Chapter One Hundred & Eleven: Ultimate Tailgate Challenge
Luna's Pov
We were all in the common area, doing our own thing.
Dad and Chase were typing on the console while I stood next to Chase, our fingers intertwined with each other.
Adam and Alexis were sitting on the bench near the hydraloop, cuddling together while watching something on Adam's phone.
Bree, Nick and Leo walk in together, talking about something.
Soon the hydraloop comes up and the doors open to reveal Tasha.
"Hey, guys, I've got some exciting news. I got us all tickets to the big college football game this weekend at my alma mater. Go, Pioneers! Whoo!" Tasha grinned.
The others gave her weird looks while I giggled and shook my head at her.
"Trust me, guys, it wasn't much better from back here" Adam said, making Alexis giggle and shake her head.
"Football? Pass" Dad scoffed.
"You're going" Tasha sternly said.
"Honey, if you wanted a sports guy, you should've married one" Dad said.
Mine and Leo's eyes widened as we looked at Tasha to see her glaring at him.
"Excuse me?" Tasha asked.
Dad's eyes widened when he realized what he said and looked at her, clearly scared.
"I mean, please don't leave me. I'll go" Dad said.
Tasha smirked and nodded before me and her high-fived each other.
Woman power right there people.
Bree, Nick and Leo walked over to us as Bree gasped.
"I can't believe I'm gonna have a real-life college experience. Ooh, I wanna be like those kids on TV who paint their faces and scream into the camera" Bree grinned.
Nick smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her temple.
I giggled at her while Chase rolled his eyes.
"Oh, Bree, please do not embarrass us" Chase scoffed.
Bree glared at him while I smacked him upside the head.
"Be nice" I sternly said.
"Everyone knows that the proper way to enjoy a sporting event is to clap politely, not hoot and holler like a buffoon" Chase said.
The others looked at him weirdly as Nick turned to me.
"Hey sis, before you figured out you were bionic and started living here and became a mentor, did you ever plan on going to college?" Nick asked.
I smiled and shook my head.
"Not really, I mean yeah in a way I did like school and I got amazing grades back in high school. But after everything we've been through, college never really passed my mind. I'm not really that interested anymore" I explained.
It does pain me to say that and seemingly give up on my education.
But with everything me and the others have going on, school gets in the way and I can never focus on one thing at a time.
Dad smiled softly at me and kissed my temple.
"Don't worry pumpkin, no matter what decisions you make in life just know that I'll always be proud of you" Dad said.
I smiled back at him and nodded, pulling him in a side hug.
We heard footsteps and turned around to see Perry walking in.
"Whoo, go, Tech! She's at the ten, the five, touchdown. Vikings!" Perry cheered, doing some weird yelling at the end.
We all looked at her weirdly as dad pulled away from me and walked over to her.
"You went to Mission Creek Tech?" Dad asked in shock.
"Best 12 years of my life. And I was on the football team" Perry smiled.
Me and Bree's eyes widened as we looked at each other before looking at her.
"No way. They let girls play back then?" Bree asked.
"Nope. Had to grow a mustache and say I was Tom from Ohio" Perry said.
"That makes much more sense" I said, making Bree snort but nod.
Perry turned to look at Tasha before a frown formed on her face when she noticed her sweatshirt.
"Ugh. Pioneers? I knew there was a reason I never liked you. You went to my rival school" Perry said.
"Oh, yeah. State's takin' Tech down" Tasha grinned.
Adam and Alexis both stopped what they were doing and walked over to us.
"In your dreams. I just wish I could be there to see it. The game's been sold out for weeks" Perry sighed.
"Oh, you should talk to Tash--" Adam started but Alexis quickly covered his mouth.
"No, she shouldn't" Alexis said.
"Agreed" Dad said as they both guided Adam over to where we were.
Perry turned to Tasha and narrowed her eyes at her.
"Do you have tickets?" Perry asked.
Tasha looked at us but the others shook their heads and looked away.
She then looked at me and I mouthed 'lie' to her.
She quickly nodded and turned back to Perry and gave her a small smile.
"" Tasha said.
Perry hummed and nodded.
"Good. Because I know, if you did, you'd invite your bestie Terry. Right?" Perry asked.
Me and Leo looked at each other.
"Did she say bestie or beastie?" I asked.
"Beastie" Leo nodded and I nodded back as we turned back to them.
"You just said you didn't like me" Tasha deadpanned at her.
"I've grown as a person since then! Come here!" Perry yelled.
She pulled Tasha into a really tight and aggressive hug and by the looks of it, Tasha was freaking uncomfortable.
I mean, anyone would be uncomfortable being hugged by Perry.
"Don't fight it! Like me back!" Perry yelled, hugging her tighter.
Tasha was actually struggling to breath so me and the others quickly ran over to pry Perry off of her.
The Next Day
I was in my room, looking at myself in my mirror to make sure that I looked alright before leaving with the others.
I was still thinking about my decision of not going to college because of my responsibilities here.
I know that dad supports my decision and is proud of me no matter what.
And for that I'm thankful for him and I love him for always supporting me no matter what.
But...but what about my mother?
Ever since I found out the truth about my past and my biological mother, I've always wandered how my mother would react to my life and my decisions.
I know I never got the chance to meet her, considering she died when I was just a baby.
