Chapter One Hundred & Fifteen: Space Colony: Part Two
Luna's Pov
Oh you've gotta be fucking shitting me right now.
Victor Krane is alive.
The freaking maniac that has tried killing Adam, Bree and Chase multiple times.
My bastard of a sperm donor that tried to turn me into a soldier when I was just a baby.
The bastard that killed my mother and the creator of Alexis and Nick, along with my other half siblings.
He's fucking alive when he should be dead.
Adam, Bree and Chase blasted him miles into the damn sky.
How the hell did he survive something like that?
Dad was full on glaring at Krane while standing in front of us, more specifically me.
"I knew you'd show up sooner or later" Krane said.
"Where's my wife? What have you done with the colonists?" Dad asked.
"In due time. But for now, what do you say we focus on our little reunion?" Krane asked.
We all glared at him in nothing but complete anger and rage and we got into our fighting stances.
Then Perry stepped forward and looked at us.
"Just for the sake of asking, if we were to sacrifice Tasha--" Perry started but Leo cut her off.
"Get over here!" Leo yelled, him and Chase shoving her back towards our side.
I glared at her in annoyance before turning to Krane.
"Adam, Bree and Chase blasted you miles in the sky. How are you even alive?" I asked.
"And what are the odds he'd land here?" Adam asked.
We all gave him annoyed looks while Alexis touched his arm and shook her head.
Krane then tried talking but we could barely understand what he was saying through that mask of his.
We all looked at each other before looking at him weirdly.
"What?" Chase asked.
Krane glared at us and once again tried talking, but once again we couldn't understand what he was saying.
"Still not gettin' it. Sounds like something's jammed in your air duct" Adam said.
Krane groaned in annoyance before smacking his mask as hard as he could.
"Better?" Krane asked, and this time we could understand what he was saying.
All of us nod and talk over each other, saying that we agree.
Then we got back into our fighting positions and glared at him as he glared back at us.
"When I fell back to Earth, I sustained severe injuries. This face plate helps me breathe" Krane said.
Dad scoffed and grinned just a little.
"Well, I think I speak for all of us when I say it's an upgrade, because that chain of paper clips you had hangin' off your face was not working" Dad said.
We all snorted and nodded.
But then Krane used his bionics and started choking dad.
Dad struggled to breath before Krane released him, throwing him to the ground.
"Dad!" I yelled.
Me and Bree quickly helped him up and walked him back over to us.
"Okay. Still got that old trick" Dad said in annoyance, rubbing his neck up and down.
"And a few new ones, too" Krane said, and even though we couldn't see his entire face we could tell he was smirking.
We all glared at him, clearly angry beyond everything.
My glare being more deadly then the others as my fists were clenched at my sides.
Krane looked around before he spotted Alexis and Nick.
"Ah, S-13 and S-15. Very nice to see you two again" Krane said, not taking his eyes off of my siblings.
Me, Adam and Bree growled and stood protectively in front of them.
If he so much as lays a finger on my siblings he's got another thing coming.
"So you're the bastard that used to control me, my sister and the rest of our siblings" Nick growled.
"I would say it's nice to meet you, but I know better than to lie" Alexis growled.
Krane glared at her while me and the others smirked.
That's my sister.
"How did you get up here?" Leo asked.
"I used a cyber cloak, pretended I was a colonist. Remember Roberta from Kentucky?" Krane asked, looking at dad.
Dad's eyes widened and he nodded in realization.
"It all makes sense now. The satellite, the hole in the dome. It was you" Dad said.
"When I heard you were creating a space colony in another galaxy, I realized this was my perfect opportunity" Krane said.
"To become a middle-aged Southern woman?" Adam asked.
We all gave him exasperated looks and Alexis smacked him upside the head.
"To create a new base camp for my bionic army, far away from any meddling humans" Krane said.
Bree scoffed and walked over to us with Nick following behind her.
"Well, you don't have a bionic army anymore. They work for us now" Bree said.
"Yeah, my siblings wouldn't go back to you. I would never go back to you" Alexis growled, clinging onto Adam's arms.
"I would never betray my friends. My family. Or my fiance" Nick growled, wrapping an arm around Bree's waist.
Bree smiled when Nick said 'fiance' and it nearly made me coo at them.
"I have a new army. Your colonists. They're about to be implanted with bionics" Krane said.
Me and dad looked at each other before looking back at him.
"Which brings me to Dr. Gao" Krane said.
We turned around, only to see a man wearing all black walking towards us.
This Dr. Gao walked over towards and stood on the other side from where we are.
"Dr. Gao is a scientist who's come up with a new way of creating bionic humans. Liquid injection" Krane said.
Our eyes widened in fear and we looked at each other in worry.
"We will never let you put bionics in those innocent people" Dad growled and I nodded.
"You won't have a choice" Krane said.
He then took out a device and we all instantly recognized it as the triton app device.
It was the same one that he used on Mr. President.
"Look familiar? With the Triton App device, I can make you do anything I want" Krane said.
Chase scoffed and smirked.
"Nice try, but the Triton App won't work on us. Mr. Davenport put a block in our chips" Chase said.
The others smirked and nodded.
Dad smirked, making me smirk back as we both fist-bumped each other.
"You may have a block, but your father and your girlfriend don't" Krane said.
