Chapter Sixty-Seven: Cyborg Shark Attack
Luna's Pov
Me, Chase, Adam and Leo just got home after watching the new movie 'Shark Beach' that just came out.
I really enjoyed it, Chase and Adam did too.
However, Leo was screaming all the damn time and it was fucking annoying.
"Man, that movie was awesome!" Adam grinned and I nodded.
"Yeah, Shark Beach definitely lived up to the hype" I smiled.
Chase smiled at me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple.
"Although I couldn't hear most of it over Leo screaming, 'Shark! Ahhh!'" Chase said while mimicking Leo's scream.
"No, Chase, that's not right. It was more like" Adam said as he let out a high pitched scream.
This made all three of us laugh while Leo glared at us in annoyance.
"Oh, it was not that loud!" Leo said but we all gave him 'seriously' looks.
"Dude, girls said that you were screaming like a girl" I deadpanned at him, causing Chase and Adam to snort.
"Look, it's hard for me to talk about, but when I was younger I had a very traumatic experience with a shark" Leo said.
We all looked at him confused as I crossed my arms.
"You did?" Chase asked.
"It was the dead of summer. I was playing in the water when all of a sudden everything turned red. That's when I realized..." Leo narrated.
"Realized what?" Adam asked while eating some chips as Chase drank some juice.
"It bit me" Leo said.
"A great white?" I asked.
"No" Leo said.
"Hammerhead?" Adam asked.
"No" Leo said.
"Tiger?" Chase asked.
"No" Leo said.
Alright at this point I was getting annoyed.
"Thresher?" I asked.
"No" Leo said.
"Bull shark?" Chase asked.
"Okay, it was rubber" Leo said.
My eyes widened as I burst out laughing while Leo glared at me but I continued laughing.
"Wait, wait, wait. You were bitten by a toy shark at the beach?" Chase asked as he was close to laughing like me.
"No" Leo said before looking at us nervously.
"It was a bathtu" Leo said.
Now all three of us burst out laughing as Leo tried to defend himself.
"But, that water was choppy. And I was not the only victim. Mr. Froggy is still missing" Leo said.
I stopped laughing as I smirked and placed my hand on his shoulder.
"You know what else is missing?" I asked.
"What?" Leo asked.
"Your manhood" I smirked.
This made Chase and Adam burst out laughing while Leo glared at me.
I smirked and flipped my hair as we walked away.
The Next Day
At School
Me and Leo walked into the school together as he spotted Janelle sitting by the school bench with a CPR dummy.
He smiled and walked over to her with me following behind her.
"Hey, we still studying for our health class CPR exam tonight?" Leo asked.
"Your place at seven?" Janelle asked while smiling.
"Well, I was talking to her, but you're welcome to join too" Leo grinned but Janelle gave him an annoyed look.
"She's plastic and even her stomach is turning from that one" Janelle shot back at him.
I snorted while Leo frowned and just nodded at her.
Soon Chase and Adam walked over to us.
"Hey, Janelle, aren't you a bit old to be playing with dolls?" Adam asked before turning to Chase and grinning.
"Give it to Chase" Adam said and Chase gave him an annoyed look.
"It's not a doll. It's a CPR dummy. Or in your case, another inanimate object that's smarter than you" Chase smirked.
I let out a small giggle as I walked over to Chase and held his hand.
He smiled at me and gave my hand a small squeeze.
"Hey, Leo, maybe after we're done studying we can go see Shark Beach" Janelle smiled but Leo shook his head.
"Yeah. Already saw it. Two thumbs down" Leo scoffed while putting two thumbs down.
"Really? I loved it" Janelle grinned.
"And eight fingers up!" Leo smiled as he put two thumbs up.
This made me scoff along with Chase and Adam.
"I love sharks. They fascinate me" Janelle smiled and I nodded.
"Me too!" Leo grinned.
"They're the most misunderstood creatures on the planet" Janelle said and Leo nodded.
"I know! So they eat people. Leave them alone" Leo said which made me roll my eyes as I laid my head on Chase's shoulder.
