Chapter Seventy-Seven: Merry Glitchmas
Luna's Pov
It was Christmas once again and honestly I'm very very excited because I get to spend it with my family and my amazing boyfriend.
We were all in the living room deocrating the house.
I was sitting on the ground next to Chase as we were wrapping gifts when dad walked in through the front door while carrying two bags in his hands.
"Ho, ho, ho! Santa's here!" Dad said.
"I'm not sitting on your lap. Just hand out the gifts" Leo said and I nodded.
"Yeah, I'm not sitting our lap either but I will take a gift" I said.
Dad playfully glared at me while chuckling as he set the bags down and we all walked over to him.
"Presenting this holiday seasons hottest new action figures! Adam, Bree, Chase and Luna!" Dad grinned.
He then took out four action figures and our eyes widened when we saw that they looked just like us and we were wearing our mission suits.
"Holy shit" I gasped in shock.
"Wow!" Bree smiled.
"Cool!" Chase smiled.
"Toys!" Adam yelled as the four of us took the action figures from dad.
"They're so cute!" Tasha smiled while giggling.
"Yeah. Now that the world knows and loves you guys, a toy company was eager to put one of these in every kid's stocking-- for a small licensing fee" Dad said as he pointed at himself for the last part.
"Ahem! Didn't they forget a certain someone?" Leo asked and we all looked at him in confusion.
"I'm just saying, this face would look dashing in molded plastic. It appeals to children of all ages" Leo grinned.
"More like give them nightmares for the rest of their lives" I smirked.
The trio and dad burst out laughing while Tasha was covering her mouth to stop herself from laughing.
Leo glared at me but I continued smirking and just shrugged.
Dad finally stopped laughing as he looked at Leo and placed his hand on his shoulder.
"Leo, we agreed to keep your bionic arm a secret. Besides this is about Adam, Bree, Chase and Luna. And me!" Dad grinned.
He then pulled out an action figure of himself and starts playing with, he's enjoying it while the rest of us are giving him either weird looks or annoyed looks.
"What? It comes free with the set" Dad defended.
"Right, because no one would actually pay for you" me and Bree said together before fist bumping.
"Look, Chase, yours is life-sized!" Adam grinned as he held onto Chase's action figure.
Chase gave him a look of annoyance before smirking and grabbing onto Adam's action figure.
"Oh, and look! Adam's head is hollow, just like the real thing!" Chase smirked, making me giggle.
"It's not hollow. It's filled with potential" Adam defended before snatching his action figure back from him.
"Wait, potential? More like air" Bree said and I nodded.
"What? What does that even mean?" Adam asked.
Then before we knew it the trio started arguging with each other and they would've continued if it weren't for Tasha breaking it up.
"Guys, it's Christmas. This is a time to think about others, not yourselves" Tasha said.
"Tasha's right, this is all about being together as a family" I smiled as I held onto Chase's hand, making him smile and peck me on the lips.
"Which is why famed TV reporter Tasha Davenport is hosting a charitable toy drive at school" Tasha smiled.
We all gave her 'really' looks as she gave us a slightly annoyed look.
"Oh, it can be a little about me" Tasha defended.
"Of course it can, honey!" Dad smiled as he kissed her cheek, making her smile.
"Now that that little self-involved side-trip is over, check it out!" Dad smiled as he took out his phone and slightly shoved Tasha away.
I lightly giggled when Tasha gave him an offended look before she went back to wrapping persents.
"Your action figures are now second place on the holiday gift best-seller list" Dad said as he showed us his phone.
Me and Bree smiled while Chase looked shocked and annoyed.
"Second place? What's first?" Chase asked.
"Uh, a toy called 'The Nerble'?" Dad shrugged.
"The hell is a nerble?" I asked as we all looked at dad's phone to see some fury orange ball with one eye.
"That? That's just a furry orange ball!" Chase said in annoyance and Bree nodded.
"Yeah, who would buy that stupid thing?" Bree asked.
We then heard someone mumbling 'nerble' over and over and turned around to see Adam playing with a nerble in his hand.
He then looks over at us when he realizes we're watching him.
"What? It has fur and rubber. What else do you need in life?" Adam asked.
"Many other things that aren't that" I deadpanned at him.
"Ooh, Donald. I bet the kids at the charity drive would love some of your old toys" Tasha smiled while dad scoffed.