Our smirks disappeared and before I could even react dad immediately pushed me behind him, shielding me with his body, as Krane brought the device up to his head.
"No!" Chase yelled.
"Chase!" me and dad yelled.
Chase jumps in front of us but then Krane electrocutes him with his bionics, causing Chase to cry out in pain.
Krane finally stops and Chase drops to the ground, groaning in pain.
Me and the others quickly crouch down to check on him.
But when I turned around and my eyes widened in horror when I saw Krane using the triton app device on dad.
"NO!" I shouted.
But it was too late.
Dad's eyes turned green and his face became blank and he stood up.
I gasped in shock and horror as me and the others looked at Krane.
"Who's your daddy now?" Krane asked, laughing evilly.
Adam, Alexis, Bree, Leo and Nick grabbed dad and tried getting him to snap out of it by waving in his face or shaking him.
I crouched down next to Chase and placed a gentle hand to his shoulder.
"Bubba, are you ok?" I asked.
"I'm alright sweetheart, I'm alright" Chase said.
"Big D!" Leo yelled as him and the others were still shaking him or waving in his face.
"It's too late. He's already under Krane's control" Chase said.
I sighed and nodded and helped Chase off the ground.
"Please, whatever you do. Don't turn me into a bionic soldier!" Perry yelled.
She then moved closer to him and leaned more into him.
"Just puttin' on a little show for the kids. I'm all yours" Perry said, trying to be quiet or whisper it, but failed miserably.
Chase had to hold me back from sending a blast wave at her.
"Pass" Krane scoffed.
Perry frowned and walked over to us.
"Gao, come and get the newest member of my army" Krane said.
"Gladly" Dr. Gao said as he walked closer towards us.
We all quickly got into fighting stances, making sure that dad was near us at all times.
"Don't even think about it" Nick growled.
He shot his heat vision at him, but to our shock and horror Dr. Gao was able to catch it and started absorbing it in a way.
He smirked at us and started laughing before shooting at us.
We all stumbled back and Dr. Gao took that opportunity to run and grab dad.
"NO!" I shouted and ran towards him to get dad back.
But to my shock and the others, Dr. Gao geo-leaped himself and dad away.
I stumbled and nearly fell but Alexis and Bree grabbed my arms and pulled me back, stopping me from falling.
"Wait, he can geo-leap?" Leo asked, turning to Krane.
"After I fell back to Earth, Dr. Gao was the only person who could fix me. Since he's a scientist, I paid him back with my most precious resource, the same bionic secrets Douglas gave me" Krane explained.
I growled and clenched my fists at my sides.
"You son of a bitch!" I yelled.
I geo-leaped in front of him and punched him square in the face.
He stumbled back and groaned in pain.
I went to punch him again but he quickly grabbed my fist and glared at me.
"Nice try, that's not gonna work" Krane growled.
I made to punch him with my other hand but he quickly grabbed it, turned me around and twisted my arms.
I cried out in pain, causing the others to glare at him and move a bit forward.
Krane growled once more before shoving me away, making me yell out since I still felt some pain in my arms.
Chase quickly lunged forward and caught me, stopping me from falling to the ground.
He held onto me tightly and pulled me away from Krane.
"Sweetheart, are you ok?" Chase asked, scanning me up and down.
I was panting heavily, wincing in pain that I felt in my arms before looking up at him and nodding.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I nodded.
Chase sighed in relief and gently pecked me on the lips before helping me stand up.
He kept his arm wrapped around my waist, keeping me close as the others walked over to us.
Soon Dr. Gao geo-leaps back in with a large metal bucket.
"And with those secrets, I was able to apply my own science to create this" Dr Gao said.
He opened the top of the bucket and pulls out cylinders that has some green liquid inside.
"Liquid bionics. Once this bionic fluid enters the human bloodstream, the compounds begin to solidify, forming a bionic infrastructure that communicates with the muscles and the brain, creating one incredibly powerful bionic human" Dr. Gao explained.
Our eyes widened in horror as he smirked at us and put the top back on and walked in front of the bucket.
"Why are you helping a madman?" Alexis asked.
"Who's to say I'm not madder than he is?" Dr. Gao asked, smirking and laughing evilly at the end.
Krane started laughing with him before he stopped and nodded at us.
"Destroy them" Krane said.
Dr. Gao glared at us and started conjuring up some yellow electricity.
He was going to shoot it at us but Adam quickly grabbed the us and pulled us away.
But Dr. Gao managed to shoot Chase with it, throwing him to the ground with a loud thud.
Adam glared at him and tried attacking them but Krane used his bionics on him too and threw him to the ground.
He landed on the ground next to Chase with a loud thud.
Me, Alexis and Bree looked at each other before nodding.
We superspeeded towards them as Alexis and Bree punched Dr. Gao and sent him to the ground.
While I spun myself around and kicked Krane straight in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.
Me and the others quickly helped Adam and Chase off the ground and made a run for it.
We had to get somewhere where we could hide and think of a plan to get rid of Krane and his stupid partner.
In The Command Center
Me and the others quickly ran inside the command center, Perry following in shortly after.
"Ah. Is it just me or does Krane have a really bad case of the Terry Perry's?" Perry asked, walking over to me, Alexis and Bree.
We all gave her looks of disbelief.
"What are you talking about? The man tried to kill you" Bree said and I nodded.
