Chapter Six: Leo's Jam
Luna's Pov
I was with the guys, talking about the homecoming dance this Saturday.
I was hoping Chase would ask me since I really want to go with him.
But at the same time I'm not sure if I even want to go.
Most school dances are boring.
But since I already told Principal Perry I would sing at the dance which means I need to go.
"Guys, with the dance coming up, I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out" Leo said.
"Oh, great. Do you know a guy who can teach us?" Adam asked and I burst out laughing.
Le glared at me and rolled his eyes.
"Me! You're gonna watch me ask out the girl of my dreams. Danielle" Leo said.
"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a footstool in math class?" I asked.
"Where else is she supposed to put her feet, on the floor" Leo said and I nodded.
"Open your notebooks, boys, 'cause class is in session" Leo said as he walked over to Danielle.
"Hello, Danielle. Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice. I'm Leo Dooley" Leo said.
"Didn't you send me 87 e-mails?" Danielle asked.
"Yeah... That was a slow day" Leo said.
"Talk about desperate" I whispered to Chase and he laughed.
"Okay, well, see you later, Lenny" Danielle said before walking away.
"It's Leo, by the way" Leo said.
We walked up to Leo and he turned to us.
"So, Leo... What should I write down in my notebook? I mean, other than, denied" Chase mocked.
Me and Adam burst out laughing while Leo glared at us.
"No, no, no, you can cheat off of me. I have. She's not going to the dance with Lenny" Adam mocked and we all laughed harder then before.
Leo glared at us but we continued laughing.
Soon Bree walked in and walked next to us.
"Are you guys talking about the dance too? Why is everybody making such a big deal out of this stupid dance?" Bree asked.
I looked at her and crossed my arms.
"Nobody's asked you yet, have they?" I asked and she nodded.
"No! I really wanna go with that guy. His name is Ethan. We sit next to each other in chemistry. Coincidence? I think not. Chemistry" Bree explained and I rolled my eyes at her.
"What should I do?" Bree asked.
"I don't know, be smart and actually ask him instead of being a wimp" I explained and she glared at me.
"I got this" Chase said.
He then activates his super hearing to listen to what Ethan is saying.
"He's talking about a girl he thinks is cute" Chase said.
"Ooh! He's talking about you! He's coming over here right now to ask you to the dance" Chase said and I smiled.
"What?! No! Now? Why? Really?" Bree asked, completely scared.
"Why are you scared?" I asked but she ignored me as Ethan walked over to us.
"How's it going?" Ethan asked.
"We're fine" I said with a smile.
"Ethan! What a huge surprise! To see you here, for reasons we do not know" Chase said with a smirk.
"Hey, Ethan. How... uh, you know.. we... uh, you know... decided... What is that over there?" Bree asked while pointing towards something.
Ethan looked away and Bree quickly used her superspeed and ran off.
"Seriously" I said in annoyance.
"Where'd she go?" Ethan asked.
"Uh, more importantly, what is that over there?" Adam asked.
Ethan looked away and all of us quickly ran away from him.
Back At Home
I was in the lab with Adam, Chase, and Leo.
Suddenly Chase smiled and stood up.
"Hey, guys, I finally figured it out" Chase said.
"Oh, me too! Do not eat the outside of a pineapple. Ooph! That'll come back to haunt you" Adam said and I looked at him weirdly.
"No. I figured out how to make Danielle like Leo. I recorded her with my bionic hearing. Let me play it back for you" Chase explained.
He walked over to the cyber desk table and used his hand and it turned into a flash drive.
He placed the flash drive and soon we heard Danielle's voice.
"In the movie, the hero punched the bad guy and stole the baby right out of the alligator's mouth. I would so go out with a guy like that."
"Perfect! You get the alligator, I'm gonna go round up that baby" Adam said.
He was about to leave but I grabbed his arm and stopped him.
"Adam, no. She wants a hero. We just have to make Leo look heroic" Chase said.
"How the hell are we gonna make that happen?" I asked.
"Well, that's a dead end. What else should we do today?" Leo asked.
"If only there was a way you could borrow my bionic strength" Adam said.
"I can't do that. That's all you've got" Leo said, "exactly" I agreed.
"Wait a minute. Adam's on to something. Which is quite an achievement for someone that doesn't know how to eat a pineapple" Chase said and I laughed.
"Hey, I got it down, didn't I?" Adam asked and I rolled my eyes at him.
The Next Day
The next day at school I walked in and saw the guys setting up something.
"What the hell are you guys doing?" I asked.
