Chapter Fourty-Two: Bionic Showdown Part Two
Luna's Pov
We continued looking at dad who still didn't have the confidence to look at the trio and continued looking down at the floor.
"What do you mean you're our father?" Chase asked.
"Yeah, he's our father" Bree said while pointing at dad.
"No, that's what he's been telling you" Douglas said as he picked up some sort of remote.
"Well, I don't know who you are but you're going down" Adam said as he ran towards him but Douglas pressed a button on the remote and pointed it towards the trio.
Before we knew it they were soon in the cell with me and dad.
"Bubba!" I yelled and immediately hugged Chase who didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me.
"You mastered short-range teleportation before I did? I've been working on that for years!" Dad said in jealously.
"I know. I'm awesome" Douglas shrugged with a smirk on his face.
"No, you're not awesome. I'm awesome!" Dad argued.
"I'm awesome" Douglas argued back.
"Awesome!" Dad yelled while pointing at himself.
"If you two don't shut up I swear on everything" I said in annoyance.
"You're still going down!" Adam said as he tried running towards Douglas again but then stopped for some reason.
"My super strength. It's gone" Adam said and my eyes widened in shock.
Bree tried running as well but she stopped.
"So is my speed" Bree said.
Chase released one arm and pressed his fingers against his temple before sighing.
"I've got nothing" Chase said.
"That's because I designed these lasers to block the signals from your bionic chips" Douglas explained while chuckling.
"That's right. Daddy gave you toys, but he can also take them away" Douglas smirked.
'Wish I had a toy that could get him to shut the fuck up' I thought in annoyance.
Soon Marcus walked over to us with a stupid smirk on his face.
"Yeah, and here you're not superhuman. You're just a bunch of pathetic kids" Marcus mocked.
"Hey sad clown" Douglas said as he shoved Marcus away, making me smirk.
"This is my moment, save it for the stage" Douglas said, making Marcus huff in annoyance and cross his arms.
Dad and Douglas continued glaring at each other while I cuddled closer into Chase.
"Are you alright sweetheart?" Chase asked as he put two fingers under my chin and made me look at him.
"Don't worry bubba. I'm alright" I reassured him, making him sigh in relief as he kissed my head.
I then smirked as I started running my finger on his chest.
"You know Chase, I didn't tell you this when you came here but you look sexy in this new mission suit" I whispered to him.
Chase looked at me and smirked, "oh really?" Chase asked.
I smirked and nodded before smashing my lips onto his.
He smirked into the kiss and brought me closer to his body.
I ran my hands through his hair and gave it a small tug and earned a small moan from him.
The others groaned in annoyance as dad and Adam looked away while I could hear Douglas making gagging noises.
"At a time like this you two are going to makeout?" Bree asked in annoyance
"Why did I think bringing you two here when you always makeout was a good idea?" Douglas asked to himself as he shivered in disgust.
We pulled away from the kiss and rolled our eyes at them.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Marcus fuming in anger with his fists clenched as he was glaring at Chase.
I smirked in satisfaction knowing that we made Marcus mad.
But he should already know that I would never leave Chase, not for him and certainly not for anyone else.
A Few Minutes Later
"Well, Marcus. We finally captured them" Douglas smiled before scoffing and smirking.
"Actually, I captured them. Me, me, me, me, me" Douglas bragged with a smug smirk on his face.
Chase scoffed and leaned closer to him, "you've got one of those too, huh?" Chase asked and Marcus nodded.
"You have no idea" Marcus said through gritted teeth.
"Come on" Douglas said as he snapped his fingers.
"We got work to do!" Douglas said as he walked away with Marcus following right behind him.
As soon as they left me and the trio turned to look at dad.
"Mr. Davenport, why did that guy say that he was our father?" Chase asked as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"Because, technically, he is your father. And my brother" Dad said.
The trio's eyes widened in shock along with me.
I wasn't in shock about the brother part since dad told before the trio came here but I was shocked about Douglas being their father.
"What?" Bree asked.
"How is that even possible?" Chase asked.
"Wait, so does this mean Chase is also my father?" Adam asked and I looked at him weirdly.
"He's your brother you idiot, not your father, I don't even know where you got that from" I said in annoyance.
"Years ago, Douglas and I started Davenport Industries together. It was great, we had a cute little lab. You know, not as good as the big lab I have now, but then we didn't nearly have as much money--" Dad started explaining but was cut off by Bree.
