Chapter One Hundred & Seventeen: The Vanishing: Part Two
Luna's Pov
Oh you've gotta be fucking kidding me.
Marcus is alive.
He's fucking alive!
Giselle, out of everyone, brought back Marcus.
Seriously, why did this bitch have to bring back this asshole?
He was killed by the pile of rubble back at Douglas's old lair, there's no way he could've survived that.
And more importantly, how the hell did Giselle even know about Marcus?
Chase was glaring at Douglas as he wrapped am arm protectively around my waist and pulled me closer to his side.
"What's wrong, Dad? No hug, no 'good to see you'. Where's the love?" Marcus asked, that stupid smirk still on his face.
Douglas glanced at him for a few seconds before looking at Giselle.
"How is this possible?" Douglas asked.
"Yeah. We saw you get crushed under a mountain of rubble" Chase said and I nodded.
We heard a laugh and turned around to see Giselle smirking at us.
She then walked over to stand in front of us, causing us to glare at her.
"When I was making my 'movie', Douglas couldn't stop bragging about his greatest creation ever, an android with bionic speed, strength, and intellect" Giselle smirked.
I turned around to glare at a sheepish looking Douglas.
You've gotta be kidding me right now.
Giselle smirked and once again let out another laugh as she walked over to Marcus.
"I spent so much time trying to steal Chase's intelligence, I completely overlooked the fact that Marcus already had it. So I dug him up, and reassembled him, piece by piece" Giselle explained.
"Oh, we should try that with Grandma Davenport" Adam gasped.
We all gave him annoyed looks as I sighed and smacked his arm.
Alexis wasn't here to do it, so it has to be me.
"Marcus' bionic intelligence gives him a photographic memory, which means he remembers everything from his past, and boy, does he have an ax to grind with you, Douglas" Giselle smirked.
Marcus nodded and turned to glare at a shocked looking Douglas.
"Me?! Why me? Leo and Luna were the ones who hated you!" Douglas yelled while pointing at me and Leo.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes while Leo's eyes widened in shock.
"Me?!" Leo yelled, sounding and looking offended.
We all gave him weird looks as I crossed my arms and gave him a 'seriously' look.
He realized we were all looking at him and realized what Douglas had said and nodded in agreement.
"Oh, yeah, that's true" Leo said.
"Damn right" I said, snuggling closer to Chase's side.
Marcus rolled his eyes at us before turning to glare angrily at Douglas.
"When they attacked me, you ran away. You were my creator, and you left me to die" Marcus angrily said.
Douglas looked at him for a few seconds and leaned closer to him.
"Well, to be fair, I didn't think you'd be coming back" Douglas shrugged.
This just earned him another glare from Marcus, while dad sighed and pointed his weapon at him.
"All right, Marcus, I think it's time we finish you for good" Dad said.
But that resulted in Marcus casually flicking the weapons out of dad and Douglas's hands and across the room.
Dad looked shocked while Douglas glared at him and threw his hands up in annoyance.
Marcus and Giselle smirked before fist-bumping each other.
Giselle walked over to dad and Douglas, that stupid smirk still on her face.
"You don't stand a chance against us. I upgraded Marcus' technology, and made him more powerful than ever" Giselle said.
Leo scoffed and walked over to Marcus.
"Well, he's gonna have to be more powerful, because there are four of us now" Leo said.
Marcus looked at him confused while Leo nodded and grinned.
"That's right, bushy brow. I'm bionic now, too" Leo said.
Marcus's eyes widened, looking really shocked as he raised an eyebrow at him.
"Seriously?" Marcus asked, looking at us and Giselle.
Giselle scoffed and shook her head.
"It's just his little arm" Giselle said, making him nod.
"And my little leg!" Leo defended, though I doubt it did him any good since Marcus looked unimpressed.
Marcus turned around and when his eyes locked on me a small smirk made it's way onto his face.
"Hello Luna, it's good to see you again" Marcus smirked.
I scowled and glared at him as Chase tightened his hold on my waist protectively and possessively.
He walked over and stopped when he was a few feet away from me.
"Out of everyone I missed you the most. And can I just say that you got even more beautiful than the last time I saw you" Marcus said, looking me up and down.
I swear Chase was itching to let Spike out right now, but he controlled himself.
Marcus tried to touch my cheek, but I smacked his hand away.
"Don't touch me, asshole" I angrily spat at him.
Chase growled and pulled me closer by the waist, glaring at Marcus with clenched fists.
"Step away from my girlfriend, punk" Chase angrily spat at him.
Marcus's eyes widened as he looked between me and Chase before letting out an annoyed groan.
"Are you kidding me? After so many years, you two are still together?" Marcus asked.
Me and Chase angrily glared at him.
Chase tried unwrapping his arm from my waist to punch Marcus, but I quickly stopped him.
"Yes me and Chase are still together. Because I love him and he loves me. Nothing will ever change that" I scowled.
Chase smirked in satisfaction and nodded, kissing my cheek.
Marcus only groaned and rolled his eyes.
"You deserve better than him" Marcus scoffed.
I growled at that, Chase's arm tightening around my waist.
"Nobody could ever be better than Chase. He's the most amazing boyfriend ever. So don't ever talk about him like that!" I yelled at him.
All he did was roll his eyes and walk back over to Giselle, still glaring at Chase.
"It doesn't matter how powerful you are. We took you out once, and we'll do it again" Chase said and we all nodded.
"Get him!" Adam yelled.
We all made a move to attack him, but then to our shock Marcus floated himself in the air and started conjuring up some sort of electricity in his hands.
And since we were so distracted this gave him the opportunity to shot us with it and we were blasted across the room.
We all crashed into the wall and fell to the ground, groaning in pain.
