Chapter One Hundred & Eight: On The Edge: Part One
Luna's Pov
Me, the trio, Alexis and Nick were in the common area sitting on the bench near the hydraloop, talking with each other and laughing too.
Then Leo and S-1 walked over to us with smiles on their faces.
You know, ever since S-1 went to being a blank slate and has started training here at the academy, her and Leo have actually been getting along.
They went from enemies to friends, best friends for that matter.
But...thinking about it now, I think they're slowly turning into something more than friends.
"Well, guys, it took a while, but we finally came up with S-1's new name" Leo smiled.
"We went through hundreds before we came up with the perfect one" S-1 smiled and Leo nodded.
We all looked at each other and smiled before looking at them.
"What is it?" Bree asked.
"Charlotte" Leo smiled.
"Taylor" S-1, or, Taylor said.
They both looked at each other as Taylor gave Leo a 'really' look and he cleared his throat while nodding.
"Right, Taylor. My...second choice" Leo said, nodding but looking a bit upset.
Taylor rolled her eyes at him but still smiled.
"I like it" Alexis smiled.
"Me too, it suits you" I smiled.
"Yeah, great name" Chase smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Eh, it doesn't really matter to me. I didn't remember your other name and I'm not gonna remember this one either" Adam shrugged.
We all gave him annoyed looks as Alexis smacked him upside the head, shaking her head.
"Ignoring him, great name, I like it too" Nick smiled, wrapping his arm around Bree's shoulder and kissing her temple.
Bree smiled and snuggled closer to his side.
Soon dad walks over and we can tell that he's happy and excited.
"Hey guys. I have some very exciting news" Dad said.
"You're finally eligible for senior citizen discounts?" Adam asked.
This made me and Alexis snort in amusement, Nick trying to cover his with a cough.
"No. Maybe. I don't want to talk about it!" Dad yelled when he saw us giving him knowing looks.
Me, Alexis, Bree and Taylor looked at each other and started giggling.
"Look, the President called and he is honoring you guys with a prestigious award for completing mission number 1,000" Dad smiled.
Our eyes widened in shock and our jaws dropped to the ground.
We all looked at each other and started smiling and high-fiving each other.
"That's awesome. Congratulations, guys" Taylor smiled at us.
"Thanks, but technically, if you count all the missions where our bionics were still a secret, the number is actually 2,604" Chase smiled.
We all looked at him weirdly but he just continued smiling.
"But who's counting?" Chase asked.
"You are. That's all you do is count" Bree deadpanned and the others nodded.
"I do not" Chase defended, looking annoyed.
Wait for it.
"But just for the record, that's the 53rd time that you've told me that" Chase smiled, making Bree and the others groan.
There it is.
Leo sighed and shook his head before smiling and walking towards dad.
"This is going to be great! It's about time I got honored for something. So, when is this little shin-dig?" Leo asked.
"Uh, in a couple weeks. There's going to be a big fancy ceremony on the mainland. But the President's only honoring the original team. Adam, Bree, Chase and Luna" Dad explained.
The others smiled while I frowned.
Why isn't Leo being apart of this?
He's been on missions with us since he finally managed to get his bionics under control.
He helped us when we had to fight Krane, he deserves an award too.
"What?! How can he do that? I go on missions with them all the time" Leo said.
"I'm sure when they hand out awards for completing 32 and a half missions, you'll get yours" Dad smiled.
He made a move to walk away before stopping and turning to Alexis and Nick.
"Before I forget. Alexis, Nick, you two will also be coming with us since the President will also be giving you two awards" Dad smiled.
Alexis and Nick smiled at each other and gave each other side hugs.
"Awesome, congrats baby" Adam smiled before pulling Alexis into a kiss.
"Congrats, handsome" Bree smiled, pulling Nick into a quick soft kiss.
Leo frowned even more and looked even more angry while I looked at dad and frowned.
That's not fair.
Sure, Alexis and Nick are apart of the team and go on missions with us, but it's not fair that they get awards while Leo doesn't.
Leo has been on this team longer than them, yet they're getting awards and not him.
As much as I'm happy for both my siblings, my brother deserves one too.
I shook my head and looked at dad.
"Hold up, dad, that's not fair. Leo has been on this team way before Alexis and Nick. He's helped us so many times just like they have. Why are they getting awards and not him?" I asked.
Alexis and Nick frowned at me, looking hurt and a bit offended.
While Leo smiled gratefully at me, making me smile back at him.
"I'm sorry pumpkin but the President is giving Alexis and Nick awards because of how well they do in missions. He's seen that they're bionics help alot and their skills are amazing. He says that they deserve awards just like you guys" Dad explained.
"And so does Leo" I said, getting annoyed that he's just leaving Leo out of this.
"I'm sorry pumpkin, but his rules, not mine" Dad said.
He ruffled my hair before walking away, making me sigh in annoyance.
When dad left, Chase stood up and placed his hands on Leo's shoulder.
"And it's actually 31 and a half, but who's counting?" Chase asked.
Leo glared at him but Chase patted his shoulders and walked away.
