Chapter Thirty-Nine: Trucked Out
Luna's Pov
I was in the lab with Leo and Adam since Leo was helping Adam with his driving.
He's going to be taking his driving license test later today and we all want to make sure he passes.
I was sitting on top of the cyber desk while Adam was in dad's red golf cart.
"Alright, Adam. I borrowed Big D's hydrogen-powered golf cart to help you practice for your driving test" Leo said.
"First step, seat belts" I said.
"Okay... focus" Adam said as he slowly put on his seatbelt and smiled once he got it on.
"Yes! Zero to buckle in under five seconds" Adam yelled as him and Leo high fived each other.
The doors opened and I smiled when I saw Chase enter the lab.
He smiled at me before his eyes landed on Adam as he chuckles, "oh, look, a dummy driving a dummy" Chase said.
"Ooh, what does this button do?" Adam asked as he pressed the button, making mine and Leo's eyes widened.
"No!" the both of us yelled but it was too late.
Soon the car started speeding towards Chase whose eyes widened in fear as he let out a scream.
"Brake!" I yelled.
Adam stepped on the brake, making the car stop but the dummy had shot out of the car seat and flew towards Chase.
He fell to the ground with the dummy on top of him as he started groaning in pain.
"Wish all buttons did that" Adam smirked, making Leo laugh and nod.
I glared at them as they left the lab while I hopped off the cyberdesk and ran towards Chase.
I kneeled in front of him while shoving the dummy off of him.
"Bubba, are you alright?" I asked as he slowly sat up from the ground.
"Yeah, yeah I'm alright" Chase nodded and I sighed in relief.
"Thank goodness" I said, making him smile.
We moved closer to each other before our lips pressed against each others.
Before I knew it Chase had spun me around, so now I was on laying on the ground as Chase soon got on top of me.
We made sure to not break the kiss as we continued making out.
I ran my hands through his hair as one of his hands slowly caressed my cheek.
He licks my bottom lip and I let him in and moaned as he immediately deepened the kiss.
Soon we pulled away and started panting so we could catch our breath.
Chase looked down at me and smiled, "that was nice" Chase said.
I giggled and nodded, "yeah, it was" I said.
He soon got off of me and I sat up from the ground. I looked at him and smiled.
"I love you" I said.
"I love you too" Chase smiled as he pulled me into a hug.
I smiled and hugged back as I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.
Later In The Afternoon
Me, Bree, Chase and Leo were in the living room waiting for Adam to get back from his test.
I had faith he would pass and if he didn't I would be there to help him for the next time.
"I cannot believe Adam's not back from his driving test. What's taking him so long?" Leo asked.
"Two words: Adam. Test" Bree said and me and Chase nodded.
"Man, if he passes, it's good news for us and bad news for everyone on the road" Chase said before chuckling.
"Or the sidewalk" Chase said with a smile, making me giggle.
"Well, he has to pass. I need him to drive me to that party on Saturday" Leo said, making Bree and Chase look at him weirdly.
"What party?" Chase asked.
Leo looked at him and chuckled, "the one you weren't invited to" Leo said.
"You got invited to Caroline Davis' party and I didn't?" Bree asked in disbelief.
"Neither did I!" Chase said in disbelief as well.
"Well, no surprise there" Bree said, making Chase glare at her and me release a small giggle.
"But why were you invited?" Bree asked, turning back to Leo.
"Oh, Bree, I'm climbing the social ladder. There are now three or four ladies who make eye contact with me in the hallway" Leo said proudly while the three of us looked at him weirdly.
"Okay, it's two! But I'm going to the party" Leo defended.
"Luna, did you get an invitation?" Bree asked.
"I did, but I'm not going" I shrugged.
"What, why not?" Leo asked.
"Hey, if my bestie or boyfriend didn't get invited then I see no point in going" I said.
Leo rolled his eyes but Chase and Bree smiled at me.
"That's nice of you sweetheart" Chase said as he kissed my temple.
I smiled as I kissed his cheek and nodded.
Soon we heard the door opening, "he's home!" Bree yelled as we all walked towards the door but it was Tasha who entered the room.
I smiled at her but the others groaned in annoyance.
"It's just you" Leo said.
"Nice to see you, too" Tasha scoffed as she closed the door.
"Sorry, mom. How's it going?" Leo asked with a smile.
"Great. I've had the best day. It all started when I went to--" Tasha started but was cut off by the door opening.
"Save it for later, woman! Adam's here!" Leo yelled as he shoved past her along with the others while I sent her a soft smile and walked towards the door.