"Guys!" Douglas yelled.
"Pumpkin!" Dad yelled as they both ran towards us.
Douglas kneeled down to check on the others while dad kneeled down and checked on me, holding me in his arms.
"Pumpkin, are you ok?" Dad asked, staring down at me in worry.
I tried opening my mouth to answer him, but nothing came out.
I soon closed my eyes shut and allowed myself to lose consciousness.
A Few Minutes Later
"I'm okay! I'm okay!" I heard Bree yell.
My eyes fluttered open before they were fully open and I was met with Chase hovering above me.
"Sweetheart, you're ok!" Chase yelled as he quickly helped me sit up.
I groaned in slight pain but nodded otherwise.
He gave me a quick peck on the lips before pulling me up so we could stand up.
I looked around, only to see that we were in some room, along with the rest of the students.
Adam and Leo were getting up from the ground while Bree was sighing in relief.
"Angel!" Nick yelled as he ran to Bree.
"Handsome!" Bree yelled as she ran to Nick and they both engulfed each other in a tight hug.
"Baby!" Adam yelled.
"Babe!" Alexis yelled.
They both ran to each other and they both engulfed themselves in a passionate kiss, holding onto each other tightly.
"Taylor!" Leo yelled.
He quickly ran over to Taylor and wrapped his arm around her and she didn't hesitate to wrap her arms around him.
"Luna! Chase!" Spin and Bob yelled as they both ran towards us.
"Guys!" me and Chase yelled.
Me and Chase were quick to gather Spin and Bob in our arms and held them tightly, afraid that they would disappear if we let them go.
Spin clung onto me while Bob clung onto both me and Chase. They both buried their faces in our chests.
I sighed in relief and kissed both of their heads while Chase ruffled their hairs.
"Thank the lords you both are ok" Chase said, hugging them tighter, if possible.
"Yeah, I was worried that bitch hurt you or the others. I would've killed her myself" I said, growling lightly at the end.
"Don't worry, we're fine" Spin said.
"Yeah, we're not hurt or anything, so don't worry" Bob said.
Me and Chase sighed and kissed their heads before we pulled away.
Me and Chase made sure to keep both of them close to us, not wanting anything to happen to them.
Soon the others walked back over to us after reuniting with each other.
Nick had his arms around Bree, hugging her protectively.
Adam had his arm around Alexis's shoulder as she had hers around his waist.
Taylor and Leo were holding hands, their faces red but they were smiling shyly while giving quick glances at each other.
Despite everything, this made me, Alexis and Bree smirk at them and wiggle our eyebrows.
Those two might not be official right now, but trust me, they will soon.
Leo let out a sigh and looked around.
"Where are we?" Leo asked.
"In a dark room with metal walls. What is with you people? Open your eyes!" Bob yelled.
"They know that you idiot" Spin sighed while shaking his head at him.
My eyes widened in realization and worry as I started looking around.
"Wait. Where's Daniel?" I asked.
"When they brought you guys in, they pulled him out" Alexis said.
"Yeah, we tried stopping them but they still managed to get him out" Nick sighed.
Bree frowned and gently pecked him on the lips, making him smile.
"Yeah. He's gotta be a goner by now" Bob said.
We all gave him looks of disbelief as I sighed and smacked him upside the head.
Soon the monitor turns on and we all turned to see a smirking Giselle.
Me and Chase growled and held onto Spin and Bob tighter.
"Well, now that everyone's here, we can finally get this party started. You're inside my induction chamber. When activated, it emits an electromagnetic wave so powerful, it'll melt your bionic chips right through your necks" Giselle explained.
We all looked at each other in worry before looking back at her.
Adam scoffed and shook his head.
"She kills a party faster than Chase" Adam said.
We all turned to glare at him as Alexis smacked him upside the head.
"Not now!" Alexis angrily hissed at him.
"Once your chips are destroyed, we'll finally be rid of bionic humans, forcing the world to turn to my bionic androids" Giselle smirked.
Bitch, that's what she is, a bitch.
"If your androids are so much better than us, why do you have to destroy our chips at all?" I asked.
"I don't. I just wanna watch you suffer a slow and painful death" Giselle smirked.
We then hear her press a button on her keyboard and a flash occurs in the chamber.
All of us winced in pain and covered our eyes because of the flash.
We reopened our eyes and glanced at each other in worry.
"What was that?" Bree asked, clinging onto Nick tighter.
"A flash. She's not just torturing us. She's taking pictures while she does it" Bob said.
We all just sighed at him and shook our heads, already tired and done with everything.
A Few Minutes Later
We've only been in this stupid chamber for a few minutes and we were all in so much pain.
The students were all sitting on the ground, groaning and whimpering in pain.
Leo held onto Taylor as she was groaning in pain.
Nick and Bree hugged each other like their lives depended on it, both of them rubbing the back of their necks.
Me and Chase were doing our best to calm Spin and Bob down, but that was impossible since we were in the same amount of pain as them.
Adam was doing his best to break out of the chamber, but without our bionics it's not going to work.
"This thing is solid steel. There's no way we're getting through without our bionics" Adam said, walking back over to Alexis and pulling her into a tight hug.
"My neck is burning and I can feel my body getting weaker" Bree said.
"Now you know how I feel every time you walk in the room, pretty lady" Bob smiled.
Bree gave him an annoyed look and rolled her eyes.
"Guys, if we don't find a way out fast, every one of our chips is gonna be destroyed" Nick said.
Everyone groaned, feeling useless since we've got nothing that could help us.
But when I took in everything that Nick said, it made my eyes widen and I looked at Leo.
"Everyone except for Leo. You don't have a chip, so you should still have full use of your bionics" I said.
