Chapter Nineteen: Air Leo
Luna's Pov
I was in the living room with Bree.
Apparently there's a spot on the cheerleading team and they're having tryouts tomorrow.
I'm obviously not going to try out, but Bree is and she wants my help.
Not sure why she wants my help when I've never done cheerleading but whatever.
Anyways right now we're in the living room.
I'm sitting on the couch watching Bree practice.
"Ready? Okay! We're dynamite! We're dynamite! We're tick-tick-tick-tick-boom! Dynamite! We're boom! Dynamite! Whoo! Boom! Boom!" Bree cheered.
I smiled and clapped for her.
Just then Adam came running to the living room, panting but smiling.
"Bree, you scared me! I thought you blew up" Adam yelled.
"Why would you think that?" I asked but all he did was shrug.
"No, I was practicing my cheer" Bree said.
"Oh, you mean... tick-tick-tick-tick-boom! We're dynamite! We're boom!" Adam cheered as he started doing the dance.
But he was doing it wrong so I just stopped him.
"Also, what is boom dynamite? I'm all excited and I don't even know what it is!" Adam said with a smile.
"Adam, that's the beauty of cheerleading. You don't have to think" Bree said.
"Then it's perfect for me! I cannot wait for tryouts" Adam said.
"Wait, you're trying out?" I asked.
"Duh, you just saw my mad tick-boom-pow skills. Pow! That's the 'pow' part" Adam said.
"You can't try out for cheerleading. That's my thing. And besides, there's only one spot open on the squad, and you do not wanna compete against me" Bree argued.
"What's the big deal, it's just cheerleading?" I asked.
"Yes, I do. See, cheerleading is one of the few sports that isn't competitive enough to raise my adrenaline and make me glitch out. So primp up your pompoms, Girly, 'cause I'm about to...Be aggressive! Be-e aggressive!" Adam cheered.
"Again, I'm all excited and I don't even know why!" Adam said and I giggled.
"This is fun to watch" I said with a smirk.
The Next Day
I walked into school, trying to find Chase or Bree.
Bree wanted me to be there for her during the tryouts.
Just then Chase walked in with a megaphone in his hand.
"Ladies and gentlemen... If I may have your attention, I present to you the soon-to-be champion of the one-on-one basketball tourney-- Dunkin' Leo Dooley!" Chase announced.
He then imitated the crowd roar and I giggled.
That's my boyfriend.
Leo then walked into the gym wearing a golden robe with a black belt.
"Will assist, flick a wrist, win the game, and pump a fist!" Leo announced and then walked towards Trent.
"You think it'll go down smoothly? Well, you've never played a champ like Dooley! Yes, that just happened!" Leo cheered.
Soon the crowd cheered and clapped for him.
"Oh, yeah? Well, I'm the dude who's gonna..." Trent started but couldn't think of a comeback.
"Somebody give me some words that rhyme!" Trent yelled.
I walked over to Chase, Leo and Janelle and kissed Chase on the cheek.
"What in the name of hades is going on?" I asked.
"Leo, what are you doing?" Janelle asked.
"He is signing up for the Hoop-A Palooza. Don't miss the event of the school year, where Trent will be destroyed by a scrawny underdog 1/16th his size!" Chase explained.
"Laying it on a little thick, aren't ya?" Leo asked.
"Here" Leo said as he started writing his name down.
"Let me help you with that" Janelle said as she started erasing his name.
"Hey! I wanna sign up! I can play ball!" Leo yelled.
"He can play ball!" Chase announced into the megaphone.
"I've been practicing" Leo said.
"He's been practicing" Chase announced and I was starting to get annoyed.
"Miracles do happen" Leo said.
"Miracles do hap--" Chase started but I snatched the megaphone from him and threw it at Trent, which hit his head and caused him to fall to the ground.
"Should've seen that coming" Chase said and I smirked.
"Yeah, stop it! I wanna play!" Trent yelled as he got off from the floor.
"Okay, fine. Trent, I guess you finally have an opponent-- Leo" Janelle said.
