Chapter Fourteen: Back From The Future
Luna's Pov
Walking downstairs to the lab I met the others down there.
The trio were in their missions suits while Leo was in normal clothes.
"Hey guys" I greeted.
"Hey Luna" all four of them said.
"Where's dad?" I asked.
"He'll be back soon, just went to get a few things for us" Bree explained and I nodded.
I made my way over to Chase and kissed his cheek and he smiled.
Soon dad came walking into the lab.
"Okay, your mission supplies are packed, the schematics have been uploaded into Chase's chip, and your transport is on the way. Did I forget anything?" Dad asked.
"No, we'll just guess what the mission is and see how it all plays out" Bree said and I giggled.
"All right. A particle collider is a three-mile long underground facility where scientists-" Dad said but was cut off by Chase.
"Race subatomic particles at each other at light speed for energy experiments. So cool" Chase said with a smile and chuckle.
"I know" Dad said with a smile.
"Deedle-deedle-dee" the both of them said as they did a weird handshake together.
"There is a particle collider in Berkeley that is accelerating out of control, and your mission is to shut it down" Dad explained.
"Oh ho! Awesome! I hope one of us knows how to do that" Adam said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Okay. We have to act quickly. The scientists that operate the facility-- 'scuuuuse me" Dad said as he grabbed the chair Leo was sitting on and pulled him away.
"Have already evacuated the control center, and if we don't shut it down in time, it will create a massive black hole that will implode the entire planet" Dad explained.
"Today?! No, that's not gonna work. Today is Shelly Evans' birthday, and her mom makes the best cupcakes" Leo explained and we all looked at him with faces that said 'what the fuck'.
"I'm just sayin'. That woman doesn't skimp on the sprinkles" Leo defended.
"Don't worry, Leo, you will get your cupcakes. Adam, Bree and Chase have all the training they need to shut the collider down" Dad explained.
I sighed in relief and laid my head on Chase's shoulder.
"I don't know, Big D. I think these guys are gonna need some... back-up" Leo said with a smile as he struck a pose.
"Yeah, and that's why you're gonna be back-up! here in the lab with me and Luna" Dad said with a smile and struck the same pose Leo did.
I giggled and rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.
"Oh, he said "backup" and you said "backup." Saying things twice makes it funny! Oh! Saying things twice makes it fun-" Adam said but dad cut him off.
"Stop it" Dad yelled in annoyance.
Suddenly this big ball of light came down and I saw two people sitting together on this thing.
They landed on the floor and the light went away and revealed two adults.
One boy and one girl.
We all screamed in fear since we had no idea who these people were.
Bree hid behind the cyber desk, Adam jumped into Chase's arms, and me and Leo hid behind dad who was trying to protect us.
"Nobody panic! Probably just the cable people" Dad said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Come on, Big D, I just came from seven years in the future. Your time machine actually worked."
We all looked at him confused as him and the girl took off their helmet things and stood up from the machine.
They both looked familiar in a way.
The girl had medium short hair and her hair color looked exactly like mine. She wore a black long sleeve shirt, black ripped jeans and black combat boots.
(Future Luna)
"It's us, Leo and Luna" Future Leo said and Future me waved at us.
All of eyes widened in shock while me and Leo's jaw dropped to the ground.
"Whoa! The cable guy's got the same name as you and Luna" Adam said.
I glared at him as Leo made his way to his future self.
"Wait. If you're really me, then you'd know the handshake I came up with in case I ever became a spy" Leo challenged.
"Requesting authentication, Double-O Leo" Future Leo said.
Soon they both did this weird handshake together and when they were done Leo was smiling.
"It really is me" Leo cheered as he jumped up and down.
"Hold up, how do I know you're future me?" I asked as I walked towards my future self.
"Well for starters, I still have this" Future me said as she took out the necklace that was exactly like mine.
"Anything else you have that can help prove to me that you're really me, you could still be lying" I said, still not fully believing this was future me.
"I remember breaking one of dad's action figures when I was 7 years old and asked Edds to buy him a new one online while I threw the old on in the trash" Future me explained.
"IT IS ME" I cheered in excitement but fear at the same time when I saw dad's expression.
"YOU DESTROYED ONE OF MY ACTION FIGURES" Dad shouted in anger and sadness.