"I tried to see the movie again last night, but someone kept screaming the whole time" Janelle said in annoyance.
This made Leo's eyes widened as Adam and Chase smirked.
"Yeah, we were at the movies, too. Guess who the screamer was?" Adam asked.
Before he could answer Leo quickly did.
"It was them! They screamed. They are the screamers" Leo yelled while pointing at Adam and Chase.
This made our eyes widened as I lifted my head off of Chase's shoulder and glared at Leo.
"Ahh! Leo, help! Tell us when the sharks are gone! You screamed. Screamers!" Leo mocked at the guys.
Soon everyone surrounded us and started laughing at Adam and Chase.
"Leo, what are you doing?" Chase asked in anger.
"Yeah, that's not cool" Adam nodded.
"You're right. It's rude to laugh in your faces. Let's go do it in the cafeteria!" Leo grinned and everyone nodded.
He continued to mock scream in their faces along with everyone else as they laughed while walking past them.
A boy walked past us while laughing and mocking Adam and Chase.
"How the hell can Luna date a loser like Chase and be friends with a weirdo like Adam" the boy smirked while scoffing.
Adam and Chase both looked hurt at his comment while I glared and growled at him.
I walked up to this boy and grabbed him by the hair as he let out a yell of pain.
He tried getting out of my grip but I was stronger, obviously.
"Listen here buster, you talk that way about my boyfriend and my best friend I won't hesitate to cut your head and dump it in the lake. Along with your patehtic body, do I make myself clear?" I asked while tightening my grip on his hair.
"Ow, ow, ow, ow. Yes mam, yes mam, I promise. Please let go" the boy whimpered.
"Good, let it remain that way" I said.
Before I could fully let him go I punched him in the nose two times.
I then let him go but I turned him around and headbutted him, causing him to fall to the ground.
"Now scram!" I yelled at him.
He whimpered before quickly getting up from the ground and running into the cafeteria.
I smirked in satisfaction before turning back to Adam and Chase.
They were both staring at me, not sure what to think or say.
"You guys alright?" I asked.
"Remind me to never get you angry" Adam said.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.
Chase then walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.
"I love you" Chase smiled.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips.
"And I love you too" I smiled.
Back At Home
Me and Bree just got home as we were ready to leave with Tasha.
"Tasha, we're home! You ready to go?" Bree asked as we walked into the living room..
"Hey, she got called away for work. But anything you girls have planned with her, you can do with me" Dad smiled at us.
"Dad, we were getting a mani-pedi" I said and Bree nodded.
"Perfect. This mani is ready for his pedi" Dad smiled as he picked up his leg and pointed to his foot.
"On second thought, we're good" Bree said as she tried leaving.
I don't mind hanging out with dad, we've barely had time to spend together because he's always working.
Not sure why Bree doesn't though?
"Nope. No, no, no. You girls and I are going to be spending some quality father-daughter time" Dad said as he got off from the couch and pulled us towards it.
Bree sighed while I smiled as we sat down.
"So, who are you totes crushing on? Is he adorbs?" Dad asked while smiling.
Me and Bree both gave him weird looks.
"What?" Bree asked in confusion.
"And I already have a boyfriend" I said.
Soon we heard knocking from the door and we turn around to see Principal Perry walking into the house.
"Why do you bother knocking if you're just gonna barge in?" Dad asked in annoyance as all three of us stood up from the couch.
"I wasn't knocking. I dislocated my shoulder body-checking someone and I was cramming it back into place" Principal Perry said.
She then pushes her shoulder up against the door and I swear I could hear a crack when she did that.
"Oh" Principal Perry said as she walked over to us.
"Hey, can we get a heads-up the next time you decide to cram something back into its socket?" Bree asked and I nodded.
"Anywho, the Mission Creek Country Club is accepting new members and I need your help" Principal Perry said.
"Uh, why do you want to join a country club?" I asked while crossing my arms.
"Because. My summer's wide open and I'm tired of all the wolf-whistles I get dipping my piglets into the public pool. I need to be ogled by fancy people" Principal Perry explained.