Dad soon walked in with a smile on his face, "ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mission Creek's newest fully licensed driver!" Dad announced.
We all waited for Adam to walk in but he never did, dad sighed and turned towards the door.
"Adam, that's you" Dad said.
"Oh, right" Adam said as he ran in with a smile on his face.
"Woo-hoo, I passed!" Adam yelled and we all cheered for him.
"He really impressed me. He got a 96 on the test" Dad said with a smile as he closed the door.
"Holy shit, Adam nice job" I smiled as I hugged him and he hugged me back.
"Thanks Luna. I didn't even know scores went up that high!" Adam said, causing me to pull away from him and giggle.
"Oh, and get this, Mr. Davenport said if I passed, he'd buy me a car" Adam said.
My eyes widened in shock along with everyone else as we stared at dad.
"What?!" Tasha yelled in shock as dad gave her a nervous smile.
"Yeah, meaning that I won and you lost dad" I said with a smirk on my face as I walked towards him.
"What are you talking about Luna?" Bree asked.
"Oh you see, me and dad made a bet before him and Adam left" I said.
"What was the bet?" Leo asked.
"The bet we made was that if Adam didn't pass the test I'd have to not make out with Chase for a week" I said.
"What!" Chase yelled in shock.
"But, if I won then dad would have to buy Adam a car and that none of you can complain about me and Chase making out for a month" I explained with a smirk.
Chase sighed in relief while the others glared at dad.
"Donald, are you for real?" Tasha asked in disbelief.
"In my defence I didn't think he would pass" Dad defended.
"Great, now thanks to you we have to deal with those two making out for a whole month" Leo said in annoyance.
"It's what I've always said, don't make bets with me when you know you're bound to lose" I shrugged with a smirk on my face.
"Donald, are you sure he's ready for a car? You remember what happened when you bought him a bike?" Tasha asked.
Oh shit, I remember that day.
Adam had came home that day with his bike and it was completely destroyed. It was like it got attacked by a bear or something.
"Um... to be fair, honey, Adam is a lot more responsible now. He worked very hard to get his driver's license, and I think he should be rewarded" Dad defended.
We all turned around and saw Adam pretending that he was driving a car and made some car noises as well.
It was weird yet funny at the same time, especially when he pretended he was going to crash.
"I don't know" Tasha said still unsure.
"Don't worry, I promise I will get Adam the safest car available" Dad reassured her.
"The safest car is the one he isn't driving" Chase said and I lightly hit his arm.
"Not true. I've caused many wrecks as a pedestrian" Adam said and I looked at him weirdly.
"Okay, let's go" Dad said as he walked out of the room.
"I don't care what car it is, as long as you give me a ride to Caroline Davis' party. I don't know if you heard..." Leo started as a smirk appeared on his face as he turned to Bree.
"I was invited" Leo mocked, causing Bree to glare and groan at him.
"Enough!" Bree yelled in annoyance.
"Leo if you don't shut up I swear on everything I love I will beat your sorry little ass" I warned him.
Chase chuckled as he kissed my temple, making me smile.
The Next Day
At School
It was the next day and I was in the lunch room with my friends, minus Adam because he went to get his car today with dad.
I was sitting next to Chase as he had one arm wrapped around my shoulder as I had my head rested on his shoulder.
Leo was being annoying all day because he would not stop bragging about going to the stupid party.
I wanted to rip his head off or at least knock him out so he would finally shut up.
Sometimes I wonder how the hell this boy is one of my best friends.
"Take care, ladies! See you at the party!" Leo yelled out to some girls with a smile.
Then he turned to Bree and Chase and smirked at them, "oh, did I tell you I was invited to the par--" Leo started but was cut off.
"Yes!" Bree and Chase both yelled in annoyance.
"Leo I'm this close to hitting you with my bag" I said in annoyance as I ate a strawberry.
Soon Tasha walked in the lunch room with a bag in her hand.
She saw us and instantly smiled and waved.
The others looked confused but I smiled and waved back at her.
"Hey Tasha" I said with a smile.
"Hey sweetie" Tasha said as she walked over to our table and looked at Leo.
"There's my little boy! Mind if I join you?" Tasha asked as she sat next to Leo.
"What are you doing here, Tasha?" Bree asked.
"I'm here because I decided to run for president of the PTA!" Tasha said with a huge smile.
"Oh really, that sounds nice" I said with a smile.
"Aww, that's nice. What school? 'Cause I know it's not this one!" Leo asked and I smirked and leaned closer to Chase.
"This should be fun" I whispered in ear, making him smirk back and nod.