"Get to the point!" Bree snapped at him.
"Right. We developed bionics so that robots could do the jobs that were too dangerous for people. But then, Douglas went behind my back and implanted them into genetically engineered humans" Dad explained.
My eyes widened in realization and I looked at the trio.
"You mean us?" Adam asked.
"No, Adam. The Green Bay Packers" Bree sarcastically said.
"Your bionic chips were never designed to be interfaced with the human nervous system" Dad said.
"Is that the reason why they glitch?" I asked and dad nodded.
"Oh. And all these years, I thought it was just 'cause you're a terrible scientist" Adam said.
I let out a small giggle while dad rolled his eyes.
"Douglas also hid all kinds of secret codes in your chips. That's why you have all these mysterious new abilities popping up out of nowhere" Dad explained.
"So, if your brother created us, how did we end up with you?" Bree asked.
"He wanted to make you into cyber-soldiers of mass destruction" Dad said and my eyes widened again.
"But I knew if I raised you in a safe environment, I could train you to be bionic heroes. So I built the lab and I hid you there" Dad explained.
I smiled softly at him.
He may have lied to them their whole lives but he kept them safe, he kept this a secret from them to keep them safe.
"Wow. So everything we've ever known about ourselves, about you, it's all been..." Chase started as Bree cut him off.
"One big lie" Bree said and Chase nodded.
"Wow. This changes everything" Adam said before gasping.
"Oh! Am I Jewish?" Adam asked with a smile.
"Please tell me there's another unexpected twist where I find out I'm not related to him" Bree said to dad who just shrugged.
"Oi, this one with the futzing and the complaining" Adam said in some weird accent.
"Look, I wanted to tell you guys, but I figured the less you knew, the safer you'd be" Dad explained.
"But we trusted you. I mean, if you were lying about this, then who knows what else you were lying about" Chase said.
"Exactly" Adam nodded as he started pulling on dad's hair.
"Ow! What are you doing?" Dad winced in pain.
"He's not lying about the hair, just looks fake" Adam said as he looked at dad's hair one last time before letting it go.
A Few More Minutes Later
A few minutes had passed and Marcus and Douglas came back into the room.
Marcus had stepped into some cage for some reason but I really don't care.
"Hello, family" Douglas said and we all glared at him.
"We're not your family. Let us out of here" Bree said in anger.
"Yeah. You can't force us to be your cyber-soldiers" Chase said.
"Actually, I can, Boy Wonder" Douglas said, making Chase look at him weirdly.
"See, when I created you, I installed my Triton app on your chips. Once it's activated, I'll control your bodies, and your minds. You'll do whatever I want, whether it's start a world war, or some light housekeeping" Douglas explained while looking around the lair.
"Oh, no way. You cannot make me vacuum!" Adam yelled as he tried lunging towards Douglas only for Chase to hold him back.
"Why do you need them? I mean, you already have Marcus and apparently a barber with a sense of humor" I sarcastically said.
The trio and dad stiffled their laughter while Douglas smirked and let out a small laugh.
"Marcus is just an android" Douglas said as we all looked at Marcus who was still in his cage.
"He's not sleeping, he's recharging. Trouble with androids is they burn out too quick. He won't make it to his 16th birthday" Douglas explained.
"Oh, but don't tell him that. He thinks he's getting a car" Douglas said and I scoffed.
"Trust me I don't give a damn what happens to him" I said in annoyance.
Soon Douglas computer beeped and we all turned to look at it.
My eyes widened when I saw Leo pulling up into the backyard with a wagon filled with weapons.
'No, no, no he needs to leave right now' I thought in complete fear.
"Oh, look who showed up to be a hero" Douglas laughed as he walked over to his chair and sat down.
"And this one's not even bionic. I can take him out with the sprinklers" Douglas laughed.
"Leave him alone! He's just a kid!" Dad yelled in anger.
"A nosy kid who keeps getting in our way!" Douglas yelled back.
"You do anything to hurt him and I will kill you!" I growled at him.
"Don't worry, princess. I'm not gonna hurt him" Douglas said as he pressed a button and soon Marcus's cage opened.
"Marcus wanted that privilege all for himself" Douglas said as Marcus walked out of the cage.
"Your little friend Leo is back. This time, take care of him for good" Douglas said and Marcus nodded.
"Done" Marcus said while looking at us with a smirk.
