Chapter Ten: Smart & Smarter
Luna's Pov
I walked into school with Bree and Chase.
As always me and Chase were holding hands as we walked up to Adam since he wanted to show us his locker.
"Check out what I've done with my locker! Tah-dah! Here's where I keep my books. Down here I keep random strands of hair I've collected to make fake mustaches. And here is where I stockpile old lunches, or, as I like to call it, my tum-tum yum-yums" Adam explained.
I groaned in disgust, along with the others.
"Hey, Leo. What's that?" Bree asked, pointing to Leo's progress report.
"My progress report. I can't believe my science teacher says I'm always late to class" Leo said.
"You are always late to class" me and Adam said together, causing Leo to glare at us.
"I know that, but I don't need it publicized" Leo said in annoyance while I just shrugged my shoulders.
"Look at this! An "A-minus"! I knew my Home Ec teacher had it out for me. Always criticizing my muffins" Chase complained.
Everyone looked at him weirdly, even me.
"Chase, babe, there's nothing wrong with an A-minus" I said but he ignored me.
"Ha ha! I beat you! I got a "D-plus"! "Plus" because I'm better" Adam cheered.
'What the hell' I thought.
"Adam, the "plus" is-- You know what? It's just not even worth it anymore" Bree said and we all nodded.
"D is not a good grade, but we don't really expect you to get good grades" Chase said with a smile and I giggled.
"What about you Luna?" Bree asked.
"Well I got all A-minuses, and one B+ and that was for gym" I explained.
"It's still good so nice job" Chase said as he kissed my cheek and I smiled.
"I'm engineered to be the smartest person on the planet, and I just got an "A-minus." I've been relegated to into the huddled, unwashed masses of minuses, like you" Chase complained as he sat down on a bench and I sat next to him.
"Excuse me?" I asked as I glared at him.
"Except for you baby" Chase said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Chase, I know this must me hard for you, but, I mean, look at the bright side-- seeing you fall flat on your face is really fun for us" Bree said and Chase glared at her.
"I have got to find a way to reclaim my superiority" Chase said.
"Well, you could sign up for the Student of the Semester competition" Leo said and I nodded.
"What's that?" Chase asked.
"Every semester, kids compete to see who can best improve the school. Whoever gets the most votes wins free pencils, a bumper sticker, and a cheesy picture of himself on the wall" I explained.
"And that cheesy picture will show everyone that my brilliance reigns supreme! I am so gonna win" Chase said as he stood up from the bench.
"I call your free pencils! No, wait, I'll take the cheesy picture. Oh gosh, they both sound so good" Adam said and I giggled.
Soon the school bell rang and the boys looked at each other.
"Race ya" both of them yelled.
Chase quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek before running away, Adam right behind him.
"Alright, see you guys later" I said as I walked away from Leo and Bree to get to my next class.
The Next Day
I walked into school and saw my friends, but no sign of my boyfriend.
"Hey guys, where's Chase?" I asked.
They pointed over to where Chase was and I saw him handing cards to people.
"Hey, vote for Chase. Tell your friends. Vote for Chase for Student of the Semester. Here's my website, where you can peruse my platform, marvel at my skills, or even play a game of Chase trivia, where all the answers are about me" Chase announced.
He walked over to us and smiled.
"Hey! What do you think?" Chase asked as he showed us the cards he was passing out to people.
It was a picture of him smiling, the American flag was in the back and the captions said 'Chase the dream.'
"What do I think, or what's appropriate to say to your face?" Leo asked.
"Chase the dream. Please do not give these to anyone I might want to become friends with" Bree begged and I rolled my eyes at her.
"I've got a whole plan. Check it out. I even linked the latest facial recognition software to the school database to create a laser automated attendance system" Chase explained.
He walked over to the schools entrance where there was this type of machine.
Andrew, one of my classmates, walked through the doors but stopped when the machine began talking in Chase's voice.
"Andrew Lamb has been late three days in a row."
The security guard that was standing by the doors grabbed Andrews arm and dragged him to Principal Perry's office.
"Straight to the principal's office, Andy. He'll thank me later for putting him on the right path" Chase said.
We all stared at him disbelief.
This is not going to help him, this is just going to make people hate him.
"Baby, this isn't the way to win" I said and everyone nodded.
"Oh, dude, you're never gonna win with that. Kids want fun stuff like jacuzzis in math class and hallways paved with candy. Ooh, and I also think biology would be a lot more fun if we could juggle the frogs before we dissected them" Adam said.
"That's frog abuse" Leo said.
"Fine, we'll do it after, but it's gonna get messy" Adam said and we all stared at him weirdly.
At Lunch
It was lunch time and thank gosh because I was hungry as hell.