"We're trying to make Leo look like a hero, but Adam's going to be using his super strength to lift them up and it's gonna look like Leo's lifting them up" Chase explained.
"Yeah, this is gonna fail" I said and he playfully glared at me.
"Ooh! They're coming! Commence phase one of Operation Lady For Leo" Chase said.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the scene.
"Oh, no! This man is trapped! He looks like he need a hero to save him. I will take charge and heroically do just that" Leo said.
'His acting sucks' I thought, but somehow Danielle is buying it. She must be dumb.
"Oh, no! We're running out of time. Save me before the alligator comes-" Adam said but was cut off by Leo.
"Wrong rescue" Leo whispered.
"I will lift these lockers! One...two...three" Leo said as he pretended to lift the lockers and freed Adam.
"So heavy" Leo said.
"You're a true heroic take-charge hero" Adam praised.
"I swear these two need acting lessons" I whispered to Chase and he chuckled.
"Oh, my gosh! I can't believe that just happened" Danielle said, is she actually buying this.
"You know, it takes a big man to do something like-" Leo started but was ignored.
"How are you not hurt? You must be so strong" Danielle said to Adam.
This bitch is dumber then Adam.
"Wait. What? No! He's not the strong one. I'm the strong one! Hero" Leo said but Danielle continued ignoring him.
"Maybe I should walk you to the nurses' office" Danielle offered.
"W-What about Leo?" Adam asked nervously.
"He's not hurt" Danielle said, "look at me! I'm an open wound" Leo said and I nodded.
"Really, I-I'm fine" Adam said.
"Okay, good, 'cause the dance is Saturday, and I love dancing. Maybe we can hang out" Danielle said with a smile and walked away.
"Great plan, Chase" Leo said sarcastically.
"I already knew this wasn't going to work anyways" I said as me and Chase walked out of our hiding spot.
"What are you talking about? That didn't go at all like we thought it would" Adam said and I rolled my eyes at him.
Back In The Lab
"You stole my woman! Where I call from, we call that a love crime" Leo said.
"It's not my fault I look brave under lockers. I was trying to help you" Adam argued.
"How? By saying you'd go to the dance with her?" Leo asked in anger.
"I'm keeping my options open. It's the first a girl's ever been interested in me, and it's kind of nice" Adam said with a smile.
"Ooh! It's kind of nice cause she has-" Leo started before running to Adam and attacking him, or trying to attack him.
"Stop it, little man! You're gonna hurt yourself" Adam said and I nodded.
"Leo stop, let go" I said.
I grabbed him and tried pulling him off but he wouldn't budge, but luckily I was still able to pull it off.
"You're being over dramatic" I said in annoyance.
"Guys, this is getting out of hand. It's like watching a chihuahua fight a horse" Chase said and I giggled.
But hey it was true.
"Is Danielle really worth all of this?" I asked.
"Yes" Adam and Leo said and I rolled my eyes at them.
"Adam, you cannot go to the dance with Danielle. It wouldn't be fair. Leo wanted her first" Chase said and I nodded.
"Hey, all is fair in love and fake locker accidents" Adam said but then sighed, "fine, he can have her" Adam agreed.
"It's too late. The damage is done. I'll never love again" Leo dramatically said.
"And you wonder why people at school think you're weird" I said and he glared at me.
"Leo, I'll talk to Danielle. I'll convince her that Adam's not an option and that she should be with you" Chase explained and I smiled.
"Yeah, go to the dance with her, but everybody's gonna think you're dating your babysitter" Adam said.
Once again Leo screamed and tried attacking Adam but me and Chase held him back.
'My life could've been normal' I thought.
The Next Day
We were in the hallway together when Bree walked over to us.
"Well, if it isn't little miss flash and scram" Chase teased and I smacked his shoulder.
"Play nice" I warned.
"Ha ha. Very funny. I think I scared Ethan off" Bree said with a frown.
"Ya think? You left skid marks in the hallway" Leo said and I nodded.
"Bree I really don't see the problem, just stop being scared, he wants to go with you and you want to go with him" I said and she sighed.
"Well, I think there's only one way to fix this. I have to ask him to the dance" Bree said and I smiled.
"Well, here's your chance. He's at his locker" Chase said.
Bree walked over to Ethan and all of us tried hearing their conversation, and once again, Bree got scared and used her superspeed and landed on top of the lockers.
"But... you were... Okay, why are you up there?" Ethan asked, clearly confused.
"You know, just... helping out the janitor. I mean, this place is dust-ay" Bree explained with a nervous smile.