Douglas holds his hand out for a high-five, but Marcus just walks past him and leaves.
"Really, dude? You're just gonna leave your creator hanging like that?!" Douglas yelled, making me giggle.
We all turned to look at the computer to see what was going to happen.
I clung onto Chase tighter when I saw Leo trying to aim for Marcus with one of the weapons but nothing worked.
My eyes widened in fear when Marcus shot Leo with some sort of laser and Leo was flung back.
"No!" Adam, Chase and dad yelled.
"Leo!" me and Bree yelled.
Tears started streaming down my face as I hid my face into Chase's chest and started sobbing.
Leo is dead.
Marcus just killed Leo and I couldn't do anything to stop it.
"Poor Leo" Bree whimpered into dad's shoulder as he was hugging her.
"He was trying to save us" Bree said as tears streamed down her face.
"He tried to warn us about Marcus and we ignored him" Chase said as he rubbed my back.
I sobbed more into his chest as he tried calming me down by rubbing my back and kissing my head.
'I promised Leo I would always be with him to protect him from Marcus and I failed' I thought.
"When I get out of here, I'm taking you and Marcus down" Adam said in anger as he wiped his tears.
"Good luck with that" Douglas scoffed.
Not being able to control my anger anymore I moved away from Chase and moved closer to cell.
Being able to get my hands passed the lasers I grabbed the collar of Douglas's shirt and slammed him into the cell.
He started getting shocked by the lasers and yelled in pain.
I soon let him go and shoved him to the ground.
"The minute I get out of here I'm going to kill you and Marcus for what you did to Leo!" I growled in complete anger.
Dad pulled me away from the laser and hugged me as tight as he could while stroking my head to get me to calm down.
"Nice job pumpkin" Dad whispered to me, making me smirk.
"Thanks dad" I whispered back at him.
Adam and Chase smirked at me while me and Bree high-fived each other.
Douglas soon got off the ground and glared at me but all I did was smile innocently at him.
He continued glaring at me before turning to the trio.
"Once I press this, it'll activate your Triton apps and I'll control you. Permanently" Douglas smirked.
"No!" Chase yelled.
"Stop!" Bree yelled.
"Do Chase first!" Adam yelled as they hid behind Chase.
Douglas soon pressed the button but nothering happened.
He looked at it for a few seconds and continued pressing the button but nothing happened.
"Marcus, did you put batteries in this thing!" Douglas yelled.
Soon dad let go of me and let out a laugh.
"Ha! I went in their chips and put a block on your app a long time ago. Ooh, it is so good watching you eat it!" Dad explained.
Dad soon started dancing in pride of what he did but that soon ended when he accidentally touched the laser and he winced in pain.
"Very clever, Donny. But I'll get around it. I've always been a better programmer than you" Douglas said.
He walked over to his computer and started typing somethings and soon pressed a button.
"There, see? Only eight minutes till my cypher key decrypts your amateur block and activates the Triton app!" Douglas yelled.
'Fuck' I thought in anger.
"What're you gonna do? Call Mommy?" Douglas mocked while laughing before he turned serious.
"If you do, don't tell her I'm alive" Douglas said and we all rolled our eyes at him.
Soon he left the room leaving all of us alone.
A Few Minutes Later
"Guys, there's only four minutes left until the block is decrypted. We have to get out of here" Bree said.
"If we could find a way to deflect one of these beams, we could take out the control console and deactivate the laser source" Dad explained as he started looking around.
"I don't suppose anybody has a mirror on them" Dad said and we all looked at him.
"Dad, if any of us had a mirror on them, it'd be you" I deadpanned while the others nodded.
"There must be something we can use" Chase said.
"Well, I can't think on an empty stomach" Adam said as he bent down and took out a granola bar that was in his boot.
"You brought a granola bar?" Chase asked.
"Yup. Thanks for taking my suggestion on the snack holster" Adam said with a smile.
"That was supposed to be for a weapon" Dad said.
"Oi, this one with the weapons" Adam said in his weird accent.
Soon my eyes widened in realization as I took the wrapper from Adam.
"Oh, hey, we can use this as a reflective surface" I said and dad nodded.
"Yes, but it will never withstand the intensity of these beams. We need something to support it. Something hard and flat" Dad explained.
"How about Adam's head?" Chase suggested and I smacked his arm.
"What about your belt buckle?" Bree said and I nodded.