Tasha was kind enough to make me lunch today so I'm not getting any school lunch, but I was with Adam in line so he could get his lunch.
"Ooh, turkey" Adam said as he grabbed some turkey and put it on his plate.
"Ooh! Gravy" Adam once again said and poured the whole bucket of gravy onto his plate.
Me and the lunch lady looked at him in shock.
"Step away from the gravy."
"Don't tell me what to do, turkey" Adam said.
"Turkey, or other foods, don't fucking talk" I said.
"Adam, that's my nutritional scanner, insuring that everyone gets a perfectly balanced... nutritious lunch" Chase explained.
'I'm so glad Tasha made my lunch' I thought.
"Babe, I don't think your scanner's a very good idea" I said and Adam nodded.
"Of course it is! Who doesn't love being told how to eat properly?" Chase asked.
A boy walked through the scanner.
"More green beans."
He walked away in annoyance as a girl walked through the scanner.
"Too many fries."
She huffed in annoyance and rolled her eyes before walking away as another boy walked through the scanner.
"A cupcake? Really? I wouldn't, but it's your health."
The boy rolled his eyes and angrily walked away.
"Chase, you're going about this all wrong. Let me help! Look, I know how to win you votes" Adam said before running out the cafeteria.
"What is he planning?" Chase asked.
"I'm not sure, but it's Adam" I said and Chase looked a little nervous.
Adam walked back into the cafeteria with a DJ set.
He started playing some music and grabbed the microphone.
"Everyone say hello to Deejay Chasey Chase" Adam cheered.
Me and Chase walked over to him.
"Adam, what is going on?" Chase asked.
"I'm helping you win! Or should I say... ( amplified ) I'm helping you win" Adam announced.
"Adam, I'm pretty sure Chase does not need a cheesy deejay setup" I said and Chase nodded.
"I know. That's why I brought you this awesome deejay setup" Adam said and we stared at him weirdly.
"It's a lunchtime dance party! Go gravy! Go gravy! Go gravy! Go gravy! Go gravy! Go gravy! Go gravy! Go gravy! Go gravy! Go gravy" Adam cheered.
Soon everyone in the cafeteria was cheering with Adam.
Chase looked nervous and uncomfortable and I don't blame him.
A Few Hours Later
Me and Chase walked back into the cafeteria, with his arm wrapped around my shoulder and my arm wrapped around his waist.
We saw Adam lifting a vending machine.
"Hey" Chase yelled, causing Adam to look at us and drop the machine and it landed on his feet.
"Owww" Adam yelled in pain and I winced.
"Adam, for the last time, that is not a giant lunchbox" I said and Chase nodded.
"No! It's part of Chase's new campaign to win Student of the Semester. I-- I mean you-- put a vending machine in study hall" Adam explained.
"But those aren't even healthy foods" Chase complained.
"Is that Key Lime Pie?" I asked.
"I don't know. Gimme a buck and I'll find out" Adam said.
"You ain't going anywhere near my money" I said and he groaned in annoyance.
Soon a few kids ran to the vending machine and began taking out snacks.
"They love it" Chase said with a smile.
"Of course they do. They're getting their meal from a machine. And you didn't think you needed my help. I'm totally gonna win this thing for you" Adam said as he sat down.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're gonna win this thing for me?" Chase asked.
'Oh dear lord, this isn't gonna end well' I thought nervously.
"Yeah, I just said that. Don't you think your sudden popularity has something to do with my ideas?" Adam asked.
"No. I think that people are finally realizing my campaign slogan, "Chase the dream," is about me. I am the dream! It works on a lot of levels. Don't hurt yourself" Chase said as he patted him on the back.
But my strategy was ten times better. You can't just deal with the fact that I'm finally smarter at something than you are" Adam bragged.
"I sometimes wish you would keep your mouth shut" I said but he ignored me.
"Oh, really? Ten times better? What'd you use, all your fingers and toes to count that one out?" Chase asked and I looked at him weirdly.
"You know what? You always treat me like an idiot. But not this time because I'm entering this contest, and I'm taking you down" Adam said as he stood up.
"You wouldn't" Chase said.
"Are you not listening? I just said I would" Adam said.
He grabbed his bag and walked away, but his bag was still attached to the chair so he dragged the chair with him.
Chase turned to me and wrapped his arms around my waist
"You believe in me, right?" Chase asked and I smiled.
"Of course I do baby. You're smart, kind and determined. I have faith you're going to win this" I said and he smiled.
He pressed his lips onto mine and I happily kissed back as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
We pulled away and smiled at each other.
"Come on, we need to get to class" I said and he nodded.