"Sometimes I wonder why she's my best friend" I said and the guys laughed.
Back At Home
Me and Bree were at the kitchen sitting on the chairs when Tasha walked in the room.
"Hey Luna, hey Bree, how's it going?" Tasha asked.
"Well I'm doing alright, not so sure about Bree" I said.
"Horrible. Ethan was gonna ask me to the dance, but I got nervous and ran away. Every time I see him, I panic and act like a total..." Bree said.
"Dorkmonster" Tasha and I said.
"Huge dork monster" Bree agreed and I giggled lightly.
"Look, you are not the first girl to act weird around a boy she likes" Tasha said.
"She literally flew across the room and jumped on top of the lockers" I explained and Tasha looked at her weirdly.
"Yeah... that's probably a first" Tasha said and Bree sighed.
"Whenever he's around, I get all flustered and glitchy, and I just want to eat my face so I don't say something stupid" Bree explained.
'This is getting weird' I thought.
"Honey, next time you see him, just breathe! Stay in the moment, and your jitters will go away" Tasha suggested.
"Or, be smart and just wear high heels. That way, when you run away, you'll wipe out like a downhill skier" I explained.
"That's perfect, thanks Luna, you're the best bestie" Bree said and I smiled.
"Now come on, let's head to the mall and get us some nice dresses for the dance" I said and Bree nodded.
"In the car ladies" Tasha said and we all left the house.
The Next Day At School
I was walking around the halls when I saw Danielle walking away from Chase.
Chase looked shocked and surprised, I wonder what happened.
Soon Adam and Leo walked in so I decided to hide and hear what they were saying.
"Hi! Guys! So... here's the deal. Danielle's not going to the dance with either of you" Chase said.
"What?! Who's she going with?" Adam asked.
"Me!" Chase cheered excitedly.
My heart nearly broke when I heard that.
Leo screamed like a little girl and tried attacking Chase but Adam held him back.
I just sighed to myself and walked away to get to class.
I was really hoping to ask Chase to the dance and spend time with him.
'Looks like I missed my chance' I thought sadly as I made my way upstairs.
The Day Of The Dance
I was in my room getting ready for the dance.
Bree and the others were already there, I told them I would arrive a bit later.
So I quickly straightened my hair, put on a little bit of makeup.
I then grabbed my outfit from my closet and changed.
I smiled to myself and spun around.
I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.
Dad and Tasha were there waiting for me, and once they saw me they were smiling.
"Aww sweetie, you look beautiful" Tasha said and I smiled.
"Thank you Tasha" I said as I walked over to them.
"Pumpkin you look so beautiful, I love it" Dad said and I smiled.
"Thanks dad" I said as I gave him a hug.
"Come on, let's get you to the dance in time" Tasha said and I nodded.
We soon left the house and into the car.
In the car dad kept on telling me to have fun but not too much fun and to beat up any boy that tries to touch or flirt with me.
Tasha told me to have fun and to stay with the others so I could be safe.
Once we arrived at the school I got out the car and said goodbye to dad and Tasha and walked in.
Once I got inside I smiled when I saw everyone together, smiling and having a great time.
I made my way over to the others.
"Hey guys" I said.
They all looked at me and their jaws dropped, minus Bree, she just smiled at me.
"Looking good Luna" Bree said and I giggled.
"Thanks" I said.
" look beautiful Luna" Chase said and I blushed.
I smiled and nodded, "thanks Chase, you look cute" I said and this time he blushed.
I saw Danielle walk over so I just decided to walk away with Bree.
She then spotted Ethan and smiled.
"Alright, how do I look?" Bree asked.
"Prefect" I said.
"Alright, wish me luck" Bree said.
"Go get him girlie" I said and she walked away.
I turned around and noticed Chase doing some weird dance in front of Danielle.
Soon everyone started laughing at him and Danielle walked over to Adam.
'I don't even want to know' I thought.
I walked over to the DJ and told him that Principal Perry wants me to sing, so he said that in a few hours he would allow me to sing.
I nodded and made my way over to an empty chair and sat on it.
Soon Leo came walking in with a few older women, wearing a new outfit while the women were wearing sparkling dresses.
After his dance everyone clapped and cheered for them.
"Alright, give it up for my aunt Janice and her book club" Leo announced and everyone cheered louder.
The ladies walked away while Leo walked up to Danielle and soon they both walked away together.
'Wow, he actually got the girl this time' I thought impressed.
"Alright everyone, now it's time for a little song performance by Luna Walker."
Everyone cheered and clapped while my friends look confused.