"I was 7 years old at the time" I defended myself and the others laughed.
The others got out of their hiding spots and made their way over to us.
"So you're... the future version of him. Do you know what this means? I cracked time travel! Ha ha ha! I cracked time travel, I cracked time-- Can you do me a favor? When I see you in seven years can you remind me to tell me how awesome I am? Lemme high-five. Like that" Dad cheered.
"Oh, I'm sure you won't forget. Hey, he just said what I said! Technically, I just said what I said. Okay, you're gonna have to stop doing that. Stop. Stop. Stop" Leo and Future Leo said together and honestly it was annoying.
"Is this what I deal with in the future?" I asked future me.
"Yes, and honestly, it makes me want to curl up in a ball and die" Future me said and I laughed.
"It's so good to see you guys" Future Leo said.
"Yeah, I've missed you guys" Future me said and I raised my eyebrows at her.
"It's good to see you too Future Luna and... older, yet strangely similar Leo" Chase said with a smile.
"So, uh... what did time travel feel like? Did your body mass increase exponentially as you accelerated towards light speed?" Dad asked.
"Uh, we pushed the button, felt a lot of wind, there was a big flash-- but yeah, mass and speed stuff" Future me explained.
"So if you're from the future... then what color are my eyes?" Adam asked and everyone either groaned or looked at him weirdly.
"Ignore him. Come on, future Leo and future Luna, let's jump to 2025 and see what people are wearing. I want to start now and be a trend-setter" Bree said as she grabbed Future Leo and Future me arms.
"Sorry, but it took Big D years to just scrape together enough zanol fuel for us to come here once and go back" Future Leo explained.
"Ohh. Fine. But if I end up wearing mom jeans and hair scrunchies, you are gonna get back in that thing and fix it" Bree demanded and walked back over to her brothers.
Then dads cellphone rang and he looked at it.
"Oh. The collider mission. You guys have to get ready. Head to the equipment room and gear up" Dad ordered and they all nodded.
"Nice to meet you, future Leo and future Luna" Bree said.
"Yeah, congrats on growing out of your awkward stage" Adam said as they walked out the lab.
"Hey, why didn't you just bring future Adam, Bree and Chase with you?" I asked.
"Let me guess. You just hopped in the time machine and took off without them. That is so future me" Leo said with a smile.
I smiled too but when I saw the change in both future Leo and future me's serious faces.
"Actually...that's why we're here" Future me said.
"Adam, Bree and Chase, don't make it to the future" Future Leo said.
All of our eyes widened in shock and disbelief.
"What" all three of us yelled.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no" Adam yelled as he came running back to the lab.
We all looked at him in fear, thinking he might've heard us.
"Forgot to pack my pudding" Adam said as he picked up his pudding cup and ran away.
"At this point I should've expected that" I said and everyone nodded in agreement.
Back Upstairs
"What do you mean Adam, Bree and Chase don't make it to the future?" Dad asked as we all walked upstairs.
"You sent Leo and I back here with a video that will explain everything" Future me explained.
Future Leo grabbed a phone that looked more advanced and updated then the ones we have and placed it onto the kitchen counter.
"Whoa, what is that?" Leo asked in curiousity.
"It's a holophone" Future me said.
"I invented a holohphone?" Dad asked in shock.
"No, but you did wait in line six days to get one" Future me said and we all laughed at Dad's reaction.
The screen on the holophone popped up and showed us a really fat man sitting on a chair in the lab with a lot of food surrounding him.
"Greetings past Donald" Future dad said and waved.
Me and Leo looked at dad in shock and back at Future dad, and continued doing that for a few minutes before we burst out laughing.
"Holy shit, this is amazing" I said through laughs.
"I know right" Future me said with a giggle.
"That's me?" Dad asked in fear and Future Leo nodded.
"Please tell me there's a holophone that adds a hundred pounds" Dad said, almost as if he was begging.
"Even if it did, what about the other two hundred?" Leo asked and we all laughed.
"The next seven years are pretty hard on you dad" Future me said.
"Or should I say, bigger dad, am I right?" I asked and we all laughed once again while dad glared at us.
We stopped laughing and turned our attention back to the holophone.
"If you are watching this, we cracked time travel. Ha-ha, inter-dimensional high five" Future dad said as he put his hand up and dad high fived his future self.