"With Adam getting his license and you going to parties, It made me realize you're all growing up, so I'm going to get A LOT more involved with your school lives" Tasha explained.
I smiled softly at her and nodded.
"Well, Leo could defenitely use a chaperone for the party this weekend" Chase suggested with a small smirk as Leo's eyes widened in fear.
"No! No, no, no!" Leo yelled as he stood up from his chair, causing the chair to fall.
"Mom, why are you doing this?! What is missing in your life? I can pay for art classes!" Leo desperately said.
"Oh, Leo, this will be fun!" Tasha said as she stood up from her chair and walked over to Leo as they walked away from us just a bit.
"If I get elected I will be here all the time! We'll eat lunch, gossip, I can talk you up to the gals" Tasha said with a smile.
"The gals?" Leo asked as he turned towards us.
"Get her out! Get her out!" Leo whispered yelled to us but all we did was smirk at him.
"Nah, we're enjoying the show right now" I said with a wicked smirk, causing Bree and Chase to laugh but nod.
"Don't worry. Once the ladies see how Mom rocks it, ooh! You are going to be so popular" Tasha told Leo with a confident smile.
"You really are" me, Bree and Chase said together.
Then Tasha walked over to a group of girls and started talking to them while embarrassing Leo and coming up with some weird slangs.
The girls laughed while Leo looked completely embarrassed and looked like he was ready to die.
Leo walked back over to us and smiled nervously.
"Moms... we all got 'em, am I right?" Leo chuckled as he was quick to hide under the table.
I smirked and leaned more closer to Chase, "this is what I call karma" I said.
Bree nodded while Chase chuckled as he kissed my head.
A Few Hours Later
Me and Chase walked over to Bree who was by her locker while holding hands.
The three of us were talking when Tasha walked over to us with a smile on her face.
"Guys, get this. I am the only candidate for PTA president. I'm gonna win! Car washes, bake sales, fundraisers. I'll be here all the time" Tasha explained happily.
"That is great news" Bree said.
"Congrats Tasha" I said with a smile.
"Leo's gonna be so happy" Chase smiled.
Tasha sent us one more smile before walking away.
Once she was gone we all turned to look at Leo who was by his locker while wearing a wig to hide from Tasha.
He turned around with an annoyed look on his face.
"We have to stop her" Leo said as he walked over to us.
"Uh, we? What's in it for us?" Chase asked.
"Oh, come on! I'm desperate!" Leo begged.
"Well, you could get us into your cool party" Bree suggested with a smirk on her face.
Leo laughed and smirked at her, "oh Bree. That's cute. But at the end of the day, I am who I am and you are who-" Leo started but we all started walking away from him.
"Alright, fine, I'll get you in the party!" Leo yelled.
Bree and Chase smiled as we walked back over to him.
"Just tell me how we're gonna get rid of my mom?" Leo asked.
"Easy. We just have to find someone to run against her and win" Chase said and I nodded.
"Right, someone who is power hungry and ruthless and enjoys crushing other people's dreams" Bree said.
Just then Principal Perry came out of her office with a chain on her shoulder.
"Go home, maggots! It's 3:30 and I wanna chain up!" Principal Perry yelled as she walked away.
The four of smirked at each other.
"Looks like we've got a winner" I said with a smirk.
The others nodded and my smirk grew wider.
Leo closed his locker and took off his wig as him and Bree walked away from us along with the other students that were getting ready to leave.
I was about to follow them but I was soon pushed up against the lockers by Chase.
He immediately smashed his lips onto mine and I happily kissed him back.
I wrapped both arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
I ran my hand through his hair and tug on it, making him moan.
He immediately deepened the kiss and this time I moaned.
He released one of his hands from my waist and went down to my ass and rested it there.
We then pulled away from each other and started panting so we could catch our breath.
We smiled at each other and pressed our foreheads against each other.
"Come on, let's get home" I said.
"Of course" Chase nodded.
He wrapped one arm around my shoulder as we walked out of the school building together.
At Home
"And, just like I promised, I got Adam a very safe and practical car" Dad said as he walked into the living room and sat next to Tasha.
"Look, I know equations. Adam plus safe doesn't exactly work" Chase said.
"Agreed, that boy does anything that involves danger" I said while resting my head on Chase's shoulder.
"So, where is he?" Chase asked.
"Maybe he forgot how to get home. Again" Bree said and I sighed.
"Come on, four times in one week? What are the odds?" Dad asked.
Soon we all realized that Adam was most lost and sighed in annoyance.
"You guys get the stapler. I'll get the 'Lost Adam' flyers" Chase said.
We all nodded and stood up when we heard honking sounds.