"That's right, a crime of passion" Perry smiled.
We all either glared at her or shook our heads, already done with her bullshit.
"Guys, we have got to do something before they inject Mr. Davenport and Tasha and turn them into bionic soldiers" Chase said.
"Yeah. Although, it would be kind of cool to see Tasha with bionics" Adam shrugged.
"Are you kidding me right now?" I asked, glaring at him.
He shrugged before gasping.
"Ooh, she could be the world's first flying news reporter. She could interview birds" Adam smiled.
We all either gave him blank looks or rolled our eyes at him.
"I know this a tall order, but can you please think before you speak?" Chase asked, barely holding in his annoyance.
"Thought you weren't talking to me" Adam said.
"I'm not" Chase scoffed.
"Yeah, you just did" Alexis said, wrapping her arm around Adam's waist.
"No. No, I didn't" Chase said, shaking his head.
"Yeah, you did" Bree nodded and Nick nodded with her too.
"No, I talked at him. There's a difference" Chase said.
"Mm, not really" Adam said.
"Gotta agree with him bubba" I nodded.
"Can we please just get back to Mr. Davenport and Tasha?!" Chase yelled in annoyance and frustration.
We all rolled our eyes at him before sighing, trying to come up with plans.
But honestly none of us knew what to do.
And that's weird and shocking.
"You know, Don and Tasha have given us some really good memories. Maybe we should just treasure them and move on" Perry said.
I stared at her in disbelief and glared at her.
"That's my father you're talking about and my mother figure, we're not leaving them behind!" I angrily yelled at her.
"Now who gets their stuff?" Perry asked, raising her hand.
I tried lunging at her but Bree and Alexis grabbed my arms and pulled me back.
"Wait a minute, where's Leo?" Nick asked.
I stopped before looking around, only to realize that Leo wasn't here.
Where the hell is he?
"You know, Leo has given us some really good memories" Perry said.
"Stop talking!" Alexis yelled.
"Wait, where is Leo?" Adam asked.
The others started looking around and only now realized that Leo wasn't here with us.
"Leo was busy" we heard Leo say.
We turned around but we still didn't see him, we only heard him.
But then we heard footsteps approaching and turned around.
Our eyes widened in shock when we saw him walking in while carrying a giant ass weapon in his hands.
"Coming up with his own plan" Leo smirked, holding the weapon up in the air.
We all looked at each other before looking back at him with huge smiles.
"Nice! That's exactly the firepower we need" Chase said and we all nodded.
"Where'd you get it from?" Nick asked.
"Ah, packed it on the spacecraft" Leo smiled.
He moved the weapon around, causing all of us to yell in fear and take a few steps away from him, worried that he might've hit us with it since it was freaking huge.
Nick was hugging Bree close to him while I pushed Alexis behind me.
"Did you really think I'd fly out here empty-handed? I've seen enough space movies to know that the fourth banana gets it right out of the gate" Leo scoffed.
Me, Alexis, Bree, Nick and Perry looked at each other before shrugging and nodding.
"Yeah" Alexis said.
"That's the dooley I know and love" I smirked, shaking my head at him.
Leo rolled his eyes at me but chuckled and nodded.
A Few Minutes Later
After a while of walking, trying to find Krane and Dr. Gao we finally found them.
And to our relief we found Dad, Tasha and all the other colonists.
We all stood a few feet across from them, standing together with Leo pointing his weapon at them.
Me and Chase stood next to each other, holding hands.
Adam and Alexis stood next to each other, Adam's arm wrapped around her waist while Alexis had on hand on her hip.
Nick and Bree stood next to each other, Bree's arm wrapped around Nick's waist.
"Not so fast, chin strap" Leo said.
Krane and Dr. Gao turn around to look at us and we all smirked.
"Ha! Didn't think we'd find you, did you?" Nick asked.
"The entire colony is one square mile" Krane deadpanned.
"Yeah, well, we walked that mile. and we found you" Adam said, pulling Alexis closer to his side while she sighed but nodded.
Dr. Gao then started laughing as he smirked at us.
"You really think that toy is going to do anything to the two most powerful beings in the universe?" Dr. Gao asked.
We all glanced at each other before looking back at them and shrugging.
"We're about to find out" Alexis said.
"Now!" me and Chase yelled.
Leo quickly shot at them, but Dr. Gao geo-leaped away, leaving Krane alone.
Leo accidentally stumbled and missed Krane, fortunately he managed to shoot at one of the buckets that had the green liquids.
Soon the entire bucket bursted into flames.
"NOOOOO!!" Krane shouted.
"Leo, keep shooting!" I yelled while Nick smacked his arm and motioned to the other buckets.
Leo nodded and immediately started shooting at the rest.
Soon after that all of them bursted into flames, the fire burning them and getting rid of them for good.
"You imbecile! What are you doing?!" Krane yelled, turning to glare at Leo.
"Bree, now!" Chase yelled.
Bree superspeeds towards Krane and removes his mask before throwing it to Alexis.
She quickly crushes it before throwing it farther away from here.
Krane starts screaming before falling to the ground and starts gasping for air.
"Let's finish this, Leo!" Nick yelled and Leo nodded.
He pointed the weapon at the top and shoots the dome. The top of the dome explodes and triggers the alarm.
"That should do it" Leo nodded, him and Nick smirking at each other before fist-bumping.