"I just high fived my future self" Dad said and we all stared at him.
"What? Look at me, let me have some joy" Dad defended.
"I sent Leo and my pumpkin back in time to stop you from sending Adam, Bree and Chase on the particle collider mission" Future dad explained.
"What why?" Dad asked.
"Now I'm sure you're asking, what why" Future dad said.
Dad laughed and looked at us, "I know myself so well" Dad said and we all rolled our eyes at him.
"As a scientist, I am loath to change the past. But in this case, I have to make an exception. Adam, Bree and Chase don't return from the mission" Future dad explained in sadness.
All of us looked at each other in sadness and fear and turned back to the holophone.
"Send an automatic rover in their place. It's the only chance we have to save them" Future dad explained and dad nodded.
"Oh, and by the way. Every time you say, hey I think this calls for a cookie, think about this" Future dad said and he lifted up his shirt.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!?!?" we all screamed in horror as Future me was quick to turn off the holophone.
"I can't unsee that" I said and the others nodded in agreement.
"How could I send them on a mission they don't return from?" Dad asked in disbelief.
"And how could you let your hair recede with so many trust over the counter remedies available?" Leo asked and I nodded.
"If Adam, Bree or Chase hear about any of this it'll shake their confidence in future missions or their confidence in me. Please tell me you won't say anything" Dad pleaded.
"We promise" Future Leo and Future me said together.
Dad looked at us, "future me speaks for me too" Leo said.
The others turned to look at me and I looked away, unsure of what to say.
"Pumpkin?" Dad asked.
I bit my lip and sighed.
"Ok...ok fine, I promise I won't say anything" I said.
"Thank you" Dad said and I nodded.
"There's not much time, the collider situation's getting worse by the hour. I gotta go build that rover" Dad said and walked away to get down to the lab.
Adam, Bree and Chase walked into the kitchen with their mission suits still on and their bags.
"We're good to go Mr. Davenport, we'll check in once we reach delta point" Chase said.
"No" Dad quickly said.
"Uh I-I mean, the missions off" Dad said.
"But you said it was urgent" Adam said.
"Did I say urgent?" Dad asked and they nodded.
"I th-think I said I was like urging you not to go on the mission" Dad quickly said.
"Why?" Bree asked in confusion.
"Because I'm sending an automated rover that shut down the collider via remote" Dad explained.
He the coughed and looked away, "as soon as I build it" Dad said and I rolled my eyes at him.
Chase laughed, "an automated rover? You might as well send a handbag on a skateboard" Chase said and the others laughed.
"The three of us can handle-" Chase started but dad cut him off.
"No, I said no and I mean it. My decision is final" Dad said and they looked at him in confusion and slight sadness.
"Now just...everybody go get ready for school" Dad ordered.
The trio nodded and left to go back to the lab and change.
"Thank you" Future Leo said.
"Future you would thank you too dad" Future me said and dad nodded.
"Or should we say, bald D" Leo joked and all of laughed while dad pouted and touched his head.
Leo and Future Leo went upstairs to get ready for school while dad went back down to the lab to start on the automatic rover.
I turned to future me and frowned.
"Can you tell me what happened after they died?" I asked.
She looked at me and slowly nodded.
"After the mission, when they didn't return and found out they didn't make it all of us were heartbroken. We has just lost our best friends and siblings, and I lost my boyfriend" Future me said.
"After Chase died I was never the same, I hardly did anything or hardly ever went outside. Dad and Leo tried everything they could to get me out the house and help me get my mind off Chase but nothing worked" Future me explained.
"Tasha even tried setting me up a dating profile but I refused. I mean, the only person I've ever loved was Chase and nobody can replace him" Future me explained in tears.
Soon I was starting to cry and quickly wiped them away.
"I loved him, I really did love him with all my heart and now he's gone" Future me said.
I smiled softly at her and nodded, "I love him too. He's my everything, he means the world to me and I don't want to lose him" I said.
"And that's why we're here, to make sure none of this happens, to avoid losing them so they can live" Future me explained and I smiled.
"Thank you for telling me this, I appreciate it" I said and she smiled.
"Anytime" Future me said with a smile.
"I should get ready for school, but thank you once again" I said and she nodded.
Quickly running upstairs to my room and getting myself ready and grabbing my purse I ran back downstairs where the others were.