But knowing that she loved me more than anything, and knowing that she gave me up in order to keep me safe, just makes me miss her even more.
I sighed and took the photo of her out of my pocket and stared at it.
Aunt Emily gave it to me yesterday, before I left.
She said I could keep it because I had no pictures of my mother, none at all.
And I'm grateful that she did, because after 18 years, I finally know what my mother looked like before she died.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by a pair of arms wrapping around me from behind.
I turned my head around to see it was my amazing boyfriend Chase.
"Hey sweetheart" Chase smiled.
"Hey bubba" I smiled.
He hummed and kissed me softly on the cheek, making me smile even more.
"So, what are you still doing in your room?" Chase asked.
I sighed and shrugged and looked back down at my mothers photo.
Chase looked down at it and he raised an eyebrow at it.
"You brought your mothers photo?" Chase asked and I nodded.
"Yeah. Aunt Emily let me bring it because she knows that I would love to have at least one photo of my mother" I softly said.
Chase hummed and nodded, his grip around me tightening just a little bit.
"At least now we know where you got your beauty from" Chase smiled, sending me a wink and giving me another kiss on the cheek.
I giggled but nodded and looked down at the photo.
"After 18 years, I finally got the chance to know what my mother looked like. And honestly, this is exactly how I pictured her to be" I softly said.
Chase softly smiled at me and kissed my temple.
"What about now? What do you think your mother is doing now?" Chase asked.
I sighed and looked at the mirror, leaning more into his touch.
"I imagine that right now she's wearing a beautiful long white dress, her hair is straightened, a beautiful smile on her face. And she's sitting on top of a white cloud, staring down at me and watching me" I softly explained.
A gentle smile slowly made it's way onto my face.
Just picturing that makes me happy.
" you think my mother would be disappointed in me?" I asked.
Chase furrowed his eyebrows at me in confusion.
"Why would you say or think that, sweetheart?" Chase asked.
"Maybe because of my decision not to go to college. Maybe she's disappointed in my decision" I said, rubbing my arm.
Chase sighed and turned me around and placed his hands on my hips.
I furrowed my eyebrows at him in confusion but wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Sweetheart don't think that. I know for a fact that your mother is very proud of you. Whatever decisions you make in life, she'll support you no matter what. I bet on everything that she's in this room right now, scolding you for ever thinking that" Chase sternly said, joking at the end.
I snorted in amusement but sent him a soft smile.
"Really?" I asked.
"Really. No matter what you do in life, or what you decide to do, your mother will always be proud of you. She loves you no matter what and she would never be disappointed in you" Chase softly said.
This made me smile more at him, nearly on the verge of crying, but I held in my tears.
I leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips, making him kiss me back.
"Thank you bubba. I love you" I softly said.
"And I love you, sweetheart" Chase softly said.
I smiled more before we both pressed our lips back against each others.
In The Common Area
Me and Chase had left my room and walked into the common area together, hand in hand.
The others were already there.
Bree and Tasha were all dressed up, Nick and Alexis were standing by them.
Adam was sitting over by the big window, talking to Spin and Bob.
"Come on, boys, let's go. I want to get there early so we can tailgate" Tasha grinned and Bree nodded.
She let out a loud squeal and hugged Nick's arm, causing him to laugh and kiss her head.
Soon Leo and dad walked into the room as Adam, Spin and Bob walked over to us.
"Hey! Who's ready to reluctantly attend a sporting event?" Dad asked, some sarcasm laced in his voice.
Tasha glared at him while I rolled my eyes.
"I know I am" Bob grinned.
"Me too" Spin smiled, walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.
I giggled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder as Chase chuckled at him and ruffled his hair.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Bob and Spin. I only have enough tickets for our family" Tasha said.
I frowned and looked down at Spin to see him frowning too, clearly upset.
Bob, on the other hand, was still grinning.
"Oh, great" Bob said.
Tasha gave him a confused look and gently placed her hand on his shoulder.
"Immediate family" Tasha said.
"Fantastic" Bob said.
"I don't have a ticket for either of you" Tasha said.
"Sounds good" Bob said.
Spin groaned in annoyance and smacked his arm, making me giggle.
Adam shook his head and walked over to Bob and placed his hand on top of his head.
"Well, if he's not going, I'm not going" Adam said.
Alexis nodded and walked over to him, linking her arm with his and wrapping her other arm around Bob's shoulder.
"If my boyfriend and little brother aren't going, I'm not going either" Alexis smiled.
Adam smiled down at her and placed a kiss to her head.
Me and the others smiled at them as Bob looked up at both of them.
"Aw, you guys really do that for me?" Bob asked.
"Of course, man. We're buds. I'm not gonna leave you here by yourself" Adam smiled, ruffling his hair.
"Yeah and you're my little brother, I'm not leaving you behind either" Alexis smiled, pulling him closer to her side.
Tasha smiled at them and nodded before looking at Spin.
"Well, looks like it's your lucky day Spin, you can come" Tasha said before handing him the ticket.
"Yes! Awesome!" Spin grinned, taking the ticket from her and walking over to me and Chase.
Me and Chase chuckled at him as Chase wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pulling him closer to his side and ruffling his hair.
"All right. Then I guess we have an extra ticket" Nick smiled.