"Come on, we have to get out of here" I said.
"What about Gao?" Adam asked.
"We don't have time. The entire dome is about to collapse. We have to get everyone to the spacecraft fast" Chase said.
"Oh, so now you're talkin' to me again" Adam scoffed.
"Just go!" Chase yelled at him in anger and frustration.
Adam sighed and nodded before him, Bree and Leo started gathering the colonists and leading them out.
Chase followed behind them while Nick and Alexis grabbed a few colonists and geo-leaped them out.
I turned to Krane to see him gasping for air but by the looks of it he was nearly running out of oxygen.
I quickly ran over to him and crouched down and took out my pocket knife.
I stared into his eyes, glared angrily at him before plunging the knife into his neck.
His eyes widened and he took in one gasp of air before he went limp.
My glare went away as I stared at his unmoving body with a blank face.
"That was for my mother" I growled.
I took the knife out of him and quickly ran over to the last of the colonists and geo-leaped them out.
In The Spacecraft
We all quickly and safely made it back onto the spacecraft.
We kept the colonists, dad and Tasha locked up in the back for safety and would get them out once we get back home.
"All right, the colonists are locked up in the back with Davenport and Tasha" Bree said.
"Great. Once we get back to Earth, we can deactivate their Triton Apps" Chase said.
"Do we have to? I think Mr. Davenport looks kinda nice with green eyes" Adam said, making Alexis smack his arm.
The spacecraft started moving and we all nearly fell but managed to keep our balance.
"The dome's about to come down. We need to get out of here" Leo said and we all nodded.
"Saddle up, skin boards. This filly's locked and loaded. and rarin' to jam out of the space rock stable" Perry said.
Me and the others nodded and went up to the front to sit down while Leo remained in the back.
I sat on Chase's lap, Alexis sat on Adam's lap while Nick sat on the chair and Bree sat on his lap.
"That one's for you, Buck" Perry smiled, pointing upwards.
Perry quickly took off and we looked to see the dome collapsing just as we got out of there.
"Wow, looks like we made it out of there just in time" Bree sighed, leaning into Nick.
"Yeah" I nodded, wrapping my arms around Chase's waist.
"Okay, I don't know about you guys, but all this space stuff has me worn out. I'm gonna take a nice, little inter-galactic nap" Leo smiled.
We all chuckled lightly at that and nodded as he went to go sit in the back.
"Chase, just hurry up and get us home" Alexis said, wanting nothing more than to head back to earth.
After everything that happened, we all want nothing more than to return home.
"Alright, I'll plot a course. I think we can take a shortcut through the Andromeda galaxy" Chase said.
We all nodded at that as Chase began to type a few things.
"Should be smooth sailing from here" Chase said and Perry nodded.
I sighed and buried my face into Chase's neck, feeling tired. Chase chuckled and kissed my head before wrapping his arms around me.
A Few Minutes Later
A few minutes had passed and we were still on the spacecraft trying to get home.
I wanted nothing more than to get back to the academy, see my siblings and give them all tight hugs.
"Worst vacation ever" Bree scoffed.
"Tell me about it. Davenport owes us big time" Nick said, kissing the back of her neck.
"Tell me about it. What do you say tomorrow, we hit the day spa and get our armpits waxed? It'll be a nice change from goin' to the barber shop" Perry suggested.
She lifted her arm up as me, Adam, Alexis, Bree and Nick gag in disgust.
Chase chuckled and rubbed my back, making me relax just a bit.
I turned around, only for my eyes to widen slightly when I saw Leo standing up.
The only thing was his eyes were freaking green. Green!
"Hey, Leo looks nice with green eyes, too" Adam smiled.
Chase turned around and when he saw Leo his eyes widened as well.
"That's the Triton App" Chase said in realization.
My eyes wandered over to his bionic arm and I saw him conjuring up his laser sphere.
"Why is he aiming at us?" Alexis asked.
"Watch out!" I yelled.
We all jumped out of our seats and ran over to the other side as Leo threw his laser sphere towards the console.
I tried stepping in to do something but Chase immediately pushed me behind him.
"Get behind me" Chase sternly said.
The others quickly got behind him as I held onto his arm when he activated his forcefield.
Leo tried shooting at us again but his laser sphere bounced off.
"For a guy who throws like my grandma, he's got really good aim!" Perry yelled, impressed.
"When I put my force field down, you use your superspeed to take him out. Then you subdue him" Chase said, looking at Bree and Adam.
"Got it" Bree nodded.
"No problem" Adam nodded.
"Be careful. We don't wanna hurt him" I said.
"Speak for yourself!" Perry yelled, making me hit her arm.
"Go!" Chase yelled.
Chase quickly put his forcefield down Bree immediately superspeeded towards Leo and knocked him to the ground.
When he was down Adam ran towards him to subdue him, Nick following to help him.
We all sighed in relief as we walked towards him.
"Nice work, everybody" I said and Chase nodded.
"Indeed" a familiar voice from nearby said.
We all turned around, only for our eyes to widen when we saw that it was Dr. Gao, and he was holding a weapon in his hand.
"Very impressive" Dr. Gao said, walking into the room.
"Aw, thanks, Dr. Gao" Adam smiled.
But then he gasped when he realized who it was.
"Dr. Gao!" Adam yelled.