We held each others hands and walked out of the cafeteria to get to our next class.
The Next Day
I walked into school the next day.
I met up with Chase and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Hey babe" I said, "good morning baby" Chase said with a smile.
He started handing out more cards to the students.
"Here you go. Vote for Chase. Here you go. Vote for Chase. And don't forget to stop by the nurse's office for your free scoliosis screening, sponsored by... yours truly" Chase said and I giggled.
We then heard a horn honk and saw Adam driving towards us in some sort of party bus thing.
"'Scuse me! Comin' through! Who wants to ride the High School Party Bus? Whoo-hoo" Adam announced as everyone crowded around him.
"Do you honestly believe that giving kids rides to class is gonna make them vote for you?" Chase asked.
"Who's going to class? We're just cruising the halls" Adam said and I giggled.
"Hey, everyone, wouldn't you rather walk to class, knowing you're also fitting in 2% of your daily exercise requirement?" Chase asked.
Everyone looked at him weirdly before getting onto the party bus.
"No? Okay" Chase said in defeat.
I smiled and kissed his cheek to make him feel better.
"Attention, party-bussers! There will be no stops, so if you're looking for a ride to class, plan your jumps accordingly" Adam announced.
Everyone smiled and sat in the back of the bus.
Soon Adam drove away as Leo came up to us.
"Well... My scientific polling, which consists of all your crumpled-up business cards in the trashcan shows that Adam is beating you by a comfortable margin" Leo explained.
"No shit dumbass" I said and he glared at me.
"If I'm gonna compete with him, I have to start thinking like a simpleminded creature, one who goes through the day on basic instinct and random impulse, like a dog or a monkey or a sea slug" Chase said while pacing around back and forth.
He then stopped as all three of us looked at each other.
"Or Adam" all three of us said.
I smiled and walked up to Chase.
"No worries babe, I still have faith you're going to win" I reassured him and he smiled.
"Thank you baby" Chase said and kissed me on the lips and I kissed back.
Leo groaned and gagged, "and this is where I walk away" Leo said as he quickly walked away from us.
The both of us pulled away from the kiss and laughed.
"Please, if he ever got himself a girlfriend he'd be doing the same thing" I joked and Chase nodded.
"Come on baby, we got class" Chase said and I nodded.
We held each others hands as we walked to our classes.
The Next Day
I walked into school, this time alone.
When I walked in I saw Chase handing out burgers to people while Adam was making a foot massage shop.
"Here you go. Enjoy your "Chee-ase" burger" Chase said and I giggled.
"A hamburger cart? That's the best you got?" Adam asked.
"The only thing juicer than my burgers is what you're about to eat, which is a big, heaping pile of hot, tasty defeat" Chase said with a smirk.
"Well, speaking of defeat, care for a foot rub?" Adam asked and pointed towards his foot massage shop.
"What's that?" Chase asked.
"That is my 2-minute massage shop, winning hearts and minds ten toes at a time. Oh, go ahead, people. First come, first served" Adam explained.
He took a burger from Chase and ate it and smiled.
"Mmm, good" Adam complimented.
"You know what? I've really had it with you" Chase said in anger.
"Chase" I warned.
"Aww. What are you gonna do about it?" Adam asked.
Chase smirked and walked over to him.
"You know, you can't really enjoy a burger without a little ketchup on your buns" Chase said.
He then squeezed some ketchup into Adam's pants.
I burst out laughing when I saw Adam's uncomfortable face and Chase smirking.
"Ha! Joke's on you. I kinda liked it" Adam said.
"Oh man...that was amazing" I said as I finally controlled my laughter.
"I know it was" Chase said with a smirk as he crossed his arms.
A Few Hours Later
Me and Chase walked over to Adam and Leo who were standing in the hall way.
We were waiting for the student semester results.
"Ah, this is it, the moment we've all been waiting for" Chase said in excitement.
"They found a talking horse that fights crime?" Adam asked and we all looked at him weirdly.
"No. It's the Student of the Semester results" Leo explained.
"Miss Thistle gets to open the results because she's the oldest teacher in school" I explained.
Miss Thistle walked over to us with the envelope in her hands.
She tried opening it but she was having a hard time and was taking too long.
Chase soon grew impatient and walked over to her, "oh, just give me the stupid thing" Chase said as he snatched the envelope from her.
"Babe" I scolded him.
"I mean... Let me help you, ma'am" Chase said, he turned away from her and rolled his eyes before opening the envelope and taking the results out.
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I... tied with Adam?" Chase asked in confusion.
"Yes! I half-won" Adam cheered as he picked up Chase and hugged him.
"Put me down" Chase ordered and Adam set him down and walked away.