"Guys! check out my new ride!" Adam yelled from outside.
"That's Adam" I said with a smile.
"He's here!" Leo yelled.
"Let's go" Bree yelled as we all ran towards the door to get outside.
We all ran outside, expecting to see Adam coming out of his nice safe and small car.
However, that wasn't the case.
Instead he was inside of a monster truck and it was insanely huge.
All of our eyes widened in shock and our jaws dropped to the ground.
"Isn't it awesome? And I only had to fill the tank twice on the way home" Adam yelled in excitement.
Tasha turned to dad and glared at him while dad smiled nervously at her.
We all got Adam out of the car and got him inside of the house, once he was inside dad and Tasha took him to the kitchen to talk.
"What happened? You were supposed to buy the Firefly!" Dad asked.
"Well, yeah, but the truck is way safer than that dinky little car. When I drove off the lot, I crushed that thing like a tin can" Adam explained with a smile.
"I knew I shouldn't have left you alone to close the deal" Dad said in annoyance.
Tasha turned to glare at him, "you left him alone?" Tasha asked in disbelief.
"With his checkbook!" Adam added, making Tasha glare at him more but dad looked shocked and scared.
"Yeah, you may never get that checkbook back" I said with a small shrug.
"See, this is what happens when parents aren't involved in their kids' lives" Tasha said.
"I am involved in their lives. We go on missions all the time" Dad defended.
"Their real lives. When was the last time you showed up at school?" Tasha asked as she crossed her arms at him.
"Oh, he was just there last week" Adam said.
"Thank you" Dad nodded.
"Yeah, he pulled us out of class so we could all play laser tag together" Adam said with a smile, causing Tasha to glare at dad.
"Oh yeah, we had a lot of fun that day" I said, making the others nod.
"You've seen his grades. What difference would it make?" Dad defended, once again.
"Look, we'll take the truck back tomorrow" Dad said making Tasha nod.
"Fine! And while we're there, we should probably pick up your checkbook" Adam said, making dad's eyes widened.
"Oh, is it alright if I come. I really want to know what it feels like to be inside a monster truck, it looks really cool" I said with a smile on my face.
"Of course Luna" Adam smiled.
"Sure thing pumpkin" Dad nodded.
I smiled while Chase chukled at me and kissed my temple.
"Promise you'll be safe" Chase said and I nodded.
"Always bubba" I said with a smile as I placed a kiss on his nose.
The Next Day
It was the next day and right now me, dad and Adam were inside the monster truck.
Dad was driving while Adam was in the front and I was in the back.
Trust me I really wanted to be in the front but since I'm in a huge monster truck with dad and Adam, I feel like the best option is to be in the back for now.
"Adam, I really stuck my neck out for you, and you made us both look irresponsible" Dad sighed.
"You're right. Apology accepted" Adam nodded and dad looked at him weirdly.
"You realize that wasn't him saying sorry for anything, right?" I asked Adam.
He just shrugged and I sighed in annoyance.
"Wow. Look how high I am" Dad said in shock as he looked out the window.
"That's what I said!" Adam said with a smile.
"Gotta admit this thing really is high" I said with a small smirk.
"That pickup truck looks like a teeny tiny toy" Dad teased.
"That's what I said" Adam nodded once again.
"You know, before I take this thing back, there's something I really need to do" Dad said with a smile that I knew too well.
"Oh dear lord" I sighed.
The next thing we know dad took us to a mud pit and started driving the truck like a mad man.
Luckily we all bought some helmets so we could avoid getting hurt.
But it was still pretty fun and cool I will say that.
"Woooo hoo! Aww yeah!" Adam yelled in excitement.
"This shit is fucking amazing!" I yelled with a smile on my face as dad continued driving left and right really fast.
"Woooo! This is awesome!" Dad yelled.
"THATS WHAT I SAID!" Adam shouted as the truck turned upside down, making me scream more loudly.
"I'm so glad I came!" I yelled in excitement.
A Few Hours Later
After driving around with the truck for a few hours we were soon back on the road.
"So I guess we're keeping this thing huh?" Adam asked.
"I finally found a car that matches my ego" Dad smirked.
"Oh it's not that big" Adam said and I nodded.
"Yeah, trust me dad, this car doesn't match your ego in the slightest" I scoffed in annoyance.
Then the car jumped a bit as dad had hit something.
"What's that" Dad asked.
"Trashcan" Adam said while looking out the window.
"Poor trashcan" I said with a small frown.
"I'll pay for that!!" Dad yells from out the window.
"So here what I'm thinking. Well buy you a different car, and we'll keep this bad boy to play with on weekends" Dad suggested.