"Did you really think I would just run away and let you go home? " Dr. Gao asked.
Adam let go of Leo as Alexis went to subdue him.
Adam and Nick tried lunging towards Dr. Gao, but Bree quickly held them back when we saw Dr. Gao aim his weapon at them.
"I'm just getting started. Capturing your little space colony was just a small piece of our much-greater plan. To begin again" Dr. Gao said.
"What do you mean, begin again?" I asked.
"Wiping out all human existence on Earth, and repopulating it with a better, stronger, bionic civilization" Dr. Gao said.
We all glanced at each other nervously before looking back at Dr. Gao, wanting to hear more.
"Once I launch my Doomsday missile, it will start a nuclear winter, taking out all life. Then, I will inject your colonists with what remains of my bionic liquid, and my new race of super humans will thrive" Dr. Gao explained, taking out a needle.
"Not it we stop you first" Nick angrily spat.
Dr. Gao pressed a button on his watch before smirking at us.
"Too late. I just launched the rocket. In minutes, the human race will be a distant memory, and there's nothing you pathetic little bionic heroes can do about it" Dr. Gao explained.
We all looked at each other in worry as Alexis helped Leo off the ground.
"Well, let's wrap this up, shall we? I got colonists to inject, and a bionic army to assemble. The workday grind just never ends" Dr. Gao smirked.
We rolled our eyes at him before Adam quickly shot his heat vision at Dr. Gao.
Dr. Gao jumped and dropped his weapon, giving us an advantage.
"Get him!" Adam yelled.
"Yeah, get him!" Perry yelled.
We all tried lunging for him but Dr. Gao used his forcefield and backflipped away from us, heading over to the other side.
"Whoa!" Adam gasped.
"Destroy them!" Dr. Gao yelled, looking at Leo.
"Yeah, destroy them!" Perry yelled, walking towards Dr. Gao.
"Really? Who's freaking side are you on?" I asked, frustrated.
"What? I'm trying to end up on the winning side" Perry defended.
We rolled our eyes before ducking when Leo shot his laser sphere at us.
We ran over to the other side of the room and hid behind the chair as Leo continued firing at us.
"What now?" Nick asked.
"Gao's controlling him" Alexis said, holding onto Adam's arm.
This made me frown before an idea came into my head as my eyes widened in realization.
"Wait, I have an idea" I said.
I kissed Chase on the cheek before getting out from behind the chair as I looked at Leo.
"Hey, dooley, catch me!" I yelled.
Leo looked towards me and aimed his laser sphere at me but I geo-leaped to the other side of the room.
"If you" I said.
Leo turned around and tried aiming at me again but I once again geo-leaped to the other side of the room.
I stood in front of Dr. Gao as he looked down at me with confused eyes.
"Can" I smirked.
Leo aimed his laser sphere at me and I quickly ducked down.
Fortunately, Dr. Gao got hit instead and fell to the ground and lost consciousness.
I stood up and smirked down at him before geo-leaping back to the others.
They all got out from hiding and smiled at me, high-fiving me or in Chase's case, kissing my cheek.
"Nice work, team. I never doubted you for a minute" Perry smiled.
We glared at her before shaking our heads and rolling our eyes.
"Lock him up in the back, and take Leo with you. Now that Gao's out of it, he's not controlling him anymore" Chase said.
"Got it" Perry nodded.
She walked over to Leo and looked at him before looking at us.
"I haven't seen him look this dazed since he walked in on my yoga class" Perry chuckled.
We looked at her weirdly before she used the triton app device on him.
"Come with me, dooley" Perry said.
Leo followed behind her as they both grabbed Dr. Gao and carried him away.
We all remained where we were and walked to the controls to get the hell out of here and head back home.
But then all of a sudden the spacecraft jolted forward, causing all of us to stumble as the alarms went off.
"What was that?" Alexis asked, worried.
"Something hit us" Chase said.
We looked up front and our eyes widened when we saw an escape pod outside.
What was even worse was the fact that it was Krane. Freaking Krane!
"It's Krane. He's got one of the colony's space pods!" Bree yelled.
"Ok, I'm not a fan, but this guy really commits" Nick said and Adam nodded.
"How the hell is he alive? I fucking stabbed him in the neck!" I yelled, confused and angry.
"It's Krane. That asshole has nine lives" Alexis scoffed.
He shoots at the spacecraft again and we all stumble, trying to keep our balance.
"Man your stations" Chase said.
"Oh, now I get a seat up front" Adam scoffed.
"Adam! Just sit down!" I angrily yelled, hitting his arm.
We all quickly sat down but Nick and Alexis remained standing.
"Alright, let's do this. Loading missiles" Chase said and we all nodded.
We all began typing on the console as we tried loading the missiles, but we were too late.
Krane shot at us again and the spacecraft moved around, causing all of us to jolt forward.
Alexis nearly fell on the ground if it weren't for Nick holding her up.
"He just blew up the weapons bank! We can't defend ourselves!" I yelled.
"No, we still have the missile that I just loaded. Prepare to launch" Chase said.
"Activating homing system" me and Bree said.
"Target is locked. Prepare to fire in three, two-" Adam started but was cut off.
Krane shot at us again and we jolted forward, this time Nick had to hold himself and Alexis up from falling.
"He just took out the homing system. The computer can't aim the missile without it" Bree said, worried.
