Chapter Thirty: Baby Luna
Luna's Pov
I had just finished breakfast and walked up the stairs to get to my room.
I was walking and was near my room when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into my room and closed the door.
The lights turned on and I smiled when I saw Chase in front of me.
"Hey sweetheart" Chase said and I smiled.
"Hey bubba" I said.
"Any reason why you pulled me into my room?" I asked.
"I just wanted to be with my girlfriend" Chase said with a smile.
I raised my eyebrows at him and gave him a look that said 'what's the real reason?'
He chuckled and smirked at me, "also because I wanted some more kisses" Chase said.
"That's what I wanted to hear" I said with a giggle
He leaned down and kissed me and I kissed back.
I wrapped one arm around his neck and rested the other on his chest as he wrapped both arms around my waist.
He licked my bottom lip and instead of letting him like I usually do, I decided to tease him so I denied him.
He growled before he took both of my hands and pinned them above me.
He removed his lips from mine and we both were trying to catch our breath.
He smirked and brought his lips closer to my ear.
"Sweetheart, you better let me in...or else" Chase whispered in my ear, making me shiver.
He pressed his lips onto mine and licked my bottom lip again, this time more roughly, and I let him in.
He immediately deepened the kiss, making me moan really loud.
He smirked into the kiss as I closed my eyes and blushed bright red.
'Chase is so freaking hot' I thought.
Before we could go any further we heard a knock at the door, making Chase pull away from me but he didn't release my hands.
"Luna, Chase, it's me Bree. Come downstairs" Bree said.
"What, why?" I asked.
"Because Mr. Davenport has something to show us" Bree said.
"What does he want to show us?" Chase asked.
"Some new weird invention he made" Bree said.
We both rolled our eyes but I smiled when Chase started planting soft kissed on my neck.
"Look, you guys can make out later, just come downstairs so we can see what he wants to show us" Bree said.
I rolled my eyes but blushed while Chase continued kissing my neck.
"Sure thing, we'll be there soon" I said.
"Good" Bree said before walking away.
Chase removed his lips from my neck and picked up his head to face me.
"That was nice" Chase said and I giggled.
"Of course it is, I'm always with you" I said and Chase chuckled.
He kissed my cheek and released my hands.
"Come on, let's go see what dad has to show us" I said and he nodded.
We left my room and headed downstairs.
Once we got there the others were standing by the kitchen counter so we made our way over to them.
Soon dad walked into the room with a big smile on his face.
"Hello family" Dad said, still smiling.
"Dad what is it you wanted to show us?" I asked.
"Well pumpkin, what I wanted to show you was the new invention I've been working on a few days ago" Dad said.
"Oh really, what is it?" Adam asked.
"Behold, my new invention, the baby device" Dad said with a proud smirk as he showed us a small yet somewhat big remote device thing.
"Baby device?" Chase asked.
"Yep, you see when you press this red button in the middle and point it at someone they turn into a baby" Dad said.
We all stared at him weirdly before Bree spoke up.
"So you called us all here just to show us this weird device that is not even cool" Bree said and we all nodded.
"It is cool, it just hasn't been tested yet, that's kind of why I haven't used it" Dad said.
"Once again, boring" Adam said and we all laughed while dad glared at us.
"Whatever it's cool to me, so deal with it" Dad said in annoyance.
Soon his phone started ringing, "oh I have to take this, it's from work" Dad said as he placed his baby device on the kitchen counter and walked away.
I sighed and laid my head on Chase's shoulder.
Leo smiled and grabbed the device and looked at it.
"Leo, what are you doing?" Chase asked.
"What does it look like I'm doing, looking at the device Big D made" Leo said.
"Leo put that down before you accidentally use it someone" Bree said and Leo scoffed.
"Relax, I'll be fine" Leo said.
Soon he started playing with the device and moved it around.
"Leo stop playing with that, it's not a toy" Chase scolded.
"Would you relax, I got this" Leo said in annoyance.
"Ooh, what does this button do?" Leo asked.
"What butto-" I started but got cut off by some sort of laser shooting at me.
A bright light surrounded me and before I knew it I blacked out.
Chase's Pov
Me, my siblings and Leo shielded our eyes from the bright laser light Leo had shot at Luna.
Once the light went away we started looking around for Luna, but she wasn't here.