This made everyone's eyes widen in realization and hope.
Leo's eyes widened and he gasped.
"You're right" Leo nodded.
I then glared at him and smacked him upside the head.
"Well, don't just stand there. Get us out of here!" I yelled at him.
"On it" Leo nodded.
He gently moved Taylor to Logan, who gently grabbed her and allowed her to lean on his side.
Leo ran over to the wall as me and the others run behind him.
He punches the wall, but nothing happens, and he punches it again but nothing happens.
The others sighed in slight annoyance while me, Bree and Alexis scoffed.
"Come on bro, you can do better than that" I said and Bree nodded.
"Yeah, Leo, your arm's not gonna do it" Bree said.
"Yeah, try using your dainty little leg" Alexis said, biting her lip to hold in a smirk.
Me and Bree bit our lips to do the same as Leo turned to look at us, clearly offended at what we said.
"Dainty? I'll show you dainty. This right here is 100% rock hard quad" Leo said with determination, pointing at his bionic leg.
Me and the girls just shrugged and crossed our arms at him.
He glares at us before using all the strength in him to kick the wall, making it break.
The other's eyes widened in shock while me and the girls finally released our smirks.
"What do you have to say now, girls?" Leo asked, crossing his arms and looking satisfied.
Me and the girls looked at each other before looking back at him, looking and feeling smug.
Me and Bree glanced at Alexis who nodded and walked closer to Leo.
"That boys are easily manipulated when their masculinity is threatened" Alexis smirked.
She then patted his arm and started to leave the chamber.
Leo's satisfied look went away and he just nodded.
The others laughed as they started leaving the room.
Just when Taylor was about to leave the room, she stopped and looked at Leo and sent him a smile.
"Thanks Leo, you're the best" Taylor smiled, kissing his cheek before leaving the room.
Leo's face turned bright red as he touched the cheek she kissed and allowed a smile to appear on his face.
Me and the others looked at each other before looking back at him and smirked. We all shook our heads before getting out of the room so we could find Giselle and Marcus.
In The Hallway
When we got out of that room we ran into the hallway. To be honest we were running around so many times I'm pretty sure we were running around in circles.
"This place is too big. All the hallways look the same" Bree groaned.
"I'll go this way, you guys cover the rest" Leo said.
"I'll go with you" Taylor said.
Leo smiled at her and nodded before they both held hands and ran out of the room.
"Come on, let's go" Chase said.
We all nodded as he grabbed my hand as we all began running.
But we stopped when Giselle appeared, causing us to back away while she walked towards us.
Chase gripped onto my hand tighter as we both glared at Giselle. Adam pulled Alexis closer by the waist while Nick took a few steps closer to be in front of Bree.
"Leaving so soon?" Giselle asked.
"Give it up, Giselle. You're outnumbered. We can easily take out you and Marcus" Chase said.
"That would be true, if you were still bionic" Giselle smirked.
This made us glance at each other before looking back at her. What the hell is she talking about?
"What are you talking about? We escaped before you could finish the job" I said and the others nodded.
"Your chips were destroyed after the first flash" Giselle scoffed.
Our eyes widened in realization and shock as we looked at a smirking Giselle.
"What?" Alexis asked.
"Your bionics are gone. Forever!" Giselle yelled.
My heart dropped as I looked at Chase who had the same reaction as me.
I looked at the others and they were all still in shock as a few of them were touching the back of their necks.
We all lost our bionics forever. Our chips have been destroyed.
Giselle destroyed our chips. She got what she wanted. She managed to get rid of chips so we're no longer bionic humans anymore.
She destroyed my mother's chip. The only thing, minus my necklace, that I had left of my mothers was gone and it's all her fault.
Ooh, she's lucky I don't have a knife or any other weapon on me because I would've killed her right here right now.
"Now that you're just a bunch of useless humans, what do you say I finish you for good?" Giselle asked.
She took out her blue whip, the same one we saw in the face time video, and glared at us.
"Oh, please. You think your electric jump rope scares us?" Alexis asked, looking at her unimpressed.
Giselle glared at her before using the whip on a nearby display case.
We all let out loud laughs when we saw that nothing happened.
"See? Look. Nothing even happened" Nick smirked, wrapping his arm around Bree's shoulder.
As soon as he said that the display place cut into half.
Our eyes widened and our jaws dropped as we looked at her in shock while she smirked at us.
"Bob, get the rest of the students back to the academy. We'll handle Giselle" Bree said.
"No way. I'm not leaving my woman" Bob said.
We looked at him weirdly as Bree and Nick glared at him.
"I am not your woman" Bree said.
"Yeah, she's mine so back off" Nick scowled, pulling her closer to his side.
"Alrighty, then see ya. I'm outta here. Let's go, people" Bob said.
I rolled my eyes as Bob led the other students out of the room to head back to the academy.
Spin stayed back and looked up at me and Chase in worry.
I smiled softly at him and gently cupped his face and kissed his forehead.
"Spin, don't worry about us, we'll be fine. Go with Bob and the other students and head back to the academy. Until we get back, you're in charge" I softly said.
Spin sighed and nodded as he gave me and Chase one last hug before running off to catch up with the others.
I sighed before we turned back around to face Giselle.
"Can you guys handle her? I'm going to find dad, Douglas and Daniel. Hopefully Marcus too" I asked.
"Are you sure you want to go alone?" Chase asked, worried.
"Yeah, let me go with you" Alexis said but I shook my head.
"No, it's fine, I can do this myself. If I happen to run into Marcus, then I'll take him down myself. With or without my bionics" I explained.
The others sighed and nodded, knowing that nothing they did or said would make me change my mind.
Chase quickly kissed me on the lips before pulling away.