"Oh, I'll take it" Bob said as he tried taking the ticket, but Adam pulled him away while Alexis sighed and shook her head.
Tasha sighed before looking at all of us.
"I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but since we have an extra ticket, should we maybe offer it to Perry?" Tasha asked.
It was dead silent, literally, dead silent.
We were taking in what she just said into consideration.
Until the silence was soon broken when we all burst out laughing, literally we were all laughing so hard.
I swear Leo and Nick had tears in their eyes.
We all parted ways as Adam, Alexis and Bob made their way to the training area while me and the others walked into the hydraloop.
At The Football Stadium
When we all arrived we walked into the place to see that there were a bunch of people already there.
We all looked around and smiled when we saw everyone having a great time.
"Oh, to be back in college. I had the best days of my life here" Tasha smiled.
Dad scoffed and looked at her and smirked.
"Other than the day you married the Donald Davenport, right, sweetie?" Dad asked.
Tasha glared at him and patted his shoulder.
"Get me my own island and we'll talk" Tasha said before walking away from him.
Dad was in shock, while Leo shrugged and walked over to help Tasha.
"I'm going to help Tasha unpacking some of the stuff" Nick said to us.
We all nodded as Bree smiled and leaned up to peck him on the lips, making him smile and kiss her back.
They pulled away from each other as Nick walked over to Tasha and Leo.
When he was gone, me, Bree, Chase and Spin stayed together and just started looking around.
But then we stopped when we saw some people staring at us in awe.
Me, Chase and Spin looked at each other in confusion while Bree was smiling and waving at them.
"Hey, why is everyone staring at us?" Chase asked.
"Because they know we're bionic. I am totally using this to get in with them" Bree smiled.
Me and Chase gave her looks of disbelief as I scoffed at her.
"Are you really that shallow? You're gonna flaunt your bionics just to impress a bunch of tailgating gorillas?" I asked.
"Yes" Bree scoffed, as if it were the obvious answer.
We gave her looks of disbelief, once again, and shook our heads while sighing in annoyance.
Me and Chase walked away, guiding Spin with us.
"Remember this, Spin. When you get older and possibly go to regular school, don't become friends with people who only care about your bionics" I said.
Chase smiled at me and nodded.
"Yeah, you want to become friends with people that like you for you. Not because of your bionics or fame. Got it?" Chase asked.
"Got it" Spin smiled while nodding.
Me and Chase smiled at him as I kissed his head and Chase ruffled his hair.
We turned around to see Leo taking his jacket off, revealing his red and gray shirt.
As soon as his shirt was in the view, people started booing at him, making all of us confused.
"Leo, why are you wearing the Vikings colors?" Tasha asked, looking at him with wide eyes.
Leo looked at her confused and just scoffed while shrugging.
"What do I know about team colors? Just be happy it's clean" Leo said.
Tasha sighed and shook her head while walking over to him.
"See, this is why you need Mommy to pick out your clothes" Tasha said.
Leo rolled his eyes at her and just went to put his jacket back on, when we heard footsteps coming our way.
We turned around, only for us to quietly groan when we saw Perry walking towards us.
"Hey, Dooley, nice threads" Perry smiled, pointing at his shirt.
As soon as she spotted his jacket, she gasped and snatched it from him.
"Ooh, great, I've been looking for a grease rag" Perry smiled as she uses the jacket to wipe the spatula she was holding before throwing the jacket to the ground.
Leo glared at her before simply rolling his eyes and walking towards Nick.
"What are you doing here?" dad asked.
"I'm here for the Ultimate Tailgate Challenge. The winner scores tickets for the big game. And since I cook and eat most of my food in a parking lot already, I'm a shoo-in" Perry grinned.
We all gave her weird looks as I wrapped my arm around Spin's shoulder, keeping him close to me.
"For what, parasites?" Chase asked, making me and Spin snort.
"Shut it, Frodo" Perry scoffed, glaring at him.
I glared back at her while she rolled her eyes and pointed over somewhere.
"Behold, my tailgating spectacular" Perry said as she walked over to where she was pointing.
"Great. I'm starving" Leo sighed in relief as we all followed behind her.
The people walk away from where they were standing and Perry's car is revealed, not only that, but it's covered in meat cooking in various places.
We all looked at it in disgust as Leo shook his head.
"And now I am not" Leo said.
"You're cooking food on your car?" Nick asked.
"Better than anything she's ever cooked" Perry said, pointing at Tasha.
Tasha glared at her while I sighed and shook my head.
"Ooh, check out my rotisserie chicken" Perry smiled.
We turned around to see two rotisserie chickens on the windshield wipers and they start moving back and forth.
"So do you have a way to cook them, or are you more of a raw bird kind of gal?" Leo asked.
Perry doesn't say anything other than taking a remote from out of her pocket while grinning.
She presses the button and flames shot out of the pipes, cooking the chickens.
We all jumped back in shock, Chase quickly stood in front of me and Spin, shielding us.
I glanced down at Spin who was looking up at me with a disturbed look.
I sighed and looked back up at Perry, only to see her eating a piece of the chicken.
"Mmm! Delish!" Perry grinned.
I gagged lightly at that and wrapped my arm around Chase's arm, clinging onto him.
"Hey, what are you all doin' here anyway? The game's sold out" Perry asked, looking at us with a suspicious look.