"There must be some mistake. Maybe you missed a few. Count again, please" Chase begged.
"Babe stop, she's not gonna make it through another count" I said and Leo nodded before walking away.
I looked at him and smiled.
"Don't worry baby, I'm sure you'll win. You just need to write down an essay so they can declare the winner" I reassured him.
He smiled and nodded, "yeah, I guess you're right" Chase said.
I kissed his cheek and held his hand.
"Let's get home" I suggested and he nodded.
We walked back home, we met up with Adam on our way back.
And let me tell you...they were getting on my last nerves.
We walked into the house and into the elevator and made it downstairs to the lab.
Once we got to the lab Bree and Leo were already there, I made my way over to them and stood next to Bree.
"I can't believe we tied. Now we each have to write an essay to determine the winner" Chase complained.
"Yeah, and when everyone at school reads my essay, I'm gonna be Student of the Semester" Adam said in confidence.
"Let me see that" Chase said as he snatched Adam's notebook from his hands.
"It's just a bunch of badly drawn rocket ships" Chase said.
"Yeah, next page" Adam said.
"A tiny-headed guy with a big mouth?" Chase asked.
"Yeah, that's you. Next page" Adam said and I rolled my eyes.
"I, Adam Davenport, should be Student of the Semester. That's it?" Chase asked.
"What? It's sharp and to the point. Took me 25 minutes" Adam defended and I giggled.
"You know what? I'm not even worried because the winner's gonna be the one who can write the best essay, and we all know that's me" Chase said with a smirk.
I frowned, that was a little rude.
"You think you're so smart! Well, you may be a better writer, but I'm better..." Adam said but Chase cut him off.
"That's right. You got nothin" Chase said with a smirk.
"No, I got this" Adam said.
He fired his heat vision at Chase, but Chase blocked it with his force field.
"Oh, you think you're so cool because you have lasers. Well, guess what-- I can fight back too" Chase said as he made his force field small and fired at Adam.
"Aaahhh!" Adam yelled as he flew across the room and hit the wall.
"What the hell" I yelled in shock.
"Bull's-eye" Chase said with a proud smirk.
Adam got back up and charged at Chase and soon they started fighting each other.
"Bree, should we do something?" Leo asked.
"Nah, they're bionic brothers. It's how they roll" Bree said.
"Aaahhhh!" Chase yelled as he was thrown across the room.
"And fly" I said.
Adam jumped over the table and pinned Chase to the ground, "ha! I can still pin you in less than three seconds" Adam cheered before running out the lab.
"I'm good. He always plays the physical card. This contest was my thing, and he's trying to show me up" Chase said.
I crossed my arms at him and gave him a small glare.
"He's not trying to show you up, he did show you up. Instead of giving him credit, you made him feel stupid, which is how you always make him feel" Bree explained before walking out the lab.
"Huh. Now I'm starting to think she's smarter than you too" Leo said before walking out the lab too.
I turned to face him and shook my head at him.
"Babe, I know that this student semester thing was important to you, but you didn't have to make your own brother feel like he was dumb and stupid. That's not like the Chase I know at all" I said.
Sighing I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before walking out the lab to go to my room.
The Next Day
Apparently Adam ended up winning the student semester, which was surprising.
I was even more surprised when Chase wasn't mad or anything, he was actually happy for Adam.
'Who is this imposter and where is my real boyfriend' I thought.
"Uh, Chase, something's not right with Adam's essay. I should be Student of the Semester because I'm tall, I'm happy, and I will let you have dogs in the library" Bree said while reading Adam's essay.
"So? What's wrong with that?" Chase asked.
"Adam would have misspelled Library. Adam would have misspelled dogs" I said and Bree nodded.
"Okay, fine. I wrote it, put his name on it, and tanked my own essay. He had good ideas and deserved to win. So I got one A-minus. I guess I can't be perfect at everything" Chase explained.
I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.
"I'm proud of you baby" I said and he smiled.
"Chase, that's not true. You're not perfect at a lot of things" Bree said and the both of us glared at her.
Chase walked over to Adam and patted his back.
"Hey, Adam, congratulations. The best man won. And it was wrong of me to make you feel like you weren't smart enough to win" Chase said.
"Yes, it was, it was very scrumptious of you" Adam said.
"Presumptuous" Chase corrected him.
"That as well" Adam said and we all laughed.
We heard honking and turned around to see Leo in Adam's party bus thing.
"Hey, Bree, good news! I found a new way to make it to class on time! Let's do it" Leo said with a smile.
All of us cheered and got onto the bus.
I sat next to Chase as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"Buckle up, guys! I'm hitting the afterburner all the way to art class" Adam announced.
We all cheered as he drove us away.
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