The others nodded and got up and walked away, leaving me, Leo and Taylor behind.
"This sucks. I can't believe you guys get awards while I don't. Even Alexis and Nick get awards and they haven't been on this team as long as I have" Leo said in anger.
I frowned at him and gently patted his shoulder.
"I'm sorry buddy. I agree, it's not fair that they get awards while you don't. I love Alexis and Nick, but you're the one that deserves it the most" I softly said.
Leo looked at me and smiled.
Taylor nodded and walked over to us, gently patting his back.
"Don't worry Leo, I agree with Luna. You deserve an award just as much as they do" Taylor smiled.
Leo smiled at both of us and nodded.
"Thanks girls, that means alot" Leo said.
We both smiled at him and nodded.
A Few Minutes Later
Me, Bree, Chase and Nick were walking towards Adam and Alexis to see how their class was going on.
"Hey, Adam, Alexis, how's the fire prevention training going?" Chase asked.
Alexis sighed and shook her head.
That must mean Adam did something dumb, as always.
"Wait, you said fire prevention?" Adam asked and we all nodded.
We jumped when we heard an explosion nearby, causing the fire alarm to go off. We looked at Adam with wide eyes while Alexis groaned and rubbed her eyes.
"Ooh, well, it's too late to prevent that one" Adam said.
I rolled my eyes at him while he turned to look at the students.
"Could you guys go put that fire out and prevent the other 15 we set?" Adam asked.
They all nodded and ran off to take care of that. I shook my head as the others rolled their eyes in annoyance and exasperation.
Then a student, I think his name is Logan, ran into the room.
"Guys, you have to come see this. Leo just did something super amazing!" Logan grinned.
We all looked at each other before shrugging and ran into the training area to see what Leo had done or what he wanted to show us.
When we got there, we saw Leo and Taylor standing next to each other, smiling while holding hands.
"Aww. Leo's holding hands with a girl. That is amazing" Bree grinned.
Me and Alexis gasped as smirks appeared on our faces.
"Are you two dating?" Alexis asked.
This made Leo and Taylor blush bright red as they shook their heads.
"What, no! We're not dating" Leo said.
"Yeah, we're just friends" Taylor said, a bit reluctantly.
Me and the others looked at each other and rolled our eyes while scoffing as she said that.
Oh please. Me and Chase became friends to lovers. Same with Bree and Nick. Alexis and Adam.
We just need those two to join us, hopefully soon.
"And besides, it's not a girl, it's Taylor" Leo said.
This made Taylor glare at him as she started squeezing his hand tightly, making Leo wince in pain.
"A girl with very sharp finger nails. Ouch, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Leo said, begging her to stop squeezing his hand.
Taylor smirked and stopped squeezing his hand, making him sigh in relief while me and the others snorted.
Lesson learned, don't underestimate girls.
"The point is, we found a new ability. Check this out" Leo grinned.
As they were holding hands, a blue and yellow ball of energy began to form on their hands. I looked at it, clearly fascinated.
When the energy ball, or orb, was built enough Leo turned to Taylor.
"Now!" Leo yelled.
They both threw it across the room, causing all of us to duck to avoid getting hit. It crashed into the large monitor and the power went out.
We all sighed and stood up as Adam groaned loudly.
"Aw, man, now I can't see what the new ability is" Adam said.
"That was the new ability" Leo said, and although I couldn't see his face, I can tell that he was annoyed.
"Well, do you have another that turns you into a nightlight?" Alexis sarcastically asked.
"Hold on, I'll bring the backup system online" Chase said.
He turned on his tablet and began pressing a few buttons and soon the power came back on. We all let out sighs of relief.
When it was back on we looked at Leo and Taylor, who both looked excited.
"We accidentally found it when we locked hands during combat training" Leo smiled.
"Technically, I was helping him off the floor after I body slammed him" Taylor smirked.
This made me and Alexis snort while Bree tried to cover her laugh with a cough.
"Body slam? It was more like a somersault" Leo scoffed, shaking his head.
"Want me to show them?" Taylor asked, raising an eyebrow at him and smirking.
"No, no. We're good" Leo quickly said, shaking his head.
I smirked proudly at Taylor and nodded at her, making her nod back at me.
"So, isn't our new ability cool? When we join hands, our laser spheres combine to create one large sphere that is so powerful, it sends out an electromagnetic pulse" Leo explained, smiling.
"EMP's disable any piece of electrical technology they touch" Taylor explained, smiling just like Leo.
Logan smiled and walked over to the both of them.
"Dude, that was incredible. One day, I'm going to be just like you" Logan smiled.
That made me smile, it's nice to know that someone looks up to Leo, not many people do and it annoys me.
"Thank you, son. Now move along" Leo grinned, making me roll my eyes.
"Uh, no offense, Logan, but when did Leo become your hero?" Bree asked, wrapping her arm around Nick's waist and snuggling closer to his side.
"Are you kidding? Talk about an underdog. He was just a regular guy. And all of a sudden he got bionics and became an inspiration to the whole world" Logan grinned.
I giggled at that while the others looked unimpressed.
"Well, that is my story" Leo smugly smirked.
