Leo is gonna freak" Breee sighed.
"Not if he doesn't know Tasha's gone. We'll get Chase a wig and a skirt. This could work, people" Adam said with a smile.
"You're not making my boyfriend do that" I said in annoyance.
"Stop it" Bree whispered in annoyance.
Soon dad came into the lab with a desk chair.
"Hey guys" Dad said with a smile, causing the trio to scream.
"Hey dad" I smiled back at him.
"Uh, hey. Mr. Davenport... Quick question. Um... You've tested the teleporter's ability to return something, right?" Chase asked.
"Not yet. But we're about to. Okay. I'm gonna set the teleporter for ten feet away. Mm-hmm. Yeah" Dad said.
He walked over to the control and started typing somethings.
"Okay. Get ready, 'cause this is gonna be teleport-ific!" Dad said with a smile but we all gave him weird looks.
"What? They can't all be winners" Dad defended.
"Have you ever had a winner?" me and Bree asked but all dad did was roll his eyes at us.
He pressed a button and soon the chair had dissappeared.
"Wow! A scientific breakthrough! Have you ever seen anything this amazing in all your life?!" Dad asked in excitement.
"Neat" Adam said.
"Yep" Bree said.
"Nice job dad" I said.
"Hooray. Get on with it" Chase said and we all nodded.
"Oh. All right. Now... we bring it back" Dad said as he pressed another button.
Soon the chair came back, but our eyes widened in fear and our jaws dropped.
The chair came back completely destroyed and broken, it looked like a bear and a lion attacked it.
"Whoopsie" Dad laughed while looking at us.
"I guess I have a few bugs to work out on the "Return" function. But... you know... Least I didn't throw a human in there" Dad said.
"That would've been stupid" Dad said while laughing and we all sent him nervous smiles before he left the lab.
"This is awful" Chase said.
"I know. I loved that chair. I did some of my best sitting in it" Adam said and I glared at him.
"Forget about the damn chair, we need to do something and fast" I said.
"How are we gonna bring Tasha back here safely?" Chase asked.
"Ooh! I have an idea" Adam said while raising his hand but Chase sighed and shook his head at him.
"Adam, this is a complex situation. We'll call you if we need you to lift anything heavy" Chase said as Adam put his hand down.
I frowned, he could've at least listened to what he has to say instead of ignoring him.
"Even if we locate Tasha, we need to bring her back here safely without turning her into... that" Chase said to Bree before pointing to the broken chair.
"I see no downside" Eddy said and we all glared at him.
Bree and Chase started working while I walked to Adam.
"Hey Adam" I said.
"Yeah" Adam said.
"What was your plan that you had in mind? You know, to bring Tasha back" I asked.
He just smiled and patted my head, "don't worry, you'll find out soon" Adam said with a smile as he took out his phone and started doing something.
'Hmmm, weird?' I thought.
A few hours had passed and dad was still upstairs while Chase and Bree had tried finding ways to bring Tasha back but nothing was working.
"Guys, this is useless. We need to tell dad that Tasha is gone" I said.
"I agree" Bree nodded.
"No! I can fix this. I just uploaded a software update" Chase said as he rolled a watermelon over to the teleporter.
"Hey... Nobody told me we were racing fruit. I'm getting my kiwis. Get ready, boys. It's showtime" Adam said.
"Stop. We're not racing fruit. No one races fruit!" Chase yelled in annoyance.
"We're testing my teleporter fix, which is now good to go" Chase said.
"Are you sure this is going to work bubba?" I asked.
He smiled at me and gave me a soft kiss on the lips, "poistive" Chase nodded.
"Well, if it's "good to go," why not just test it on Tasha?" Adam asked.
"Because... in the highly unlikely event that it doesn't work, I don't want Tasha coming back here with her head on her hip and her leg in her mouth" Chase said and I nodded.
"Really? Not even just to see it?" Adam asked.
"That would be both weird and horrifying" I said.
Chase started typing some things on dad's keyboard.
Soon he hit a button and the watermelon dissappeared.
"And now I'll hit 'return to origin'" Chase said and we all nodded.
He pressed another button and soon the watermelon came back in one piece, looking completely the same.
"Voila" Chase said with a smile and I sighed in relief.
Then all of a sudden the insides of the watermelon poured down from the blue light, making Chase squeal like a little girl.
"Is "voila" French for "fail," or am I not understanding this complex situation?" Adam mocked.
'We're going to be doing this for a while' I thought.
A Few More Hours Later
"I can't believe this. I thought for sure my software update would work!" Chase yelled.
"Hmm. Does that look like it worked?" Bree asked while pointing towards a destroyed machine by the door.
Soon dad walked back into the lab and his eyes widened when he saw the destroyed object.
"I know these handlebars. Did you just try to teleport my one-of-a-kind prototype, Hybrid A.T.V.?" Dad asked.
"No" Chase said, making dad clench his jaw in anger.
"Maybe?" Chase said, making dad grunt.
"I'm just gonna go back to no" Chase said, making dad even more angry.
"Wow. If he's this mad about his A.T.V., wait until he finds out we put Tasha through there" Adam chuckled.