"Then I'm just gonna have to do it myself" Chase said.
He quickly stood up and looked forward, pressing his fingers against his temple as he began to scan Krane's pod.
"Tracking" Chase said.
We all looked up at him nervously.
Nick walked towards Bree and grabbed her hand. Bree held onto his hand tightly, gently playing with her engagement ring.
Alexis walked over to Adam and wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her chin on his shoulder.
"Tracking" Chase said.
"Come on, bubba" I whispered.
"Now!" Chase yelled.
He quickly slammed his fist onto the console and launches the missile.
We all looked forward and our eyes widened when we saw the missile aiming towards Krane's pod.
Before we knew it, the pod exploded, taking everything as well as Krane out.
"Yes!" Chase yelled, a smile forming on his face.
"You did it!" Bree yelled.
"Bubba, you did it! He's gone! He's finally gone!" I yelled.
I shot up from my seat and hugged Chase as tightly as I could. Chase chuckled before hugging me back.
Krane was gone. Krane was finally gone.
And this time it was for good.
I hope that bastard rots in hell, where he deserves to be.
Me and Chase pulled away from the hug as everyone us congratulated him.
"Nice job, bro" Adam smiled as he held out his hand for him to fist-bump.
Chase stared at him for a few seconds before nodding and reluctantly fist-bumping him back.
"Thanks" Chase said.
Me and Alexis smiled at them, maybe Chase is slowly ready to forgive him.
We turned around and saw Perry walking back into the room.
"Hey, what's with all the commotion? Did the big one push another button?" Perry asked.
We rolled our eyes at her and shook her head before she let out a sigh.
"So where do you want me to fly this thing? You know, now that the Earth is gonna be uninhabitable" Perry asked, looking sad.
We looked at her in confusion before realizing what she meant as our eyes widened.
"Gao's rocket!" Alexis yelled.
Chase typed something on the console and the screen shows us the rocket.
Holy crap. It's gonna hit earth in 4 minutes. 4 freaking minutes.
"It's gonna hit Earth in four minutes, and we don't have anything to intercept it! We can't stop it!" Nick yelled.
"I can if I use Mr. Davenport's high-velocity escape suit" Chase said.
"Chase, that's too risky. Your body could never withstand the force. You'll be ripped to shreds" I explained.
Chase frowned at that and bit his lip.
I think for the first time in his life, he doesn't have a plan. He doesn't know what to do either.
None of us knew what to do.
"I'll do it" Adam said, speaking up.
We all looked at him with wide eyes in shock and confusion.
"What?" Chase and Alexis asked.
"Adam, did you not hear what Luna said? You could die" Bree said.
"My super strength will give me a better chance of survival and I think one casualty versus an entire planet is worth the risk" Adam explained.
"Adam-" Chase started but Adam cut him off.
"Let me do this, Chase. You were right. I need to grow up. And this is my time" Adam sternly said.
"No, Adam, don't. Let me do it. I have superstrength too, I can handle it" Nick said.
"Nick, no. You're engaged to my sister, she's your fiance. The last thing I want is for my sister to lose the love of her life. I don't think I could ever forgive myself if something bad happened to you" Adam sternly said.
Nick looked at him in shock while Bree had a tiny smile on her face, one from gratefulness and sadness.
Adam looked at Alexis and all Alexis did was sigh and cup the sides of his face.
"You better be back on this spacecraft soon or I'll beat your ass" Alexis warned.
Adam chuckled and nodded before looking at Chase. Chase looked at him for a few seconds before sighing.
"Ok" Chase nodded.
A Few Minutes Later
Me and the others were sitting up front after we got Adam into the suit and sent him out.
We were all wearing earpieces so we could talk and guide Adam through everything.
All of us want nothing more than for him to destroy that rocket and get back on here safe and sound.
"It's gonna be very difficult for you to see when you're traveling that fast. I'll help you navigate on the com set" Chase explained.
"And me and Luna will monitor your vitals" Bree said and I nodded.
"Adam, babe, you ready?" Alexis softly asked.
"Ready" Adam said.
"Wait. Just in case you don't make it back, I want you to know that you were always my favorite" Perry said.
This made us look at her in disbelief.
"But that's not sayin' much" Perry shrugged.
"I've located the Doomsday rocket. If you're gonna stop it, you have to match its speed" Chase explained.
"Copy" Adam said.
"Engage thrusters" I said.
"Uh..." Adam said, confused.
"Turn up the things that make you go faster" Alexis sighed and I nodded.
"Got it. Engaging thrusters" Adam said.
From what we could hear and see he was going really fast. It's making me worry but I have to remain calm.
"How you doing, Adam?" Bree asked.
"Uh, I think I'm all right. I'm seeing stars, but that could be because I'm in space" Adam said.
"We have to hurry. Increase thrust to 85%" Chase said.
I heard Adam let out a small 'oh' sound and I can tell that he was in a bit of pain now.
I looked at Alexis and saw her biting her lip, clearly worried.
"Ok, Adam. 95%" Chase said.
"Got it!" Adam yelled, clearly in pain
"Keep going, Adam. Faster" Chase said.
"Chase, his heart rate is going through the roof. I don't think he can take much more" Nick said in worry as Bree nodded.
"He has to try. You ok, Adam?" Chase asked.
