Chapter Thirty-Four: Drama With Ex-Best Friend
Luna's Pov
Today was Friday, and thank goodness for that because I was so tired of school.
I had so much homework given from nearly all my classes.
My teachers are honestly a pain in the ass. I hate them just as much as I hate Principal Perry.
Just one more class left and it's on to the weekend.
Anyways, I was in the library right now, looking for a book I need for one of my homework assignments.
The others were probably waiting for me in the hallway so I want to be quick with all of this.
"Where is it? Where is it?" I muttered under my breath.
I continued walking around the library, trying my best to find the book I need.
I sighed in relief when I finally found it, thank goodness.
I walked over to the shelf that had the book I needed and grabbed it.
'Thank the lords I found it, I probably would've failed this homework assignment if I didn't' I thought.
I smiled and when I was about to leave to check out the book the person I absolutely hate the most just had to walk over to me.
"Hey Luna."
I knew that voice, the voice I thought I would never hear again, but I guess I was wrong.
Rolling my eyes I turned around to face Tyler James.
One of the popular guys at this damn school and one of the best football players here.
Well...that's what he's always saying to everyone, but in reality, he's trash as shit.
"Hi Tyler, what do you want?" I asked.
He chuckled and smiled at me.
"I saw you come in here and thought I'd say hi, is that a crime?" Tyler asked.
I rolled my eyes and huffed in annoyance.
"Whatever, what do you want?" I asked, clearly annoyed.
He smirked and just shook his head.
"I just wanted to say hi, and see how you've been, it's been a long time since we've last talked" Tyler said.
"And it should remain that way, because I'm so happy with you not talking to me and me not talking to you" I said with a smirk.
I walked away from him, but to no avail, he followed behind me.
"So, are you doing anything this weekend?" Tyler asked.
"Why?" I asked.
"I was hoping we could go out sometime, you know, just me and you. We could eat dinner or go to the movies" Tyler said with a smile.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.
"Sorry to burst your bubble but no, I'm actually going to be hanging out with my family and my boyfriend" I said.
His smile changed to a frown, "boyfriend?" Tyler asked
I rolled my eyes at him as I gave the book to the librarian so she could check it out.
"Yes, boyfriend" I said.
He should already know by now that me and Chase are dating, we've been dating for nearly two years.
Our second year anniversary is also coming up in a few days.
" mean Chase Davenport, huh?" Tyler said in slight annoyance.
I just nodded and smiled at the librarian who gave me my book.
"Yes, Chase Davenport, now if you'll excuse me. I need to meet up with him and my friends, bye" I said as I quickly walked away from him.
He's so damn annoying, he can't just talk to me as if we're friends when we clearly aren't.
And trying to ask me out when he knows I'm taken.
'Ugh, I wish I could punch him and send him to the hospital' I thought in annoyance.
I walked over to my locker and opened it and shoved the book I was holding.
Just then I felt two pairs of arms wrap around my waist, making me smile as I already knew who it was.
I turned my head around to see my lovely boyfriend Chase resting his head on my shoulder.
"Hey sweetheart" Chase said.
"Hey bubba, everything alright?" I asked.
"Everythings fine, I just missed you" Chase said and I giggled.
"Chase, we saw each other this morning, we had a few classes together and at lunch as well" I said.
"But still, I wanted to see you again" Chase whined, making me giggle.
I closed my locker and turned around and cupped his face with my hands.
"I missed you too bubba" I said with a smile.
He smiled and immediately pressed his lips onto mine.
I giggled into the kiss before happily kissing back.
Before I knew it he had pinned me against the lockers and a small groan escaped my lips.
Thank gosh there were no students in the hallway at this time.
Most of them would either be in the cafeteria hanging out or outside the school doing some homework before the bell rings.
I had wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
He removed one arm from my waist and placed it behind my neck.
He deepened the kiss, making me moan and blush.
Before we could go any further we heard someone clearing their throats.
We pulled away and turned around only to see Bree, Adam and Leo giving us disgusted looks.
"Seriously?" Bree asked in annoyance.
"What?" Chase asked.