I kissed Chase on the cheek and he smiled.
He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we all left for school.
'Thank goodness nobody is going to die' I thought relieved.
After School, Back In The Lab
Me, Future me, Leo and Future Leo walked back into the lab where dad was at his desk with a mask covering his face.
'Must be working on the rover' I thought as I placed my bag on the cyber desk.
"Hey Big D, I got an A on my history test" Leo said.
"Yeah, did you cheat by getting the answers from future Leo?" Dad asked and both of them nervously looked at each other,
"So, how's that rover coming along?" both of them asked.
"You guys are dorks" me and Future me said together.
"Yet you're dating Chase" Leo said
"Because he's cute and handsome and you're just...plain old Leo" I said, causing future me and dad to laugh while Leo and future Leo glared at me.
"It's almost ready" Dad said.
But then sparks flew from one side and we all moved away from it.
"You know what, are you sure Adam, Bree and Chase don't make it" Dad asked and I glared at him.
"Yes, we're sure, we'll show you. We downloaded the security camera footage from the control room" Future me explained.
Future Leo took out the holophone and showed us the footage.
We heard an alarm going off and we saw the trio trying to shut it down.
Chase used his force field and aimed it at the cables and it turned off.
"They shut it down, they completed the mission" I said with a smile.
"You two came back for nothing, I think this calls for a cookie" Dad said and I flinched.
"You haven't seen the ending" Future me said.
We looked back at the footage and saw that they were smiling and hugging each other.
But the moment was ruined when we heard noises from the ceiling, then we heard rumbling.
The ceiling came down and crushed Adam, Bree and Chase.
I flinched and looked away, tears in my eyes.
"Scratch that cookie" Dad said.
"I gotta get this thing mission ready" Dad said and we all nodded.
"Aha, so it's still not mission ready" Chase said as him and the other two walked in.
"Why won't you let us go?" Chase asked.
"No, no that won't be necessary. I just need a few things from...NASA. They're having a sale, everything's a million off" Dad said.
"Uh, I'll be gone for a couple of hours. Leo and Luna, you're in charge" Dad said.
"You got it Big D" the three of them said, "you got it dad" I said.
"Future Leo and Luna and the original Luna" Dad said.
"Aw come on" Leo whined and I giggled.
Dad walked out of the lab as the others walked towards us.
"He thinks that this mission is too big for us" Adam said.
"It's not that he thinks it's too big-" I started but Future me placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Luna, we promise" Future me said.
"I guess Mr. Davenport lost confidence in us" Bree said and I frowned.
"Or, he lost confidence in you two" Chase said and I stared at him in shock, along with the others.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Bree asked.
"Yea, I'm always carrying you two, you're the weak links" Adam complained.
"Oh, I'm the weak link, you can't even spell weak link" Chase said.
"Can to" Adam protested.
"You're brain dead, you-" Chase said but Adam cut him off.
"What are you talking about?" Adam asked and soon all three of them started arguing with each other.
'Oh shit' I thought.
Suddenly Leo had enough and snapped.
"Guys, guys, guys enough" Leo yelled and they all stopped arguing.
"Future me and future Luna came back here to warn Davenport not to let you go on the mission because you don't come back from it" Leo explained.
"LEO" I shouted.
"God, I never listen to myself" Future Leo complained.
"Don't come back?" Adam asked in confusion.
"Wow. I guess that means we're not invincible" Bree said and I frowned.
"It all makes sense now. This is why Mr. Davenport forbade us to go" Chase said.
"Nice going" Future me said in annoyance.
"I had to tell them, Davenport didn't want to undermine their confidence, which is exactly what he did by not telling them" Leo defended.
Future Leo and future me shook his head at him and Leo pointed at them.
"Don't you shake your head at me" Leo said and I sighed.
Back Upstairs
"Hey, hey careful. Handsome is delicate" Leo said as future Leo was fixing his jacket.
"I see small, fragile, and annoying. Where's the handsome cause it certainly ain't there" I mocked.
Future me burst out laughing while Leo and future Leo glared at me.
After he was done getting ready Leo walked towards the door but stopped when he saw a few notes taped to the door.
"Those are notes from Adam, Bree and Chase" Leo said as he took them off and read the first one.
"What does it say?" Future me asked.