"Luna?" Bree asked.
"Luna?" Leo asked as he dropped the device and it crashed to the ground.
"Leo, what did you do?" I asked in worry and annoyance.
"I don't know all I did was press the black button and then I-" Leo started but got cut off by Adam.
"Uh...guys" Adam said as we all turned to him.
He pointed at something that was on the floor.
We looked down and our eyes widened in shock by what we were looking at.
All of our eyes widened in shock.
"Is that...?" Leo asked.
"I think it is..." Bree said.
"Please don't tell me that's-" Adam started but got cut off.
We turned around and saw Mr. Davenport in the kitchen, looking down at baby Luna in complete shock.
"Oh boy..." I said.
"What in the name of heavens did you guys do to my daughter?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"Don't look at us, it was Leo" Bree said and we all nodded.
"Leo, what did you do?" Mr. Davenport asked as he walked towards him.
"I don't know, all I did was touch the black button on your device and some laser shot at Luna and turned her into...well a baby" Leo explained as he pointed at baby Luna.
"That black button was what turned her into a baby" Dad said and we all groaned in annoyance.
"Are you kidding me?" Leo asked and Mr. Davenport nodded.
"So you're telling me, my girlfriend is now stuck as a baby?" I asked.
"No, she's not stuck as a baby" Mr. Davenport said as he walked over to where baby Luna was and picked her up.
He gently bounced her in his arms and she smiled and let out a cute giggle.
We all smiled and let out 'awes' at her cuteness.
"Hey pumpkin, it's me, daddy Donald" Mr. Davenport said in a soft voice.
Baby Luna smiled and giggled, clapping her hands together.
All of us smiled and 'awed' at her cuteness.
'I think I'm going to faint' I thought with a smile.
"Guys, I'd like you to meet baby Luna" Mr. Davenport said and we all smiled.
"Awww, she's so cute" Bree said as she gently rubbed her head.
"Her cheeks are squishy" Adam said as he gently pinched her cheeks, making her giggle and say some gibberish things.
We all laughed and smiled at her.
"I'm proud to say that this was my baby girl when she was...well...a baby" Mr. Davenport said and we all nodded.
"Alright, how do we turn my girlfriend back to normal?" I asked.
"I just need the device and I can turn her back to normal, where is it?" Mr. Davenport asked.
" might want to uh...look down" Leo suggested.
Mr. Davenport looked down and his eyes widened when he saw the broken device crushed on the ground.
"Ah!" Mr. Davenport yelled.
"Oh boy" Bree said and we all nodded.
"Leo, what did you?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"I dropped it to the ground when Luna turned into a baby, I didn't mean for it to break" Leo said.
Mr. Davenport groaned in complete annoyance, which is understandable.
"What now?" Bree asked.
"Yeah, are you able to fix it?" Adam asked.
"I can fix it, but it's going to take all day based on how broken it is" Mr. Davenport said.
"So...what do we do about baby Luna?" Leo asked as we all looked at my baby girlfriend who was looking around the house and smiling.
"Well Ill be busy in the lab trying to fix the device to change her back...I won't be able to watch her" Mr. Davenport said.
"Oooh, let us watch her" Adam said and we all smiled.
He immediately shook his head and held baby Luna tighter in his arms.
"Absolutely not, I don't trust you guys" Mr. Davenport said and we all gave him and offended look.
"What, why not?" Bree asked.
"Because you four are nothing but trouble teenagers, and three of you are bionic" Mr. Davenport said and we all rolled our eyes at him.
"And I don't want my baby girl getting hurt" Mr. Davenport said as he placed a gentle kiss on her temple.
"Come on Big D, let us take care of her" Leo begged.
"Yeah, I want to take care of baby Luna, she's so cute and small" Adam said and I chuckled.
"And we all know you're not going to be able to watch her with all the work you need to do in order to fix the device" Bree said and I nodded.
"Baby Luna would get in the way and you'd never fix it in time" I said.
Mr. Davenport sighed in defeat and nodded.
"Alright, fine, you guys can watch her" Mr. Davenport agreed and we all smiled.
"Just please, please, please keep her safe and make sure nothing happens to her" Mr. Davenport said as he handed Luna to Bree.
"We promise" Leo said.