"You guys are making out at school, again" Leo said.
We both rolled our eyes at them, "so, nobody was even here" I defended and Chase nodded.
"It's still gross" Adam said and I once again rolled my eyes.
Chase pulled away from me as he wrapped one arm around my shoulder.
"So, Luna, care to tell me why you were talking to Tyler James?" Leo asked.
I glared at him as Chase gave me a questioning look but I could tell it in his eyes that he was annoyed.
"Tyler James, that cute football player?" Bree asked with a dreamy smile.
I glared at her as Chase relased his arm from my shoulder and raised his eyebrow at me.
"Why were you talking to Tyler?" Chase asked.
I sighed and shook my head.
"I didn't even want to talk to him in the first place, I was in the library getting a book I needed for one of my homework assignments and he came up to me" I explained.
"What did he say?" Adam asked.
"Tried acting nice with me, then started flirting with me and tried asking me out on a date" I said.
"What!" Chase yelled.
"Bubba relax" I tried calming him down but it didn't work.
"I can't calm down, some football player tried asking out my girlfriend" Chase said in anger.
"Jealous much" Leo whispered to Adam who nodded.
I glared at them before turning my attention back to my jealous boyfriend.
"Bubba, please calm down, I obviously didn't say yes and told him I'd be hanging out with you guys" I reassured him.
This seemed to have calmed him down, but I could still some jealousy in his eyes.
"I still don't get why boys continue asking you out" Bree said.
"Trust me I don't know either, it's annoying as hell" I said.
Chase had wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I smiled and sighed in relief.
"I just hate Tyler so much, he's a douchebag" I said in annoyance.
"Why do you hate him so much?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, out of all the football players you seem to hate him more" Bree said as she crossed her arms.
"Sure, he's a jerk and flirty, but why do you hate him so much?" Leo asked.
I sighed, knowing they weren't going to let this go if I didn't say anything.
"Believe it or not, Tyler used to be my best friend" I admitted.
"What!" everyone yelled in shock.
I nodded my head and sighed, "yeah, we were best friends. Until he did something unforgivable" I said.
"Come on, let's sit down and you can tell us" Chase suggested and I nodded.
We all walked over to the school bench and sat down.
I sat down on Chase's lap as he wrapped one arm around my waist.
"Alright, now tell us" Bree said.
"Me and Tyler met on my first day of kindergarten. I was really scared since I didn't know anyone and thought I wouldn't make any friends, but then Tyler approached me and started making small talk" I explained.
"The small talk turned into a full conversation and we immediately became best friends. We did everything together, we would eat lunch together, sit next to each other all the time and draw together" I explained with a smile.
"We continued as best friends all our life, we never left each others side, we were always there for each other and I was glad I could call him my best friend" I said.
"What happened?" Leo asked and I sighed.
"It happened on our first day of high school, here at mission creek high. It was doing alright so far but Tyler had signed himself up for football since he always wanted to play. I was alright with it since I knew how much he loves playing" I explained.
"He made the team and I was really happy for him, but football was changing him" I said.
"What do you mean?" Adam asked.
"He soon started hanging out with the football players and the cheerleaders more than me, I didn't think much of it at first since I thought he was just making new friends, so I was fine with it" I explained.
"But he continued hanging out with them,he wouldn't even sit with me during class or at lunch, and when school was over he barely talked to me. He wouldn't even say hi to me, it really confused and annoyed me" I explained.
I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.
"Soon, everything about him changed, he wouldn't hang out with me anymore. He would always hang out with the football players and the cheerleaders, never once would he even look at me" I explained.
"Him being popular got the best of him and he soon forgot I even existed" I said with a frown.
Chase softly kissed my cheek and I smiled at him.
"If that wasn't bad enough, he soon started talking shit behind my back" I said in anger.
"How did you find out?" Bree asked.
I smiled and giggled, "from Ian Santiago, one of my best friends" I said.
"He had heard Tyler talking shit about me in the boys locker room. He came over to me one day during school and told me. I thanked him for telling me and soon we built a friendship together, which made me really happy since I didn't have anyone to hang out with since Tyler ignored me" I explained.