"And I love how he didn't let his scrawny body and inferior skill set stop him from-" Logan started but Leo stopped him.
"We got it, Logan" Leo said, slowly getting annoyed.
Now this made me laugh and shake my head as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Well nice job guys. I really like this ability too and hopefully you'll be able to use it one day" I smiled.
Leo and Taylor both smiled at me and nodded.
But then Chase shook his head, taking a few steps forward.
"I'm a little worried about this new ability. EMPs are very, very dangerous" Chase said.
"But if we'd had this when Krane was around, we could have shut down his Triton App in a second" Leo said.
I nodded, agreeing with him, but this time Alexis shook her head.
"It doesn't matter. I agree with Chase, it's still dangerous" Alexis sternly said.
"Exactly. Don't use it again until we've had time to study it in a controlled environment" Chase sternly said.
I looked at Chase and Alexis in slight annoyance.
Are they serious right now?
Why can't they trust that Leo can do this and won't let anything bad happen?
"Come on, guys" Leo said.
"No" Alexis sternly said.
"If we just-" Leo started but Chase cut him off.
"You heard me! No more EMPs!" Chase sternly yelled.
This made me and Leo jump. Chase has never yelled like that, let alone raise his voice at him or anyone.
Chase closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before reopening his eyes.
He sighed and looked at me, giving me an apologetic look as he kissed me softly on the lips before walking away.
"Boo" Logan muttered under his breath.
But Chase still heard him and stopped walking to look at him. Logan looked away, embarrassed that he was caught.
Chase rolled his eyes before walking away, leaving the room.
There was a moment of awkward silence before Adam broke it.
"All right, guys, let's get back to work. Next up, CPR training. Uh, no, wait. CPR Prevention" Adam said before him and the students walked out of the room.
Me and the others rolled our eyes at him as Alexis followed from behind.
Bree smiled and gave me a sisterly kiss to the cheek before leaving with Nick.
I looked at Leo, who had a frown on his face, clearly annoyed and upset.
"I hate this. I've worked so hard to prove myself but it doesn't matter. They're always going to see me as their little brother whose 'barely bionic'" Leo scoffed.
Although his tone showed anger, I can hear sadness behind it too.
I gave him a gentle smile and placed my hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at me.
"Just ignore them Leo. They're too blind to see how amazing you are" I softly said.
He gave me a small smile and nodded, looking a bit better.
"If it makes you feel better, I think our new ability is super cool" Taylor said, flashing him a smile.
"Yeah, they're just jealous because they were born perfect and you were born a teeny, tiny, weakling who had no-" Logan started but I cut him off.
"Shut it" I sternly said, smacking his arm.
"I'm so sick of them not treating me seriously. It's time to prove I'm as much a bionic hero as they are" Leo smiled.
I smiled at him and nodded, Taylor doing the same.
"I hear you, Leo. And we've got your back" Taylor smiled.
"Thanks, guys. It means a lot" Leo smiled.
Both him and Taylor fist bump, only for them to accidentally set off another EMP and the power shut off once more.
I groaned and tugged at my hair.
"Yeah, you guys gotta stop doing that" I said.
In The Common Area
I was with the trio, Alexis and Nick as we were talking to each other.
Well, they were talking. I was sitting next to Chase, playing with his hair.
"We've really been on 1,000 missions? It felt more like six" Adam said, his arm around Alexis's waist.
"Nope. It was way more than that, and I remember all of them. Literally. They're backed up on my hard drive" Chase smiled.
Bree gave him a weird yet annoyed look, her head resting on Nick's shoulder.
"Maybe you should clear a few out. You know, free up some space to add some personality, or a sense of humor. You know, a likeable trait" Bree deadpanned.
Chase glared at her while I rolled my eyes, still playing with my boyfriends hair.
We turn around to see Leo, Taylor and Logan walking in.
"Hey, Leo" Nick smiled.
"Don't talk to me like I'm a child" Leo angrily snapped at him.
We all slightly jumped at his attitude and gave him a confused look.
"All he said was 'hey, Leo'" Bree defended, clutching onto Nick's arm while glaring at Leo.
"Well, I detected a tone" Leo defended, causing her and Nick to sigh and shake their heads.
"What's up with you?" Alexis asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I'll tell you what's up with me. I am tired of everyone, with the exception of Luna, treating me like some kind of non-existent bionic hero" Leo angrily said, glaring at all of them but me.
I smiled slightly at him while Adam sighed and shook his head.
"Hey, just because it's true, doesn't mean you have to take it personally" Adam said.
Leo glared at him while I smacked him upside the head, rolling my eyes.
"Oh, really? Well, guess what. We're starting our own team. That's right. You're looking at the next generation of bionic superhumans" Leo grinned.
Then him, Taylor and Logan all pose together.
Only thing was that Logan was facing the other way.
"It's the other way, like we rehearsed" Leo said, turning to look at Logan.
"Oh, right" Logan nodded as he turned the other way.
I chuckled at that and shook my head while Chase got up and walked over to them, with me trailing behind him.
"And, uh, who might be the leader of this new bionic team?" Chase asked.
