Chapter Nine: Exoskeleton Vs Grandma
Luna's Pov
Luckily today was Saturday so no school.
We all decided we'd stay home and just have fun together as a family.
Which was perfectly fine for me since I get to spend more time with Chase.
Tasha was on the phone with her mother and dad was testing out one of his inventions.
Adam was doing push ups with Leo sitting on him and Chase and Bree were playing ball.
'This is my weird family' I thought with a smile.
I made my way over to the couch and sat down as I took out my phone.
"Hey babe" Chase smiled.
"Hey baby" I smiled.
He leaned down and kissed me on the lips and I happily kissed back.
"Come on, stop kissing each other and let's continue playing" Bree said.
We pulled away as Chase gave her a glare while I giggled.
"Go on, we can hang later" I smiled.
He smiled and gave me one last kiss before going back to playing ball with Bree.
"But not today. Why? Because Donald's not feeling well. Look, I gotta go. He just threw up in my purse. Love you, bye" Tasha quickly said before hanging up her phone.
"You know, we're gonna have to have your mother over eventually" Dad said.
"No, we don't" Tasha said.
I got up from the couch and made my way over to them.
"I don't see the problem with your mother coming over for a visit Tasha, it could be fun" I smiled.
"Sweetheart you don't get it, my mom doesn't just visit. She has inspections. If she spots anything weird, she will use it as an excuse for her to move in" Tasha explained.
Bree superspeeded towards us and caught the ball Chase threw at her.
"Nothing weird here" Bree said before she superspeeded away from us.
"Honey, when your mother visits, I will shower her with love, I will make her feel welcome and I will do anything humanly possible to-" Dad was cut off by the doorbell, making Tasha gulp.
"It's my mother" Tasha said, making everyone stop what they're doing and turn to her.
"I'll be in the lab" Dad said in fear before running away.
"Real mature dad" I scoffed in annoyance.
The others quickly ran over to me while Tasha made her way over to Leo.
"Quick, turn invisible" Tasha said.
The trio and Leo looked at her weirdly.
"Last time I checked, I'm normal" I said.
"Oh come on, you have every other freaky ability. Just run and hide" Tasha said.
"Why do I need to hide?" I asked in annoyance.
"Just hide, please" Tasha begged.
Sighing I just nodded and grabbed onto Chase's hand.
All four of us ran to the kitchen and hid behind the counter.
Tasha and Leo stood next to each other as the door opened and revealed Tasha's mother, Rose.
"Oh good. It's unlocked" Rose smile as she walked inside and closed the door and took off her sunglasses.
"Mom, you're here" Tasha said with a smile as she walked over to her mother and hugged her.
"Would've been here sooner if it hadn't been for your stupid gate" Rose said and I quietly giggled.
"Oh, that's just Donald's titanium security fence" Tasha said.
"Well, if you ran it with your car hard enough, it pops right open" Rose said and I covered my mouth so I wouldn't burst out laughing.
'I like this woman already' I thought.
She soon spotted Leo and smiled.
"Leo. There's my baby. Come and give me some sugar. Ooooh! Grandma's so glad to see you. Let me see your face. Let me see that face. Let me see your face. Let me see your face. You're so cute" Rose said.
She started hugging him and pinching his cheeks and kissing him.
All four of us quietly laughed while Leo looked uncomfortable.
"Grandma brought your favorite bran fruitcake" Rose said with a smile.
She handed it to Leo, who tried holding it but nearly dropped it, "oh wow" Leo said.
"Oh! Wow. Grandma, you shouldn't have" Leo said with a smile.
"Oh, baby" Rose said with a smile.
"And when I say you shouldn't have-" Leo said but was cut off.
"Leo..." Tasha warns him.
While they were distracted we all tried sneaking off into the lab to hide with dad but unfortunately Rose spotted us.
"Who are they?" Rose asked, making all of us freeze.
"They are the... staff! Big house" Tasha quickly said, and we all smiled nervously.
"Staff? Oh, Tasha. Still so lazy" Rose said while shaking her head.
"And you are still so-" Tasha said but stopped herself when she saw Rose giving her a glare.
"My mother" Tasha said with a smile.
Rose nodded and turned her attention to Adam.
"So what do you do?" Rose asked.
"Well, I collect rocks, I lift heavy things, I chase bugs" Adam said with a smile and I giggled.
"Adam is our chef" Tasha quickly said.
"Oh. Right. Chef. Normally, I wear a puffy hat and I yell things in Italian. Bonjour" Adam said with a smile and fake accent.