"Yeah" Adam breathed out through the pain.
"Keep going. You're at 100%" Chase said.
I flinched when I heard Adam screaming, he was in complete pain and I can tell that he was probably burning up.
Alexis slammed her fist onto the console and bit her lip even harder. I reached out to her and uncurled her fist to hold her hand.
"Just so you know, it really hurts. I think I'm burning up" Adam said.
"Push it further. You have to go past the limit" Chase said.
"Ok" Adam said.
He let out another scream of pain and at this point we were all trying to hold back our tears.
"Guys, if I don't make it-" Adam started but Alexis cut him off.
"Adam fucking Davenport, don't you dare finish that sentence. You're gonna make it so shut up" Alexis sternly said.
"You're almost there" Chase said.
"Chase, it's too much! Make him stop, please!" Bree yelled, her eyes beginning to water.
She stood up from her seat as Nick walked over to her.
"Chase! Make him stop! Now!" Alexis yelled.
"Guys, if I don't make it, I want you to know that you're the best family-" Adam started.
All of a sudden the com set cuts off and we can no longer hear anything from Adam. He's completely silent.
"Adam. Adam? Adam!" Chase yelled, worry washing over his eyes.
We all quickly stood up while Perry remained sitting, frozen in place.
I turned around only to see that Adam's vitals were dropping and soon the beeping started.
"Something's wrong. He's slowing down" I said.
"What? No. Adam! Answer me!" Chase yelled.
"Come on, big guy. Come on!" Perry yelled, standing up from her seat.
"Adam!" Bree and Nick yelled
"Adam! Adam, answer me! Come on! Please don't leave me! Adam!" Alexis yelled, slamming her fist onto the console.
Tears streamed down all our faces, none of us having the strength to hold them back anymore.
The beeping continues and before we knew it, the worse becomes reality.
"He's gone" Chase whispered.
"No!" I yelled.
My eyes became red because of my crying and the tears streaming down my face.
I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Perry.
For the first time in forever, I see her crying. I see real tears streaming down her cheeks. Not fake tears, real tears.
She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me and I hugged her back. I buried my face into her shoulder and cried and sobbed into it. Chase walked over to us and joined the hug, burying his face into my shoulder and crying into it.
"FUCK!" Alexis shouted.
We all turned around, only to jump when Alexis grabbed a chair and threw it to the wall.
The chair broke and fell to the ground, scattering all over the place.
We looked at Alexis, just in time to see her falling to the ground on her knees. She broke down into more tears as she let out loud sobs, hiding her face with her hands.
I wriggled myself out of Perry and Chase's grasp and ran over to my sister. Bree wriggled out of Nick's grasp and ran over to Alexis as well.
We both crouched down at her sides and hugged her. She hugged us back and continued to cry and sob. Letting everything out. Me and Bree did nothing other than hug her tightly and comfort her.
It was silent. Nobody said anything.
The only thing you could hear were Alexis's cries and sobs.
Then all of a sudden we heard another noise. And it wasn't from Alexis or any of us for that matter.
The beeping resumes but this time it's speeding up and not going down like before.
Nick wiped his tears and looked at it clearly before his eyes widened and he let out a gasp.
"Wait. Wait, look. He's speeding up again!" Nick yelled.
This caught our attention, as well as Alexis's.
The three of us jumped from the ground and ran towards the console to look at the monitor.
"Oh my lords. He's speeding up. Adam! Babe! Can you hear me?" Alexis frantically asked.
"Yeah. Yeah, I can hear you. Sorry. I blacked out for a few, but I'm back" Adam said.
As soon as we heard his voice we all let out huge sighs of relief.
Alexis let out the biggest gasping sob before a relieved smile appeared on her face as more tears streamed down her face. This time they were tears of happiness.
"We thought we lost you" Chase said.
I nodded and wiped my tears and leaned into Chase's side.
"Yeah, you're not gonna lose me that easily. Hey, can you guys hold on a second? I've got some unfinished business to take care of" Adam said.
We all nodded and went back to the situation at hand. The rocket.
Alexis was in no position to talk, even after finding out Adam was still alive, so Nick walked over to her and hugged her. Comforting her the best that he can.
"I think I see the rocket. It's pretty close" Adam said.
"It's about to enter the Earth's atmosphere. We don't have much time. If you can't stop it, the entire planet is toast" Chase explained.
"Oh, I got this" Adam said.
"You'll have to use your super strength to ram it head on. The suit should protect you" I explained.
"Ok. Here it goes" Adam said.
We all heard Adam screaming and we heard a loud noise from the other end, an explosion.
Adam's screaming stopped and we all glanced at each other nervously.
"Adam! Adam, are you there?" Chase asked.
We waited for a few seconds before we heard Adam's voice on the com set.
"Yeah, I'm here. Guys...I did it!" Adam yelled.
"YES!!" all of us shouted in relief and pure joy.
Perry hugged Bree and she hugged her back.
Chase hugged me and lifted me off the ground, making me squeal as I hugged him back before he set me back down.
Nick hugged Alexis before running towards Bree to hug her.
Me and Chase quickly hugged Alexis and she hugged us back. Perry joined in on the hug before we all pulled away.
"Oh, you, uh, you know that other thing I wanted to do in space? Mission accomplished" Adam said.
This made all of us cringe and shake our heads as we let out small laughs.