"I'll see you on the court. And try not to be so short. Just rhymed!" Trent said as he walked away.
"Leo you don't have to do this" I said and Janelle nodded.
"I don't have to do a lot of things, Luna" Leo said.
"What the fuck does that mean?" I asked.
"I don't know" Leo said and I rolled my eyes at him and simply walked away.
"I need to meet Bree for cheerleading tryouts, but I'll see you later" I said.
"Of course sweetheart" Chase said and I smiled.
"Sweetheart?" I asked.
"Yeah, that the new nickname I gave you, you like it?" Chase asked.
"I love it, does that mean I get to call you bubba?" I asked.
He smiled and kissed my nose, "of course" Chase said.
"Thanks bubba, love you" I said.
"Love you too" Chase said as I quickly ran into the gym.
"Hey Bree, sorry if I'm late" I yelled.
"No worries Luna, you're right on time actually" Bree said.
"Oh thank goodness, I got scared I nearly missed it" I said and she giggled.
"Is Adam still trying out?" I asked.
"Sadly, yes" Bree said and I giggled.
"Next we have Riley, Bella, Olive, Siri, and Tommy" Stephanie, the head cheerleader, said.
"Uh, that's a no. No. Never. Nice try. And... You might wanna think about tennis. Bye! Totes thanks for coming!" Stephanie said with a fake smile.
They all walked away and I glared at her, she's the absolute worse and I hate her with all my might.
"Next we have Adam and Bree. Ugh, they got two points for lame names" Stephanie said.
"Good luck" I whispered to Bree.
"Thanks Luna" Bree said as her and Adam stepped forward.
"And cheer" Stephanie said.
"We're dynamite! We're dynamite! We're tick-tick-tick--"
"Okay, okay, I've heard enough. Better luck next year" Stephanie said to Bree before walking up to Adam.
"And welcome to the squad!" Stephanie said, making Adam smile.
He tried hugging her but she stopped him and held her pinkie for him.
"Oh, pinky hug" Stephanie said and Adam pouted.
"How is that possible?" I asked and Bree nodded.
"Yeah, he spent all morning wearing my pompoms as a wig!" Bree argued.
"Oh, not a wig! Secret agent disguise" Adam said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"We need someone to catch us when we dismantle the pyramid. There have been a few problems" Stephanie said as we looked behind to see two girls sitting on the bench wearing neck braces.
"It's ironic 'cause she's a total pain in the neck" Stephanie mocked, causing the two girls to give her and offended look.
"See ya at rehearsal! Him, not you" Stephanie said to Bree.
Bree frowned and ran out the gym.
I was going to follow her but Stephanie stopped me.
"Oh hey Luna, are you here to try out too?" Stephanie asked.
"Never in a million years would I think about trying out" I said in anger before running out the gym to find Bree.
I saw her sitting by a bench and walked up to her.
"Bree I'm so sorry you didn't make the team" I said as I sat next to her.
"It's not your fault Luna, it's Adams, he just had to try out and ruin things for me" Bree complained.
I wrapped one around around her shoulder and she laid her head on my shoulder.
"Do you want me to do something?" I asked but she shook her head.
"No, I mean what's there to do when Stephanie clearly isn't going to allow me on the team" Bree said and I sighed.
"It's fine Bree, there's always next time" I said.
"I guess so" Bree said.
The Next Day
I woke up the next day to get ready for the game.
I still feel so bad that Bree didn't make the team but Adam did.
Anyways, I got out of the shower and changed.
Once I got changed I quickly left the house to get to school.
When I entered the school I saw the cheerleaders and Adam.
I was going to walk past them and head to the gym to find the others but Stephanie stopped me.
"Oh hey Luna, it's great that you're here, we need someone to judge our cheering" Stephanie said.
"Can't someone else do it?" I asked in annoyance.
"Everyone in this school is a loser, you're not so we need you" Stephanie said and I rolled my eyes.
"Ready? Okay!" Stephanie started.
"Two, four, six, seven, who do we appreciate?!" Adam cheered.
I smiled and shook my head at him.