We all laughed nervously while Rose looked at us with a suspicious stare.
"What a wonderful sense of humor" Tasha said while giving Adam a slight glare.
"And who is she?" Rose asked, pointing at Bree.
"Bree is my personal trainer" Tasha said and Bree nodded.
"Oh. And what exactly does a personal trainer do?" Rose asked.
"It's personal" Bree quickly said and I quietly laughed.
"And Chase- Chase is Leo's nanny. Man-nanny. Manny" Tasha said.
Leo and Chase stared at her in disbelief while I giggled and shook my head.
"Aren't you a little young to be a manny?" Rose asked.
"Aren't you a little too young to be a grandma?" Chase asked with a nervous smile.
Rose stared at him before smiling, "oh I like him" Rose said with a laugh.
Chase sighed in relief before Rose looked at me, "and who is she?" Rose asked.
"Oh, she is-" Tasha said but I cut her off.
"Hello, nice to meet you Rose. I'm Luna Walker, Leo's best friend, I protect him from the bullies at school who try and pick on him and makes sure he keeps himself out of trouble" I said with a smile.
It wasn't a lie, the football players always bullied Leo, mainly Trent.
I threaten to beat them up and they immediately run away in fear, especially Trent.
Rose smiled at me and extended her hand and I gently shake it, "well it's very nice to meet you Luna, any friend of Leo's is a friend of mine" Rose said.
"Very nice to meet you too Rose" I said with a smile.
Tasha smiled at me and mouthed 'thank you' and I mouthed 'you're welcome' to her.
"Make sure you keep her Leo, she's a nice girl and best friend" Rose said, "of course grandma" Leo said and I smiled.
'This should be interesting' I thought.
A Few Hours Later
I was cleaning around the house.
I may not be a staff but Rose is still here for a small visit and I don't want anything to be dirty.
I wiped the kitchen table so it was all clean and shiny.
Right now I'm setting up the table for dinner.
Bree was sitting at the counter while Adam was in the kitchen gathering a few items.
Leo, Chase, and dad were downstairs in the lab preparing for the call.
Tasha was walking around with her mother.
"Mmm-mmm. See, there is too much technology around here. In my day, we didn't have all these gizmos and gadgets. You had your family, it was horrible, and you lived with it" Rose explained and I giggled.
"And don't get me started on your staff. I mean, how is my Leo supposed to learn how to do anything for himself?" Rose asked Tasha.
"Well, he'll learn without someone criticizing his every move" Tasha said in annoyance and Rose glared at her.
"I'm guessing" Tasha quickly said with a nervous smile.
Rose looked at me and smiled, "sweetheart what are you doing?" Rose asked.
"Oh nothing, just setting up the table for when dinner is ready" I said.
"You poor thing, you shouldn't be doing that, you're a guest here too" Rose said and I smiled.
"No worries, it's ok, I normally do things like this when the staff are doing their own thing, or when Da-Davenport is busy working" I explained.
I nearly said dad but recovered just in time.
"Of course, Donald is always so lazy and making you poor girl do his work" Rose said as she rolled her eyes and I giggled.
Rose made her way over to Adam and crossed her arms.
"So, what is the master chef preparing anyway?" Rose asked.
"Uh..." Adam said and looked at Tasha for help.
"He's making..."Tasha said as she opened a cook book and started going through the pages.
She quickly found one and ripped it.
"Spaghetti" Tasha said with a smile.
"I love how you always follow the directions exactly as written" Tasha said, giving him a small warning face, which Adam saw and nodded.
Bree smiled and made her way over to Rose.
"Uh, hey, why don't we do some exercises? It'll help loosen up your creaky bones" Bree suggested and Rose sent her an offended look.
"And by creaky, I mean time-tested and full of experience" Bree quickly said before hip-bumping Rose, who nearly fell.
I finished setting up the table and decided to go see how Adam was doing with cooking.
"Add one can of tomatoes" Adam said, I quickly handed him the can of tomatoes.
"Thanks" Adam said, "anytime buddy" I said with a smile.
He quickly used his super strength to open the can and put the tomatoes inside the pot.
He threw the can away and read the instructions again.
"Simmer on low heat. Low heat" Adam said.
'Adam, you better not do what I think you're going to do' I thought nervously.
"Oh, ok" Adam said.
He covered one of his eye with his hand and used his heat vision from his other eye.
I quickly looked over at the other, thankfully Bree and Rose were stretching so she didn't see.