"Sadly, Ian moved away 7 months later because his dad got a job offer somewhere else. I was sad, but he promised to always text or call me whenever he could" I said with a smile.
"Were you upset when he left you for popularity?" Chase asked.
I smiled at him and shook my head.
"No, I was more mad and pissed than upset, but I knew that I couldn't cry over him because he wasn't worth it. If he thinks being popular is more important than being my best friend, then let him and see if I'll care" I explained.
Everyone laughed and shook their heads at me.
"I soon deleted his number from my contacts, pictures of me and him and I threw out all the presents he gave me. I didn't want to deal with him anymore, he wasn'y my best friend anymore" I explained.
Chase smirked and kissed me softly on the lips.
"That's my girl" Chase said and I giggled.
"Thanks bubba" I said with a smile.
Bree smiled and rubbed my shoulder, "well, you've got us now Luna, you don't need him" Bree said.
"Yeah, we're your friends and we would never leave you" Leo said.
"Aw thanks guys, but just know that if you did leave me, you're all getting your ass beaten" I threatened them.
"Yes mam" everyone said and I smirked.
Soon the bell rang and it was time for our last class.
"Come on, let's get this day over with so we can go home" I said and they all nodded.
I got up from Chase's lap and kissed his cheek, making him smile.
"I love you bubba" I said.
"I love you too sweetheart" Chase said.
I smiled before walking away to head to my last class.
'I can't wait to get home and just rest' I thought with a smile as I entered my last class.
A Few Hours Later
After the bell rang a smile appeared on my face and I immediately left the class.
School was finally over and it was time for the weekend, I only have one homework assignment to do and I'm done.
'I just want to get home, cuddle with Chase in bed and sleep' I thought.
I made my way over to my locker where Bree and Leo were.
"Hey guys" I said.
"Hey Luna" Bree said.
"Where are Adam and Chase?" I asked.
"They made a bet to see who was the faster runner, so right now they're running around the school" Bree said.
I rolled my eyes at my dork best friend and boyfriend.
"Well, I can't wait to get home and sleep, school is a pain in the ass" I said, making them laugh.
"Tell me about it, so much homework and tests, it's annoying" Bree agreed.
I giggled and nodded my head.
I had just finished getting my things from my locker and closed it, but of course, the universe must hate me because once I turned around I saw Tyler walking up to me.
'Great, what now?' I thought in annoyance.
"Hey Luna" Tyler said with a smile.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms at him.
"What do you want now Tyler?" I asked.
"I was hoping you hadn't left yet, I wanted to continue where we left off at the library" Tyler said.
"Sorry, but we have to get going, we have to get back home to do some very important things" Bree said as she came to stand next to me.
"What important things?" Tyler asked.
"None of your business jerk" Leo said as he glared at him.
"Watch who you're talking to little man" Tyler warned him.
"How about you watch how you speak to my best friend asshole" I said in anger.
He stared at me in shock and I could see a little bit of hurt in his eyes when I said 'best friend.'
"Best friend?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah, Leo is my best friend, along with Bree, Adam, Chase and Ian" I said with a smirk.
"But I thought..." Tyler started but I cut him off.
"If we're done, we're going to get going" I said.
We were about to leave when Tyler had grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to his face.
I imemdiately smacked him in the face before anything could happen and I ripped my arm away from him.
"Ow! What the hell!" Tyler yelled.
"Don't fucking touch me asshole" I said in disgust.
"What's your problem? Why would you hit me?" Tyler asked.
Leo and Bree backed away, knowing that there was going to be a big arguement that they don't want to be apart of.
Thank gosh they did that because my entire family knows how I am when I'm angry.
"My problem? What the hell is your problem, why the hell are you flirting with me when you know damn well I have a boyfriend, and why are you suddenly talking to me as if we're friends when we aren't" I yelled.
I'm so glad everyone had left to go home because I don't need any of them hearing this.
"That's because we are friends, we're best friends, did you forget or something you bitch" Tyler yelled.