"Tasha, they're not toys, they're scientific invent--" Dad started as he looked at me and Chase before turning around when Tasha started walking away.
"No! No! No, no! Stay away from my toys!" Dad yelled as he chased after Tasha, leaving just me, the trio and Leo.
"The only reason the Nerble is outselling us is because our action figures don't have any cool features" Chase said.
"But a furry rubber ball with one eye does?" I asked while pointing at the nerble Adam was still holding.
"You see? Be more like your girlfriend, she gets it" Adam said.
I giggled while Chase glared at him and rolled his eyes.
"Hey, you know what will make your toys number one? Drop a little dab of Dooley in that fun pack" Leo grinned as he started doing a small dance.
"Are you really trying to give those poor kids nightmares?" I asked while smirking.
The trio snorted while Leo glared at me but I just smirked and shrugged.
"Or, we can make better prototypes and get the toy company to sell them. Then we'll be number one instead of the Nerble" Chase smiled.
"You guys are ridiculous" Bree said and I nodded.
"Yeah, who cares if some little toy is beating us" I scoffed.
"I do! We're heroes. We should be number one. I don't see any furry rubber balls saving the world" Chase scoffed in annoyance.
"No, but they do bring the world joy" Adam said, making us look at him in confusion.
"How?" Chase asked.
Adam then smirked and throws the nerble at Chase and it hits him in the stomach, Chase groans in pain as he drops to the ground on his knees.
Leo burst out laughing along with Bree while Adam continues smirking.
"See, joy!" Adam grinned as he turned to Bree and they both did a handshake.
I let out a small giggle before kneeling down to help Chase off the ground.
The Next Day
In The Lab
It was the next day and Chase had called me, Adam and Bree down to the lab to show us something that he did to the action figures.
Once we got there Chase smiled and made his way over to us.
"Look, guys, I just finished improving our action figures with some cool new features. Check out Adam's" Chase grinned.
He turned around to pick up the Adam action figure and showed it to us.
"Activating heat vision" the Adam action figure said and his eyes changed to red.
Chase grinned even more while Adam didn't look impress, he looked more bored and confused.
"Okay, now show me the cool thing you added" Adam said, Chase just rolled his eyes at him and ignored him.
"And Bree's" Chase grinned as he put Adam's action figure down and picked up Bree's.
"Activating super speed. Whoosh whoosh, whoosh whoosh!" the Bree actioned figure yelled.
"Superspeed!" Chase yelled with a grin on his face.
The three of us looked at him weirdly as Bree shook her head.
"Super? No" Bree said as Chase frowned before grinning again.
"Well, check this out" Chase said as he put down the Bree action figure and picked up his own.
"Calculating GPS coordinates" the Chase action figure said and Chase grinned even more.
"Oh, Chase, how can I put this in a way that won't hurt your feelings?" Adam asked before taking a deep breath.
"You're the worst person that's ever been born, and this is the biggest waste of time and money I have ever seen" Adam deadpanned at him.
I glared at him and smacked him upside the head two times.
"These are no better than the originals" Bree scoffed in annoyance.
"Hello? Did you not hear the 'whoosh whoosh, whoosh whoosh?'" Chase asked.
"And why didn't you add anything to mine?" I asked while crossing my arms.
"Sweetheart, when I asked you if I could borrow your action figure you literally threatened not to kiss me for a week" Chase deadpanned at me.
My eyes widened in realization as I smirked and nodded.
"Oh yeah, I did say that" I said as he playfully rolled his eyes at me.
"Look, if you're gonna soup these things up, at least add some real super speed to mine. Oh, and super agility. Oh, and hair extensions!" Bree grinned.
All three of us looked at her weirdly while she held up her hands in surrender.
"Well, I'm just trying to keep it real" Bree defended and I rolled my eyes at her.
"What I think Bree is trying to say is, our fans are awesome, so they deserve action figures that are awesome" Adam said.
"Yeah bubba, I love you but what you did to the toys were a bit lame. I suggest making it a bit more better" I said.
"See, my little sis gets it" Adam smiled as he ruffled my hair.
I rolled my eyes but smiled at him.
"But they're toys. It's not like I can put actual bionic abilities in them" Chase said but Adam shook his head.
"Sure you can. We have a lab, you have no life-- get to work" Adam grinned.
Chase glared at him before a smirk appeared on his face.