"Yes!" Dad said as he removed his belt buckle and was about to give it Bree but stopped in his tracks.
"Wait, this is custom" Dad said with a pout and we all glared at him.
"Really?" Bree deadpanned as she snatched the belt buckle from him and I handed her the wrapper.
Bree then placed the wrapper on the belt buckle and smiled when she was done.
"There. Now we've got a mirror" Bree said with a smile.
Chase smirked and took it out her hands.
"Hey, step aside Bree. Let the big boys take care of this" Chase said.
"Oh, okay. When are they getting here?" Bree sarcastically asked with a smirk.
Chase rolled his eyes at her before trying to figure out the right angle to put the mirror.
"Without my bionics I could never figure out the precise angle" Chase sighed.
"We're just going to have to...estimate" Chase shuddered in fear.
All of us cringed and let out a few 'ooohs' knowing that Chase was better at doing these things with his super smarts.
But hey super smarts or not I still belive that he can do this.
"Look, we can't get this wrong. We only have one shot" Dad said.
"Yeah, no pressure" Chase sarcastically said.
Chase stuggled finding the right one and dad tried to help him but it was still pretty hard for him.
"No, no, not that one, that one" Adam said while pointing to another bar and we all looked at him.
"What? I had my snack. I'm ready to help. Hold this" Adam said as he handed Chase his half eaten granola bar and took the mirror from him.
Adam tries placing it on the beam he pointed to earlier but he was a bit hesitant about it along with Chase and dad.
Soon Bree got annoyed and let out a small sigh.
"Just give it to me!" Bree snapped as she snatched the mirror from Adam.
Soon she placed it on the right beam and the laser hit the controls and soon the cage was starting to disappear.
"And that's how you get it done, boys. YOLO!" Bree said and I smirked.
"That's what I'm talking about" I said as me and Bree giggled before fist bumping each other.
Chase pressed his fingers against his temple and smiled.
"Our bionics are back" Chase said and I smiled.
"Come on, let's get out of here" Bree said and we all nodded.
We tried running but soon Douglas and Marcus walked back into the room as Douglas was sarcastically clapping.
"Bravo. But just 'cause a dog gets out of his cage doesn't mean he's going for a walk" Douglas said and Adam gasped.
"Wait, you have a dog? Where, where, where, where, where?" Adam asked.
"Adam, not now" I snapped at him.
"Douglas. You're not getting these kids" Dad said as he stepped in front of us.
"Wrong again, Donny. Look, the decryption is complete. Now I'll have total control of their—" Douglas started but I cut him off but kicking the remote out of his hands, causing it to land onto the catwalk.
"Ow, what the hell! Why must you wear heels?" Douglas yelled as he held his hand in pain while glaring at me.
"Oops" I mocked with a smirk.
Dad smirked before running at Douglas who started fighting him.
"Guys, run!" Dad yelled.
"We're not leaving without you!" Bree yelled.
"Just go!" Dad yelled.
"Marcus, stop them!" Douglas yelled as him and dad continued fighting.
"Out of our way, Marcus" Chase said as he stood in front of me.
"Not a chance. I'm more powerful than all of you" Marcus said in confidence.
"Oh, he's lying. I haven't seen him at the gym once" Adam scoffed.
He tried punching him but Marcus easily dodged it by grabbing his hand, then he lifted him into the air and threw him back onto the ground really hard.
"Adam!" me and Bree yelled as we ran to check on him.
"No one touches my brother, you freak!" Chase yelled.
Marcus told him to come at him and Chase tried punching him but Marcus grabbed his arm and threw him across the room.
Chase managed to grab onto the chains on the catwalk but he was starting to sturggle.
"Bubba!" I yelled in fear.
Marcus used his superspeed and was now on top of the catwalk standing in front of Chase.
"Let's make this fun, huh?" Marcus said as he kicked Chase in the stomach.
Soon he walked over to something and started typing and soon the ground opened up and revealed a grinder below Chase.
"Who has that in their house?!" Chase yells in fear.
"This place used to be a sausage factory. You could fit a whole cow in there" Marcus yelled back.
"Chase, hold on!" Bree yelled as me and her pulled Adam up from the ground.
"Adam, you and Luna go see if any of those buttons will close the floor" Bree said and Adam smiled.
"Ooh, buttons" Adam said as we walked over to the controls while Bree superspeeded onto the catwalk to help Chase.
Adam sat down and started typing while I looked at Chase.