"Be safe, sweetheart" Chase whispered.
"Always, bubba" I whispered.
I kissed his forehead before running off to find either dad, Douglas or Daniel.
And if I run into Marcus first, so be it. If it means I have a 50% chance at taking him down, so be it.
I ran around the hallways, looking at every single place to see if I could find anyone. Without my bionics I can't superspeed nor can I geo-leap so this might take some time. Damn, I should've accepted Alexis's offer to come with me.
Oh well, looks like I'm on my own.
After running around for some minutes I heard some fighting from nearby and I quickly ran into the room.
My eyes widened when I saw Marcus attacking Daniel, who looked close to passing out because of how hard he was getting hit. I looked around before my eyes stopped on dad and Douglas, who were tied to chairs.
I snapped out of it when I heard Daniel groaning in pain. I turned around, only to see Daniel floating slightly in air as Marcus was choking him with his bionics.
"I think it's time to put you out of your misery" Marcus smirked.
Just before he could do anything I quickly sprinted towards them. As soon as I was close I kicked Marcus from behind and watched as he stumbled into a nearby wall.
I quickly ran towards Daniel and caught him before he could hit the ground.
Daniel clung onto me as he began coughing loudly, trying to catch his breath.
"Daniel, buddy, are you alright?" I asked, still holding onto him.
When he managed to calm down he looked up at me, relief washing over his eyes, as he nodded.
"Yeah, I'm good" Daniel nodded.
I sighed in relief and helped him stand on his feet, steadying him so he wouldn't fall.
We heard laughing and we both turned around to see Marcus walking towards us, anger shown in his eyes.
"Well, well, well, looks like Luna came to join the fun" Marcus smirked.
I heard growling from both dad and Douglas as they both tried getting free from the chairs.
Daniel glared at Marcus and tried charging at him, but I quickly stopped him by putting my arm out and pushed him behind me as I stood in front.
"Daniel, stay behind me" I warned.
Marcus began laughing while me and Daniel glared at him.
I may not be bionic anymore but I can still fight. And I'm not backing down until Marcus is gone for good.
Marcus tried shooting at us but we quickly ducked down to avoid getting hit.
I quickly got up and ran towards him and threw a punch at him. He stumbled a bit but regained himself as he glared at me and managed to knee me in the stomach.
I groaned in pain before aiming another punch at him, but Marcus caught my fist and twisted my arm, causing me to yell out in pain.
"Nice try" Marcus smirked.
He let go of me and kicked me, quiet harshly, from behind and I fell to the ground with a loud thud.
"Pumpkin, are you ok?" Dad asked, worried.
"I'm fine" I said through my groans.
"Why aren't you using your bionics?" Douglas asked, worried and confused.
"Long story, I'll explain later" I sighed.
Marcus rolled his eyes at us before conjuring up another blue orb as he tried aiming for me.
I acted fast and kicked his legs from underneath. He fell and landed on his back as the blue orb disappeared.
I jumped up before running towards him and getting on top of him. I punched his face quite a few times, ignoring the slight pain I felt because of it. Without my superstrength this was nearly impossible.
Marcus growled at me and pulled both of us up.
I yelled out in pain when he punched me in the face before he used his bionics to lift me up in the air, choking me in the process. It's the same thing Krane use to do to dad.
"LUNA!" Dad and Douglas shouted.
My eyes widened as I struggled against his hold. Damnit, without my bionics I'm freaking stuck like this.
Marcus smirked at my struggling form as he kept on choking me. I swear I was starting to lose oxygen. At any given moment I could pass out.
"Get off her!" Daniel yelled.
He charged at Marcus and surprised all of us at the kick he sent to Marcus. Marcus stumbled and he lost his hold on me and I dropped to the ground.
I gasped as my hands flew to my neck, I began coughing loudly as I tried getting my breath back. Damn, this dude really got more powerful than the last time.
"Never thought the day would come where I'd be wanting Leo's help" I muttered under my breath.
I heard a loud thud and saw Daniel being thrown to a wall, falling to the ground while groaning loudly in pain as he held onto his side.
"DANIEL!" I shouted.
I tried getting up but Marcus superspeeded towards me and kicked me down. He put his foot on my throat to prevent me from getting up.
My eyes widened and my hands flew up to his leg. I tried prying him off of me but he wouldn't budge. Damnit, I really need my bionics but I don't have them anymore. I was practically losing while Marcus was winning.
"What a shame? The strong and badass Luna Walker is struggling to get free" Marcus mockingly said.
I glared at him before gasping as he shoved his foot more into my neck. I was slowly losing my oxygen.
"GET OFF MY DAUGHTER!" Dad shouted, nothing but anger and fear shown in his voice.
Marcus ignored him as he conjured up his blue orb, causing my eyes to widen even more.
"I hate that things have to end this way, Luna. But you should've picked me instead of Chase. Maybe then I wouldn't have to hurt you" Marcus fake pouted.
"Go. To. Hell!" I angrily yelled at him.
Marcus glared at me and used his other leg to kick my side, making me groan in pain.
"Goodbye, Luna" Marcus said.
I slowly felt my oxygen slipping away and I felt myself losing consciousness. Just when I was about to pass out, Marcus removed his foot from my throat as the blue orb from his hand disappeared.
My eyes widened more as I gasped. My hands flew up to my neck as I began to rub it, coughing loudly.
What the hell happened?
I looked up to see Marcus staring down at Daniel, who was lying flat on his stomach on the ground.
"What are you doing?" Marcus asked, confused.
Daniel glared up at him before slowly standing up from the ground.
"Ending our family reunion" Daniel said.
My eyes widened when I saw Daniel conjuring up the same blue orb that Marcus had.