"I'm sorry, after the word "piglet" I retreated into my safe place" Dad said and I giggled.
"Look, I have to be interviewed by a country club rep, and I hate interviews. They make me all nervous and sweaty" Principal Perry said.
All three of us looked at her to see her sweating.
"Did you just come from an interview?" I asked.
"So you want me to coach you on what to say?" Dad asked but Principal Perry shook her head.
"No, I need you to come with me. I told them you're my husband" Principal Perry said.
"You what?!" Dad yelled in shock.
Bree giggled while I burst out laughing and held onto my sides.
"When I get interviewed, I get nervous, and when I get nervous I start making up lies. I can't help it, it's a medical condition" Principal Perry said before gasping.
"See, I just did it right there" Principal Perry said.
I finally stopped laughing as I stood up straight and wiped away some tears that came out from my eyes.
"Look, I'm not pretending to be your husband" Dad said.
"Hmmm. Guess I'm gonna have to call the cops on Donny Don and the Robot Bunch" Principal Perry said.
Dad sighed in annoyance and nodded.
"Okay, fine, I'll do it. But this blackmailing thing is getting old" Dad said.
"You're telling me" I scoffed while rolling my eyes.
"So is this marriage. Now shut your yap and get in the car" Principal Perry said as dad sighed once again in annoyance.
In The Lab
I was in the lab sitting on the cyberdesk while looking at my phone.
Soon I heard footsteps and picked my head up to see Adam and Chase walking in, and they weren't happy at all.
"I can't believe Leo told everyone that we were the screamers at the movie. It's time for a little revenge" Chase said and Adam nodded.
He walked over to me and pecked me on the lips as I smiled.
"I got it. We go to the aquarium--" Adam started but Chase stopped him.
"No, Adam, we're not gonna throw Leo in the shark tank" Chase said.
"No, I was gonna throw you in the shark tank and make Leo rescue you" Adam said.
I scoffed and hopped off the cyberdesk.
"You aren't thinking well enough. I say, we knock him out, tie him to a chair, beat him up with my baseball bat and throw disgusting food at him" I smirked while crossing my arms.
I looked at the guys and they were both staring at me in fear.
"Chase, I'm scared of Luna more then before" Adam said as he hid behind Chase.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"Oh man up idiot" I said.
"Look. Mr. Davenport developed a school of cyborg sharks he used to guard his top secret underwater facility" Chase explained.
"Why didn't he just use humans?" Adam asked.
"He's cheap" me and Chase said together while fist-bumping each other.
"See, the sharks are designed to attack intruders. He still has a few prototypes in storage" Chase said.
"Mm" Adam nodded, slowly started to get interested.
Chase then presses a button on the tablet and soon a shark appears on the table.
"Holy shit" I smirked as I placed my hands on my hips.
"Whoa! He looks vicious. I'm gonna name him Carl" Adam grinned.
Me and Chase looked at him before shaking our heads.
"We can use Mr. Davenport's hover technology to repurpose it for land. I'll control it with this tablet and then we can scare Leo in front of Janelle. Awesome, right?" Chase asked while smirking.
"I'll say. Give me five bubba" I smiled.
We both high-fived each other while smiling.
Chase then went to high-five Adam but we then see that he's struggling to get his hand free from the shark's mouth.
"Why would you put your hand in there?" Chase asked.
"Because I didn't think my head would fit" Adam said while shrugging.
I sighed and rolled my eyes at him.
"Well you guys have fun with your revenge. I'm going upstairs" I said.
I quickly pecked Chase on the lips before leaving the lab.
Once I got upstairs I see Bree sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen.
"Hey Bree" I smiled as I opened the fridge.
"Oh, hey Luna" Bree smiled.
I opened the fridge and took out a water bottle before closing it and walking over to Bree.
Then her phone started ringing and when she took it out she furrowed her eyebrows.
"It's Mr. Davenport" Bree said.
"Answer it, and put him on speaker" I said and she nodded.