"Chase, please hold on!" I yelled at him.
"Hey, I think I got it!" Adam yelled as he pressed a button and instead of the ground closing flames shot out of it.
"Nope, still working on it!" Adam said as he continued typing.
"Work faster!" Chase yelled.
"Adam pelase hurry, hurry the fuck up please" I begged him while still looking at Chase as tears were getting ready to come out.
Marcus had kicked Bree in the stomach and she fell to the floor groaning in pain.
He walked back over to Chase and smirked down at him.
"Say goodbye, Chase" Marcus said as he kicked him in the stomach, causing Chase to let go of the chain.
"Chase!" I screamed out in fear as I watched my boyfriend fall to the ground.
Then all of a sudden the floor closed and Chase landed on the ground groaning in pain.
"Oh my fucking gosh" I sighed in relief as I ran towards Chase and kneeled in front of him.
"Chase, Chase are you ok?" I franctically asked.
"Yeah...yeah I'm alright" Chase nodded and I sighed in relief.
I placed a soft kiss on his lips and helped him up as Adam ran over to us and Bree superspeeded back down to us.
Marcus then superspeeded down to us and Chase immediately placed me behind him.
"You may be strong, but let's see you take on all three of us" Adam said in confidence.
"Go ahead, creep. Take your best shot" Chase said.
"Gladly" Marcus smirked.
I don't know what was going to happen but I took a few steps back just in case.
Soon Marcus shot some sort of energy out of his hands and soon he shot the trio with it and they all fell to the ground groaning in pain.
"Holy shit!" I yelled in shock and fear.
Marcus then turned to me and smirked.
"Now it's your turn Luna" Marcus smirked.
"Get away from me you creep!" I yelled at him.
"You know Luna, you could've picked me and left useless nerdy Chase. I would've given you everything and none of this would be happening, yet you still picked Chase" Marcus growled.
I glared at him and growled myself.
"I would never leave Chase, he's the only one for me. Nobody is better than Chase and I love him with all my heart, I would rather die then be with you" I growled at him.
He glared and scowled at me before he started conguring some sort of laser beam in his hands.
"If that's the case, then say goodbye" Marcus said and my eyes widened in fear.
"No!" Chase yelled as he tried getting up but still couldn't.
"I love you Chase!" I yelled at him as tears streamed down my face.
I quickly shut my eyes and covered my face with my hands and prepared myself for whatever was about to happen.
If I died then that was it.
I prepared myself to fall to the ground in complete and utter pain coursing through my body.
I prepared myself to start losing consciouness really fast and that I would die right here and there.
However...that wasn't the case.
Nothing had happened to me.
I was still standing.
I opened my eyes only to see the most craziest and shocking thing ever.
There was a fucking forcefield around me!!
It was just like Chase's.
I turned to see Marcus on the ground groaning in pain but he stared at me in pure shock with his eyes wide open.
I looked around and saw that the trio who were now sitting up from the ground staring at me in shock with their eyes wide open and their jaws dropped to the ground.
I was clearly scared and confused and didn't know what to fucking do.
"Dad!" I yelled out to him in fear.
Him and Douglas stopped fighting and turned to look at me and their eyes widened in shock when they saw the forcefield that was around me.
Douglas looked shocked and so did dad, but soon anger was coursing through his body as he glared at Douglas.
"What did you do to my daughter!" Dad yelled at him in complete anger.
Douglas didn't say anything as he continued staring at me in shock.
Did he do this to me?
Did he plant bionics in me while me and dad were unconscious?
But what if he didn't do this?
He's staring at me in shock just like everyone else in the room?
"What do I do? How do I turn it off!" I yelled at the trio.
"Just put your hands down and it should go away by itself" Chase yelled.
I immediately placed my hands down and I sighed in relief when the forcefield went away.
Soon dad and Douglas continued fighting each other as dad kicked the remote off the catwalk and it fell to the ground.
Douglas took the opportunity to fall off the catwalk and landed on the ground.
He took the remote and smirked.
"Ha! Now their bionics are all mine!" Douglas yelled.
"No!" Dad yelled.
Before Douglas could even press the button something shot out from the ceiling and landed into the room.
My eyes widened when I saw that it was dad's exoskeleton.
"What the--?" Douglas said in shock.
"Exoskeleton in the house!" I heard Leo's voice yell from inside the exoskeleton.
My eyes widened in shock and a smile appeared on my face.