"That was great, Adam. My favorite part was when you stopped talking" Stephanie said and I glared at her.
"Aw" Adam pouted.
"Now get ready. We're about to perform at the Hoop-A Palooza, and I don't need to tell you how important this is. This is important" Stephanie said.
"Got it" Adam said.
He then turned around and I turned around too, only to see Bree sitting alone on a bench, looking really sad.
"Hey, look, I know I took the last spot on the squad, but do you think you could make room for my sister Bree? I think she's kinda mad at me" Adam said and I smiled.
"Yeah, not gonna happen. If we let her join, she won't feel the true sting of rejection. And I generously try to give everyone that experience" Stephanie said with a smile.
"And I generously want to punch you in the face" I said in complete anger and annoyance.
"Girls, come look at this. Ew. She looks like my pet pug when I paint her paw nails against her will" Stephanie mocked.
All the girls soon started laughing at Bree and that made me more angry then before.
Actually scratch that, I'm fucking pissed.
"Hey, stop talking about my sister like that" Adam deadpanned.
"Um, I'm cheer captain. I talk, you listen" Stephanie said.
"No, when it comes to defending my sister, I'm gonna talk all I want. In fact, I quit the squad" Adam said as he dropped his pom-poms and walked away.
I smirked at him and nodded.
A cheerleader tried picking up the pom-poms but Adam ran back.
"Hey, back off, neck brace! Those babies are mine!" Adam yelled as he grabbed his pom-poms and walked away.
I walked over to Stephanie and kicked her in the stomach, causing her to fall to the ground.
"Mental note, never talk that way about my best friend, ever" I said.
I flipped my hair and walked into the gym.
I walked over to Bree and sat next to her, Adam did the same.
"Shouldn't you be off somewhere juggling airheads?" Bree asked.
"Yeah, but I quit the squad" Adam said and I nodded.
"What? Why?" Bree asked.
"I can't say why because it'll hurt your feelings that they were making fun of you" Adam said and I giggled.
"Wait, you quit the team because they were making fun of me?" Bree asked.
"I just told you I can't say that" Adam said.
"Yes he did, and I kicked Stephanie in the stomach" I said with a proud smirk, causing Bree to giggle.
"Adam, we have moves that are way better than anything they have. We should just do our own cheer!" Bree suggested.
"Oh, good idea! We'll see how they like it when we hit 'em with the Turbo Booty Shake!" Adam cheered.
"Luna, are you going to join?" Bree asked.
"Sorry but no, cheerleading isn't my thing" I said as I got up and walked away from them.
I walked up to Leo and then Chase walked in.
"Where have you been? I tried stalling, but I ran out of injuries to fake" Leo asked.
"Uhh what?" I asked.
"The compound in the sneakers is highly susceptible to electron beams. So I ran home and got these electron-beam generators from the lab" Chase explained.
"And those will mess up the shoes?" Leo asked.
"Mm-hmm. Say hello to "attract" and "repel." I'll make Trent dance like a puppet. If I were less mature, I'd evil laugh" Chase said with a smirk then did an evil laugh.
Damn, no matter what he does he's still hot.
Leo walked back into the court and Chase hid behind me so nobody would see him.
"Okay, first player to score 11 points wins the second game. Go!" Janelle announced as she blew her whistle and everyone cheered.
Trent started dribbling the ball and Leo blocked him, but Trent jumped higher because of the shoes Leo was talking about and the ball went into the basket.
"Oh! Did You see my hang time on that one?! I'm even greater than I thought!" Trent bragged and I glared at him.
Suddenly he started doing an Irish dance which caused him to drop the ball and I giggled at the sight, knowing damn well Chase was doing this.
Leo grabbed it and tried scoring but missed.
Trent grabbed the ball and laughed.
"Whoa! Nice try. Wha-? What is this?! What is this-- What is this magic?!" Trent asked as he started dancing again.
"Hey! You're not a cheerleader! Quit stealing our boom-pow!" Adam yelled and soon the crowd started laughing at Trent.