"Make sure she's well fed, burp her after she's done eating and check her diaper to see if she needs it changed" Mr. Davenport explained.
"Got it" Adam said.
"If anything happens to her, you're all grounded, got that?" Mr. Davenport said and we all nodded.
"Yeah, yeah we got it" Bree said.
"Hurry and go fix the device" I ordered.
He nodded before picking up the broken device and running to the elevator to get to the lab.
"Awww look guys, look at her cute smile" Bree said as we all looked at baby Luna who was smiling at Bree.
"Awww, Luna was so cute as a baby" Adam said.
"You got that right" I whispered with a smile while looking at my girlfriend that is now a baby.
"So...what do we do?" Bree asked as she sat down on the couch.
"Maybe we can play with her, give her some toys" Leo suggested.
"Great idea Leo, are there any toys here?" Bree asked.
"There should be some in the attic" Leo said and she nodded.
"Here Chase, take your girlfriend while I get some toys" Bree said.
"Of course" I said as she handed me Luna and I sat her on my lap.
"Be right back" Bree said as she superspeeded upstairs to get to the attic.
I looked at my beautiful baby girlfriend in my lap as she lifted her head and her eyes met mine.
"Hey sweetheart, it's me, Chase" I said with a smile.
She stared at me for a few seconds before a smile appeared on her face and she clapped her hands together.
"Chasey" baby Luna said with a smile.
I smiled and nodded, "that's right sweetheart" I said as I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
She giggled and placed a kiss on my nose and I smiled.
"Even as a baby you guys still do pda" Leo said in annoyance and Adam nodded.
I rolled my eyes and glared at them.
"Doesn't matter, she's still my girlfriend, just as a baby" I defended.
I bounced her on my lap and she giggled and clapped her hands together.
I swear all three of us nearly died of her cuteness.
"She's so damn adorable" Adam said as he placed his hands on his chest.
"I know right" Leo said with a smile and I chuckled.
Soon Bree superspeeded back to us with a few toys in her hands.
"Alright, here are some toys I picked out for Luna" Bree said as she placed the toys on the couch.
"Look sweetheart, look what Bree got for you" I said as I pointed towards the toys.
She smiled and giggled.
"Toys, toys, toys" baby Luna cheered.
We all laughed and 'awed' at her cuteness.
"Which toy do you want sweetie?" Bree asked.
She giggled and pointed to the teddy bear.
"Teddy bear it is" I said as Bree grabbed the bear and handed it to Luna.
Baby Luna grabbed onto the Teddy bear and smiled at it and soon burst into loud giggles.
"Awww, she likes it" Adam said with a smile and we all nodded.
Baby Luna looked at Bree before touching her hair and started playing with it.
"Awww, she loves my hair" Bree said with a smile as she gently patted her small head.
"Hwair, Bree Hwair" baby Luna said with a smile.
I really am this close to passing out at her cuteness.
"She's so cute as a baby" Leo said.
"I know right" Bree said while stroking her squishy cheeks.
"Yeah, what happened though?" Leo asked.
I glared at him, "what's that supposed to mean?" I asked.
"I'm just saying that regular Luna is rude and sassy towards me, she even throws things at me, yet baby Luna is more happy and calm" Leo explained.
"So, that's just how all babies are, besides I'm pretty su-" Bree started but got cut off by Leo getting hit in the face with a book, causing him to fall to the ground.
"What the heck!" Adam said, cleary surprised.
"Hey, who threw that?" Leo asked as he got up from the floor.
All of us shrugged before we turned to face baby Luna who was smiling and holding onto her teddy bear.
"Baby Luna did it!" Leo yelled while pointing to my baby girlfriend.
Me and my siblings all burst out laughing and baby Luna joined the laughter.
"Are you kidding me? Even as a baby she's rude to me" Leo said.
"It was kind of obvious" I said with a shrug.
"Yeah, even as a baby this is still the badass Luna we know" Bree said with a smirk.
"Alright Chase, you've held her long enough, my turn" Adam said as he reached out for her.
I hesitated at first but I slowly gave him baby Luna and he gladly accepted her into his arms.
"Just be careful" I said.
"Don't drop her" Bree said and we all nodded.
"Relax guys, I can take care of a baby, I did it once for school" Adam said with a confident smile.
"Adam, you took care of a baby doll" Leo deadpanned.