"You're looking at him" Taylor smiled, pointing at Leo.
This made me smile while Chase let out a loud laugh, a look of disbelief on his face.
"Are you kidding me? Leo?" Chase asked.
"See, right there. There's that tone" Leo said, pointing a finger at Chase while getting in his face.
I rolled my eyes while Chase shoved his finger away from him.
"Look, you don't just become a leader by saying you're a leader. It takes years of mission experience" Chase sternly said.
"You named yourself mission leader when you were 14" Leo deadpanned.
"Eh, wrong! I was 12. Good thing someone around here counts" Chase scoffed.
"Bubba, really?" I asked, giving him a deadpan look.
He patted my shoulder before looking back at Leo.
"You're not ready" Chase said, kissing my cheek before walking out of the room.
"Oh, yes, I am, and I'm going to prove to you that I'm ready!" Leo yelled, walking a bit further.
"Sold!" Logan yelled.
This made me jump since I forgot I was standing a few feet away from him.
"You were already on board" Taylor said, giving him a confused look.
"And yet he sold me again. He's that good" Logan said, making Taylor sigh and shake her head.
"Is Mr. Davenport okay with this?" Alexis asked.
On cue dad walked in while holding some stuff in his hands.
"Douglas thinks he's gonna beat me at my own game. I don't think so" Dad said, walking over to the console.
I looked at the others and gave them confused looks but they just shrugged, confused like I was.
"Hey, Big D, is it cool if I start my own team?" Leo asked.
"Yeah, Leo, whatever. It's indestructible" Dad said, muttering the last part as he walked out of the room.
"Ha! Victory pose!" Leo yelled.
He got back with his new team members and they all did their pose together.
Except, Leo did it wrong since he was facing backwards instead of forwards.
"Other way, sir" Logan said.
Leo quickly turned back around and did his pose, once again.
In My Room
When it was time for our break, me and Chase were in my room.
We were lying on my bed, cuddling. We didn't do what we'd normally do, meaning that our clothes are still on, we just wanted to be alone.
And I wanted to talk to him about how Leo deserves to be given some credit just like the rest of us. And about his behavior back in the training area.
"I can't remember the last time we just cuddled in your room" Chase said, rubbing my back up and down.
"Me neither. We should do it more often, besides what we obviously do" I said, chuckling slightly.
Chase laughed and kissed my head, making me smile.
I sighed, realizing that I needed to talk to him about Leo.
"Bubba, why are you so hard on Leo?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Chase asked.
"Why are you so hard on him? I know that he's still a student but he's been working hard too and the new ability he came up with with Taylor was really cool" I said.
"Sweetheart, I'm just being honest with him. And although the EMP ability was cool it's still dangerous" Chase said.
I sighed and lifted my head up to look at him.
"I understand that, but you didn't need to yell at him for that. You could've just listened to what he had to say. And I'll admit that it could be dangerous, but with the right training they could put it to good use" I explained.
I'm really hoping that he understands where I'm coming from and understands that he's being too hard on Leo.
He looked at me for a few seconds before sighing.
"Maybe you're right. Maybe I should've listened to him about the EMP. With the right training they could avoid hurting anyone or themselves" Chase said.
I smiled at him and nodded, sitting up from the bed.
"Also, since you're a mission leader maybe you can help him become one with his new team. That way he can learn better" I softly said.
Chase sighed but I can see some realization dawning on him, making me smile.
"So?" I asked.
Chase chuckled and sat up from the bed, his back resting against the headboard.
"I promise I'll be more gentle on him and take him seriously. I'll also see what kind of training we can do to help with the EMP" Chase said.
"And?" I asked.
"And I'll teach him how to be a mission leader, just like me" Chase chuckled, a smile on his face.
I smiled and leaned forward to kiss him softly on the lips.
"Thank you, bubba" I smiled.
"Anything for you, sweetheart" Chase smiled.
I smiled at that and leaned in to kiss him softly on the lips. He hummed and kissed me back.
I was about to pull away when his hands made their way to my hips and he pulled me onto his lap.
I squealed in surprise, but that went away as I cupped the sides of his face as I straddled him.
After a few minutes we pulled away, wanting to catch our breath.
But that didn't stop Chase from going down to my neck and began kissing and biting.
"What happened to just cuddling?" I asked, trying to contain my moans.
"I love this just as much as I love you" Chase whispered against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.
"I love you too" I said through moans.
"Good" Chase said, removing his lips from my neck.
I squealed in surprised when he flipped our positions, so now he was on top of me as I laid down on my back.
I looked up at him and saw him smiling at me. I rolled my eyes but smiled back.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed our lips together, he held himself up with one hand while placing the other on my cheek.
We pulled away, panting as we tried catching our breath.
We stared into each others eyes and pressed our foreheads against each other.
"I love you" Chase whispered.
"I love you too" I whispered back.
We closed the distance between us, our clothes coming off and landing on the ground as we got lost in each other.
In The Training Area
Me and Chase got dressed and met up with the others and began chatting, mostly about the awards ceremony.
We got into the training area to see Leo, Taylor and Logan.
