Chapter Sixty: Not So Smartphone
Luna's Pov
I was in the lab with Adam and Leo as we were waiting for Chase and Bree to get home from Tech Town.
I was busy looking at my phone when all of a sudden we heard footsteps.
I looked up and smiled when I saw Bree and Chase walking in through the tunnels.
"Hey guys, check it out. We just got our first paychecks from Tech Town" Chase grinned as they walked over to us.
"Nice" I said as I walked over to him and pecked him on the lips.
"Nice! What are you going to spend it on?" Leo asked.
Chase shrugged before Leo smiled at him.
"A video game? New kicks? A birthday gift for a sibling who wants a video game and new kicks?" Leo asked with a small smirk.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him.
"Nope. I'm gonna open a savings account" Chase grinned.
Everyone looked at him in annoyance as Leo rolled his eyes, Adam put his head down and Bree shook her head.
I honestly wasn't surprised, but I did sigh and shake my head at my nerdy boyfriend.
But hey, I love him.
"I want to like you, but you make it so hard" Bree said as she patted his shoulder.
"The job also comes with perks" Chase said as he took out a phone.
My eyes went wide along with Leo's.
"The new ePhone 7?!" I asked in shock as Chase chuckled and nodded.
"Those aren't even out yet! How'd you get one?" Leo asked.
"Well Leo and Luna, as a rising star of the Tech Town empire-" Chase started but got cut off.
"We all got one" Bree said with a smirk as she held up her new phone before walking out.
Chase rolled his eyes before looking back at us.
"People are already lined up for the big release Friday. You should've seen the crazy looks in their eyes when I walked by with this thing" Chase said.
I then looked at Leo as he was straing at his phone with a crazed look.
"Yup that's the look" Chase nodded as Leo took the phone from him.
"This version's got a new auto-centering feature to help you take better selfies" Leo grinned.
He then smiled as he took a picture of himself.
Then he show it to us but my eyes widened as I saw that his picture came out horrible.
It took everything in me to not burst out laughing right then and there.
"Yeah, I don't photograph well" Leo said and Chase nodded.
I let out a small bark of laughter while Leo gave me an offended look.
"Alright little miss laughing pants. You take a photo and see how you turn out" Leo said with a look of annoyance on his face.
I let out a small laugh and nodded.
"Gladly" I smirked as I snatched the phone from him.
I positioned the phone in a right angle, but before I could pose I looked at Leo and smirked even more.
"Watch how a pro does it dooley" I said.
I then posed as I smiled and snapped the picture.
I smirked and handed the phone back to Chase.
"There you go, a perfect beautiful photo of moi" I smirked.
"And that picture is going to be my new wallpaper" Chase said, making me giggle.
"Got something to say now, dooley?" I asked.
"Nope, you win" Leo sighed.
"I know" I said with a shrug and smirk.
"Point that bad boy over here. You're gonna want to record this perfection" Adam said while hiolding a bowling ball in his hands.
A few minutes later the indoor lab bowling was set up.
Adam was holding the bowling ball in his hands while me and Chase stood next to him as Leo was holding Chase's phone while recording.
"I'm Adam Davenport, and this is Bionic Bowling" Adam smirked.
"Adam is six-foot-two, a rare combination of incredible strength and not much else" Leo narrated.
Adam gave him an offended look while he just shrugged.
Then Adam turned back to the front as he let out a sigh before he literally threw the bowling ball instead of rolling it, but he still knocks down all the pins.
"Oh, yeah! Ohh!" Leo cheered.
"Whoo!" Adam cheered.
Soon it was Chase's turn.
"I'm Chase Davenport, and this is Molecular Kinesis Bowling" Chase smirked.
"A native of Mission Creek, Chase's hobbies include being a tattle-tale and creeping out girls" Leo narrated, again.
Chase gave him an offended look while Adam snorted.
"Oh, but surprisngly he's off the market because he's dating this beautiful girl over here" Leo said as he pointed the camera to me.
I giggled as I smiled to the camera and waved.