"Hey! Stop laughing at me! I'm supposed to laugh at you!" Trent yelled.
"What--? What is this?!" Trent said as he sat on the floor to take off his shoes.
"What are you doing?" Janelle asked, coming up from behind me and Chase.
"I am... cheering. Go, Leo!" Chase cheered and I nodded.
"I want my old shoes back!" Trent demanded as he gave the shoes back to Leo.
"Okay, since Trent left the court, I guess game two goes to Leo" Janelle said and the crowd cheered and clapped.
"That's right! Leo, me, winner! Small's the new tall, y'all! Bam!" Leo announced, making the crowd cheer even more.
"Go, Dingoes!" Stephanie cheered as the other cheerleaders ran in.
"Ugh, move back! I'm in front! Ready? Okay!" Stephanie complained and I rolled my eyes at her.
"We're dynamite! We're dynamite! We're tick-tick-tick-tick-boom! Dynamite!" the cheerleaders cheered.
"Cheer bomb" Adam and Bree yelled together.
"Oh-ho-ho! Oh, Stephanie, can you do that? No, I didn't think so!" Adam said with a laugh.
"Whoo!" Bree cheered.
"Whoo!" Adam cheered.
"Ready? Okay! Ooh, what's that? What do I see? Bree cheers better than Stephanie!" Bree yelled.
"Hold up there! Not so fast! Stephanie's a thing of the past!" Adam yelled.
"Better call your mom! It's a cheer bomb! Huh!" both of them said.
"This is scaring me" I whispered to Chase and Leo and they both nodded.
"Ring, ring! Hello? Oh, it's your mom!" Adam said.
"Hey there, mom! It's a cheer bomb!" Bree said.
"Whoa..." Adam cheered.
"Cheer bomb" both of them yelled.
One problem was that Adam accidentally glitched and used one of his bionics to break some parts of the ceiling.
Everyone stared at them while me, Chase and Leo were nervous.
"Oh shit" I whispered.
"Uh... Yeah, that's right. Special effects. When we say "boom," we mean boom!" Bree yelled.
The three of us sighed in relief when the crowd smiled and nodded at them.
"Yeah, and when we say "brunch," we mean a delicious combination of breakfast and lunch!" Adam yelled.
Stephanie and the other cheerleaders stormed off while the crowd cheered for Adam and Bree.
I smiled and clapped for my best friends.
After a few minutes the game started again.
Adam and Bree stood next to us as we watched Leo continue the game but he was losing really badly.
Chase wrapped his arm around my waist as we continued watching Leo.
Trent had 10 scores while Leo barely had any.
"Come on, Leo. Don't give up" Janelle yelled.
"Leo! Leo! Leo!" I chanted.
"Leo! Leo! Leo! Leo!" everyone chanted.
He soon grabbed the ball from Trent and ran up to the basket and soon he shot it inside and made a score.
We all cheered and clapped for him.
"Yes! I did it! I scored a point! That was nothing but net! And rim and backboard, but it went in!" Leo cheered.
Trent grabbed the ball and shot it, making the score and in the end he won.
"Yes! Winner, right here! I'll be signing foreheads in the hallway!" Trent cheered.
He ran out the gym but before he could I stuck my foot out and he tripped, causing him to fall face first on the floor.
"Oops" I said in fake kindness.
Everyone laughed at him while he quickly got up and ran away in embarrassment.
"That was awesome sweetheart" Chase complimented.
"Of course it was" I said with a smirk, making him chuckle.
He pressed his lips onto mine and I kissed back.
We pulled away and pressed our foreheads against each others.
"I love you sweetheart" Chase said.
"I love you too bubba" I said with a smile.
We held hands as we walked over to Leo.
Janelle soon walked over to us and smiled at Leo.
"Leo, you may have lost, but that shot was awesome! And you did it on your own, without any gimmicks or gadgets" Janelle prasied.
"Nope, I just relied on the other "G"-- Greatness!" Leo cheered and we all laughed.
We all continued talking as I rested my head on Chase's shoulder as he kissed my temple.
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