"Ha! Awesome!" Adam said with a smile.
"But we're gonna have to hide it, because if Tasha finds out this thing all three of us will have to end live in it" Dad said with a frown.
"Promise?!" Adam gasps in excitement.
"I don't know about you three but I most certainly ain't living in a truck no matter how cool it is" I said while rolling my eyes.
'That and Tasha will find out because she knows everything' I thought.
Then the car once again jumped as dad had hit something, again.
"Trashcan?" Dad asked.
"Mailbox" Adam said while looking outside from his window.
"I'll pay for that too!" Dad yelled out once again.
"What are you going to hit next? Be careful, dad" I scolded him.
"Oh! Can we make a quick stop? I forgot my backpack at school" Adam asked and dad nodded.
"No problem. We could stop by and pick it up" Dad said.
Then my eyes widened slightly as I rememberd something.
Tasha and the others were at the school.
"Wait, I don't think we should-" I was cut off by the car jumping again, this time a bit more higher.
"Mailbox?" Dad asked.
"Mail truck" Adam said with a chuckle as me and dad wince.
'I really hope there was nobody in that truck' I thought.
A Few Hours Later
At The School
We finally had arrived at school and dad managed to find a parking space.
"Well look at that. Got a parking space right next to the gym. Well, 3 spaces. Sorry ma'm I'll pay for that" Dad yelled out to the woman.
"I swear you're really bad at driving at this point" I sighed in annoyance.
"Don't judge me pumpkin" Dad said as he lightly glared at me, making me giggle.
"Ok just give me a second to get my backpack. It won't take long, there's nothing in it" Adam said.
"Of course" I said with a small smile.
Adam was ready to get out of the car but dad stopped him when he spotted Tasha's car.
"Wait. Is that Tasha's car?" Dad asked and me and Adam nodded.
"Yeah, she's giving her big PTA speech tonight" Adam said.
"Yeah, I was trying to tell you that the entire time but you were too busy driving and admiring the truck" I said while rolling my eyes.
"Ah! I forgot about that. She can't see us in this thing!" Dad yelled, clearly panicked.
"Well if she can't then she needs glasses, this thing is huge" Adam said.
"No I mean we gotta get out of here!" Dad yelled as he started the car and tried driving away.
"What the hell are you waiting for, go already" I said in slight annoyance and confusion.
"I'm trying but the gear shift is stuck" Dad said as he tried moving it again.
"Why don't you try harder?" Adam asked.
"Ok I got it" Dad said as he started the truck and it began moving but my eyes widened in realization.
"Wait, dad that's-" I started but was cut off by the car moving forwad really fast.
All three of us screamed in fear when we crashed into the school where the meeting was being held
Dad managed to stop the car before going any further and I let out a small groan as my back hit the seat.
Me and Adam unbuckled our seatbelts and immediately opened our doors to get out of the truck.
Dad opened his door and stepped out of it while coughing just a little.
We saw everyone staring at us and I can tell that Tasha was angry.
"Quick! Back up before she sees us!" Adam said as he went back into the
"DONALD!" Tasha shouted in anger.
"Vote for Tasha!" Dad yelled as he pressed the car wheel making it honk.
I rolled my eyes at him and carefully jumped off the car.
"I'm never getting in a car with you ever again dad" I muttered under my breath.
"Sweetheart!" Chase yelled as he ran over to me and pulled me into a hug.
I smiled and hugged him back as I laid my head on his shoulder.
We pulled away from the hug as he cupped my face and scanned me up and down.
"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Chase asked and I smiled softly at him.
This is one of the many things I love about Chase, he's always looking out for me.
"Don't worry bubba, I'm alright" I reassured him.
"Are you sure? No injuries or anything right?" Chase asked once again making me giggle.
"Bubba relax, I'm fine" I reassured him once again.
He sighed in relief before pecking me on the lips.
A few hours later everyone had cleared out while me and the others stayed.
"Well thanks to you I totally lost the election. Not one person voted for me" Tasha said while glaring at dad.
"Yes!" Bree, Chase and Leo yelled.
Tasha looked at them weirdly along with dad and Adam.
"You will get em' next year mom" Leo said and the others nodded.
Leo, Bree and Chase ran away and of course Chase grabbed my hand and dragged me away too.
I giggled as he stopped running to kiss me softly but passionately on the lips.
We pulled away and pressed our foreheads against each others.
"I love you sweetheart" Chase said.
"I love you too bubba" I said with a smile as I kissed his cheek.
He smiled before wrapping one arm around my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around his waist as we continued walking together.
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