Then he turned the camera back to Chase.
Chase then places the bowling ball on the ground as he uses his molecular kinesis to roll it.
The bowling ball knocks down the pins, but misses two.
"Oh! Oh, the dreaded 7/10 split! Devastating. Just devastating" Leo said as he pointed the camera closer to him.
Adam mocks him by fake crying but all Chase does is roll his eyes as he moves the ball with his molecular kinesis and knocks the rest of the pins down.
I smirked as Chase smiled proudly while Adam looked annoyed.
"You were saying?" Chase asked as he looked back at the camera.
"Oh, it's on!" Adam said.
After putting the pins back up Adam was holding the balls in his hands while the rest of us stood off to the side.
I was next to Leo while Chase stood off to the other side.
"I'm still Adam Davenport, and this is Blastwave Bowling" Adam said.
Adam then took a deep breath before he dropped the bowling ball, making me and Chase look at him in confusion.
Then he activated his blast wave and released it.
Chase gets thrown across the room and when he lands on the ground he knocks down all the pins.
Adam and Leo laughed while I rolled my eyes but quietly giggle too.
Then we all ran over to Chase.
"And we have a loser!" Leo said while pointing the camera at Chase.
Chase gave him an annoyed look while I smacked him upside the head
Putting the pins back up as it was now my turn.
"I'm Luna Walker, and this is geo-leap bowling" I said while looking at the camera.
"Luna is a 17 year old beautiful girl with the height of 5 feet 2 inches tall. Her personality includes being sassy, sarcastic, scary, angry and confident. So don't mess with her or else you'll end up in the hospital" Leo narrated.
I rolled my eyes but smirked since it was true.
"Oh and she's dating Chase Davenport, so she's off the market" Leo said.
"Damn right she is, so back off" Chase said as he walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple.
I giggled while Adam and Leo gagged.
I pecked him softly on the lips before slightly pushing him away.
I then closed my eyes before reopening them and geo-leaping myself behind the bowling pins.
I then bent down and let go of the bowling ball as it hit all the pins.
The guys cheered for me while I smirked and flipped my hair.
"And that's how it's done" I said.
The Next Day
At School
Me, Leo and Bree walked into school as we were talking about the limo that was taking up most of the parking section.
"Whose limo's blocking the bus lanes?" Leo asked.
"I don't know but I've always wanted to ride in one. They look so classy" Bree said.
"Trust me, they're really cool" I said with a smile.
Soon we heard trumpet music as we turned around to the door only to see a guy in a tuxedo walking in as he placed a red carpet on the floor.
Then Principal Perry walked in wearing a fur coat, black small heels and a pink feather boa.
"Mornin', sewer sacks!" Principal Perry said with a smile.
"Then again, looks can be deceiving" Bree said and I nodded.
Principal Perry smiled as she walked up to us.
"Sorry about blocking the bus lanes. Can't walk to far in these. Haven't worn heels this high since I did the pageant tour" Principal Perry said.
"You were in beauty pageants?" I asked.
"Yep, never won though. Apparently it's not a talent to squat-lift a 250-pound barbell while rocking a bikini" Principal Perry said.
"And yet, look how far it's got you" Leo said and I giggled.
"Here's a fiver, Butch. Keep the heater pumping" Principal Perry said to the guy as she handed him five bucks before he left.
" So, how did you get a limo?" Bree asked.
"Daddy Davenport just gave me a big chunk of hush money for keeping your bionic secret" Principal Perry said.
"Of course" I sighed.
"I'm wearing your college funds, kids!" Principal Perry grinned as she pulled out a gold and diamond chain with a giant P on it.
"Gather 'round, pus pockets" Principal Perry yelled as the students walked over and surrounded her.
"Since I have come into some recent moolah, I have decided to start giving myself" Principal Perry laughed.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, as if we expect her to do something nice for others.
"I hereby announce that I'm retiring as principal effective the end of the week" Principal Perry said.
Mine, Leo's and Bree's eyes widened in shock.