The others looked at each other in worry, trying to come up with an excuse.
"Uh...we came for the chicken" Dad said, pointing at the chicken.
Dad nervously chuckled and ripped a piece of the chicken off and began taking bites out of it.
The others gagged in disgust and gave him pity looks, while I watched in slight amusement.
"Is that diesel?" Dad asked, trying not to throw up.
A Few Minutes Later
Me, dad, Bree, Leo, Nick and Spin were all sitting on chairs in a circle.
The others were eating the food Perry made while me and dad were just drinking soda. We don't trust that woman's cooking.
Spin was sitting on my lap eating some chicken and vegetables.
I'm not sure where Chase is but I do know that Tasha went to get the tickets.
"You know, if you don't think about how it was cooked, the chicken is actually quite tasty" Bree said.
"Oh, I ran out of chicken. That's falcon" Perry said.
This made Bree drop the meat back on her plate while Leo looked disgusted.
"I'm done" Leo said, throwing his plate on the ground.
I looked at Spin and saw that he was still eating the food. I tapped his shoulder and he looked up at me, I raised an eyebrow at him and gestured to the food.
"What? I'm hungry" Spin shrugged, going back to eating his food.
I sighed and shook my head, I ruffled his hair before drinking my soda.
"But you haven't even tried my sausages yet" Perry said.
She walked over to her car and pulled out sausages from her tailpipe.
Our eyes widened slightly as she walked back over to us, holding the sausages in her hand, grinning at us.
Leo sat up from his chair and gave her a look of disbelief.
"You cooked them in the tail pipe?" Leo asked.
"You call it a tailpipe, I call it a smoker. Any time I see hot air coming out of something, the first thing I think is, how can I put meat in there?" Perry explained.
"And to think you're still single" I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes.
We heard cheers from people a few feet away from us, I winced slightly while Bree sighed.
"Well, that's enough E. coli for one day" Bree said.
She put her plate down and stood up with her hands on her hips.
"Time to go wow my college buds with some bionic razzle dazzle" Bree grinned.
She gave Nick a quick kiss to the lips before walking away, leaving the rest of us alone. Perry left to go do something, which we were alright with.
I rested my head on Spin's shoulder as he ate his food, wanting to get some rest.
"Luna!" I heard Bree yell.
I jumped in shock and lifted my head up and looked at the direction Bree yelled.
"Luna! Come and get your boyfriend!" Bree yelled.
I groaned in annoyance before getting up, I placed Spin in my seat before walking over to where Bree was.
"What, Bree? What's wrong?" I asked.
She didn't say anything, but just looking at her face I can tell she was annoyed.
She pointed at something in front of me and I turned to look at it, but then my eyes widened in shock and my jaw dropped.
Chase was standing in the middle of the crowd, shirtless while wearing body paint.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"Hey, sweetheart. Watch this" Chase grinned.
Me and Bree looked up to see him using his molecular kinesis to create a football shape out of multiple footballs.
The people that were huddled around him were cheering him on, clearly enjoying this.
"Chase?! What are you doing? I thought you said flaunting your bionics for attention was shallow" Bree asked, clearly confused.
"It is, and I'm okay with that. They like me!" Chase grinned.
"Chase! Chase! Chase! Chase!" everyone cheered for him.
Chase used his molecular kinesis to throw the ball away, making everyone cheer for him even more.
Everyone moved closer to him as me and Bree backed up.
Bree had an annoyed look on her face while I sighed and rubbed my eyes.
"Yeah, I'm leaving" I said.
"Wait, you're not gonna stop him?" Bree asked.
"I don't really care, just as long as no girls get touchy with him, I'm good" I shrugged.
I walked away and headed back to the others.
Spin was sitting on the chair, he was done eating the food and was now playing games on Chase's phone.
I smiled before making my way to Leo, Nick and dad who were talking to each other.
I was about to join in on their conversation when Tasha ran over to us, a smile on her face.
"Hey, guys, I just picked up the tickets from Will Call. They're on the 50-yard line" Tasha smiled.
She showed me and dad the tickets and I smiled, dad smiled too but I can tell he was confused by what Tasha said.
"Oh! I don't know what that means, but let's get outta here before Perry sees them" Dad said.
Me and Tasha nodded and I began walking but stopped when I heard angry growling from behind us.
I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw Perry standing behind dad and Tasha, clearly angry.
"Please tell me there's a four-foot pit bull behind us" Dad begged.
Me, Leo and Nick glanced at each other before looking back at him.
"No" the three of us said.
"You have tickets?!" Perry yelled.
Dad and Tasha yelped and turned around, backing away as Perry walked forward.
"You lied to me! How could you? We're family!" Perry yelled, throwing her football to the ground.
"Since when?" I deadpanned at her.
Leo snorted while Nick lightly hit my arm, making me roll my eyes.
"Okay, fine, you can have our extra ticket" Tasha said.
"No! After you lied to me, I want all of them. Gimme!" Perry yelled.
Tasha squealed in surprise before quickly running, Perry following close behind her.
Leo and Nick backed away while me and dad stood next to each other, looking at the two running women with wide eyes.
Tasha hid behind Spin, but Perry grabbed him by the arm and pushed him away.
"Spin!" I yelled.