"At least I have a girlfriend while you're a single pringle since birth" Chase shot back at him.
Bree laughed as I blushed but smiled either way.
Adam's grin changed into a frown as he looked away from a still smirking Chase.
A Few Hours Later
We were back in the lab after Chase had told us he had fixed the action figures, well he fixed Adam and Bree's.
I still didn't let him anywhere near mine.
I love Chase and I trust him, but I'd rather much prefer to have my action figure the way that it is.
So right now we're in the lab with Chase as he was standing up straight and looking at us with a serious look on his face.
"The Nerble stared down at us from its perch on the number one spot. But we would not back down. No we wouldn't-- because we're strong!" Chase said.
Me and Bree nodded while Adam looked bored.
"And boring. Get on with it" Adam said.
"All right, now watch what happens when I press this button" Chase grinned.
He pressed the button on the Adam action figure and it activates its heat vision, exploding something from across the room.
Our eyes widened in shock as Adam statred grinning.
"Oh, cool! I wish I could do that" Adam grinned.
"You can do that you idiot" I sighed in annoyance.
"And check this out" Chase grinned.
He presses a button on the Bree action figure and it superspeeds away. Bree's eyes widened as she let a grin appear on her face.
"Whoa! Look at that little momma go!" Bree yelled as she crouched down just a bit.
"You are goin' down, Nerble!" Bree yelled a bit too loudly.
She turned back around to see me and Adam looking at her weirdly.
"Uh, not that I care, because I don't" Bree said and I scoffed.
"Watch this" Chase grinned.
He pressed a button on his action figure and it started flying right above us, it nearly hit us but we managed to duck in time.
"So realistic, right?" Chase asked while crossing his arms.
"You can't fly" Adam said and I nodded.
"Toy me can fly! End of discussion" Chase said in annoyance.
"Look out!" I yelled as we all ducked the Chase sction figure that was dangerously flying above us.
"Chase, kids can't play with these toys. They're too dangerous" Bree said and I nodded.
"Yeah bubba, they can get hurt when playing with these. We can't give it to them" I said.
"Oh, come on, they're not that dangerous--" Chase started but was cut off by Adam accidentally pressing a button on the Adam action figure and it's heat vision fires at Chase's hair.
Mine and Bree's eyes widened in shock as Chase looked shocked and scared.
"Okay, I see your point" Chase nodded as he let out a sigh and picked up a box that was next to him on the ground.
"Just put them in here. I'll get rid of them" Chase said and me and Bree nodded.
"Aww. But I like him" Adam whined as he started playing with his action figure and hugged it to his chest but then it fires his heat vison at him.
"Ow! Traitor!" Adam yelled as he glared at his action figure.
He then threw his action figure across the room but it once again fires his heat vision and causes an explosion.
Our eyes widened as we looked at Adam who looked just as shocked as we were before turning to Chase.
"Yeah, you should probably get rid of those" Adam said.
"You don't say" I scoffed in annoyance while rolling my eyes.
A Few Minutes Later
Right now me, Adam and Bree were in the lab sitting on the couch while talking together when Chase walked in with a smile on his face.
"Hey, guys, I finally figured out how we can top the Nerble. Instead of giving ours real bionic abilities, we can just give--" Chase started as he picked up the box that had the action figures but stopped.
He looked inside the box and his eyes widened in worry.
"What's wrong bubba?" I asked.
"Uh, what happened to the action figures?" Chase asked as he showed us that the inside of the box was empty.
"Well, I don't know about mine, but yours is probably somewhere doing homework" Adam joked.
This made Chase glare at him while I smacked him upside the head.
"I don't get it, they were right here" Chase said as he started looking around.
Then Bree's phone buzzes as she takes it out and looks at is and then her eyes widened in worry as she looks at us.
"Uh, guys? You might wanna see what Tasha just posted" Bree said as she showed us her phone.
We all huddled around her to see what she wanted to show and our eyes widened at what we were seeing.
Tasha was at the school while holding the action figures in her arms.
"'At the toy drive. Giving is so much fun'" I said and Chase grew more worried than before.
"No, no! Tasha took our action figures to the toy drive! Those things are deadly weapons!" Chase yelled.
"Don't just stand there, Chase! Fly us to school! Oh wait..." Adam said.
This made Chase glare at him while I rolled my eyes and hit his arm.