Holy shit, I forgot that Daniel still has his bionics. And he has power replication. Damn, things just took a turn for the better.
I looked at Marcus and saw that his eyes were wide open and his jaw was slightly opened. For the first time in forever, I can see actual fear in his eyes.
Daniel smirked at him before yelling as he blasted him. A relieved smile appeared on my face.
Marcus was gone. He was really gone. And this time it was for good.
I sighed in relief and remained lying on the ground, feeling really tired.
"Oh come on! I wanted to do that!" I heard Leo yell.
We all turned around to see Taylor and Leo standing by the door.
We rolled our eyes at him before Daniel and Leo ran towards dad and Douglas to untie them.
Taylor ran towards me and kneeled down next to me, wrapping her arms around me as she pulled me onto her lap.
"Luna, sis, are you ok? Does anything hurt?" Taylor asked.
"I feel some pain in my body. Probably have a few bruises. Definitely have a bruise on my cheek, but other than that, I'm fine" I reassured her.
She nodded her head and gently helped me off the ground.
When dad and Douglas were free dad quickly ran towards me and hugged me, making sure he wouldn't hurt me because I was still in pain.
"Oh, pumpkin, are you ok?" Dad softly asked as we pulled away from the hug.
"I'm fine, nothing I can't handle" I smiled.
He sighed and kissed my forehead before we all ran out of the room to find the others.
Hopefully they got rid of Giselle.
We finally found them in the same room I had left when I decided to find the others and Marcus.
"Guys, you're okay!" Dad yelled, looking relieved.
I smiled at them before my eyes wandered down to the ground where Giselle was. My eyes widened in disbelief when I saw the state she was in. Lets just say that she was completely terrible.
"Ooh! But she is not" I said, looking down at her in disgust.
I let out a surprise squeal when Chase ran towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug. I groaned in pain because of my injuries and tapped his arm.
"Chase, get off, please" I begged.
Chase quickly let me go as I groaned in pain and held onto my side.
When the pain went away Chase gently cupped my face and scanned up and down. When he saw the bruise on my cheek a scowl formed on his face as he released a low growl.
"Who gave you that?" Chase asked, his voice low and dark that it sent shivers down my spine.
"Marcus. Lets just say that fighting him without any bionics is a little bit hard" I sighed.
"I'll kill him!" Chase growled as he tried storming out of the room.
"I already took care of him" Daniel smiled, stopping Chase from leaving.
The others looked at him in shock as they looked at me and I nodded, telling them that it was true.
"Wow. Not bad for one day of training" Bree smiled as she patted Daniel on the back.
"Yeah, you should've seen my boy Daniel. He was great" Douglas smiled as he wrapped his arm around his shoulders.
"Thanks" Daniel smiled.
"Man, did you step up. Finally I can say I created a kid I'm proud of" Douglas smiled.
Adam, Bree and Chase glared at him while I rolled my eyes. I let out a small laugh when I saw Taylor kicking his leg.
"Ahem! Let's not forget the guy who freed the entire student body, not to mention saved the six of you" Leo grinned, gesturing to the trio, me, Alexis and Nick.
It was silent for a few seconds before the others nodded and looked around.
"Yeah, well, we should probably get going" Chase said.
"Right" Bree nodded.
"Lets go" Adam said.
I laughed while Leo glared at them as Taylor patted his back, giving him some comfort.
We tried leaving but dad and Douglas stopped us.
"Hold it. Perry can handle things back at the academy, but if we're gonna find a fix for your melted chips, I need to take you back to the lab in Mission Creek" Dad explained, smiling at the end.
"Whoo-hoo, we're going home!" Adam yelled.
"Whoo!" Bree yelled.
She gave Nick a quick kiss on the lips before grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the room.
Adam grabbed Alexis's hand as they both ran out of the room. Leo took a hold of Taylor and Danie's hands as dragged both of them out of the room.
Me and Chase smiled at each other before holding onto each others hands as we ran out of the room as well.
Back At Mission Creek
In The Old Lab
We were all back in our old lab and can I just say that it felt incredible to be back down here again.
Taylor went back to the academy because she wanted to make sure the others were alright. We told her she didn't have to as Perry could handle it, but she insisted on wanting to leave because she wanted to make sure that none of them were injured.
Me and the others were talking and laughing together, just having a good time. Just like old times.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Douglas and dad walking towards us with a laptop.
"Good news, guys. We can fix your bionics" Dad smiled.
Our eyes widened in shock and we stared at him in disbelief yet hopefulness.
"Really?" Bree asked.
"When we left Giselle's lab, I took some of her research. By combining her technology with ours, we'll be able to create one universal super chip that can adapt to any bionic operating system, which means you'll all get the upgrade" Douglas explained.
This made us all more shocked and happy than we were before.
We all smiled at each other and began cheering in complete happiness.
"That means we're no longer obsolete!" Bree grinned, hugging Nick and kissing his cheek.
"Yes! We're back!" Chase yelled, turning me around and kissing me on the lips.
I giggled and kissed him back before we pulled away.
"Whoa, settle down. You were never that impressive to begin with" Adam chuckled.
Chase glared at him while I sighed and shook my head.
Alexis pinched the bridge of her nose and smacked his arm while shaking her head.
Daniel grinned and started looking around, clearly impressed with the lab.
"I can't believe you guys got to live down here. This place is so cool" Daniel said, still looking around.
Me, the trio and Leo all looked at each other and nodded while grinning ourselves too.
But Bree's smile faded as she crossed her arms.
"Yeah, well, we were also force-fed food pellets that were shot out of a tube, so it wasn't exactly a fun factory" Bree sarcastically said.
Dad glared at her while the rest of us laughed.
