Chapter Seventy-Four: Karaoke Night
Luna's Pov
Today was just a regular day for us.
We didn't have much to do so we were all just staying at home together.
We're all in the living room while watching some T.V since we don't really have anything else to do.
Tasha and dad were in the kitchen drinking some juice while talking together while the rest of us were in the living room.
I was sitting next to Chase with his arm wrapped around my shoulder as I laid my head on his chest.
Honestly this was nice and all.
But also boring.
Are we really going to spend the one day we have free time just by staying at home and watching T.V?
I mean normally people would be alright with that but me, I'd rather go out for a bit and do something fun.
"Alright, I'm just going to say it. We're all fucking bored" I said.
"Yes!" everyone yelled.
"So why don't we just go out and do something fun together?" I asked.
"That would be nice, I'd rather be outside then staying at home doing nothing other then watching T.V" Bree smiled.
"But where would even go?" Leo asked.
"Yeah, most of the places here are closed and it's getting a bit late" Chase said.
Fuck, he's right.
It's 6:30pm and most of the places are closed which honestly sucks.
"Actually, I think there is still one place that might be open right now" Dad said, gaining all of our attention.
"Really?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, they opened a new Karaoke place a couple blocks from here" Dad said.
"Oh yeah I heard about that, they're opened right now until 10" Tasha smiled.
"Awesome, so let's go there" Bree said while standing up.
"Yeah I agree, I'd love to sing something in front of people" I smiled as I got up.
"Do we have to?" Douglas asked in slight annoyance.
"Yeah of course we do, we need to get out and have some fun instead of staying at home" I said and the others nodded.
Douglas just rolled his eyes but nodded either way.
"Alright then, everyone get changed and we'll get moving" Dad said.
We all nodded as I quickly pecked Chase on the lips before running upstairs to get myself ready.
Once I got upstairs I immediately got out my makeup bag and sat on my bed as I took out my mirror.
Before I could get started my door opened and closed and I turned around to see Bree walking in.
She was carrying two bags in one hand while carrying a few clothes in her other hand.
"Luna, sis I need your help on what to wear and my makeup" Bree said.
I smiled and patted the spot next to me on my bed.
"Sit, I'll help you no matter what" I said.
She smiled at me and placed her things on my bed and sat next to me.
"I need some help with my makeup, I can do the rest by myself but I need help with my eyebrows and eyeshadow" Bree said.
"Hand me your makeup bag" I said.
She nodded and handed me her bag as I opened it and looked through it, making sure to look at everything clearly and picking out the right stuff.
"No problem, I think I can work something out" I smiled.
After about 5 minutes on working on her makeup I finally finished and smiled at my work.
"Alright, you're all set and honestly you look amazing" I said.
Bree smiled as she picked up my mirror to look at herself and she let out a loud squeal.
"Oh my gosh, Luna I love it. It's amazing" Bree said.
"Of course it is, I did it" I smirked while flipping my hair.
She rolled her eyes at me but smiled and pulled me into a hug.
"Thanks Luna, you're the best sister ever" Bree said.
I giggled and hugged her back while kissing her head.
"Anytime Bree, I'm happy to help out my sister with anything" I said as we pulled away from the hug.
She then got up from the bed as I started doing my makeup, I decided to start with lipstick first.
Then I would do the rest of my face.
"Alright, which dress should I wear?" Bree asked while holding two dresses in front of her.
I stopped what I was doing to look up at the dresses.
One dress was a long light blue dress with a bow in the front and some white heels.
The second dress was a short black flower dress that stopped just by her knees and some black high heel boots.
"The second one" I said.
"Are you sure? Will I look good in it?" Bree nervously asked.
"Bree, sis, you look good in anything you wear. Now get your ass in my bathroom and change" I smirked.
She giggled and nodded as she took the short black flower dress and black high heel boots with her and walked into my bathroom.
I then got back to doing my makeup.
It took only 5 minutes for me to do my makeup and I was pleased with what I did.
I even added on some fake nails to go with the look since I thought it would look better.
Once that was done I quickly got out my outfit and changed into it, and honestly I look pretty yet still badass in this outfit.
Alright, this totally fucking works.
"Bree, are you ready?" I asked.
"Yeah I am" Bree said as she got out of the bathroom, now wearing her short black flower dress and her black high heel boots.
"Woah Bree, you look beautiful" I smiled at her.
"Really?" Bree asked with a smile.
"Of course you do" I smiled at her.
"Thanks Luna, you look good too" Bree said and I giggled.
"Wait, hold on" I said as I quickly ran to my closet and started looking through it.