I quickly lunged forward and caught Spin before he could hit the ground. He clung onto me as I dragged him over to where dad was.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
"I'm ok" Spin nodded, not letting me go.
I sighed before glaring angrily at Perry, who ignored me as she threw the chair to the ground.
Perry ran at Tasha but before she could grab her Tasha threw the tickets to Leo.
Leo smiled when he caught the tickets but when he saw the look on Perry's face he yelled in fear.
They both began running as Leo hid behind something. Perry ran towards him and he quickly threw the tickets at me.
Me and Spin ducked and moved away while dad remained where he was and caught the tickets.
"Ha! What do you know? I caught 'em" Dad smiled.
But his victory didn't last long when Perry ran at him and tackled him to the ground.
"Dad!" I yelled.
Everyone watched as Perry and dad began wrestling, dad trying to secure the tickets as Perry tried getting them.
"Gimme, gimme, gimme!" Perry yelled.
"Those aren't the tickets!" Dad yelled, looking uncomfortable.
I gagged in disgusted while Spin snorted, looking amused.
Everything happened so fast, Perry managed to get a hold of the tickets but she flinged them away.
We all watched as the tickets landed on the chicken that were on the wind shield wipers.
"I'll get them" I said.
I pulled away from Spin and ran towards the car to get the tickets.
"No way. If I can't have them, neither can you!" Perry yelled, pulling out her remote and pressing the button.
Just before I could grab the tickets the flames shot out. I yelped in surprise before falling to the ground.
"No!" dad and Tasha yelled.
"Now that's a hot ticket" Perry chuckled.
All of us glared at her and rolled our eyes.
"Luna!" Spin yelled.
"Sweetheart!" Chase yelled.
The both of them quickly ran towards me and crouched down at both of my sides.
Chase held my arm while Spin placed his hand on my shoulder, scanning me up and down.
"Are you ok? You didn't get hurt right?" Chase asked, worry in his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I nodded.
He sighed in relief before pecking me on the lips. I smiled as him and Spin helped me stand up.
Chase wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close, while Spin snuggled closer to my side.
I smiled at both of them and shook my head, giggling slightly.
A Few Minutes Later
After the incident Perry was now sitting on a chair, eating the chicken that the tickets were on when she burnt them.
And it's fair to say that we were annoyed and angry.
"Good news, The chicken's still delish, and the tickets are like an extra layer of skin" Perry smiled.
Dad rolled his eyes at her and made his way towards us.
A group of people walked by us but when they saw Leo's shirt they began booing at him.
"All right. Keep walking!" Leo yelled in annoyance, shooing them away.
I sighed and turned to Tasha, Spin walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Tasha, can we just go home?" I asked.
"No way. I have been looking forward to this for months. There's gotta be a way we can get into that game" Tasha said.
"How? She ate our tickets!" Leo yelled.
We all looked at Perry to see her still eating the chicken.
She took out a piece of paper that was from the ticket and looked at it.
"Fifty-yard line?!" Perry yelled in disbelief.
She turned to glare at us and we glared back at her.
"Well, then we are just gonna have to do whatever it takes to beat Perry at that Ultimate Tailgate Challenge. Come on, guys, let's go" Dad said.
Leo and Nick nodded and they both walked off with dad.
"Spin, go with them. Make sure they don't do anything stupid and make sure Leo changes his clothes" I said.
"Got it" Spin nodded before running off to catch up with them.
When he was gone me and Tasha looked at each other before nodding and walking towards Perry.
"Team Davenport is takin' you down" Tasha smirked.
I nodded while Perry scoffed and stood up from her chair.
"Good luck. I've been in the mouth of a shark, a bear, and three kinds of snake, and they're all grillin' on my car" Perry said.
Me and Tasha gave a disgusted look at that but I quickly shook my head and glared at her.
"We don't need luck. Davenport's don't ever give up, and we most certainly don't lose either" I smirked.
Tasha smirked and nodded as we both high-fived each other. We linked our arms together and walked away.
An Hour Later
An hour had passed and we were still waiting for Leo, Nick, dad and Spin to get back.
Tasha was nervously pacing while I was looking at my phone, waiting for dad, Nick or Leo to text.
"Where are they?" Tasha asked.
Suddenly my phone dinged and I quickly opened it to see it was a text from dad saying that they were arriving.
"They're almost here" I said.
"Really?" Tasha asked, looking at my phone.
I nodded but before I could say anything I heard a car pulling up.
Me and Tasha looked up and smiled when we saw a fancy looking red and black car. Dad and Leo were sitting in the front while Nick and Spin were in the back.
I put my phone in my pocket as me and Tasha began guiding them to the empty parking space.
Everyone was looking at the car in awe. When they parked the car they opened the doors and got out.
I smiled when I saw the clothes they were wearing. But I had to hold in my laughter when I saw Nick and Spin wearing sunglasses.
"Ooh, is it over? Wait. It couldn't be. I just got here" Dad grinned.
I rolled my eyes at that but chuckled.
Nick made his way over to Bree while Spin walked over to me and clung onto my arm. I laughed and wrapped my arm around his waist.
"Who's booing now? Go, Vikings!" Leo yelled.
"Pioneers" I said.
"Pioneers. Go, Pioneers!" Leo yelled.
"Hey, Perry, check this out" Dad grinned.