"Come on" I said as Bree grabbed onto Adam's arm and superspeeded him out the lab while I grabbed Chase's arm and geo-leaped us to the school.
Once we got there Adam and Bree arrived and we were in the hallway.
"Tasha!" Chase yelled as we ran to Tasha who was by a nearby table.
"Oh, hey, guys, what a wonderful surprise. Did you come to help me with the toy drive?" Tasha asked.
"Wh-- Of course not" Bree scoffed, which earned a weird yet offended look from Tasha.
"Uh, where are the action figures?" I asked.
"I just handed them out to the kids" Tasha smiled and our eyes widened in fear.
"What? Why would you do that?" Bree asked.
"I assumed you left them in that old box to donate. The kids just love them" Tasha smiled.
I highly doubt they will like them in like a few seconds.
"Mostly because we just ran out of Nerbles" Tasha said, causing the trio to sigh and roll their eyes.
We quickly walked towards the entrance towards the gym to see that it was all decorated.
There were a few kids running around whild holding onto the action figures while some remained standing and just playing with the action figures.
"We have to get them back!" Chase said and we all nodded.
"Well, at least they haven't found the button yet" Bree said.
"What button?" Tasha asked from behind us.
We turned around to face her but before we could answer her we turned back around to see a kid pressing the button on the Adam action figure.
The action figure then fired it's heat vision and it was aimed at a table and then it broke it.
Our eyes widened in shock and fear as some of the kids were starting to scream and run around in fear.
"That button" Bree said and we all nodded.
"This is a disaster!" Chase yelled in worry.
"Yeah. I'm gonna go home and play with my Nerble" Adam said as he turned around to leave but Bree grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
We all ran into the room to try and get the action figures but that wasn't easy becuase they were glitching running all over the place.
The kids are all running around and screaming while me and the trio were trying to catch the action figures.
Some of the kids were leaving along with their parents while some still stayed put.
Me, the trio and Tasha quickly ran and hid behind the white slay so we could think of a plan.
"I knew this day would come. First the toys attack the humans, then they recruit the refrigerators and microwaves to seal our doom" Adam said.
I looked at him as if he'd grown two heads.
"We need to stop this!" Adam yelled as we all just rolled our eyes at him.
"Okay, obviously the Adam figures are the most dangerous so we have to get those out of the kids' hands first" Chase said and we all nodded.
"Wait, what's wrong with the Bree doll?" Tasha asked.
We all turned around to see that one of the Bree action figures were starting to shake violently.
"Oh, no. I made them too perfectly" Chase said in fear.
"What does that mean?" Tasha asked.
"She's glitching just like those three do. The bionics are burning out the motor" I said and Chase nodded.
Just then the Bree action figure exploded, causing all the kids to scream and for our eyes to go wide.
"Okay, change of plans. Go for the Bree ones" Chase said.
Adam and Bree nodded and quickly ran off as me, Tasha and Chase remained where we were as Tasha turned to glare at Chase.
"What did you do to these toys?!" Tasha asked.
Chase turned around and gave her a small nervous smile.
"Made them better" Chase said.
Tasha glared at him while I sighed and smacked his arm.
Tasha sighed and got up and started running to try and help as me and Chase got up from the ground and started looking around.
Me and Chase stood next to each other as the Chase action figures were flying around.
I ran towards a few Chase action figures that were about to fly up and managed to turn them off.
I turned around to see Chase diving to the ground as the Chase action figure that was flying above him exploded.
I sighed in relief as Chase got up from the ground.
"Okay, go after the Chase ones first. You know what, just get them all!" Chase yelled.
"That was the plan bubba!" I yelled.
I geo-leaped to the Bree action figures and caught them just in time and turned them off as well.
Once we've gotten all of them we walked back over to Chase to see him kicking his action figure to the ground while panting heavily.
"I think we got all of 'em" I said and the others nodded.
The kids and their parents had left the room so it was just the three of us and Tasha but we don't know where she went.
"I only count eight. We're missing one" Chase said while looking around.
"I'll check the hallway" Adam said as he dropped his action figure to the ground and walked into the hallway.
Me, Bree and Chase dumped the action figures into the trash and walked into the hallway.
We stopped when we saw the last Adam action figure standing on the bench as him and Adam were having an intense stand off.
The three of us slowly walked over to Adam with me clinging onto Chase's arm.