Bree lokoed at me in confusion but I continued looking through my closet before I found what I was looking for, my dark blue jean jacket.
I took it out and walked over to Bree and handed it to her.
"Here, wear this" I said and she nodded as she quickly put on the jean jacket.
"Alright, I think we're done. Let's go" I said and she nodded.
We quickly left my room to head downstairs, once we got there everyone was already downstairs.
Me and Bree walked downstairs and walked over to them and when I turned to face Chase I swear time stopped.
He looked incredibly hot.
He wore a black shirt, black jean jacket, gray ripped jeans and black high top sneakers.
I swear I could see his abs through his shirt and it made me blush so much.
Honestly how the hell did I get so lucky with someone as amazing, incredible and hot like Chase.
Chase turned around to face me and started blushing just like me.
I smiled and walked over to him and pecked him on the lips.
"You look handsome bubba" I smiled at him.
He smiled at me and leaned in closer to my ear.
"And you look sexy, sweetheart" Chase whispered.
I blushed bright red and shivered at his voice, how the hell does he know how to make me so damn flustered?
"Alright lovebirds, let's get going" Douglas said in disgust.
We both rolled our eyes at him before nodding and held hands together as we all left the house and headed to the car.
Once we all got in dad immediately drove off.
We continued talking to each other, making some jokes and just having fun.
Me and Chase would kiss in front of them, just to annoy them and it worked all the time because when it gets close to a makeout session they all started groaning or gagging just to get us to stop.
Leo literally threw his phone at us and it hit me in the face.
If it weren't for Chase holding me back I would've beaten him up.
Finally after about 2 hours in the car we finally made it to the place, we all got out of the car and walked towards the entrance.
We all smiled and looked at the inside of this place in awe.
There were so many tables, there were so many colorful lights, a bar for the adults, a place for people to dance and a stage where the karaoke machine is.
The place was somewhat packed as there were some people at the bar and some people that were dancing.
"Are there any tables available?" Adam asked while looking around.
"Yeah, over there see" Leo said while pointing to a nearby empty table.
"Come on" I smiled as I grabbed onto Chase's hand and pulled him with me as we all walked towards the empty table.
We all sat down, Tasha and dad sat next to each other, Douglas and Leo sat next to each other, Adam and Bree sat next to each other.
And of course me and Chase sat next to each other with his arm wrapped around my shoulder and my head resting on his.
"Alright, does anyone want anything to drink?" Douglas asked.
"Some beer for me and Tasha" Dad said as he wrapped his arm around Tasha's shoulder as she smiled and nodded.
"Pepsi for me" Leo said.
"Lemonade for me" Adam said.
"Apple juice" Bree said.
"Just some water for me, thanks" Chase said.
"And I'll take some ginger ale" I said.
Douglas nodded and walked away to get our drinks.
While he was gone we were all talking to each other, cracking a few jokes and laughing.
"Hey Luna, why don't you share one of your funniest moments as a kid with Mr. Davenport?" Bree suggested.
I looked at dad and smirked while his eyes widened in realization and he groaned.
"Ok, so there was this one time when I was 9 years old and dad had taken me out to go play at the park" I said.
Everyone smiled and leaned forward to learn more while dad looked about ready to curl up in a ball and just die.
"When we arrived at the park me and dad decided to play some soccer together since that's what we always did. Once we started playing soccer I spotted a nearby ice-cream truck and I begged dad to let me get some and of course he said yes because come on let's face it, he can't say no to me" I explained with a smirk while flipping my hair.
This made everyone laugh while dad rolled his eyes at me but smiled.
"When I got my ice-cream dad was getting ready to take out his wallet to pay for the ice-cream when he realized that he left his wallet at home. And he couldn't drive back and get it because we had walked to the park instead of taking the car" I explained.
Everyone leaned in more to figure out what was going to happen while dad sunk down in his seat.
"Since dad really didn't want to walk back home to get his wallet he started talking to the ice-cream truck driver about his inventions and who he was. Basically bragging about himself to try and distract the driver" I scoffed.
Everyone either scoffed or groaned at this while dad just gave us annoyed looks.
"Of course the driver knew what he was doing and got annoyed and continued asking dad to pay for the ice-cream but dad continued bragging about himself and his awesome inventions. The driver got so annoyed that...that" I tried saying.
I burst out laughing while holding onto my sides.
Everyone looked at me in confusion while dad was practically begging me not to continue but I did anyway.
"The driver grabbed onto two ice-creams and shoved both of them into dad's face" I said.
Soon everyone burst out laughing while dad continued to sink down into his seat.