"Yeah! I'm cooking" Adam cheered, causing Bree and Rose to look at him weirdly.
"Which I always do" Adam quickly said and I smiled.
"Ok" Bree said as she picked herself up, but the noticed Rose struggling so she helped her up.
"Oh, thank you" Rose said, trying to control her breathing.
"Um, let's move on to a simple little exercise that can strengthen your core while crushing a man's windpipe" Bree explained with a smile.
"Ooh" Rose said, suddenly really interested.
"They already kicked her out of book club for using that one" Tasha said with a nervous smile.
"Anything else?" Tasha asked.
"How about, um, pick up the hat? Yeah. You reach down like you're gonna pick up a hat, and then you kick the air behind you" Bree said.
She demonstrated the move herself.
Rose tried to do it but nearly fell over, that was until Bree superspeeded next to her and caught her.
'Oh shit' I thought.
"How'd you get behind me so fast?" Rose asked.
"Uh, how do you get in front of me so fast, you speedy, little grandma, you?" Bree asked with a nervous smile.
'That was an ok save' I thought.
A Few Hours Later
I was taking out some juice from the fridge and placed it on the kitchen table.
Soon dad, Chase, and Leo came upstairs.
"Donald" Rose said.
"Rose" Dad said.
They both walked up to each other and hugged.
"About time. I was beginning to think you were avoiding me" Rose said.
'He was' I thought.
"I was-" Dad said but stopped when Rose glared at him.
"Uh, sick. I mean I was sick. I was feeling very ill. And I had a very important phone call. Uh, it's not nearly as important as you" Dad explained.
"Nice save" Rose said and I giggled.
"Thank you, I thought so" Dad said with a nervous smile.
"Honey, what are Adam and Bree doing?" Dad asked Tasha.
"You mean our chef and trainer" Tasha said.
"That explains what they're doing" Dad said.
I walked over to Adam and Leo. Adam took out his spoon and our eyes widened when we saw it nearly burnt.
"Uh, just a couple more minutes" Adam said.
"Till what? You melt the fucking pot?" I asked in anger, causing Adam to glare at me.
"You know what? Let's just all sit down and have a nice dinner together" Tasha suggsted.
"We can sit down, but having a nice dinner just isn't gonna happen" Leo said.
"Agreed" I said.
"Hey, you're Leo's manny and you're letting him near a hot stove?" Rose asked.
Chase immediately ran over to Leo and pulled him away from the stove.
"Watch it, Leo. You wanna get sent to bed without any supper?" Chase asked.
"Yes" Leo said.
Chase rolled his eyes while I giggled.
We all sat at the table together, I sat next to Chase as we held hands together underneath the table.
"Are you ok? You look mad" I asked.
Chase smiled at me and kissed my cheek, luckily Rose didn't see.
"I'll explain later" Chase said and I nodded.
Adam came over and started serving us our dinner, but the dinner was completely burnt.
"What the?" Rose asked.
"Pa-sghetti?" Adam said with a nervous smile.
"What in the name of great Caesar's ghost is going on around here?" Rose asked.
"Trust me, there is nothing unusual going on here. Everything is completely normal" Tasha reassured her.
Just then a giant robot came bursting in through the wall.
"That was horrible timing" Dad said.
"You think" I said in annoyance.
"What is that?" Rose asked in slight fear.
"That is another member of our staff. Go away, James. We don't need you right now" Leo said.
"That was the most terrible excuse ever" I whispered. Chase heard and chuckled.
"Boy, I'm old, not senile, and that's no butler. I'm out" Rose said and quickly ran away.
All of us followed behind her and hid behind the couch while Chase and Leo his behind some colorful light plant things.
The robot started destroying the house and started throwing things across the room.
"Adam, don't just sit there. Go take that thing down" I ordered.
He nodded and got up but Tasha quickly pulled him back down.
"No! If you do that, someone will know that someone has certain abilities" Tasha said, pointing over to Rose.
The robot then flipped over the kitchen table.
"Oh, well, great. Now dinner's ruined" Adam said in anger.
"The dinner was already ruined before the damn robot flipped over the table" I said in annoyance and rolled my eyes.
"Donald, You're the man of the house, do something" Rose ordered Dad.
"Right. I'll take care of this" Dad said.
He got up and walked over to the robot but the robot shot lasers at him, making dad scream like a little girl and go back to hiding with us.
"My hero" me and Rose said together.
"Wait, I have an idea" Leo said, he quickly ran past the robot and ran down to the lab to get something.