"Hey, Leo" Chase smiled.
"Break's over. Everybody up" Leo said as Taylor and Logan got up from the ground.
"How's your new team doing?" Alexis asked, but what annoyed me was the fact that she was mocking him.
I smacked her arm and glared at her while she just scoffed and rolled her eyes at me.
"Great. You see this right here? This is a little something we like to call leading and training" Leo said.
"Really? Looks to me like standing and talking" Adam said, wrapping his arm around Alexis's shoulder.
"We carried him all the way down an imaginary mountain" Logan shrugged.
"Why?" Nick asked, confused.
"Because the guy weighs 60 pounds. Give him a break" Logan scoffed.
This made me snort as I hid my face in Chase's chest, trying to stop myself from laughing loudly.
Chase chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my head.
"We've been working hard. We found a way to include Logan and make our new ability even better. Check this out" Leo grinned.
Leo and Taylor got into the middle while Logan stood a few feet away from them.
Leo and Taylor held hands as a sphere of energy forms in their hands.
"Leo, Chase specifically told you not to do that again. It's too dangerous" Alexis sternly said.
"Too dangerous, or too awesome?" Leo asked, smirking.
I looked at Chase to see that he did have a slightly impressed look on his face, which made me slightly smile.
At least he's not scolding him this time, so that's something.
"Now I'm gonna use my energy manipulation to guide their EMP towards a target" Logan said.
"Not yet, junior. These kids came for a show. Amp it up, Tay-tay" Leo said.
Taylor nodded and their sphere began to get bigger.
However, I frowned at the way Taylor was looking, she looked exhausted. And that worried the hell out of me.
"Ok, now I'm gonna-" Logan started but Leo cut him off.
"Not yet!" Leo yelled.
I pulled away from Chase as the sphere began to get bigger and bigger. Taylor was seriously getting tired and letting out breathy gasps.
I glanced at the others to see that they were worried by the way Taylor was looking too.
"Leo, it's too much for her!" Chase yelled, sternly and worriedly.
"Oh, please, you're just jealous that your team isn't as powerful as mine" Leo scoffed.
"Leo, stop!" Bree yelled, clutching onto Nick's arm in worry.
"Back off! This is my team!" Leo yelled back.
"Leo enough! You're hurting her!" Alexis yelled, trying to step forward but Adam grabbed her arm.
"Dooley, come on let go! She can't take it!" I yelled.
I tried moving forward too but Chase grabbed my arm, stopping me.
Then out of nowhere Taylor is blasted across the room, landing on the ground with a loud thud and losing consciousness.
"No!" I yelled, shoving Chase away from me as I ran towards Taylor.
"Taylor!" Leo yelled, running towards her with the others following behind him.
I pulled Taylor into my arms, placing her head to my chest. I grabbed her arm to check for a pulse but I could barely feel one.
"She's not breathing. Go get help!" I yelled.
Logan quickly ran out of the room to find Dad and Douglas so they could help while the rest of us remained where we were.
I hugged Taylor closely to me, worried that something bad could happen to her if we're not quick enough.
A Few Minutes Later
We were all in the common area, waiting to hear any news about Taylor.
Bree and Nick were holding onto each other, Nick trying to comfort Bree as she was crying.
Alexis clutched onto Adam's arm, Adam kissing her head a few times to get her to calm down.
I had tears streaming down my cheeks, Chase held onto me and kissed my cheek while whispering sweet things to me to get me to calm down.
Dad then walked in and we all looked at him.
"Mr. Davenport, how's Taylor?" Chase asked, worried.
"The good news is, I flew in the best doctors money could buy, so she's in good hands" Dad said.
"Well, how seriously is she hurt?" Bree asked.
"She's in critical condition. We'll know more when she wakes up" Dad said.
He walked over to me and gently kissed my forehead, making me slightly smile at him.
He smiled at me before walking over to get on the hydraloop, but Leo walked over to him.
"I'm sorry, Big D. I feel terrible" Leo said.
"You should. What were you thinking making her max out her abilities?" Dad asked, giving him a stern and angry glare.
"I didn't think she'd get hurt. I just wanted to show everyone what my new team could do" Leo defended.
"New team? Who said you could have a new team?" Dad asked confused and angry.
"You did. Earlier today when you walked through here" Leo said.
"Well, you should know better than to bother me when I'm focused on me!" Dad yelled.
I wanted to snort at that but I didn't, so I just settled with sighing and shaking my head, hugging Chase tighter.
"Look, I have to get back to the infirmary. I'll let you guys know if there's any other news" Dad said.
We all nodded and with that he walked into the hydraloop and left.
When he was gone, Alexis removed herself from Adam and walked over to Leo, punching his shoulder.
I removed myself from Chase and walked over to them, the others trailing behind me.
"You should've stopped when we told you to. This just proves that Chase was right, you're not ready to lead your own team" Alexis angrily said.
I gave her an annoyed look while Leo looked shocked, but that was soon replaced with anger.
"I am more than ready. And maybe I wouldn't feel like I need to prove that to you guys if you weren't always looking down on me" Leo shot back.