It was Leo!
He was alive!
"Or whatever you call this funky place" Leo said.
"Leo, you're alive!" Dad said in relief.
"Ugh!" Marcus groaned in annoyance.
"I ask you to do one thing!" Douglas yelled at Marcus.
Dad soon jumped off the catwalk and crushed the remote with his feet.
"You broke it! You always break my toys!" Douglas whined like a baby.
Dad laughed at him but soon Douglas got off the ground and started pulling on dad's hair.
Dad winced in pain and soon started doing the same to Douglas.
The trio got off the ground and Chase immediately ran towards me and pulled me in for a hug.
"Luna, sweetheart are you alright?" Chase asked as we pulled away from the hug and he cupped my face.
"I...I...I don't really know, bubba" I said.
Before he could answer we turned around to see Leo on the ground and struggling to get up.
"So this thing can bust through walls and shoot lasers but it can't get back up?!" Leo yelled in annoyance.
"Well, it's a prototype" Dad defended while Douglas was laughing.
"You just don't seem to go away, Leo. This time I'm gonna finish you for good" Marcus said.
Soon he raised his fist and small yet deadly saws popped out.
Leo starts screaming in fear as he tries moving but couldn't.
"Leo's alive!" Chase yelled as he wrapped one arm around my shoulder.
"Nuh-uh. Not for long" Marcus said and I glared at him.
"Get away from him!" Adam yelled at Marcus in a very deep voice.
Soon some type of energy was flowing through his arms and I felt the room moving because of it.
"What's going on?" I asked while holding onto Chase.
"I think he just discovered his new ability" Bree said.
"I think we should get behind him" Chase said and me and Bree nodded as we were quick to hide behind a metal beam.
Soon Adam released some strong ass energy from his arms and shot it at Marcus.
Actually it shot all around the room causing everyone to fall.
I fell to the ground and landed next to Chase with Bree right next to me.
Marcus fell to the ground while clutching his chest as he was groaning in pain.
Chase got up and helped me up as we both helped Bree off the ground and ran towards Adam.
Chase made sure to keep his arm around my shoulder at all times just in case something were to happen.
"That was awesome! Wow. All that from one granola bar" Adam said with a grin on his face.
Soon the lab started moving and I could feel the entire building ready to collapse.
"What's going on? Are we winning?" Leo asked from the ground.
"We gotta get out of here! The whole place is coming down!" Chase yelled and we all noded.
We all ran towards Leo and helped him up while dad was looking around the room.
"Where's Douglas?" Dad asked.
"Doesn't matter, we have to go now" I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards us.
Soon Marcus slowly got up from the ground and glared at us.
"You are not going anywhere!" Marcus yelled as some sort of energy started forming on his hand.
We all looked at him before looking up at the ceiling to see the roof about to fall down on him.
"Marcus! Look out!" Chase yelled.
But it was too late as Marcus was soon crushed by the rubble and honestly, I didn't feel bad at all for him.
"Come on, we need to go!" I yelled.
Soon we all started running out of the room so we could get out in time and get back home.
Back At Home
In The Lab
Finally we all made it back home safe in sound.
We all went down to the lab to settle in as we were dusting off some dirt.
I only had a small headache from when Marcus had hit me in the head and knocked me out unconscious.
The trio had some bruises but they were nothing major and they should heal in a few days.
Leo did feel some pain in his chest when Marcus had shot him in the chest but other than that he was fine.
I was standing next to Chase with my head rest on his shoulder as dad walked into the lab with an icepack on his shoulder.
"Guys, I just wanted to tell you. I'm really proud of what you did today. And I'm really proud of who you've become. You're heroes. That's all I ever wanted you to be" Dad praised them and then turned to Leo.
"You too, Leo" Dad nodded.
"Thanks, Big D. Sorry about your exoskeleton. You can take it out of my allowance" Leo said.
"It cost a million dollars" Dad said.
"Easy come, easy go" Leo said as he waved his hands at him.
"Most of all, I'm sorry I lied to you" Dad said.
"You don't have to apologize. We get it" Bree said and the other two nodded.
"Well, at least now you know Douglas is your real father" Dad said in sadness as he walked away from them but Chase shook his head.
"No. He's not" Chase said as he walked towards him with us following along with him.
"He may have created us but you made us who we are. You are our father" Chase said and I smiled softly at him.