I was laughing so hard that I nearly fell off my seat if it weren't for Chase pulling me back up.
Soon Douglas came back with the drinks as he set them down on the table and sat back down as he looked at us in confusion.
"Why are you guys laughing? What did I miss?" Douglas asked.
None of us answered him because we were still laughing our asses off like there was no tomorrow.
Leo managed to calm down a bit and explained to Douglas what I had told them and before we knew it Douglas burst out laughing with us.
"Oh come on, I was lazy to walk back to the house to get my wallet and Luna had already gotten the ice-cream" Dad tried to defend himself.
"Doesn't matter, we're so going to tease you about this for the rest of your life" Leo said.
Dad gave him an annoyed look and looked at Tasha for help but she smiled at him while giggling and held up her hands while shaking her head.
Dad gave her a betrayed look and pouted.
After calming down we started drinking our drinks while continuing to talk to each other about anything.
A few hours passed and the only thing we did was either drink, eat a few things or go and dance.
We all went back to our seats after dancing but Chase didn't sit down.
"Bubba, are you alright?" I asked.
"Perfectly alright, I'm just going to go on stage" Chase said.
"What? Why?" Bree asked.
"I'm thinking about going to sing" Chase shrugged.
"Well we've got a few more hours here so I say go for it" Dad said and Chase nodded.
"Do you know what you're going to sing?" I asked.
He looked down at me and smiled as he kissed my head.
"Of course I do, and it's going to be about you" Chase whispered in my ear.
I shivered at his voice but smiled as he walked away from us and made his way onto the stage.
He searched through a few songs before he seemed to have found the perfect one as he grabbed a microphone.
Everyone either sat back down in their seats or remained where they were as the music started playing.
I smiled along with my family as we were getting ready to see Chase sing.
I mean yeah we sung together at school but we haven't sung ever since, I really want to hear his amazing voice.
I needed something
Someone to trust in
I needed something
To get me through this life
Never saw you coming
And now we're just running, yeah
You make me feel nothing
When we're driving through the night
Chase looked at me and smiled as I smiled back at him and sat up straighter in my seat, along with everyone else as Chase continued singing.
I've been looking all around at the places
You and I were seeing so many different faces
We're just cruising right on through this life with a playlist
And everything is right
Never really thought I would make it
Found someone who I don't think I'll ever replace and
I'm emptying my heart so, you can just take it
I'm living my best life
And I feel so alive
With you by my side
We can make a life
I've got nothing to hide
Driving so fast
Every town passed
Never look back
We're good at that
'Cause I feel so alive
Damn you look good tonight
When he sung the last part he looked directly at me and smirked as he winked at me, making me blush.
The others laughed when I started blushing but I really didn't care. Chase chuckled at my reaction and continued singing.
We're driving through rain, riding through sun and looking at plains
We're cruising through towns, moving all around but you stay the same
We like to runaway, we're ditching all our pain and living for today
We're driving so fast, wanna make it last, we'll do it our way
And I feel good at night
Full moon the only light
You make me feel like
I'm doing alright
I feel good inside
Maybe a little high
You make me feel like
Everything will be alright
I smiled softly at him when he sang this song, it's really sweet and I can tell he's letting out all the emotions inside of him.
I mean, we've been together for so long.
I've always been scared that maybe he'd break up with me, that maybe I wasn't good enough for him.
But we've proven to each other that we love each other and need each other. I need Chase by my side and he needs me, I'd die if I didn't have him with me because that's how much I love him.
And I feel so alive
With you by my side
We can make a life
I've got nothing to hide
Driving so fast
Every town passed
Never look back
We're good at that
'Cause I feel so alive
Damn you look good tonight
And I feel so alive
With you by my side
We can make a life
I've got nothing to hide
Driving so fast
Every town passed
Never look back
We're good at that
'Cause I feel so alive
Damn you look good tonight
He stopped singing and everyone started clapping and cheering for him.
Everyone at our table smiled and clapped for him, my smile being wider than the others as I cheered for him.
He set the microphone down and made his way back over to us and sat back down next to me.
"Bubba, that was amazing. You're singing is amazing" I smiled at him.
He smiled softly at me and pecked me on the lips.
"Thank you sweetheart" Chase said.
"Nice job Chase" Dad smiled as he patted Chase on the back.
"Yeah, who knew a nerd like you could sing" Adam joked, earning laughs from everyone and a glare from Chase.
I then smirked and got up from my seat.
"Alright peasants, it's time for the queen herself to get on stage and sing" I smirked.