"Leo, we don't look down at you" Bree softly said.
"Yeah, we have total respect for all of your shortcomings" Adam said.
I glared at him as Chase sighed and smacked him upside the head.
"When are you guys gonna stop treating me like I'm an idiot? The only one that doesn't seem me like that is Luna" Leo angrily asked.
"Maybe when you stop acting like one" Chase said, but his tone was soft and not stern.
Leo gave him a look of disbelief and anger while I sighed and shook my head.
"You know what? Maybe quitting your team wasn't enough. Maybe I need to quit being your brother, too" Leo angrily said.
He made a move to walk away but was stopped by Alexis
"No, what you need to quit is this childish behavior of yours. First it was not becoming a mentor on the first day of school and now this. You're acting like a damn child" Alexis said, glaring at him.
"I'm not acting like a child" Leo defended.
"I'm sorry, Leo, but she has a point. The way you've acted before the way you're acting now is basically a child" Nick sternly said.
I glared at both of them while Leo gave Nick a hurt look.
Adam and Bree tried to intervene but Alexis continued.
"If you had just listened to me and Chase from the beginning when we said that this ability was dangerous none of this would've happened. Taylor wouldn't be hurt if you had just stopped" Alexis sternly said.
"Alexis-" Chase started but Alexis cut him off.
"Chase, why aren't you backing me up with this? Don't tell me that you're trying to defend him" Alexis asked, glaring a him.
"He hurt our sister and is the reason she's in critical condition because he was too childish to listen to us when we told him to stop multiple times" Nick sternly but angrily said.
"Hey! I'm not-" Leo started but Alexis cut him off.
"Leo, just shut up!" Alexis yelled.
This made all of us jump as we looked at her in shock but that didn't stop her from continuing.
"This proves that you're not ready to be a mission leader. Better yet, this proves that you're not fit to be a bionic hero. Because you're too caught up on trying to be the best and because of it people get hurt because of you! And it's no wonder why me and Nick got awards and you didn't!" Alexis yelled.
At this, all of our eyes widened and our jaws dropped.
Did she seriously just say that to him?
"Alexis!" Adam yelled at her.
But she ignored him and continued to glare angrily at Leo, Nick following her lead.
Leo looked taken aback by what she said, I could also seem some anger and sadness flashing through his eyes.
He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. So, he just nodded his head and walked away.
When he was gone, I gritted my teeth in anger and stormed over to them.
I grabbed Nick's arm and shoved him towards Bree while I shoved Alexis a few feet away from me.
"Hey, what the hell!" Alexis yelled, turning to look at me.
"What the hell is your problem? Why would you say that to him?" I asked, glaring angrily at her.
"I was just saying the truth! What he did was wrong? He should've listened to me and Chase when we told him not to use the ability because it was dangerous!" Alexis yelled.
"It wasn't dangerous! Maybe at first it was but with the proper training this ability could've been really helpful! But you guys are always brushing off his ideas because you think they're useless!" I yelled back.
I was seriously so fed up with Alexis and Nick right now.
What the hell is wrong with them?
If they're acting like this because they're just getting stupid awards, they need a kick to the face instead.
"Luna, we were just-" Nick started but I cut him off.
"You were just what? Huh? Because right now you were acting like a complete asshole" I angrily snapped at him.
Nick flinched when I said that and looked at me with hurt in his eyes.
Did I care?
No, no I didn't because they started it first when they yelled at Leo and ganged up on him.
Adam, Bree and Chase were looking at us in worry. I knew that they wanted to step in but no matter what they did it wouldn't stop us.
"Don't yell at him like that!" Alexis yelled.
"Don't yell at Leo or call him a child again because he's not! He's an amazing person and an amazing hero for that matter!" I yelled back.
"Why the hell are you defending him? He's the reason why Taylor got hurt and is now in critical condition!" Alexis yelled.
"It was an accident!" I yelled back.
"Accident my ass! I swear he's acting like this because he's jealous that me and Nick are getting awards while he isn't! And right now I don't blame the president for not giving him an award when he doesn't deserve it!" Alexis angrily shot back.
As soon as she said that I ran at her and tackled her to the ground.
The others yelled in shock but I ignored them.
I sat up from the ground and tried punching her but she grabbed my fist, stopping me.
We both began attacking each other when I was grabbed from behind and pulled off of Alexis.
I turned around to see Bree and Chase holding my arms.
I turned back around to see Adam and Nick holding onto Alexis's arms as she thrashed around.
"What the hell is your problem?" Alexis asked, glaring angrily at me.
"My problem is the fact that you and Nick are acting like you're better than Leo just because you're getting awards, when really it's the other way around! Maybe if you'd stop looking down at him you'd see just how great of a hero he really is!" I shot back.
I tried getting out of Bree and Chase's hold, but they wouldn't let me go.
Alexis just glared more at me, while I saw Nick staring at me with a hurt look in his eyes.
I rolled my eyes and shoved Bree and Chase away from me.
And with that I left the room, not wanting to be there any longer.
A Few Hours Later
In The Training Area
After my fight with Alexis and Nick, mostly with Alexis, me and everyone else were in the training area.