He pressed a button on a remote he was holding and the back of the car opens to reveal a grill.
I smirked while everyone in the crowd looked even more shocked and excited.
"And it's got satellite TV with surround sound for your viewing pleasure" Dad grinned.
He pressed another button on the remote and soon a T.V appeared. And of course dad's face was plastered in the front.
"Oh, anyone thirsty?" Dad asked.
He opens something from the car and takes out a dispenser.
"It dispenses 30 different kinds of beverages" Dad smiled.
"Who cares? Nobody likes drinks!" Perry yelled, clearly annoyed.
Me and Spin looked at each other before rolling our eyes as we looked back at dad, who had put the dispenser back where it was.
"And when the Pioneers win" Dad smiled.
This made everyone cheer, but it was not as loud as we thought it was.
"He said when the pioneers win!" me and Spin yelled, hoping it would get more people to cheer.
And thankfully it worked because this made them all cheer more loudly than the first time.
Me and Spin smirked at each other and fist-bumped, earning chuckles from Leo and Tasha.
"I push this one little button, the hood pops up, and we got a spectacular fireworks display" Dad grinned.
Dad began laughing as me and Spin made our way over to him and the man that was judging the tailgate competition.
"You should probably just give us the tickets right now" Spin smirked and I nodded.
"Well, clearly, your vehicle's the one to beat" the judge, Willie McGinest, smiled.
Me and dad smiled as I let go of Spin and made my way over to where Tasha, Leo and Perry were.
I made my way over to Leo and wrapped my arm around his shoulders.
"You know, we could combine our tailgates so that we both win the tickets" Tasha suggested.
Me and Leo nodded as Perry's eyes widened in shock.
"Really?" Perry asked.
"Never! Crank it up, dad!" I yelled, turning my head to look at dad.
Dad grinned and nodded as he pressed a button on the remote he was holding. Soon music from the car starts blaring.
This makes dad and everyone else in the crowd cheer and dance.
Me and Leo turned around, only to see Tasha dancing, a bit weirdly might I add.
"Mom, you're supposed to be punishing her, not me!" Leo yelled.
"Yeah, same goes for you dad!" I yelled when I saw dad doing a very weird ass dance.
I grabbed onto Spin's arm and pulled him closer to my side as the three of us tried to avoid looking at the adults dancing.
Cause no offense, but it was weird.
A Few Minutes Later
Everything seemed to be going great for the most part.
Our team was doing really good in the competition, and even though I won't admit it out loud, Perry was doing pretty good too.
Right now Willie McGinest was talking to the camera with the tickets in his hands while the rest of us were working on the food.
Spin didn't know how to cook so he would just help with passing out the food to the people, along with the drinks.
I don't know what Bree, Chase and Nick are doing but it beats me.
Me, dad, Leo and Tasha were currently talking to each other when Perry walked over to us with a bottle of ketchup in her hands.
"I'm out of mustard. Can I trade you a bottle of ketchup? I found it under a bridge, so you know it's good" Perry shrugged.
"Sorry. We don't need you ketchup" Tasha said and I nodded.
Perry growled in anger as she clutched the bottle in her hands tighter.
"This is what happens when you try to be nice!" Perry yelled.
She accidentally squirted the ketchup bottle and because of it some of it got on Leo's shirt.
My eyes widened, along with dad's and Tasha's, while Perry began laughing at the sight.
"Seriously? I just put this on!" Leo yelled, clearly annoyed.
I sighed in annoyance and was about to get some napkins when he started using his hands to try and wipe the ketchup off.
But it didn't go well because he ended up making an x-shape across the shirt.
All of a sudden the crowd begins to boo Leo, making me want to punch them in the face.
"Leo! Stop! They think you're defacing the Pioneer mascot" Tasha said, worried.
"Oh, no. No!" Leo yelled, trying to reassure them but they continued booing at him.
I turned around to see the judge coming over. Dad must've noticed him coming too and began to panic.
"The judge is coming over. He's gonna think they're booing us" Dad said.
"What?" I asked.
Dad ignored me and looked at the crowd along with the judge.
"He's not with us! Boo!" Dad yelled.
"Dad!" I angrily yelled at him.
This made everyone boo more at him, making me more annoyed as I tried to restrain myself from beating them up.
"Come on! Mom" Leo said, turning to look at Tasha.
"Sorry, honey. I just really want those tickets" Tasha said, flashing him an apologetic look.
"Tasha!" I angrily yelled at her.
She ignored me and turned to the crowd and walked over to stand next to dad.
"Boo!!" Tasha yelled, joining in on the booing.
The booing got even more louder as everyone looked at Leo with hate and anger.
I growled in anger and clenched my fist at my sides. I was about to march over to some of them and give them a piece of my mind, when Leo grabbed my arm.
I turned to him and he looked at me. He shook his head before turning to glare at dad and Tasha.
"Really? That's how it's gonna be?" Leo asked.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes before grabbing the mustard dad left on top of the car as he made his way towards Perry.
"Hey, Perry, want some help?" Leo asked.
I smirked at this, while dad and Tasha looked shocked that he was offering his help.
"Yes. This is my number. Give it to Mr. McGinest, and tell him not to call after 9:00" Perry said.
She handed Leo a piece of a paper before looking towards where Willie McGinest was.