"Go Luna" Bree smiled, making me smile back at her.
I quickly kissed Chase on the cheek before walking up on stage.
I search through a few songs before finding the right one and grabbing the microphone.
Everyone turned to face me as I turned to see my family and boyfriend smiling at me and giving me thumbs up.
I giggled and shook my head at them and soon the music started playing.
I started tapping my foot and started moving my head around just a bit.
Are you ready? Ha!
It's time for me to take it
I'm the boss right now
Not gonna fake it
Not when you go down
'Cause this is my game
And you better come to play
I used to hold my freak back
Now I'm letting go
I make my own choice
Bitch, I run this show
So leave the lights on
No, you can't make me behave
I smirked and started swaying my hips back and forth to the song and everyone started getting more excited.
Uh, huh, huh
So you say I'm complicated
That I must be out my mind
But you've had me underrated
Rated, rate
Uh, huh, huh
What's wrong with being
What's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?
Uh, huh, huh
What's wrong with being
What's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?
Uh, huh, huh
I continued swaying my hips back and forth as everyone in the audience started cheering for me, way louder then before.
I giggled when I heard two loud cheers from Tasha and Bree, I shook my head and continued singing.
It's time to get the chains out
Is your tongue tied up?
'Cause this is my ground
And I'm dangerous
And you can get off
But it's all 'bout me tonight (Tonight)
Uh, huh, huh
So you say I'm complicated
That I must be out my mind
But you've had me underrated
Rated, rated
Uh, huh, huh
What's wrong with being
What's wrong with being
What's wrong with being confident?
Uh, huh, huh (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being confident?
Uh, huh, huh (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being confident?
Uh, huh, huh (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being confident?
Uh, huh, huh
I spun myself around two times and stopped and started walking around the stage.
I turned to face my family as they were still smiling at me and cheering along with everyone else.
Then I looked at Chase to see him staring at me with a huge blush on his face, I giggled and winked at him before going back to singing.
Uh, huh
Uh, huh, huh, yeah
So you say I'm complicated
But you've had me underrated
You need not... (Uh, huh, huh)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (What's wrong with being)
What's wrong with being confident?
Uh, huh, huh
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being confident? (Oh, yeah)
Uh, huh, huh
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (What's wrong with being)
What's wrong with being confident?
Uh, huh, huh (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being (Yeah)
What's wrong with being confident?
I threw my head back once I was finished singing.
As soon as the music stopped everyone stood up and started clapping and cheering for me.
I picked my head back up and smiled at everyone and waved at them as I set the microphone down and got off the stage.
I walked back over to the others as they were all smiling at me.
I smiled back at them as dad got up and hugged me, making me hug him back.
"Amazing singing pumpkin, you're voice is beautiful as always" Dad said as we pulled away from the hug.
I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks dad, that means alot" I smiled at him.
We then made our ways back to our seats, once I sat back down on my chair Chase immediately kissed me softly on the lips.
I smiled and kissed him back.
Everyone either gagged or looked away but I didn't care.
We pulled away from the kiss and pressed our foreheads against each others, still smiling at each other.
"That was amazing sweetheart. You're singing is always beautiful" Chase smiled.
"Thank you bubba" I smiled softly at him as he kissed my cheek and leaned into my ear.
"I love you" Chase whispered.
"I love you too" I whispered back to him.
"Alright, if you lovebirds are done I think it's time we go home" Tasha said while rolling her eyes at us but still smiling.
Me and Chase laughed and nodded, along with the others.
We quickly got up from the table, made sure we didn't leave anything behind, before heading towards the door.
We all quickly walked to the car and got inside.
Dad and Tasha were in the front. Leo, Douglas, Adam and Bree were in the middle. And me and Chase were in the back.
Chase was lying on his back with his head resting on my lap as I gently stroked his hair.
"So did you guys have fun?" Dad asked.
"Heck yeah we did!" Adam yelled, causing everyone to laugh but nod.
"Great idea in deciding we'd go out sis, we had a lot of fun" Bree smiled as she turned to face me.
"Of course, no way in hell was I going to let us stay at home and be bored" I scoffed, making everyone laugh.
"Well we're going to be in this car for a while so try and get a small nap while you can" Dad said.
He soon started the car and drove off.
The others were still talking to each other while Adam and Bree had fallen asleep with their heads resting against each others.
I smiled as I looked down at Chase to see him already sleeping.
I leaned down and gently pecked him on the lips.
"Goodnight bubba. I love you" I whispered to him before picking my head back up.
I smiled and let out a small sigh as I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.
Today was a pretty cool fun day.
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