Did she just say she's retiring?
"Yes!" Leo yelled with a big smile on his face.
"I dreamed this day would come!" Leo grinned as he looked at everyone before looking at me and Bree.
"Oh, it's time, people" Leo said as he took out his phone.
I was confused as to what he was going to do when all of a sudden music started playing from his phone.
Then Leo started dancing and let me tell you it was hella weird.
I just looked away, pretending that I don't know him.
Finally he stopped and it's fair to say that Principal Perry was also weirded out.
"Are you done? 'Cuz I gotta wash that off" Principal Perry said.
She then walked over to the school bench as we followed her, then she took off the top of it and my eyes widened when it revealed to be a hot tub.
"You bought the school a hot tub?" Bree asked in shock.
"No, I bought it for me and I'm taking it with me when I go. Much like the vending machine" Principal Perry said as the students walked away.
She then takes off her robe and tosses it to Bree and Leo as they caught it.
Then she gets in the hot tube
"Ooh. Ahh. Oh, yeah. Take the undiagnosed skin condition" Principal Perry said.
Bree and Leo quickly dropped the robe as the shuddered in disgust while I giggled.
The Next Day
At School
We were at school again. Well me, Bree and Leo were.
I don't know where Adam and Chase are.
The only thing Chase told me when I texted him was that him and Adam were going to Tech Town for something.
But anyways, we were walking down the stairs.
Well, me and Bree were.
Leo was smiling and dancing all the way down the stairs.
Leo was really really happy that Principal Perry was retiring, I mean I am too but not as much as him.
"I have never seen you this happy" Bree said and I nodded.
"I know! With Perry leaving, this baby bird is ready to fly" Leo grinned as he pretended to fly while we were walking.
"Leo, I'm happy about this as much as you are but please stop being weird about it" I said.
Then we hear a horn going off as we turned around to see Principal Perry being wheeled in while wearing a white tuxedo.
She then got off and turned to the guy that wheeled her in.
"Keep her legs warm in case we need to make a hasty retreat" Principal Perry told the guy as he left with the ride.
"Listen up. I am happy to announce that after an exhaustive 22-minute search, I have found your new principal!" Principal Perry said.
"Who the hell did you find someone to be the new principal in 22 minutes?" I asked while crossing my arms.
Before she could answer the doors to the gym opened and Trent came out wearing the Principal uniform.
"Hey-o!" Trent yelled.
Oh you've gotta be kidding me.
"Trent?!" Leo asked in shock and fear.
"That's right, Dooley. Your new schedule" Trent smirked as he walked over to us and handed Leo his new schedule.
Leo took it as he went through it while me and Bree looked over his shoulder.
"First period: theatre, where you'll perform a one-man version of Annie for the entire school" Trent smirked as he took out a red wig and put it on Leo.
"Then marching band, where you'll be the drum major's baton! And then gym class where...well, your embarrassment there goes without saying" Trent said while laughing, along with Principal Perry.
I patted his back for some comfort while Bree sighed.
A Few Hours Later
A few hours passed as me and Bree were in the hallway talking.
I don't know where Leo is but my guess Trent is torturing him.
Soon Trent comes in through the doors from the gym as he blows his whistle, getting all of our attention.
"All right, I got some good news and I got some bad news. The bad news is I'm instituting a school uniform policy" Trent said.
We all groaned while I stared at him in disbelief.
He's not going to make me wear a uniform.
I fucking refuse.
"The good news is, only Dooley has to wear it" Trent grinned.
We all sighed in relief, me being more happier then the others because I hate wearing uniform.
"Come on out, sweet prince" Trent said.
Soon Leo walked into the hallway wearing black shorts, a white large collared shirt and some giant ass white buttons.
He looks like a prince or a pilgrim.
Either way he looks funny as hell.
All of us started laughing, along with me and Bree as she covers her mouth with her hand.
Trent then looked at Bree and smirked.
"What are you laughing at? This is your new uniform" Trent said as he took out a pink t-shirt that had Leo's face in the front and it also said 'I'm related to him'.