"This lab is where it all started, Daniel" Chase said.
I frowned and shook my head.
"Well, technically it all started in a different lab, but your dad blew that one up" I said, pointing at Douglas.
This made the others nod in agreement as Douglas turned and glared at us.
"I was going through a phase!" Douglas defended, rolling his eyes at us before turning around.
All of us narrowed our eyes at him as we saw a box filled with a few things.
"Hey, what's in the box, Douglas?" Alexis asked.
"Marcus" Douglas shrugged.
Our eyes widened and our jaws slightly dropped as we stared at him in disbelief.
"What? Why would you bring his parts here?" Leo asked.
Douglas sighed and shrugged and looked inside the box.
"Ah, as evil as he was, he was still my creation. I felt kinda bad" Douglas said.
I hummed and nodded, Marcus was his first creation and whether we like it or not, he's still Douglas's son.
Then Douglas broke into a smile and turned to us.
"But if I can put him back together and reprogram him--" Douglas started but we were all quick to cut him off.
"No!" all of us yelled.
Douglas glared at us before sighing and nodding.
"Fine. But I'm making his eyebrow into a bracelet" Douglas said as he took out Marcus's eyebrow and started working on it.
We all laughed and rolled our eyes at him.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Tasha walking in.
"Hey, guys" Tasha smiled while walking over to dad.
"Hey!" we all yelled as we smiled at her and walked over to her and dad.
She giggled and wrapped her arm around his waist as dad wrapped his around her shoulders.
"I'm really glad that you're all here, because there's something that we've been wanting to tell you" Tasha smiled, looking up at dad who nodded.
We all glanced at each other before glancing at them in confusion.
What do they need to tell us?
"I'm pregnant" Tasha grinned and dad grinned too while nodding.
This made all of our eyes widen way more then before as we looked at them in shock.
Me and Leo wasted no time in rushing to Tasha and engulfing her into a tight but gentle hug, causing her to laugh and hug us back.
"Whoo-hoo! Hear that, everybody? We're gonna have a bionic baby!" Adam cheered.
Me and Leo pulled away from Tasha as I hugged dad.
He chuckled and hugged me back while kissing my cheek.
When we pulled away I walked over to Bree and Alexis.
Tasha immediately shook her head when she heard what Adam said and looked at dad.
"Oh, no, you are not turning my baby girl into a bionic freak" Tasha sternly said.
Then her eyes widened when she realized what she said and glanced at us worriedly.
"And I mean freak in the nicest way possible" Tasha softly said, her voice filled with guilt when she realized what she said.
Me and the others just smiled reassuringly at her and waved her off.
But then mine and Bree's eyes widened as we glanced at each other before glancing at Tasha.
"Wait a second. Did you say you're having a girl?" Bree asked.
Tasha and dad both smiled and nodded, confirming our question.
A grin broke on both mine and Bree's face as we glanced at each other and held hands.
"Yes! I'm getting a little sister!" Bree yelled.
"We're both getting a little sister! We're gonna be big sisters!" I yelled.
Me and Bree held onto each others hands tightly and started jumping up and down in joy.
The others laughed at us and shook their heads, looking amused at our reactions.
"And who better than a sister to change half the diapers" Tasha said with a small sheepish smile.
This made me and Bree stop cheering as we looked at her before looking at each other.
"Yeah, I'm over the whole sister thing" Bree said.
"Same" I nodded as me and Bree let go of each others hands.
Tasha and dad rolled their eyes at us, but they held small smiles on their faces.
Leo smirked and walked over to Tasha.
"You know what else? My little sister won't need bionics, because she'll have me to protect her" Leo smirked.
Tasha smiled fondly at him and side hugged him.
While me and dad looked at each other before we burst out laughing.
"Oh, who are you kidding? We all know that baby is going to be protecting you" Dad chuckled.
I nodded, still smirking, while Leo glared at both me and dad.
Chase sighed as him and the others walked over to us.
"Wow. All those years living down here, hiding our bionic secret, and look at us now. It's kinda crazy how life works, isn't it?" Chase asked.
We all smiled at each other and nodded.
"Yeah. You know, I actually kinda missed this place" Bree smiled, resting her head on Nick's shoulder.
Adam sighed and nodded.
"Me too" Adam said, pecking Alexis softly on the lips, making her smile.
He smiled down at her before turning to Chase.
"Know what I miss most about it?" Adam asked.
"What?" Chase asked, a small smile on his face.
"This" Adam smirked before hitting Chase on the arm.
Chase hissed in pain, making me check on him to make sure he was alright, as Alexis smacked Adam's arm.
Chase rubbed his arm, before a smirk appeared on his face and he looked directly into Adam's eyes.
"You do realize that without our chips, you don't have super strength, and I'm just as strong as you, right?" Chase asked.
This made Adam's smirk disappear as he slowly nodded.
"Uh, I do now" Adam said.
He starts running away with Chase following behind him, and they would've left the lab too if it weren't for me and Alexis stopping them.
"Both of you stop acting like children, right now" I sternly said, giving Chase a glare.
"Yeah, we don't need you guys breaking anything. Bionics or not" Alexis said, glaring at Adam.
"Yes sweetheart" Chase sighed.
"Yes baby" Adam sighed, wrapping his arm around Alexis's waist.
Me and Alexis looked at each other and smirked.
The others laughed at our interaction before Tasha clapped her hands together and looked at all of us.
"Come on, let's go upstairs and have ourselves a nice, big celebration dinner" Tasha smiled.
"Yes please, I'm hungry" Nick sighed in relief.
Bree giggled and shook her head at him, leaning up and pecking him softly on the lips.
We the heard footsteps again and turned around, only to see Perry walking in.
Great, that's just great.