"They went on the mission" Leo said.
"WHAT!?" all three of us shouted.
"Dear Mr. Davenport, we went to stop the collider. We know we won't make it back but there's a small price to pay to save you, Leo, Luna, and the rest of the world. P.s sorry we get blowned up."
"I'm pretty sure Adam wrote the last part" Leo said and we all nodded.
"Here, Chase left this for you" Leo said as he handed me a blue note.
I took it from him and immediately scanned through it.
Dear Luna,
I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye, we're sorry that we're even going on this mission after finding out we won't make it back. But you need to know that this is something we need to do in order to save everyone in the world. I'm going to miss you Luna, you're the best girlfriend I could ever have. I never want anyone by my side other then you, everything about you is the reason why I wake up every day, and every day I smile at school is not because I get good grades or because of an upcoming test. It's because I get to see my beautiful girlfriend every day at home and at school. And I never got to say this in person, but I love you Luna Walker. Always have and always will. I love you baby, take care
- Love Chase ❤️
Tears streamed down my face as I stared at the note.
'He loves me' I thought with a small smile.
"We need to get them back, before it's too late" I said
"Agreed, we need to get them back" Leo said.
Future me and Future Leo decided to tag along with us, we took Tasha's car and immediately drove our way there.
Once we got there we ran inside, we made it inside a tunnel where I saw dad's rover thing in front of us.
"GUYS" me and Leo shouted together.
All three of them looked at us in shock but relief at the same time.
"What's Leo and Luna doing there?" Dad asked.
"Did you shut down the collider?" Leo asked and they nodded.
"Yeah, we just finished" Chase said.
"Then move your asses" I ordered.
"The room is about to collapse" Future me said.
"What?" the trio asked.
We heard rumbling noises and I knew what I needed to do.
I immediately ran up to them, pushed them out of the way as the rocks fell on top of me and I fell to the ground.
Those were the last things I heard before blacking out.
Nobody's Pov
"NOOOO!?!" everyone shouted as they saw the rocks fall on Luna.
"LUNA" Chase shouted in fear as he just watched his girlfriend die.
"Luna just saved our lives" Bree said as tears streamed down her cheeks.
"That was supposed to be us" Adam said as he tried his best not to cry.
"She didn't even need bionics to become a hero, she's already a hero" Chase said as tears streamed down his face.
"Pumpkin..." Davenport said from the automatic rover.
We can see a few tears streaming down his face.
He just lost his daughter, the daughter that he cared for with all his heart.
Not his daughter by blood, but daughter by heart.
"Baby..." Chase said as more tears streamed down his face.
He just lost his girlfriend, the girl that meant the world to him, the girl that he loved.
Leo side hugged him and Chase hugged back.
Until he looked over at Future Leo and Future Luna and saw that she was still there.
"Wait a second, if Luna is gone then shouldn't you be too?" Chase asked.
"I don't know, this is all still new to me" Future Luna defended.
"Luna's still there, she could still be alive" Bree said hopefully.
"Adam hurry and dig her out" Davenport ordered and Adam nodded.
He quickly started digging underneath as fast as he could.
"LUNA!?!" everyone shouted when they saw Luna lying on the floor.
Adam immediately took off the rest of the rocks that were on top of her as Chase ran to his girlfriend to check if she was alright.
He gathered her in his arms and checked her pulse.
"She's breathing" Chase said and everyone sighed in relief.
"She's ok, my baby girl is alright" Davenport said in relief.
"Come on, let's get out of here and get Luna home" Bree said. Chase carried Luna bridal style and left, along with the others.
Luna's Pov
Opening my eyes and groaning in pain I slowly sat up.
"What happened?" I asked.
Someone had pulled me into a big hug and based on the name I was given I can tell it was my wonderful boyfriend Chase.
"Chase, is everything ok?" I asked.
He let go of me and smiled.
"Yes, yes everything's alright" Chase said.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Well you saved me and the others when the ceiling nearly crushed us, luckily your survived" Chase explained and I smiled.
"Chase" I said.
"Yes baby?" Chase asked.
"I love you too, so much" I admitted.
He smiled and leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.
"I love you too baby" Chase admitted.
The both of us smiled and pressed our foreheads against each other.
Nobody died today and me and Chase just admitted we love each other.
Today was the best day ever.
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