I was standing with Chase the entire time, avoiding being near Alexis and Nick.
Alexis was the same, she was near Adam the entire time and avoided my eyes.
Nick however would glance at me a couple of times before looking away.
I turned around when I saw Bree running into the room.
"Chase, what's going on?" Bree asked.
"Mr. Davenport has another update on Taylor" Chase said and I nodded.
I heard footsteps and turned around to see Leo running in. When he saw me he smiled and nodded.
I smiled back at him and nodded.
However, when his eyes landed on the others every emotion from his face was washed away.
His eyes wandered over to Alexis and Nick. He glared at them and looked away.
Alexis glared back at him and rolled her eyes. While Nick looked at him with a guilty look, but didn't say anything.
"Hello" Leo stiffly said.
Bree and Chase just nodded at him while Adam walked over to him.
"Excuse me, sir. Now that we aren't brothers, what should I call you?" Adam asked.
Leo gave him an annoyed look while I rolled my eyes and sighed, clearly tired.
Soon Logan walked into the room, making Bree slightly smile at him.
"Hey, Logan" Bree said.
"Hey, guys. Good to see you" Logan smiled.
"Ahem!" Leo yelled, giving Logan a pointed look.
Logan's eyes widened in realization as he cleared his throat and nodded.
"Oh, right. We're still mad at them. Hey, guys, it is not good to see you" Logan said, holding his hand up and walking towards Leo.
Leo nodded at that while I sighed and shook my head.
Soon dad walked into the room and we all walked over to him.
"How is she?" Leo asked.
"Awake. She's gonna make it" Dad nodded.
As he said that everyone sighed in relief and smiled, some whopping as they hugged their friends.
While I looked at dad with raised eyebrows, clearly worried because of the sad frown on his face.
"See? Told ya. So, what kind of bionic upgrades did you throw in? Rocket feet or rocket elbows? Rocket hips? Just sayin' the girl could use some rockets" Leo asked, raising his hands up in surrender.
But to his confusion dad didn't laugh. He only looked at Leo with a sad look on his eyes.
This made me worry even more and I clutched onto Chase's arm.
"No, Leo. Taylor made it, but the laser spheres damaged her retinas. She's lost her eyesight. She's blind" Dad explained.
Absolute silence.
All of our eyes were wide in shock and our jaws dropped all the way to the ground.
I couldn't believe what I just heard. Taylor's blind, she's really blind.
"What?" Leo asked, a small breath leaving his lips.
"We tried everything, but no amount of bionics will fix this. It's permanent" Dad sadly said.
"Permanent for how long?" Adam asked.
None of us even gave him annoyed looks for what he said, we were still in shock.
"You can't just give up. There's gotta be something you can do. You have to keep trying!" Leo yelled.
My heart broke because I heard complete sadness and desperation in his voice as he spoke.
"I'm sorry, Leo" Dad sadly said before turning around and leaving the room.
When dad left Leo turned around to look at us, and the look on his face made my heart break even more.
"I can't believe it. She's never gonna see again. It's all because of me" Leo said.
"But you said she was gonna be okay" Logan said, looking at Leo with sadness in his eyes.
Leo looked at him and shook his head, not knowing what to say.
He looked at me before turning around and leaving the room.
I made a move to follow him but was stopped when Alexis spoke up.
"So, you still gonna defend him? Taylor is now blind, our sister is blind because of what he did. Are you still gonna defend him?" Alexis asked.
I turned around so fast that I probably gave myself whiplash.
"Yes, yes I will continue to defend him because what he did was an accident. It's not his fault and if Taylor were here right now she would be saying the exact same thing! And if you could shut your mouth for once that would be great" I angrily snapped at her.
I didn't wait for her to say anything else because I turned around and walked away to go find Leo.
I didn't want to walk so I geo-leaped myself to the first place I could think of, the mentor headquarters.
When I got there I looked around for Leo. I finally found him sitting on the couch.
However, my heart broke at the scene in front of me.
Leo was sitting on the couch, hiding his face with his hands as he cried and sobbed into them.
I immediately ran towards him and sat down on the couch.
I didn't say anything. All I did was wrap my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.
"Let it out, buddy. It's ok, let it all out" I softly whispered in his ear.
Leo didn't waste anytime in wrapping his arms around me, he buried his face into my shoulder and began crying and sobbing.
Tears streamed down my face as I held my best fr-, no, my brother tightly in my arms.
I kissed his forehead and hugged him closely to my chest, allowing him to break down.
This made me realize that things were never going to be the same.
Leo was never going to be the same.
The Next Day
I'm not sure how any of us did it but we managed to get some sleep and wake up.
However, that doesn't mean things are back to normal.
Alexis and I are barely speaking to each other. I'm not really sure what's going on with me and Nick but we're not talking to each other.
We were all in the common area, talking to each other.
I was mostly talking to Bree and Chase, I didn't want to chat with Alexis or Nick.
Just then dad walked over to us with a confused look on his face.
"You guys seen Leo? He wasn't at breakfast this morning" Dad asked.