"Now, do you see? Your little gizmo's putting us all in danger. That's robot's about to kill us. Now, see, back when I was a kid, back in the day-" Rose started but dad cut her off.
"Yeah, that's a fascinating story, Rose. Do you mind if we hear about it later?" Dad asked.
"Oh" Rose said in realization and ducked her head.
Dad grabbed pillows and started throwing them at the robot.
"Are you for real? That thing is destroying the house and shooting lasers at us and you're using fucking pillows?" I asked in anger.
"Well they're call pillows for a reason" Dad defended.
"Oh fuck this" I said in anger as I got up.
"Luna what are you doing?" Bree asked.
"I'm going to try distracting it, at least it'll focus on me and won't continue to destroy the house" I said.
"Luna I don't-" Dad said but I cut him off.
"It's fine, I can handle it" I said and I walked away from them.
"Hey robot" I yelled, causing the robot to look at me.
"Let's dance" I yelled.
I quickly ran to it and kneed him in the stomach, causing it to stumble back.
It got back up and shot lasers at me, but I managed to avoid them.
Leo came running back with some sort of device in his hand.
"Time for this exo to meet its match" Leo said and ran back to Chase.
"The electrofield de-stabilizer. Great idea, Leo" Chase said with a smile.
The robot tried punching me, but I grabbed it's arm, twisted it and kicked him in the stomach.
"Thanks. Here. You should do it. Sorry for stealing your sizzle" Leo said with a smile.
"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I just have to get used to the idea of having another brother around" Chase said with a smile.
"Guys, I'm really enjoying the heartfelt moment, but I'm running out of pillows here" Dad said.
"And I can't distract it for much longer" I said as I dodged another laser.
I quickly punched it in the face, turned him around and kicked him in it's back.
"Should we take this bad boy down together?" Leo asked
"I'll flip, you zap?" Chase asked and they both nodded.
"Hurry up" I yelled.
I tried to land a kick on it, but it grabbed my leg and flipped me to the ground.
"Luna" dad yelled.
"I'm fine" I yelled back, ignoring the pain.
It tried stepping on me but I quickly rolled away and got back up.
"That hurt you damn robot" I yelled in anger.
I ran to it, grabbed it's arm, twisted it and stomped on it's foot.
I quickly kneed him in the stomach and landed two kicks on his back.
"Guys hurry, I can't keep distracting it" I yelled.
Suddenly the robot got back up, ran to me and grabbed me by the throat.
'Shit' I thought nervously.
"LUNA!!?!" everyone shouted in fear.
Dad and Chase being louder then the others.
I could barely breath and I was beginning to struggle.
I tried pushing the robot away from me, punching it, and kicking it but nothing happened.
"HURRY AND DO SOMETHING!?!" Dad shouted to Chase and Leo.
The robot squeezed it's hand tighter on my throat and I could feel myself slowly losing oxygen.
"" was all I could manage to get out.
The robot spun around and threw me into a wall.
I groaned in pain when my back hit the wall and I fell to the ground.
I gasped and coughed uncontrollably, trying to catch my breath.
I didn't have enough energy to get up so I just stayed on the floor, still coughing and gasping.
Adam quickly ran over to me and kneeled in front of me and gently pulled me onto his lap.
"Luna, are you alright?" Adam asked.
I gave him a weak smile and slowly started closing my eyes.
Leo tried attacking the robot with the device, but it got smacked out of it's hand and the robot picked him up by his shirt.
"Hey, Chase, did we have a plan B?" Leo asked.
"Hey, nobody lays a hand on my grandson or his best friend" Rose said angrily.
"It's time to pick up the hat" Rose said.
She ran to the robot, kicked him it's stomach and ran back to the couch.
'That was officially awesome' I thought with a small smile.
"Way to go, Grandma! And you didn't even break a hip" Bree said clearly impressed.
Rose smiled and gave her a thumbs up.
"Look out, Leo! Stay close" Chase ordered and helped him off the ground.
The robot was about to attack Leo but Chase used his forcefield to shield both of them.
He then used the device on the robot, causing it to fall down and shut down.
"YES" everyone cheered.
Chase and Leo smiled and hugged each other and the others got out of their hiding spot.
Dad and Chase quickly ran over to me, the others followed behind them.
Dad kneeled in front of me, concern written all over his face.
"Luna?" Dad asked.
"Luna, babe are you alright?" Chase asked, kneeling in front of me.
I was trying to open my eyes, but I still felt a little weak.