"Come here" Dad said and we all smiled as we all hugged each other.
'This is nice' I thought with a smile.
I then heard dad sniffling and looked up to see him crying.
"Wow, this is the first time we've ever seen you cry" Adam said.
"I'm not crying, I'm in pain. I think I cracked a rib. It really hurts. Really" Dad said and we were all quick to move away from him.
Alright, as much as I hate ruining this happy moment dad needs to focus on me right now.
"Dad, what about me? In case you forgot I apparently saved my own life with a fucking forcefield" I said.
His eyes widened and he nodded his head.
"Oh yeah, you're right I nearly forgot" Dad said.
"How does Luna even have bionics?" Bree asked.
"Yeah, because last time I checked she was bionicless" Adam nodded.
"That's what I'm going to find out right now" Dad said as he picked up some sort of device.
"I'm pretty sure Douglas did this himself when he knocked us both unconscious" Dad said in anger.
"I don't know Mr. Davenport, he was shocked as well when Luna used her forcefield" Chase said as he held my hand.
Dad didn't say anything other than go behind me and used the device to scan my neck.
When he was done he walked over to the cyberdesk adn started typing as me, the trio and Leo walked over to him.
Soon a holographic file appeared and dad's eyes widened in shock.
"Oh my gosh" Dad said in shock.
"What, what is it?" I asked.
"Pumpkin...I don't know how this is possible, but you have bionics. The same bionics as Adam, Bree and Chase and even new ones too" Dad explained.
All of our eyes widened in shock and my jaw dropped to the ground.
"What? Are you for real?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yes. It says here that you have superspeed, super strength, heat vision, super smarts, a forcefield, blast wave, invisibility and you can geoleap" Dad explained.
"What's geoleap?" Adam asked.
"It's a bionic ability for a for someone to molecularly transfer, or teleport, themselves, and others they are in physical contact with, from one place to another by thinking about the destination and without occupying the space in between, allowing them to vanish completely from one area and reappear in their destination" Dad explained.
"So basically, teleporting?" Leo asked and dad nodded.
"Did...did Douglas put bionics in me?" I asked while crossing my arms.
Dad scanned through the files and suprisingly he shook his head.
" it wasn't Douglas. According to this file it says that you've had your bionics ever since you were a baby" Dad explained.
Once again, cue all of us widening our eyes in shock as our jaws dropped to the ground.
"What!" I yelled.
"You're telling me that I've had this bionics chip inside of me ever since I was a damn baby. And you never knew about it?" I asked.
Dad nodded as he sighed in frustration and ran his hands through his hair.
"Wait...if Luna apparently has always had bionics then how come she's never been able to use them before?" Chase asked.
"Well, on the file it says here that her bionic chip had been deactivated the entire time. Whoever stuck the chip in your neck must've deactivated it just in case something were to go wrong" Dad explained.
"So then how was she able to activate it today?" Leo asked.
"That part I don't know either. Maybe they activated on their own or somehow when Luna was close to being killed by Marcus fear and desperation kicked in her and that's how she might've activated them, I still don't know" Dad explained.
"Wait, if she has bionics does that mean she has to sleep in a capsule like us?" Bree asked.
My eyes widened in fear, I really hope I don't have to sleep in a capsule.
I like sleeping in a nice comfy bed thank you very much.
"Well, on the file here it says that she can deactivate and activate her bionics whenever she wants to. Meaning that she won't glitch when doing so, so she doesn't need to sleep in a capsule like you three" Dad explained and I sighed in relief.
'Thank goodness' I thought.
"Holy shit" I said in shock.
"Luna, sweetheart how are you feeling about all of this?" Chase softly said as he rubbed my arm.
"I...I don't know what to feel. I mean, part of me is really excited to have bionics, but the other part of me is scared" I sighed.
"Scared of what?" Leo asked.
"Scared that I might not be able to control my bionics. That I could either accidentally expose myself or hurt someone by accident" I explained.
Dad smiled softly at me and hugged me.
"Don't worry Pumpkin, we're here for you. We're going to be with you every step of the way" Dad reassured me.
"He's right sweetheart, we're all going to be by your side and we're going to help you control your bionics" Chase said as he rubbed my back and placed a kiss on my cheek.
"You won't have to do this alone Luna, we're right here with you" Bree said as she side hugged me.
I smiled and nodded at everyone.
I don't know what's going to happen.
But all I know is that things are going to be different from now on.
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