She answered it and put it on speaker as I stood next to her.
"Hello" Bree said.
"Perry won't stop lying. She said we have two daughters, so I need you and Luna to come here and join the fun" Dad said in annoyance.
This made me scoff in annoyance while Bree started laughing.
"No way" Bree said.
"Yeah, I don't want to go and pretend to be that women's daughter" I scoffed while taking asip from my water.
"Wait, will this get me out of father-daughter time?" Bree asked.
"Get down here or you and I will have plenty of father-daughter time in prison!" Dad yelled.
"I still don't want to go" I said while shaking my head.
"I'll buy you whatever you want for a month" Dad said.
I immediately hung up and grabbed Bree and geo-leaped us to the country club.
Dad jumped when he saw us but let out a small sigh.
"Get off the phone and let's do this" Bree said and I nodded.
Dad nodded and soon led us inside the country club office where we saw Principal Perry and some woman.
"Ah! There's my two ugly ducklings" Principal Perry grinned as she walked over to us.
On instinct I moved away from her just in time since she side hugged Bree.
Then all four of us sat down in front of the woman that I believe is the representative.
Dad did most of the talking which I was grateful for while me, Bree and Principal Perry were quiet.
This laster for an hour and it was fair to say I was annoyed and bored as well, and by the looks of it Bree was too.
"Are we done? Is she in? Can we go?" Bree asked while pointing to herself and me.
"Not quite yet. We like to know what our members do outside the club. Any hobbies you'd like to tell me about?" the representative asked.
"None that are legal" Principal Perry said, making the represintative look at her weirdly.
Thankfully dad came up with a good lie.
"Travel! We like to travel" Dad said and I nodded.
"So do I. Peru is my favorite spot. I collect Mohican pottery from there" the represintative smiled.
Dad and Principal Perry both smiled as well.
"What a coincidence. So do we" Principal Perry said and the three of us gave her annoyed looks while the represintative smiled even more.
"We have some in the car" Principal Perry said and I was this close to smacking her upside the head.
"Well, I'd love to see it" the represintative said.
Dad sighed and nodded as he looked at Bree with a small smile.
"Um, sweetie, can you go out to the car and get the pottery from Peru?" Dad asked while glaring at Principal Perry.
"Really?" Bree asked in annoyance.
Dad nodded as Bree got up and walked out of the room.
"Mint?" Principal Perry asked while holding out a mint to the woman who just shook her head.
Soon Bree walked back into the room while carrying a pottery.
"Finally" Principal Perry sighed as she took it from Bree.
It was close to falling but thankfully dad caught it and gave it to the represintative who gasped while smiling.
Bree sighed and sat back down.
"Oh, it's beautiful. Next you'll tell me you collect Inuit art from Alaska" the represintative smiled.
"We do!" Principal Perry nodded, making Bree sit up again and give her a look of disbelief.
"Alaska?!" Bree yelled.
She then looked at the represintative with a small nervous smile.
"Do you have a parka I could borrow?" Bree asked.
She looked at her weirdly while I sighed in annoyance and leaned back more in my seat.
A Few Hours Later
After so much travelling me and Bree did together to get the stupid stuff Principal Perry continued lying about.
I had walked back into the room after geo-leaping to get another art object from Paris.
I set it down on the desk, that was practically filled with so many art objects and sat back down on my seat.
"I have to admit, you didn't strike me as people I'd want to see strolling our grounds in tennis shorts" the represintative said.
Me, Bree and dad looked at Principal Perry as I slightly giggled.
"But how could I not lobby for a family who shares so many of my own interests" the represintative smiled while looking at all the art me and Bree collected.
"And to think we had all of these lovely items you adore just sitting in the trunk of our car" Donald said while glaring at Principal Perry.
"Welcome to the club!" the represintative smiled.
Principal Perry smiled along with dad.
"Here that, Donny? We did it!" Principal Perry grinned whike hugging dad who looked uncomfortable and annoyed.
"Ah, that's great. Let's get out of here, snookums" Dad said in annoyance.