Classic Adam.
Alexis's Pov
I was pacing back and forth, desperately waiting for the others to return with Adam.
I need him in my arms, I needed to make sure that he was safe and completely alive.
I just needed my boyfriend back in my arms, I need him in my arms or I swear I'll go ballistic.
"Alexis, stop pacing, he's fine. The others are bringing him back in" Luna softly said.
I ignored her and continued pacing back and forth, biting my nails, my patience was running low and I was about to run and find them myself.
But then I heard footsteps and stopped pacing and stopped biting my nails.
I turned around as Bree, Chase and Nick walk back in.
I was about to ask them where Adam was, since he didn't walk in with them, when I heard footsteps again.
When I turned to look, I froze in my spot.
There he was.
My amazing, idiotic, handsome and loving boyfriend.
He was standing a few feet away from me, completely fine and completely healthy as well.
He looked tired, but he still held a loving smile on his face as he stared into my eyes and I stared into his.
"Hey baby" Adam softly said.
Before I knew it tears started streaming down my face as my lips trembled and loud sobs escaped my lips.
"ADAM!" I shouted.
Without hesitation, I quickly ran towards him and threw myself at him, hugging him as tight as possible and he returned the hug without hesitation too.
I held onto him like my life depended on it as he rubbed my back up and down.
I buried my face into his shoulder and cried into it.
"You're alive, you're alive. Oh thank the lords you're alive" I cried into his shoulder, hugging him tighter and running my hands through his hair.
"I'm alive baby, I'm alive" Adam softly whispered in my ear.
I whimpered and quickly pulled away from him and kissed him, passionately and desperately.
He kissed me back with the same amount of passion and desperation.
It lasted for a minute before we pulled away and we stared at each other.
He noticed my tears and my red eyes and frowned.
He brought his hands up to my face and gently wiped my tears away.
"Don't cry baby. I'm ok and I'm alive. I promise I'm not going anywhere" Adam softly said.
My lips trembled as he said that and I drew him into another tight hug.
If I ever lost him, I don't know if I can continue living.
Adam means the entire world to me, and I'm just glad that he managed to save earth and stay alive.
The Next Day
Luna's Pov
We were all back at the academy and we were in the common area together.
To say that we were all tired would be an understatement.
But the good news about everything that happened yesterday was that Krane was finally, finally dead.
He wasn't coming back, he's gone, he's gone for good.
And I'm so damn relieved.
Despite the fact that he was my biological father, he never cared about me, he only wanted to turn me into a bionic soldier when I was just a baby.
Not to mention, he killed my mother when she gave me away to keep me safe.
And for that I will never forgive him, ever.
I was standing next to Chase, his arm wrapped around my waist and my head was resting on his shoulder.
Alexis was standing next to Adam, both of them hugging each other like their lives depended on it.
Bree was standing next to Nick, her arm wrapped around his waist and his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Well, Mr. Davenport, aside from losing your entire space program, I'd say it was a pretty successful trip" Adam smiled.
We all smiled at each other and nodded.
"Yeah, it's not every day you get to save the world from total annihilation" Nick smiled.
We all looked at dad, only to see him absolutely sobbing from where he was sitting.
"I lost billions!" Dad yelled through his sobs.
We all sighed at him, Tasha rolling her eyes and gently patting his arm.
We turned around to see Perry walking in, with a handcuffed Dr. Gao.
"Let's go, handsome" Perry said.
"Are you taking him to jail?" Alexis asked.
"That's what some men call it" Perry shrugged.
She started dragging him away and Dr. Gao turned to us, a pleading look on his face.
"Help me!" Dr. Gao yelled.
We all either gave him weird looks or just rolled our eyes at him as they left.
When they were gone, Tasha sighed as a smile appeared on her face.
"Well, I'm off, too" Tasha said, standing up to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Dad asked, giving her a confused look.
"Greece" Tasha simply said, turning around.
Dad sighed and got up from the ground and walked over to her, making us walk over to them as well.
"Oh, honey, I really don't feel like traveling" Dad sighed.
Tasha frowned and shook her head, gently placing her hands on his shoulders.
"Oh, I didn't say you were going. Come on Bree, Luna, Alexis!" Tasha yelled to us, sending us a smirk and wink.
Me and the girls looked at each other as we smiled and pulled away from our boyfriends and threw our hands up in the air.
"Opa!" all three of us yelled, grinning excitedly at the end.
Alexis gave Adam a quick yet passionate kiss on the lips before running off.
Bree hugged Nick, gave him a quick peck on the lips before running off too.
I spun around and smashed my lips onto Chase's, making him hum as he kissed me back.
We pulled away and I hugged him as he hugged me back.
"I'll call you once we arrive" I smiled.
"Ok, be safe and have fun" Chase smiled.
We pulled away from the hug and smiled at each other.
I gave him one last kiss on the lips before running off and entering the hydraloop where Tasha and the girls were waiting for me.
As soon as the doors to the hydraloop closed, we all smiled at each other.
This is just what we need, a girls trip, away from the boys and work.
Hey guys! I hope you loved this chapter!
I can't believe that I'm nearly done with this book. I swear I'm gonna cry.
Don't worry, a special something is gonna come up in the last chapter of this book, it's something you've all wanted since the very beginning.
Stay tuned and see you guys next time!
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