"Adam, be careful. He's unstable" Chase said and I nodded.
"So am I" Adam said as he turned to face us with a weird look on his face before turning back to the action figure.
The Adam action figure fires its heat vision at Adam but Adam manages to duck in time and rolls over to the other side.
He gets on his knees and fires his heat visions at the action figure and manages to destroy it.
The three of us sigh in relief and walk over to Adam with smiles on our faces.
"Nice shot!" Chase smiled.
"You nailed it!" Bree smiled.
"Awesome job buddy!" I smiled at him while patting him on the back.
Adam gave us all small smiles before grabbing his destroyed action figure and holding it in his arms.
"Why is it you always hurt the ones you love?" Adam asked while shaking his head.
"I'm gonna need you guys to clean this up" Tasha said.
We turned around to see Tasha glaring at us as we looked behind her to see that the gym was a mess.
The christmas tree then falls to the ground and we all cringe while Tasha didn't look any different.
"Tasha, it's Christmas. Stop thinking about what you need and start thinking about others" Adam said.
Bree and Chase nodded while Tasha glared at them and I sighed while running my hand through my hair.
A Few Minutes Later
We were back in the destroyed gym while cleaning up the mess.
"Great. You ruined the toy drive" Tasha sighed.
"It's not totally ruined. The kids can still have fun with these melted action figures" Adam said as he picked one up.
"Hiya, kids!" Adam grinned while playing with the action figure before stopping and shaking his head.
"Yeah, it's just sad" Adam said and we all nodded as he dropped the toy to the ground.
"We're sorry, Tasha" Chase said.
"Yeah, we never meant for those action figures to leave the lab" Bree said and I nodded.
"I think what she's trying to say is, this is all your fault" Adam said.
Tasha glared at him and gave him an offended look while I sighed and smacked him upside the head.
"I just feel bad for the kids. They have no gifts. And they were so excited when I told them they were going to get to play with your action figures" Tasha said.
I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.
"Damn, now what are those poor kids going to play with?" I asked.
"I don't know. I just wish there was some way that we could make it up to them" Bree said.
We all sighed and nodded as I turned to Chase to see him picking his head up and I could tell an idea came into mind for him.
"Maybe there is" Chase said.
A few more minutes later we managed to clean the place up and the kids came back.
To make things up to them me and the trio offered to play with them and become their own bionic action figures.
Adam was playing with a few kids and using his heat vision to blow up a few items.
Bree was giving superspeed piggyback rides to a few kids.
And Chase was dealing with a few kids that were holding onto his arms and waiting for him to fly.
"For the last time, I can't fly!" Chase yelled in annoyance.
"Eat your heart out, Nerble!" me and Tasha yelled before high-fiving each other.
I then walked over to two kids, a boy and girl and crouched down in front of them and smiled softly at the two of them.
"Alright kiddos. How about I geo-leap the three of us to Paris and take us to the eiffel tower? Sound good?" I asked.
The two kids smiled and nodded, making me giggle.
"Alright, grab on" I said while holding out my hands for them.
They both took them and I geo-leaped us to Paris.
We made it to the top of the eiffel tower and when we got there the two kids gasped in shock.
I smiled and gently picked both of them up and placed them on my hips and walked over to the edge.
I made sure to keep a tight grip on them so they wouldn't fall.
"You love the view kiddos?" I asked.
They both turned to me with smiles on their faces and nodded rapidly, making me giggle and shake my head.
Yeah, this makes up for everything.
Back At Home
Soon we all made it back home, Grandma Rose was already there along with dad and Leo.
I was sitting next to Chase as he had his arm wrapped around my shoulder and I leaned into him.
We were all sitting on the floor together as Tasha smiled and hugged Grandma Rose.
"Well I, for one, am relieved you know about about Leo's bionic arm. Now I can stop lying to you" Tasha smiled.
Grandma Rose turned and gave her a look as Tasha's eyes widened in realization as she gave her a nervous smile.
"About the fact that I've been lying to you" Tasha said.
All Grandma Rose does is roll her eyes and nod while the rest of us laugh.
Dad then walks behind Grandma Rose and places a present in front of her as her eyes widened and she smiles.
"Oh, what's this?" Grandma Rose asked.
"Hmm, knowing him, it's either cheap or re-gifted" me and Adam said together.
Everyone laughed while dad glared at the both of us but all we did was smirk and high-five each other.