"Sounds good, as long as you're not cooking" Perry said as she walked over to us.
Tasha glared at her and placed one hand on her hip.
"Perry, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be supervising the academy" Dad said, giving her an annoyed look.
"I got bored. Now that the students don't have bionics, they're just a bunch of lame-os" Perry sighed.
We all just shook our heads at her, already used to her attitude.
She then sighed and shook her head as she gave us a slightly sad look.
"Actually, the real reason I'm here is that I heard what happened to you guys, and I'm just happy you're okay" Perry said as she gave all of us small smiles.
We all looked at her in surprise, not expecting her to say something like that. But we were also giving her grateful looks.
You know, as annoying and mean as she is, maybe she really does care about us.
Of course, in her own special way.
Dad raised an eyebrow at her while Tasha stopped glaring at her and hummed.
"I can't believe it. You do have a heart" Tasha said with a small smile.
Me and the others nodded, our small smiles still on our faces.
But Perry glared at her and scoffed.
"Simmer down, Holly Homemaker. I was talking to them. You and I, still on the outs" Perry said, rolling her eyes.
Tasha's small smile went away and she went back to glaring at her.
Dad sighed and waved his hands around, not wanting a fight to break out between those two.
"Okay, everybody, let's go upstairs and make your mother feel better about herself by eating her food" Dad said.
The others laughed while Tasha glared at him.
I sighed and shook my head at him, but let out a small giggle.
Just as me and the others were walking to make our way out the lab and head upstairs, a hand grabbed my wrist, stopping me.
I turned around and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when I saw that it was Chase.
"Wait, before we all head up to eat, there's something that I need to tell Luna. Something important" Chase said.
I gave him a confused look and turned to the others. They all looked confused too.
But when I turned to dad, I saw that he was smiling and nodding at Chase.
What's going on? Why's dad smiling?
Dad motioned for the others to step back, to give me and Chase some room.
They stood across from us, on the other side of the lab, while me and Chase stood in the middle of the lab.
It was silent for a few seconds before I decided to break it.
"Bubba, what's going on?" I asked, getting a bit worried.
Chase smiled softly at me and grabbed my hands.
"Sweetheart, I have something important to tell you. And I need you to pay full attention to what I'm about to say. Ok?" Chase softly asked.
Although I was still very nervous about what was going on, I decided to just go along with it.
So I softly smiled at him and nodded.
He closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths before reopening them.
"Luna, when we first me, when we first locked eyes with each other, I knew that there was something special about you. You took my breath away. No matter what, you were always on my mind. It was always you on my mind, nobody else but you. On our first date, I was really worried that you were going to reject me when I asked you to be my girlfriend. But to my relief, you didn't. You developed feelings for me just as I did for you. So when you said yes to becoming my girlfriend, I knew right then and there that we were going to love each other no matter what" Chase softly smiled.
This made me softly smile at him back and I felt my eyes beginning to water.
"If you think about it, everything started here. In the lab. If you and Leo had never discovered the lab that day, I don't think we would be where we are right now. And thank the lords that that never happened. Because I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else that isn't you. Nobody could ever replace you. Because you're the only girl I love. The girl I'll never stop loving" Chase softly said.
My eyes began watering more and I felt small tears streaming down my cheeks.
I glanced at the others to see the guys smiling softly at us. While the girls, even Perry, were close to crying any second.
I let out a small bark of laughter before turning back to Chase.
"Luna, the time we spent together made me realize something. It made me realize that you're always going to be the one for me. I don't want to be with anyone else but you. At the end of the day, it's always going to be you that I chose. You're always going to be my number one. Not my number two or three. My number one" Chase softly smiled.
Tears streamed down my face as a smile made it's way onto my face.
I was biting my lip to stop myself from sobbing, since I want to see where he's going with this.
He closed his eyes and he slowly, slowly, let go of my hands.
Then to my shock, along with everyone else, he slowly got down on one knee and took out a black box from his pocket.
I gasped in realization and covered my mouth with my hands, more tears streaming down my face.
The others gasped in shock and I turned around to look at their reactions.
The guys, minus dad, were staring at Chase with wide eyes and jaws dropped.
While the girls, even Perry, were smiling and biting their lips, most likely to contain their squeals.
I giggled and turned around to look down at Chase.
"Sweetheart, four years together just isn't enough. I want to be together with you forever" Chase softly smiled.
I let out small sobs as more tears streamed down my face.
Chase took one last deep breath before opening the box, revealing a very beautiful ring.
As more tears streamed down my face, I allowed myself to release more sobs.
I was feeling so many things right now that I don't even care if I look like a complete mess because of my crying.
I looked down at Chase, only to see that small tears were streaming down his cheeks too.
"Luna Walker. Will you do me the honors in becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" Chase softly asked.
I let out a huge gasping sob before nodding my head.
"Yes! Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" I yelled.
As soon as I said my answer he wasted no time in getting up and pulling me into a passionate kiss.
I wrapped my arm around his neck and wrapped the other arm around his waist as I kissed him back with the same amount of passion.
We broke apart when we heard the others cheering and clapping for us, clearly happy just like we were.
Me and Chase pulled away from the kiss and smiled at each other, our foreheads pressed against each other.
Chase pulled away and took the ring from out of the box and gently slid it onto my finger.
I smiled at how beautiful it was before looking up at Chase as I cupped the sides of his face with my hands.
"It's beautiful. I love it" I smiled.
"Not as beautiful as you, my lovely fiance" Chase smiled.
My heart started beating faster when Chase called me his 'fiance' as a huge smile appeared on my face.
I was about to pull him into another kiss when the others ran towards us and engulfed us in a tight hug.