It's fair to say that Bree looked angry.
"Why are you dragging me into this? What did I do?" Bree asked in annoyance.
"A: You're related to him and B: I don't even really know" Trent shrugged while laughing as he placed the shirt over her head.
Everyone laughed as Trent walked over and high-fived a student before walking away, along with everyone else.
Bree lightly growled as she took the shirt off her head.
"He cannot be principal! He is worse than she is!" Bree said.
"Got that right" I said.
"Okay, I cannot believe I'm saying this...but we have to make Perry stay" Leo cried into his hands.
Me and Bree started patting his back to comfort him.
Soon Principal Perry came back up from snorkeling in the hot tub.
"What are you doing down there?" Leo asked.
"Just checking on my veggie dumplings" Principal Perry said as she held up a bowl of dumplings.
I can never eat dumplings after this.
"Principal Perry, are you sure you want to retire? I mean, the position of principal comes with prestige. You're shaping America's youth" Bree said and I nodded.
"If I cared about shaping our youth, I'd still be teaching swim lessons down at the swamp" Principal Perry said and we gave her weird looks.
"Hey, kid sees a gator comin', he'll swim!" Principal Perry said.
Soon Leo pulled me and Bree to a side.
"Look, this is not gonna work. The only way to persuade someone like that is with bribes, and she already has money" Leo said as he crossed his arms.
Soon my eyes widened as I came up with an idea.
"But what if she didn't? We still have a few hours before her official resignation. If we can get her to spend all of her money, she would have to stay!" I grinned.
"Yes, that could work" Bree grinned at me.
"I don't know, seems kinda crazy" Leo said.
"Look at your outfit" me and Bree deadpanned.
"I'm in" Leo nodded, causing me and Bree to smirk as we fistbumped.
Then we walked back over to Principal Perry.
"Principal Perry, to celebrate your last day, we would like to take you shopping" I said.
"Pass. Rather die" Principal Perry said.
Rude bitch.
"Come on. With my super speed. I can take you anywhere: Beverly Hills, New York's 5th Avenue..." Bree said with a smirk.
She looked slightly interested but not that much so I decided to step in.
"I can geo-leap anywhere you want to go Principal Perry, and buy you anything you want from anywhere in the world" I smirked.
Alright, now this time she was fully interested when I brought up my geo-leap.
"Well...I am an uptown girl. Fine" Principal Perry nodded, causing me and Bree to smile.
"But before we go, can you grab that stray dumpling bobbing around my big toe?" Principal Perry asked.
I quickly moved away while Bree rolled her eyes at me.
As she was ready to get it Principal Perry stopped her.
"No, no, no, no, wait-- I can get it. Oh. There, got it" Principal Perry said as she lifted her leg and the dumpling was actually around her throat.
I wanna throw up just by looking at that.
"Want a bite?" Principal Perry asked while holding it up to Leo.
"You know what's weird? I kind of want a bite" Leo said.
"That's fucking gross" I gagged.
A Few Hours Later
Me and Bree were walking up to the school while carrying multiple bags.
"I have to admit, although we were shopping with Principal Perry it was pretty fun" I said.
"I know right, I even bought myself a nice bracelet in Paris" Bree smiled.
"And I bought myself a nice necklace with my name on it" I said.
"Nice" Bree said.
"I know" I said.
We soon walked inside the school to see Leo leaning against the wall in his regular clothes and not his uniform.
"Hey, where's your uniform?" Bree asked as we set the bags on the floor.
"Trent sent it in to the tailor. He didn't think it was snug enough" Leo said.
"Where's Perry?" Leo asked while looking around for her.
"Oh, she wanted to make an entrance" Bree said.
"Sadly" I sighed.
Soon we heard a trumpet blaring as the doors opened and soon Principal Perry walked in.
She had hair extension, wore a long light blue dress, a face full of makeup, white gloves and diamond necklace
"Greetings, peasants! It's fashion time!" Principal Perry smiled.