We all looked at each other and shrugged.
But then we turned around to see Leo walking in, and to my confusion he was carrying a bag with him.
"That's because I was packing" Leo said.
"Leo, what are you doing? You're supposed to be training" Chase asked, wrapping an arm around my waist.
"I'm going back to Mission Creek. I don't belong here anymore. I'm quitting the academy" Leo said.
My eyes widened and my jaw dropped when he said that.
Leo's quitting the team? Are you freaking serious right now?
"What?" Chase asked, just as shocked as me and everyone else.
"Wait, we can do that?" Adam asked.
"Adam!" Bree and Alexis hissed at him, smacking his arm.
"Look, Leo, I know you're upset about Taylor, but it was an accident" Dad said as he walked over to Leo.
"No. Chase was right. I'm not cut out to be a leader. Alexis and Nick were right about what they said about me too" Leo softly said.
This made me glare at Alexis and Nick. Nick had a shocked look on his face, his eyes showing nothing but sadness and guilt.
Alexis had an emotionless look on her face. But, I can see it in her eyes that she's somewhat sad, but I know she'll never admit it.
"I never meant for you to leave. And I regret what I said, Luna helped me realize that" Chase softly said.
I smiled slightly at him but the frown reappeared on my face when I looked back at Leo.
"Leo, I didn't mean what I said either. I swear I didn't" Nick said, his voice slightly cracking at the end.
I frowned at that as Bree wrapped her arm around his, gently kissing his cheek.
"Leo, buddy, part of being a leader is making mistakes. You learn from them, and you move on" I softly said.
Dad nodded and gently placed his hand on my shoulder.
"I mean, look at Chase. Think of all the mistakes he's made as mission leader" Dad said, pointing at Chase.
"Yeah. Remember when the particle collider collapsed on us because of him?" Adam asked.
"Or when he told Sebastian about Krane, and started the rebellion" Bree said.
"Or the other time when he was trying-" Adam started but Chase cut him off.
"Mistakes were made! We get it!" Chase yelled, clearly annoyed and frustrated.
"But his never hurt anyone. Taylor has to live with my mistake for the rest of her life" Leo said.
"So you're just gonna give up and leave? What about our team?" Logan asked, sadness showing in his eyes.
"Logan, you deserve a better team. Or at least a better leader. I'm not gonna put you or anyone else here in danger ever again" Leo sternly but softly said.
My eyes began watering as tears were threatening to come out. I bit my lip to prevent them coming out.
Leo sighed and opened his bag and to my shock, along with everyone else, he pulled out his mission suit.
He looked at dad and handed it to him.
"Here. Give it to someone more deserving" Leo said.
"Leo, I'm not gonna let you-" Dad started but Leo cut him off.
"Yes, you are, because it's not your choice. It's mine" Leo sternly said.
This time I didn't hold back, letting tears escape my eyes as they slid down my cheeks. I felt Chase wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to his side, kissing my temple.
"Bye, guys. Sorry I let you down" Leo softly said, his voice cracking at the end.
He turned around to walk into the hydraloop before I pulled away from Chase and walked towards Leo.
I grabbed his arm, stopping him from leaving, and turned him around.
Leo looked at me confused before I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.
I heard him sigh before he wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder as I began to cry.
"Please, please don't leave" I softly whispered.
"I'm sorry, Luna, but this is my choice. I'm leaving, you nor nobody else can change my mind" Leo softly whispered back.
We pulled away from the hug as more tears streamed down my face.
"Don't leave, Leo. Please don't leave. I can't lose my best friend, my brother in everything but blood" I softly said.
Leo sighed and gently placed his hands on my shoulders, pressing our foreheads together.
"I've made my decision, Luna. I'm leaving. I'll miss you too, but please understand that this is for the better" Leo softly said.
I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.
Leo leaned in and placed one last brotherly kiss to my forehead, his eyes met mine and a small smile formed on his face.
"I love you, sis. Thank you for always standing up for me when the others looked down at me" Leo said.
"Of course" I nodded.
"Remember, this isn't a goodbye. It's just a see you later" Leo softly whispered.
My lips trembled at that and a small sob escaped my lips. Leo ruffled my hair before turning around and walked into the hydraloop.
He sat down and turned to look at us. He flashed us one last smile before the doors closed, and with that he was gone.
I closed my eyes and let out more sobs as more tears streamed down my face.
Chase turned me around and wrapped his arms around me and I wasted no time wrapping mine around him.
I buried my face into his shoulder and continued to cry and sob.
He sighed and kissed my head, rubbing my back up and nothing and whispering sweet things in my ear to calm me down.
My best friend. My brother, just left and he's not coming back.
Things will never be the same without him around.
Well let me just say that this was a very intense and sad chapter at the same time.
Luna, Alexis and Nick just had their first fight.
But it was mostly aiming towards Alexis and Luna since those two are close, they're sisters, but by the looks of it not anymore. At least for now.
Stay tuned for the next chapter, it'll be posted either today in a few hours or tomorrow.
And lets just say that more surprises will be coming up in the next chapter.
Bye my lovely readers!
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