"And I don't even know why you're hanging out with those weirdos, they're weird and annoying kids that shouldn't even be here" Tyler said.
My anger was soon boiling up at this point but I tried keeping it in.
"And I don't even know why you're dating that loser Chase. He's a nerd that everyone picks on, he's way out of your league, you deserve someone better than him" Tyler said.
"Excuse me?" I snarled.
"Oh boy" I heard Leo whisper to Bree.
"Come on Luna, he's a nobody, he's just a nerd, a loser. You should be with someone like me, I'm way better than Chase the loser" Tyler said with a smirk.
Soon, I couldn't contain anymore of my anger.
And I mean nobody...
"Now hold on-" Bree started but I cut her off.
I walked towards Tyler and punched him really hard, making sure that later there would be a bruise.
He stumbled backwards before falling to the ground and landing on his ass.
Though I wouldn't say that considering he probably doesn't even have one.
His eyes widened in shock as he stared at me while holding his now bruised cheek.
"Luna, what the hell!" Tyler yelled.
"I don't know who you think you are, but you are not my best friend. You fucking left me for those dumb football players and annoying cheerleaders. Popularity got the best of you that you forgot about your best friend, the one that you completely abandoned" I yelled.
He flinched when I yelled at him, making me internally smirked as I continued going.
"You ignored me and barely acknowledged my presence, you even talked shit behind my back, and you know what. I didn't stop you from hanging out with them because I didn't see the point when I knew you weren't even going to listen to me. So I stopped, I stopped being your best friend and you stopped being mine" I yelled.
His eyes widened and his jaw slightly dropped when I said that and I could see sadness in his eyes.
Good, that's what I want him to feel.
"Now, I don't give a shit if you say stuff about me, because listen here buddy I don't give a damn. However, when it comes to my friends you keep your damn mouth shut, they aren't weirdos, they're my best friends and I'm glad I've got them in my lives" I said.
I looked over at Leo and Bree to see them both smiling at me.
I smiled back before turning back to Tyler and glaring at him.
"And another thing, Chase is not a loser or a nobody. Yeah, he's a nerd but he's my nerd and that's why I love him. He's my boyfriend and I love him with all my heart, and if you think I would ever leave him for you, you must be delusional because Chase is the only guy for me asshole" I yelled.
Tyler stared at me in shock.
Maybe because I'm yelling at him, when we were friends I would never yell at him.
But right now...he's not my friend, at all.
I've gotten over him just like he did with me.
"Chase is the only one for me, I'll always love him and he'll always love me and nothing. Not even you, can change that" I said.
I turned around, getting ready to walk away, but then I turned back around to face Tyler.
"I just hope you know that you lost your best friend, forever, because I ain't coming back" I said with a smug grin.
He stared at me in shock, eyes wide and jaw dropped.
"Oh, and Tyler" I said as I took a small step towards him.
I crouched down and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to me.
"Thank you for showing me who you really are. A complete and utter asshole" I smirked.
I shoved him away from me before standing up.
I flipped my hair before walking away from him, Leo and Bree following right behind me.
Once we were outside Bree hugged me while me and Leo fistbumped.
"That was awesome Luna" Leo said with a smile.
"Damn girl, that was badass" Bree praised with a smile and I giggled.
"Why thank you" I chuckled, making both of them laugh.
We turned around and saw Chase and Adam walking towards us.
I opened my mouth to say something but Chase immediately pulled me closer to him and smashed his lips onto mine.
I was surprised at first, but I kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
We pulled away from each other and rested our foreheads against each others.
"We heard everything that happened between you and Tyler" Chase said.
I gave him a soft smile and he returned the favor.
"I love you sweetheart, I love you so damn much" Chase said.
I cupped his face and placed a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away.
"I love you too bubba, I love you so fucking much" I said with a smile.
He smiled before brining me into a hug and I hugged back.
"Awww" Bree said, making everyone laugh.
We pulled away from the hug but he kept one arm around my shoulder.
"Alright now, let's get going before Big D questions where we are" Leo said and we all nodded as we began walking.
One thing I know for sure.
I will never leave Chase.
That's a fucking promise.
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