"No offense, but you're 50 years late for the prom" Leo joked, causing me and Bree to burst out in silent laughter.
After a few more hours the three of us were counting Principal Perry receipts to see if she was broke.
Not yet, but we can fix that.
"All right. We're almost there" I said and Bree nodded.
"We just have to finish booking this trip to Spain so Perry can run with the bulls" Bree grinned.
"Poor bulls. They don't stand a chance" Leo said while shaking his head.
Soon Principal Perry came out of her office sighing in sadness for some reason.
She was also wearing her white tuxedo instead of her dress.
"Uh, we need your credit for one last purchase" Bree said as we walked up to her.
"Forget it. I'm done buying stuff. I thought all this junk would make me happy, but it doesn't" Principal Perry frowned.
"I'm outta here" Principal Perry said while walking away.
We all looked at each other and sighed.
"Well, I...guess I should get used to Principal Trent. Better go freckle up" Leo said as he pulled out his red wig and put it on.
"Got two shows and a matinee" Leo said.
"All right, you three, grab this stuff and toss it in my blimp" Principal Perry said.
I then came up with an idea in my head that has to work.
"You know what? No. Do it yourself, Terry" I snapped at her.
"Excuse me?" Principal Perry asked as she turned around to glare at me.
"You're not our principal anymore, so you can't tell us what to do" I smirked while crossing my arms.
I looked at Bree and Leo and nodded.
They soon caught on to what I was doing and looked at her and nodded as well.
"Yeah, she's right" Bree said.
"We're done taking order from you" Leo said.
We smirked at her as we turned around to get ready to walk away.
"I said grab my stuff, fungus pigeons!" Principal Perry snapped at us, causing us to stop and turn back to her.
She then gasped as she covered her mouth with her hands.
"Ahh! Wait. This feeling...It's what's missing! None of this junk will make me happy. What really matters in life is...treating people poorly for my own amusement" Principal Perry said.
'Yeah, that's totally something people like doing for a living' I sarcastically thought.
She then smiled at us as she walked over to us, making me take a few steps back.
"And nothing makes me feel more complete than doing it to you twerps" Principal Perry said as she pulled Bree and Leo into a hug.
I silently snorted because they both look uncomfortable.
"What a wonderful life lesson" Bree sarcastically said.
"Yeah. Guess I'm not gonna retire after all" Principal Perry grinned as she let go of them and walked away.
"It's back to my original plan of working till I drop and then getting stuffed and mounted over the gym door" Principal Perry said.
"You know what's weird? I kinda wanna see that" Leo said, making me scoff.
A Few Hours Later
Since Principal Perry is no longer retiring she got some guys to return the stuff she spent her money on.
Minus my 'Luna' necklace and Bree's bracelet.
And she got out of her white tuxedo and was back into her regular pantsuits.
"So, you're not gonna miss this stuff at all?" Bree asked.
"Nah, just the hot tub" Principal Perry sighed.
"The school board deemed it "inappropriate". If cooking your dinner in the same vat of water you bathe in is, inappropriate, than I don't want to be appropriate" Principal Perry scoffed.
"Trust me, you were never anywhere near appropriate" I scoffed, making her glare at me.
"How'd Trent take the news?" Leo asked.
"Eh, he was upset till I decided to spring for a new gym teacher uniform" Principal Perry said.
I then looked over at Leo who was smirking.
"New uniform? I can help with that" Leo nodded.
A few minutes later we were all waiting by the doors that lead to the gym.
"Come on out, Trent" Leo said.
Soon Trent stepped into the hallway wearing his new royal blue stan outfit with faux fur trimmings.
Me, Bree and Leo covered our mouths so we wouldn't burst out laughing.
"I look awesome!" Trent yelled with a smile on his face as him and Principal Perry high-fived each other.
Soon Bree and Leo's laughter died down but mine was still there.
"Best demotion ever!" Trent yelled.
I just burst out laughing while holding onto my stomach.
I'm sorry but he just looks absolutely stupid in his new uniform.
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