Perry winks and waves at him, trying to be flirty.
This made me and Leo look at her weirdly and I had to hold in a gag.
"Don't start without me. Cause I'm helping too" I said.
I turned around and looked at Spin, asking him if he wanted to join with just my eyes, cause that's how we communicate with each other.
Spin nodded and grabbed Chase's phone before walking over to me. With that we both walked over to Leo and Perry.
Perry smiled at us while Leo smirked.
I smirked back at him as we fist-bumped before looking at dad and Tasha.
"What? Pumpkin, are you serious?" Dad asked.
"Sorry not sorry, dad. But wherever my brother goes, I go too" I shrugged.
Leo smiled at me before wrapping his arm around my shoulder, making me smile.
A few more minutes had passed and me, Leo and Spin were helping Perry with her food so she could win.
That and to get revenge on dad and Tasha for singling Leo out just because there was ketchup on his shirt.
Me and Leo were working on heating up the meat while Spin was handing out food, this time to the people on the vikings side.
"Dooley, these aren't right. My kabobs need to be flame-boiled" Perry said.
Leo nodded and stopped what he was doing to go and help Perry.
"I got this" Leo confidently said.
Leo uses his laser spheres to cook the meat and within a second it's all done.
I smiled and ripped a piece of the meat off and handed it to Perry. She nodded at me before turning around and handing the piece to Willie McGinest.
He nodded at her before eating the meat he was given and a smile appeared on his face.
"Mm. That's delicious" Willie McGinest smiled.
He then looked at Perry and sent her a flirtatious smile, caressing her chin with his fingers.
"You just sacked my taste buds" Willie McGinest grinned.
Perry grinned back at him while me, Leo and Spin were trying our best not to throw up.
Well, maybe this way Perry will leave Douglas alone, especially if Willie is flirting back.
I sighed and went back to work, Leo and Spin following my lead. We went back to working on the meat, trying to make sure that they were cooked well.
Then all of a sudden the back of the car lifts up and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.
But then the confusion washes away and is replaced with realization and worry.
"DUCK!" I shouted.
I quickly grabbed Spin and Leo's arms and dragged them down to the ground. As soon as I did that fireworks shot out of dad's car.
Everyone began screaming, trying to take cover as some began running away in fear.
"What the hell?!" I yelled.
While everyone was running, trying to leave, Perry was just enjoying the show. I could see her saying something but I couldn't tell what because of how loud the fireworks were.
Leo had ran over to where Tasha was while dad ran over to the judge.
"Luna! Spin!" I heard Chase yell.
I turned around to see Chase running towards us, worry written all over his face.
"Are you two ok? Are either of you hurt?" Chase asked, crouching down to be eye level with us.
"Yeah, we're ok" I nodded.
Chase sighed in relief and quickly kissed me on the lips before he grabbed onto both of our arms.
The three of us got up and began running. I quickly grabbed onto dad's hand so he'd run with us.
We met up with the others and we quickly began running, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.
Late At Night
We decided we'd head back home in Mission Creek. It was late and we didn't feel like going back to the academy.
Right now we were all sitting in the living room. Bree sitting on Nick's lap, while Spin was sitting on mine as Chase stood next to us.
Tasha sat on a chair while dad and Leo were standing.
"And since there was so much fire damage to the stadium, they had to cancel the game" Dad said, obviously pretending to be sad.
I rolled my eyes at him and laughed at the unimpressed look on Tasha's face.
"You're going to the next one" Tasha deadpanned.
"Yes, dear" Dad nodded.
This made us all laugh before Chase sighed and ruffled Spin's hair and rubbed my shoulder.
"I'm gonna go take a shower. My body paint is campus" Chase said, looking uncomfortable.
He turned around and walked upstairs while the others looked a bit disgusted by what he said.
"I should take one, too. I still smell like Perry's diesel dogs" Leo said.
He walked off in the other direction to take a shower as the rest of us remained where we were.
"Well, if we're all going to stay here tonight I'm going to text Adam and tell him we're not coming to the academy" I said.
"I wonder what Adam, Alexis and Bob did during their time at the academy alone" Bree said, nuzzling her face into Nick's neck.
Nick smiled and kissed her head, wrapping his arms around her, keeping her close.
"Knowing Adam and Bob, they're probably doing something that involves breaking things" Spin shrugged.
We all looked at each other before nodding, agreeing with what he said.
I just hope that Alexis is looking after them, making sure they don't break anything important.
Back At The Academy
Alexis's Pov
It was late at night and the others still weren't back.
Adam had left to put Bob to bed, along with cleaning up in the mentor headquarters, leaving me alone for a while.
I was in one of the guest rooms, cleaning up since it was a tad bit messy.
This is the room that Tasha usually sleeps in whenever she comes over for a visit.
I had finished cleaning the floor and walls and was finishing putting the towels in the closet when I heard the door open.
I turned around and smiled when Adam walking in, closing the door behind him.
"Is Bob in bed sleeping?" I asked, closing the closet door and walking towards him.
"Yeah, it took a while but I managed to get him into his pajamas and got him to sleep" Adam said, chuckling slightly.
I smiled and shook my head.
"What about the mentor headquarters? Are the capsules fixed?" I asked.
"Yes, I promise that they're all fixed. Trust me, when the others get back they won't even know it was broken in the first place" Adam smirked, winking at me.