We all nodded and got up to leave, finally.
"I'll have your ID badges ready tomorrow" the represintative smiled as she started writing on some paper before looking up at me and Bree.
"Oh, I didn't catch your names" the represintative smiled.
"It's Luna" I said.
She smiled and nodded before looking at Bree.
"It's Bree, Julia" Bree and Principal Perry said together.
Mine and dad's eyes widened as we looked at the represintative to see that she was shocked yet confused.
"It's Julia, Bree" Bree and Principal Perry once again said together.
"You don't know your own daughter's name?" the represintative asked in disbelief as she stood up.
"I get all of my kids' names mixed up" Principal Perry shrugged.
This bitch better stop talking or I swear.
"Wait, you didn't tell me you had more children" the represintative said in shock.
"Yep, six in all, and twenty-one grandchildren, couple llamas, and a goldfish named Silvio" Principal Perry grinned.
The represintative gave her a shocked look as me and Bree looked at each other.
"Who are not out in the car" me and Bree said together, not wanting to get any of those things from who knows where.
After a few minutes of talking the represintative decided that Principal Perry would not be invited to the club.
Once that was done we walked out of the office and stood in the hallway.
"So you didn't get in. But, I mean, there's plenty of other places that will let you in like a truck stop or prison" Bree said and I nodded.
"You don't get it. I'm always the outsider looking in, but here, people would've been forced to hangout with me" Principal Perry said while frowning.
"They would've found a way not to" Dad said, making me snort just a little but that ended up with me getting smacked in the arm by Bree.
"Guess I'm gonna be alone forever. Thanks for trying" Principal Perry said in sadness before walking away.
Oh goodness gracious.
I never thought I would say this.
But I actually feel bad for Principal Perry.
Shocking right?
"Look, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I actually kind of feel bad for her" I said and Bree nodded.
"Me too" Dad sighed before smiling at us.
"Oh well, let's go" Dad said as he tried leaving but me and Bree stopped him.
"We have to try at least one more time" Bree said and I nodded.
"You're right. Sometimes I forget that underneath her layers of venom, there lies a troll with a tiny dried out raisin of a heart" Dad said.
That made me and Bree slightly laugh as we smiled and shook our heads at him.
"All right, come on" Bree said as the three of us walked back in.
"You'll have to reconsider. We only lied about being a family to impress you because she wants to be a part of this club more than anything" Bree said and I nodded.
"Yeah. Terry Perry may not be family, but we'd be honored if she was" I said.
Dad smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"Yeah. Trust me, there is no living thing on Earth quite like her" Dad said, making me giggle and shake my head at him.
"Not happening" the represintative said while shaking her head.
"Oh, well, perhaps my checkbook could make it happen?" Dad said as he walked over to her and took out his cheekbook and pen and started writing.
"As I said, our club prides itself on its integrity" the represintative said, but then she looked over dad's shoulder to see the checkbook.
"I believe you spell "integrity" with three more zeroes" the represintative smiled and dad nodded.
I scoffed while Bree just rolled her eyes but smiled.
Once dad was done writing the check he gently ripped it off and handed it to her.
"Congratulations, you're in!" the represintative smiled as we smiled back at her.
But then Principal Perry walked in and snatched the check from her.
"Not so fast! I don't want any part of this dump" Principal Perry said.
We all stared at her in shock and confusion.
"What?!" we all yelled at her.
"You heard me. I always wanted to be a part of something, but now I realized I already am" Principal Perry smiled at us.
We looked at each other in fear as she walked over to us and wrapped her arms around the three of us.
"You love me. And why would I want to be here when we've got each other? All summer long" Principal Perry grinned.
"What? No!" Bree said.
"Well, that backfired" Dad sighed.
"No shit sherlock" I scoffed at him.
I then turned around to see that Principal Perry was trying to hide the check but I quickly snatched it from her and ripped it up.
"Hey!" Principal Perry yelled.
"You've got enough already, you don't need more" I scoffed at her.
Well great.
Now we're going to be stuck with her all summer.
This sucks.
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