"It's just a little something. Merry Christmas, Rose" Dad smiled.
Grandma Rose smiled back at him as she opened her present and she let out a small gasp.
"Oh!" Grandma Rose said as she took out her present and our eyes widened and we all smiled.
"A Grandma Rose action figure! Donald, that is so sweet of you" Tasha smiled as dad smiled back and nodded.
"It's so stiff and life-like" Chase said.
This causes Grandma Rose to turn around and glare at him as his eyes widened when he realized what he said.
"Because of its warmth and charm" Chase nervously said.
Grandma Rose glared at him while I smacked him upside the head.
"Hey, why is she wearing a mission suit?" Bree asked.
"Oh, I just had a new head molded. I used the body of a Bree doll prototype that was laying around" Dad said.
"And it's re-gifted" Adam sighed and I giggled.
"Wait, Bree prototype?" Bree asked in worry.
I caught onto what she was saying and my eyes widened in worry too.
"Hey, what does this button do?" Grandma Rose asked as she pushed the button on her action figure.
"Oh no" Chase said when he caught onto what Bree had said.
My eyes widened in more worry as I quickly stood up and snatched the action figure from her.
"Everybody get down!" I yelled.
Everyone got down as I quickly threw the action figure across the room before diving to the floor myself.
The action figure explodes as we all let out loud screams.
We sighed in relief as Grandma Rose turned to look at Leo who sighed and nodded.
"You're right. He is a bad father" Leo said.
This made Grandma Rose nod while I just scoffed and rolled my eyes.
We all sat back up from the ground as I stood up and ran into the dining room and picked up a white folder.
I ran back into the living room and sat next to dad on the couch and smiled.
He turned around to face me and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as to why I was smiling.
"Here you go dad. This is my early christmas present for you" I smiled.
"Awww pumpkin. Thank you. But you didn't need to get me anything" Dad smiled as he took the folder from me.
"Trust me, yes I did" I said.
"What did you get him sweetie?" Tasha asked as everyone turned to face us.
"How about you open the folder and you'll find out?" I suggested with a small smirk.
Dad chuckles and nods as he opens the folder and furrows his eyebrows in confusion again when he sees a piece of paper.
"What's this?" Dad asked as he took the paper out and placed the folder next to him.
"Read it and you'll see" I smiled.
He nodded and started reading the paper, after a few minutes his eyes widened in shock as he stares at me and by the looks of it he's ready to cry.
" didn't?" Dad asked.
I smiled at him and nodded.
"What? What does it say?" Adam asked.
Dad didn't say anything so Tasha just took the paper from him and stared reading it as everyone huddled around her and looked at it themselves.
After about a minute their eyes widened in shock as they turn to look at me.
"No way!" Leo yelled.
"You changed your name!" Bree yelled.
I giggled and nodded.
"Yeah. I'm now officially Luna Walker Davenport" I smiled.
Everyone smiled and started cheering and clapping for me while dad remained the same.
"But...but...but how? How did you do this?" Dad asked.
I smiled softly at him as I moved closer to him and gently grabbed his hands.
"After finding out the truth about my biological parents I've realized that I can't continue living in the past. I feel like it's time to try and move on from it" I said.
I took a few deeps breaths and softly smiled at dad.
"I may not know anything about my biological mother, except her name. But she will always have a special place in my heart because she truly did love me and everything she did was to keep me safe from that bastard" I said, nearly growling at the end.
I sighed before gently squeezing dad's hand.
"You've been by my side all those years. You've been my father ever since I was a baby, ever since you took me in and raised me as your own. I will forever be grateful for everything you've done for me. And I think it's time I return that favor" I said, giggling at the end.
"I've been wanting to do this forever. And now I'm ready to finally change my name" I softly said.
Dad had tears streaming down his face as he let out a small sob as a smile appeared on his face and he pulled me into a hug.
I giggled as small tears streamed down my cheeks as I hugged him back tighter.
I rested my head on his shoulder and let myself cry more than before.
"I love you pumpkin. Merry christmas" Dad said.
"I love you too dad. And Merry christmas" I smiled and hugged him tighter.
Soon everyone else got up from the ground and hugged us.
Chase walked up from behind me and kissed my temple, making me smile as I leaned into him.
Welcome Luna Walker Davenport.
That has a nice ring to it if I do say so myself.
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