Considering a damn robot just choked me and threw me into the wall.
"Luna...?" Leo and Bree both asked in concern.
I slowly opened my eyes and looked around and saw that everyone was looking at me in concern.
I slowly opened my eyes and sent everyone reassuring smiles.
"Don't worry...I'm alright" I slowly said.
Everyone sighed in relief and cheered.
Adam gently helped me up and dad pulled me into a hug.
"Thank goodness you're alright pumpkin, I was really scared" Dad said.
I smiled and hugged him back, "don't worry dad, I'm perfectly fine" I said.
We pulled away and Chase was the next one to pull me into a hug and kiss me on the cheek.
"Thank goodness you're alright babe, I was worried" Chase said.
"Don't worry baby, I'm perfectly fine" I reassured him.
"Somebody better tell me what's going on right now. And right now just passed, so you're not talking fast enough" Rose demanded.
"Uh, Rose, there is a completely rational explanation for all of this. You are, uh, delusional. Who wants dessert?" Dad asked and everyone raised their hands.
"You're the worst liar ever" I said.
Bree gave me a water bottle. I smiled and thanked her and immediately started drinking. After being choked, I was a little dehydrated.
"You know what, Mom? This is our life. Our house may be high-tech and chaotic, but it is full of love. And it may not be perfect for you but it is perfect for our family" Tasha explained.
We all smiled and nodded.
"What family? Wait a minute, who are these people?" Rose asked.
"Adam, Bree, and Chase, they are, uh, my brother's kids. That I adopted when he died. Fell in a volcano" Dad said.
"What about Luna?" Rose asked.
"She's our best friend" Leo said.
Bree and Adam smiled and nodded in agreement.
"She's my beautiful girlfriend" Chase said giving me a kiss on the cheek and I smiled.
"And my adopted daughter" Dad said while walking over to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"Wait, adopted daughter?" Rose asked in shock.
"Yes, that's right. Her real parents abandoned her when she was just a baby, they left her on my doorstep and I gladly took her in and raised her as my own daughter" Dad explained.
I smiled and nodded.
"He's the reason why I grew up the way I am now, and I'm glad he took me and I'm glad I can consider him as my real father. He may not be my father by blood, but he's the one that took care of me all those years, raised me, and gave me love" I explained.
Dad smiled at me and kissed my forehead.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist.
Rose looked at us before smiling softly at us.
"Well, why didn't you just say so? Now it all makes sense. You're just a modern family with a bunch of adorable kids" Rose said, making everyone smile.
"And Donald" Rose said, "yes?" dad asked.
"I'm happy that you took Luna in and raised her as your own. She's a nice, wonderful, and a beautiful girl" Rose said.
"She sure is" Chase said from behind me and I giggled.
"I don't regret ever taking her in and raising her as my own daughter" Dad said.
I smiled and kissed his cheek, making him smile.
"Well then, welcome to the family Luna" Rose said and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back.
We pulled away and she gently caressed my cheek.
"You're parents might've abandoned you, but that's their lost. They missed out on raising a wonderful daughter" Rose said.
"Awww, thank you Rose" I said with a smile.
"Please, you're part of the family, call me grandma" Grandma said.
I smiled and nodded, "ok, thank you grandma" I said and hugged her once again.
We pulled away and she looked at Chase, "make sure to never let her go young man, you two are perfect for each other" Grandma said.
Me and Chase smiled at each other as he pulled me closer to him.
"Don't worry Rose, I don't plan on ever letting her go, she's the only one for me" Chase said as he gave me a kiss on the lips.
I smiled and kissed back.
A Few Hours Later
We all laughed and smiled at each other.
We were in the living room watching a movie together.
Grandma decided she would stay for a few days to get to know us better.
Right now I was sitting next to Chase on the couch.
I had my arms wrapped around his waist and rested my head on his chest while he had both arms wrapped around me.
"Oh, man. I am starving" Grandma complained.
"Me too" I said.
Soon the doorbell rang and we all smiled.
"Oh, that must be the pizza" Donald said, "finally" I said making Chase chuckle.
"I'll get it" Leo yelled.
We all turned around and saw him inside the robot.
"Leo, what are you doing in that thing?" Tasha asked.
Leo ignored her and opened the door, the pizza guy looked at him in fear.
He dropped the pizza boxes and ran away.
I smirked and shook my head, realizing what Leo just did.
He picked up the boxes and turned to us.
"Getting free pizza" Leo said.
We all smiled and got up to get our slices of pizza.
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