I fondly rolled my eyes at him but smiled and nodded.
"Speaking of the others, did they tell you when they'd be back?" I asked.
"Oh actually Leo just texted me. They're going out for dinner and won't be back till later" Adam said.
I smiled and nodded.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my hips.
"You know I actually had fun today. I not only got to spend time with my boyfriend, but with my younger brother too" I said.
"That's good to know. I had fun too" Adam smiled.
I giggled and nodded. I leaned in and kissed him and he immediately kissed me back.
The kiss was soft, sweet and passionate.
It was just like all our other kisses and I absolutely loved it.
However, it soon started to turn into something more, it started getting a little heated.
Adam's grip on my hips tightened just a little and he pulled me closer to his body.
I moved my hands from his neck up to his hair and gently tugged on it, earning a soft moan from him.
He gently licked my bottom lip, asking me for entrance. I let a small smile appear on my lips before letting him in.
As soon as I let him in he deepened the kiss, not in a rough way, but in a gentle way.
Soon my hands went down to his shirt and I gently tugged on it, telling him to take it off.
We pulled away from the kiss and he lifted his hands in the air, making me giggle as I took his shirt off.
Once it was off I threw it to the ground and when I looked at Adam my eyes widened in shock and my jaw dropped at seeing his muscular chest.
Hot fucking damn, my boyfriend is a greek god.
Damn, just how many weeks does Adam work out?
Adam noticed me staring and chuckled. I snapped out of my daze and looked up at him. He smirked and gently cupped my face and pressed our foreheads against each others.
"Do you like what you see baby?" Adam asked.
I blushed slightly and bit my lip. I nodded as my eyes wandered back down to his chest.
"How can I not?" I asked, moving my eyes away from his chest to look at him.
He let out a small laugh and shook his head at me before pressing our lips back against each others.
I hummed and kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck.
His hands wandered down to my thighs and he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
He turned around and began walking towards the bed. When we were close he gently laid me down and got on top of me.
Before he could press his lips onto mine I quickly pulled my shirt over my head and threw it to the ground.
His eyes widened when he saw my white laced bra. I smirked when I saw love and lust washing over his eyes.
He looked at me for a few seconds before going down to my neck and began kissing and biting.
I moaned as my hands went to his hair. I took a gentle grip on it as he continued kissing and biting at my neck.
Damn, is this what Luna feels like when her and Chase do it?
After a few minutes Adam pulled away from my neck and went back to my lips.
I hummed and wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing him closer if possible.
We pulled away, wanting to catch our breath. We were both panting heavily, Adam held himself up with his elbows so he wouldn't crush me.
He looked down at me and a small smile appeared on his face as he cupped the side of my cheek.
"Baby, do you want to go further? If you don't, just tell me and I'll stop" Adam softly said.
When he said that I allowed a soft smile to appear on my face.
That's what I love about Adam. He would never pressure me into doing something I'm not ready for.
But...this is something I want to do, something I have been wanting to do for a while.
Me and Adam have been dating for a while and we both love each other more than anything.
And if I wanted to do this with someone, it would be with Adam, nobody else but him.
I gently cupped his face and kissed his nose.
"I want to do this, babe. I'm ready. I just want you. Only you. Please" I whispered, practically begging.
Adam smiled lovingly at me before nodding and gently pressing his lips onto mine once again.
Before we knew it, the rest of our clothes came off and were thrown to the ground.
Me and Adam continued kissing each other as we got under the covers and got completely lost in each other.
An Hour Later
Adam's Pov
An hour has passed since mine and Alexis's passionate moment together.
I had just lost my virginity to my most amazing and beautiful girlfriend.
And I don't regret it, not one bit.
Now we were both lying in bed, the blanket covering our naked and slightly sweaty bodies with our legs tangled together.
Alexis was lying on her stomach, sound asleep. My elbow was resting on the bed and I had my head resting onto my hand with an arm wrapped around Alexis.
I was gently rubbing small soft circles on her exposed back, careful not to wake her up.
A smile appeared on my face and I leaned in to place a kiss on her back.
I heard my phone beeping on the nearby table and quickly grabbed it and turned it on.
The noise was a bit loud and I didn't want to wake Alexis.
It was a message from Luna, saying that her and the others were too tired to head back to the academy and decided to head back home in Mission Creek for the night and would be back tomorrow morning.
A smile appeared on my face and I chuckled slightly before texting her back with a simple 'alright, goodnight and see you tomorrow'.
I turned off my phone, making sure it was on silent, before placing it back on the table.
I looked down at Alexis sleeping form, a soft smile appearing on my face once more.
I sighed before turning off the lamp and lying down on my side, my arm still wrapped around my sleeping girlfriend.
Losing my virginity was something that scared me.
Only because I wanted to lose it to someone special, someone that loves me no matter what and wouldn't use me for my bionics or money.
And I actually managed to find that special someone.
And that special someone is Alexis.
She's been there for me since day one. No matter what she has stood by my side and never left me.
She doesn't care that I'm dumb or make poor choices at times, she loves me for me and wouldn't change it for anything.
I love her just as much as she loves me. And I promise that one day she will be my wife.
That's a promise I know I'm going to keep.
Smiling one more time, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift off to sleep.
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