Me and Chase groaned slightly before laughing as we hugged them back.
We pulled away from the hug as the boys dragged Chase over to the other side while me and the girls remained where we were.
"Let me see, let me see" Alexis squealed.
I giggled as I showed her my ring as she began scanning it up and down.
"Oh my gosh, I freaking love it" Alexis grinned.
I laughed at that as Bree, Tasha and Perry looked at my ring. All of them let out squeals at the sight of it.
"Oh sweetie, I'm so happy for you two" Tasha smiled as she pulled me into a tight hug.
I smiled and hugged her back before we pulled away.
"Congrats Walker, I always knew you and shorty would get engaged soon" Perry smiled as she patted my back.
I smiled at her and nodded and gently patted her head.
Alexis and Bree both wrapped their arms around my shoulders.
"Congrats sis. I always knew you two were bound to get engaged. Just didn't expect we'd have to wait this long" Alexis said, scoffing slightly at the end.
I chuckled at that but nodded because I had to admit it was true.
"Now we're both engaged, sis" Bree smiled, showing me her engagement ring.
"Only difference is we know who's getting married first" I chuckled.
Bree fondly rolled her eyes at me before kissing my cheek, making me blush but smile.
Soon the boys walked over to us with smiles on their faces.
Adam, Leo and Nick were the first ones to hug me. I chuckled at them and hugged them back before we pulled away.
"Congrats Luna" Adam smiled as he ruffled my hair.
"It's about damn time you two are engaged" Nick scoffed but the smile remained on his face.
I fondly rolled my eyes at him and smacked him upside the head, causing both of us to laugh.
Leo gave me a side hug and placed a brotherly kiss to my cheek.
"Congrats sis, I'm happy for both you and Chase" Leo smiled.
"Thanks, dooley. That means alot" I smiled.
Leo nodded before Daniel and Douglas took his place as they both hugged me.
I giggled and hugged both of them before we pulled away.
"Congrats Luna, always knew the day would come for the both of you" Douglas smiled.
"Thanks, Douglas" I smiled at him.
He nodded as him and Daniel pulled away from the hug and walked over to the guys.
"Oh pumpkin, I'm so happy for you" Dad smiled as he pulled me into a hug.
I smiled and buried my face into his chest, hugging him back tightly.
"Thanks dad" I smiled.
We remained that way for a few seconds before we pulled away.
I chuckled when I saw a few tears streaming down dad's face but he quickly wiped them away. He looked down at me and I saw nothing but admiration and proudness in his eyes.
"I'm so happy for you, pumpkin. My little girl is a fully grown woman who's now engaged to the love of her life. I'm so proud of you" Dad softly smiled.
Tears streamed down my cheeks as my lips trembled.
I let out a loud sob and hugged dad once again, burying my face into his chest.
Dad let out a small chuckle as he hugged me back tightly, burying his face in my hair as he rubbed my back up and down.
"Your mother would've been so proud of how far you've come" Dad whispered.
This made me cry and sob harder as I hugged him tightly. Those words made my heart break in sadness but happiness.
A few minutes passed and I stopped crying. Me and dad pulled away from the hug as he kissed my forehead.
Chase walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. I giggled and placed my hands on top of his.
"Congrats you two, I'm really happy for you guys" Dad smiled.
"Thank you, Mr. Davenport. And thank you for helping me with picking the ring" Chase smiled.
I turned to dad, looking at him in shock.
"You knew?" I asked and he nodded.
"Of course, Chase came to me for my blessing. Of course after an hour of interrogating him, I agreed. I took him to your favorite jewelry store to help him with the ring. I had to make sure he picked the perfect one" Dad explained.
I nodded my head at that before turning my head around to look at Chase.
He smiled at me and I smiled at him as we kissed each other before pulling away.
"I love you" Chase smiled.
"I love you too" I smiled back.
The others walked over to us as Tasha clapped her hands together.
"Come on everyone. Let's head upstairs and celebrate the engagement of our favorite couple!" Tasha yelled in excitement.
This made everyone cheer in agreement as well as excitement.
Me and Chase threw our heads back and burst out laughing before we nodded.
The others quickly ran out of the lab to head upstairs.
Me and Chase looked at each other and smiled before holding onto each others hands and running out of the lab ourselves to catch up to the others.
I can't believe it. I'm engaged. I'm engaged to the love of my life.
4 years. We've been together for 4 years. We've gone through lots of crazy adventure and drama along the way. We nearly lost each other but no matter what we always found our way back to each other.
And now, we're finally ready to be together forever and start a future together. Something that we've both wanted for a while.
Mom...I really hope you're watching from above.
If you are...then I just want to say thank you.
Thank you for giving me up to protect me. Thank you for giving me the chance to have such an amazing and loving family.
If you hadn't, I don't think I would be where I am right now. So, really, thank you.
You may not be here right now to hear these words from me in person, but I really hope you're watching me right now because I've been wanting to say these words to you for a while now.
I love you, mom.
You all have waited for so long for those two to get engaged. And there was no way I was going to end this book without making your wish come true.
So, there you have it, everyone's favorite couple is finally engaged. They're no longer boyfriend and girlfriend. They're each others fiance's.
As sad as I am to say this, this book has officially come to an end.
I'm crying, really, I am. It feels like I just started this book yesterday. It feels like yesterday I was making the first few chapters. Yet here I am, ending the last chapter of this book. It feels unreal.
I really hope you guys loved reading this book and enjoyed Luna's journey.
If you have any questions, especially towards a sequel, you'll have to wait for another chapter that will be regarding the sequel.
It will actually be posted in a few hours, once I've stopped crying.
But for now, I would love to say thank you once again for joining me on this journey and for reading my book.
Thank you and see you later!
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