"And you ended up destroying it, it literally looked like it got ran over a car and then got attacked by a bear" Bree said.
"On second thought you holding her isn't a good idea" I said.
I tried taking baby Luna away from Adam but he moved away from me.
"Relax Chase, I can do this, nothing bad will happen to her" Adam reassured me.
"Fine, just please be careful and don't drop her" I said.
"Got it, got it" Adam nodded.
He gently held her in his arms and walked around the room while the rest of us stared at them with smiles on our faces.
"You know, Adam's not doing bad so far" Bree said.
"That's true, but I'm still going to keep a close eye" I said while staring at Adam and baby Luna while they were in the kitchen.
"She hasn't cried so far so we should be fine" Leo said.
Just as he said that we heard cries coming from the kitchen, we all turned around and saw baby Luna crying in Adam's arms.
"And I spoke too soon" Leo said with a sigh.
I quickly hopped off the couch and ran into the kitchen.
"What's wrong? What happened? Is anyone hurt?" I franctically asked.
"Nothing happened, we're fine, but she just started crying for some reason" Adam said.
Baby Luna continued crying as Adam tried calming her down.
"What do I do?" Adam asked.
Before I could answer baby Luna stopped crying.
"Wait, why did she stop?" Bree asked as she walked into the kitchen.
Before one of us could ask I felt someone touching my hand.
I looked down and saw baby Luna's small hand on top of mine.
"Chasey" baby Luna said.
I sent her a soft smile as I gently rubbed her hand.
"Awwww, she wants Chase to hold her" Bree said with a smile.
"Of course she does" Leo sarcastically said, only to recieve getting hit in the face by a spoon.
"Ow!" Leo yelled.
We all stifled our laughter when we saw baby Luna laughing and clapping her hands together.
"Seriously, where does she get these things from? And why is she only throwing them at me?" Leo asked in annoyance.
"Guess she doesn't like you" Bree said with a smirk.
"But who can blame her" Adam said with a smirk.
All three of us laughed while baby Luna giggled.
Leo glared at us be we didn't care and just continued laughing.
He huffed and left the room as our laughter soon died down.
Adam placed a kiss on her temple before handing her to me.
I smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder and I lightly bounced her in my arms.
"Hey there sweetheart, you missed your Chasey huh?" I asked with a small smirk.
She smiled and nodded really fast, causing me and my siblings to laugh.
'This might not be too bad' I thought as I continued bouncing Luna in my arms.
At Around 8:30pm
Throughout the entire day me and my siblings have taken care of baby Luna.
Bree fed her and sometimes played with her.
Adam would watch T.V with her, along with Leo.
Though, he wouldn't hang out with her as much cause she would continue to throw things at him and he soon got annoyed.
Mr. Davenport was still in the lab trying to fix the device.
He was doing really well but he said he needed more time just in case.
I'm laying on the couch with baby Luna on my chest.
"Are you guys going to stay there the whole night?" Leo asked.
"Yeah, it's almost time for bed" Bree said.
"I mean, she's tired after the long day she had and I don't want to leave her. And her sleeping in the capsule with us is dangerous" I said.
"Alright fine, just please be careful" Bree said.
"Of course" I said as I rolled my eyes at her.
"But before we leave" Bree said.
She quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture of me and baby Luna.
"Sorry, but I just had to take a picture of that to show Luna when she changes back to normal" Bree said with a smile.
I rolled my eyes and nodded.
"Good, you got your pitcure, now leave" I ordered.
"Sure thing, Mr. Bossy Boy" Adam teased.
The three of them laughed while I groaned and finally they left, leaving me and my baby girlfriend.
"So, sweetheart, you tired after today?" I asked while rubbing her back.
"Chasey" baby Luna whispered.
I chuckled and shook my head at her.
This is so cute, she's so cute.
"Go on sweetheart, go to sleep, you deserve it" I whispered softly to her.
She nodded her small head at me before letting out a small yawn.
I looked up only to see her slowly closing her eyes.
I chuckled and slowly stroked her hair.
"Goodnight sweetheart" I whispered.
Soon, I felt myself drift off to sleep as I closed my eyes.
The Next Day
I felt someone poke me in the nose.
I slowly opened my eyes only to see Adam's face.