I smiled and made my way over to the stage and grabbed a microphone from the DJ.
You, you love it how I move you
You love it how I touch you
My one, when all is said and done
You'll believe God is a woman
And I, I feel it after midnight
A feelin' that you can't fight
My one, it lingers when we're done
You'll believe God is a woman
I started tapping my foot while singing and the students smiled at me.
I don't wanna waste no time, yeah
You ain't got a one-track mind, yeah
Have it any way you like, yeah
And I can tell that you know I know how I want it
Ain't nobody else can relate
Boy, I like that you ain't afraid
Baby, lay me down and let's pray
I'm tellin' you the way I like it, how I want it
I smiled while the other students started dancing to the song.
Looks like they were enjoying it.
And I can be all the things you told me not to be
When you try to come for me, I keep on flourishing
And he see the universe when I'm the company
It's all in me
You, you love it how I move you
You love it how I touch you
My one, when all is said and done
You'll believe God is a woman
And I, I feel it after midnight
A feelin' that you can't fight
My one, it lingers when we're done
You'll believe God is a woman
I started swaying my hips back and forth to the song.
I heard some whistling and could see some boys checking me out.
'Disgusting' I thought in annoyance.
I'll tell you all the things you should know
So, baby, take my hand, save your soul
We can make it last, take it slow, hmm
And I can tell that you know I know how I want it, yeah
But you're different from the rest
And boy, if you confess, you might get blessed
See if you deserve what comes next
I'm tellin' you the way I like it, how I want it
I started moving around and spinning myself a few times.
I looked over at my friends and they were all in shock. Completely forgot that I only told Tasha about my singing.
My eyes wandered over to Chase and he was staring at me, eyes wide and jaw dropped.
I giggled and shook my head at him before continuing to sing.
And I can be all the things you told me not to be
When you try to come for me, I keep on flourishing
And he see the universe when I'm the company
It's all in me
You, you love it how I move you
You love it how I touch you
My one, when all is said and done
You'll believe God is a woman
And I, I feel it after midnight
A feelin' that you can't fight
My one, it lingers when we're done
You'll believe God is a woman, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
God is a woman, yeah
My one
When all is said and done
You'll believe God is a woman
You'll believe God
God is a woman
Oh, yeah
God is a woman, yeah
It lingers when we're done
You'll believe God is a woman
I smirked and flipped my hair once I finished singing. "I'm awesome" I yelled and everyone erupted into cheers.
I smiled and giggled.
I gave the microphone back to the DJ and walked off the stage.
I walked over to my friends who were still in shock.
"What?" I asked.
"You never told us you could sing" Bree said and I shrugged.
"You never asked" I said and I walked away from them.
A few hours passed by and a slow dance came on.
Bree was dancing with Ethan, both smiling at each other.
Leo and Danielle were dancing with each other and I smiled at Leo.
I looked over at Chase and saw he was sitting alone, completely upset.
I frowned and decided I would ask him to dance.
I got up and walked over to him.
"Hey" I said as I sat down next to him.
"Hey, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your date or something?" Chase asked.
I smiled and shook my head.
"I came alone Chase" I said and he smiled.
"How can someone like you come here alone?" Chase asked.
"Well there was this one guy I wanted to go with, but he already had a date" I said.
"Really, who was it?" Chase asked.
"I'm looking at him right now" I said and his eyes widened in shock.
"You wanted to go with me" Chase said and I nodded.
"I was going to ask you, but you came with Danielle so I never said anything" I said with a small smile.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know, now I feel like such a jerk" Chase said.
I smiled and patted his back, "don't worry about it Chase, you're not a jerk" I reassured him.
I got up and pulled him out of his chair.
"Come on, let's go dance" I said.
"But I can't dance" Chase protested.
"Then let me teach you" I said as we walked over to the dance floor.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist.
We smiled at each other as we danced.
"Hey...Luna...can I ask you something?" Chase asked.
"Anything" I said with a smile.
"I was wondering...if would like to...go on...on a date with me?" Chase asked nervously.
I looked at him in shock before smiling.
"It's alright if...if you don't want to go...I completely understand...I mean no girl really likes going...on dates with it's fine if you don't want to" Chase ranted.
I giggled and nodded my head.
"Of course Chase, I would love to go on a date with you" I said.
He looked at me and smiled, "great, how about tomorrow?" Chase asked.
"Perfect" I said and I kissed his cheek and he blushed.
I laid my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me and placed a gentle kiss on my head.
Best. Dance. Ever!!
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