Dad's eyes widened in fear while all three of us glared at him and I smacked him upside the head.
"What?! You put my wife through the teleporter?!" Dad yelled.
"Enjoy it, dude. Take a day off" Adam said.
"Adam, please just shut up before I do more than smacking you upside the head" I warned him.
"Aah!" Dad yelled in annoyance
"I'm sure she's fine... wherever... or whatever she is" Bree tried reassuring him but it didn't work.
"Yeah! We just have to figure out a way to get her back here without turning her into... Tasha tartare" Chase said and I let out a little laugh.
"Okay, okay. Let's not panic. I'm sure one of my software patches can fix this" Dad said but Chase sighed and shook his head.
"I've already tried them all. None of them worked" Chase said while pointing to the other destroyed objects that are scattered across the room.
Dad screamed once again, making me more annoyed.
"You know, I had a simple solution" Adam said but dad shook his head.
"Simple solution. Um, Adam... you remember the time we locked the keys in the car, and it took us three hours to get them out?" Dad asked.
"Yeah" Adam nodded.
"You were inside the car!" Dad yelled in frustration.
He let out another yell before leaving the lab.
"That went well, don't you think?" I sarcastically asked.
This day was getting worse.
A Few More Hours Later
"Okay, this is our last possible fix" Chase said.
"If this doesn't work... I don't even wanna say it" Dad sighed and I frowned.
"Say it. Say it" Eddy chanted and we all rolled our eyes at him.
"Okay, fingers crossed. This brings Tasha back in three... two..." Dad said as he pressed a button and the machine lighted up but nothing happened.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"I don't know. Why isn't it working?!" Dad asked while walking to the telporter.
Soon we heard the lab doors open from behind us and my eyes widened in shock when I saw thta it was Tasha.
"Because I'm right here" Tasha said while waving at us.
I sighed in relief along with everyone else.
Eddy soon appeared, "ew, she's hideously deformed! Look away! Look away!" Eddy yelled.
Tasha glared at him before turning him off.
"Tasha!" I yelled as me and dad ran over to her and hugged her.
"Oh, don't hug her too hard. Her guts might come squishing out" Bree warned us.
"What happened? Where were you?" Dad asked as he let go of her.
"I'm so glad that you're ok, Tasha" I said while still hugging her.
She smiled at me and wrapped one arm around my shoulder.
"200 miles away in Fresno. Thankfully, Adam was smart enough to call my cell phone and tell me you guys accidentally teleplanted me" Tasha explained.
"Well, it's-- it's-- it's teleported" Dad corrected her.
"Tele-someone-who-cares" Tasha snapped at him, making me giggle.
"I'm just glad he called me before my cell phone died... since, obviously, no one else thought of that" Tasha said.
All of us looked at Adam who was smiling at us.
"I figured if Tasha didn't return through the teleporter, she couldn't end up back here in a big, steaming pile of mom. So, I called. Told her to take the bus home" Adam explained.
'Well damn, that was smart' I thought.
"Which I did. And it was weird. The guy sitting next to me was wearing a tank top" Tasha said.
"Why was that weird?" Dad asked.
"Just a tank top" Tasha said and we all shivered in disgust.
"Told you I had a simple solution" Adam smiled.
I soon let go of Tasha as dad and Chase walked over to Adam.
"Adam... we may have said some things earlier..." Chase started.
"Duh. We say things every day. Could you narrow it down?" Adam asked and I giggled.
"What he's trying to say is, we owe you an apology" Dad said.
"I'm sorry. A what?" Adam asked.
"An apology. So I guess I'll start off by saying... that I... am--" Chase started but was cut off by Leo running into the room.
"I'm back!" Leo yelled.
"Oh, thank you!" Chase sighed in relief.
"Oh Chase" I sighed while shaking my head at him.
"Right here, on my phone, I have undeniable proof that Marcus is evil--" Leo started but he tripped over something which made him drop his phone into the teleporter and it soon dissappeared.
"Where'd my phone just go?" Leo asked.
"Honolulu" Dad said while chuckling.
"But we can bring it back... right here" Dad said as he pressed some buttons.
Soon Leo's phone came back but of course, it came back completely destroyed.
"No! But it had evidence" Leo yelled as he fell to the ground.
"Yeah. Bus was a good call" Dad said and I giggled.
"Come on" I whispered into Chase's ear.
I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the elevator with me.
Once the doors closed I immediately pressed my lips onto his.
Chase smiled into the kiss as he wrapped both arms around my waist.
It soon started getting heated as we walked backwards and my back hit the wall and I let out a small groan.
Chase licked my bottom lip and I let him in.
He deepened the kiss, making me moan and him smirk.
Soon we pulled away and started panting to catch our breath.
I smiled and gently caressed his cheek, "sorry, but I really wanted some alone time with you" I said.
"It's alright sweetheart, trust me this was something we both wanted" Chase reasurred me.
I smiled and let out a small sigh.
"I love you, Chase" I said.
"I love you too, Luna" Chase smiled.
I hugged him and he hugged back and rested his head on my shoulder.
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