"Ahhh!" I yelled as I quickly sat up.
"Finally, about time you woke up" Adam said.
"What the heck? Why were you poking me?" I asked.
"Leo told me to do it so it would wake you up" Adam shrugged.
"Wait, where's Luna?" I asked while looking around.
"Oh, Bree took her while you were sleeping, she's getting her changed right now" Adam said and I sighed in relief.
"Thank goodness" I said.
Soon Leo ran into the room with a smile on his face.
"Good news guys, Big D fixed the device, he can turn Luna back to normal" Leo said with a smile.
"That's awesome" I said with a smile.
"Yeah, it took him all day yesterday to fix it, but he finally did it" Leo said.
We heard footsteps coming from upstairs and we saw Bree walking down with baby Luna in her arms.
"Alright, she's all dressed" Bree said while walking towards us.
Baby Luna was wearing a black crop top, black jeans and black high heel boots.
"Bree, why is she wearing that?" Adam asked.
"Well she is going to turn back to regular Luna soon, and we all know Luna would kill one of us for allowing her to wear baby clothes" Bree explained.
All three of us looked at each other before nodding.
"That's true" all three of us said together.
"So, I went to her room and picked out some clothes that I know she would rather wear than some baby clothes" Bree said.
Soon Mr. Davenport ran into the room and boy can I say he looked really tired.
"Alright, alright, alright. I am here, with the device" Mr. Davenport said while holding the device in his hand.
"Finally, about time" Adam said.
"Yeah, you took forever" Bree said.
Mr. Davenport glared at them before walking towards us and took baby Luna from Bree.
"Sorry that I had to work all day yesterday and last night just to fix the device, someone here broke" Mr. Davenport said while looking at Leo.
"In my defence, I said sorry" Leo defended.
Just then he was hit in the face with a stuffed animal.
We all looked at baby Luna who was smiling and clapping her hands together.
"Seriously? Where does she keep getting these things from?" Leo asked
All of us laughed at him while he glared at us.
"And why is this stuffed animal wet?" Leo asked.
"Oh...that" Adam said with a smirk while Bree looked like she wanted to laugh.
"Yesterday I was changing her diaper while Adam was entertaining her with that same stuffed animal" Bree said.
"And she accidentally peed on the stuffed animal" Adam said.
Leo immediately let go of the stuffed animal as he let out a girl scream and ran into the kitchen, most likely to wash his hands and face with soap.
All of us burst out laughing as baby Luna was giggling non-stop.
"Ok, ok, ok, enough laughing. I'll put Luna on the couch so I can turn her back to normal" Mr. Davenport said.
He carefully placed her on the couch.
"I'm gonna miss baby Luna" Bree said.
"Me too, but she can't stay like this forever" Mr. Davenport said.
He gave her a last kiss on the forehead before walking away.
"Alright, here goes nothing" Mr. Davenport said.
He pressed the button on the device and soon a blue laser shot at baby Luna.
Luna's Pov
I opened my eyes only to find myself sitting on the couch in the living room.
"What the hell? What happened?" I asked.
Last I remember was dad showing us some device and then I blacked out.
"Sweetheart!" Chase yelled as he was quick to pull me into a hug.
"Hey bubba" I said while hugging him back, but still confused.
"Thank goodness, you're back to normal" Bree said as she gave me a side hug.
"Back to normal? What happened?" I asked, clearly confused.
"You don't remember being turned into a baby?" Adam asked.
My eyes widened in shock as I stood up from the couch.
"I turned into a what!" I yelled.
"Yeah, Leo was playing with the device Mr. Davenport made and he accidentally pressed a button that turned you into a baby" Ada explained.
"Here, I've got proof" Bree said as she took out her phone.
She soon went to her gallery and showed me a picture.
My eyes widened in shock and I could feel my cheeks slowly turn red.
It was me, as a baby, laying on Chase's chest in the living room.
"Oh my gosh" I said.
"See, we told you" Adam said.
I then stood up and glared at Leo who smiled nervously at me and waved.
"Leo, you better run before I murder you" I said.
"See ya!" Leo shrieked as he was quick to run away.
"GET BACK HERE!" I shouted as I was quick to run after him.
I could here the trio and dad laughing from behind us but I didn't care.
I just needed to catch up to Leo so I could beat the living life out of him.
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