Chapter Fifty-Six: Sink Or Swim Part Two
Chase's Pov
It was the next morning and Mr. Davenport had led me and my siblings to an offshore warehouse he was talking about.
"So...this is where we'll be hiding out from the FBI. What do you think?" Mr. Davenport asked.
"I think we should update our tetanus shots" Bree said and he glared at her.
"Hey, where's Leo and Luna? I thought you said they'd be here" I said in confusion.
I really wanted to see Luna and just run up to her and kiss her.
"Yeah, I kind of lied about that" Mr. Davenport said.
We looked at him in confusion before he pressed a button on his neck and our eyes widened when he revealed himself to be Douglas.
"Guess who?" Douglas asked with a smirk.
"Whoa! Awesome mask, Mr. Davenport! He looks just like his evil brother who captured us" Adam grinned.
"That is his evil brother" Bree said.
"And he did just capture us" I said.
"Oh!" Adam said in realization.
"I don't get it. I thought you were an ice cube in Mr. Davenport's warehouse. How did you get out?" I asked.
"I had a little help" Douglas said.
"It doesn't matter. We'll destroy this rat trap just like your last one" Bree said in confidence and I nodded.
"Yeah, thanks for that. I didn't even have time to back up my music. Twenty years of up-tempo jazz, gone!" Douglas yelled in annoyance and half sadness.
"Yeah? Well I know something else that's about to be gone" I said and Adam nodded.
"Yeah. Let's get his reggae too" Adam said with a grin and I just rolled my eyes.
"Get him!" Bree yelled as we got ready to attack him.
"Now!" Douglas yelled.
We were confused but then we turned around and saw some guy in a hoddie and black mask come out of nowhere.
Then before we knew it he electrocuted us, knocking us to the ground as we groaned in pain.
Then I closed my eyes as I lost consciousness.
A Few Hours Later
I slowly felt myself regaining consciousness along with my siblings as I heard them groaning.
"Wakey-wakey. Eggs and bac-y" Douglas grinned at us as we slowly got up from the ground.
"Actually it's just an expression. All we have to eat around here are nuts, berries and... the occasional barbequed iguana" Douglas saidas he placed his hand on his stomach.
"Taunting us with non-existent breakfast foods? You really are evil! But I will take that barbecued iguana" Adam said in anger.
Douglas just gave him a look before Adam continued.
"But I will take that barbecued iguana" Adam nodded.
"Wait! Who was that guy?" I asked.
"Oh, that's right. You haven't been formally introduced to my partner. Krane, come say hi to the kids" Douglas yelled.
"Wait, now we have three dads?" Adam asked in confusion.
We all just gave him an annoyed look as the same guy from earlier walked over to us.
"After I was booted from Davenport Industries, I needed cash to continue my research. Luckily, I found a billionaire who believed in me" Douglas explained.
"Say hello to my colleague, benefactor, and all-around bad guy, Victor Krane" Douglas said while pointing at this Krane person.
Soon he takes off his mask, revealing a horribly disfigured face.
"Ugh" Adam groaned as me and Bree cringed in disgust.
"Dude, I have got to get you into a dermatologist" Douglas said but Krane just glared at him.
"What is that stuff all over his face?" Bree asked.
"You are no longer the only humans with bionics" Krane said, speaking for the first time and may I just say he has a really deep voice.
"Krane agreed to fund my work so long as I shared my research with him. He implants every piece of bionic technology I design to make himself more powerful" Douglas explained.
"Well, I hope he got a good personality, 'cause what's on the outside—Yikes" I said and my siblings nodded.
"Enough!" Krane shouted in anger, making me and my siblings jump.
Then he looked at Douglas and nodded.
"Let's go. You have work to do" Krane said as he walked away.
"Isn't he cool?" Douglas asked while grinning at us.
"You can cart out all the freaks you want. It's not going to keep us here" Bree said and I nodded.
"Oh, I beg to differ" Douglas said while chuckling.
He then pressed a button on his control pannel and then two titanium rings rise from the floor, spinning around us.
"Whoa, cool. Giant ring toss! Gotta give you credit, you're evil, but fun!" Adam grinned at Douglas.
"They're titanium energy rings. They create an impenetrable force field that nothing can escape" Douglas explained.
"I smell a challenge" Adam sang with a smirk on his face.
He then kicks the rings but it ended up with him behind shocked by the force field as he winced in pain.
"I smell burning flesh" Douglas sang with a smirk on his face.
"What do you want with us this time, Douglas?" Bree asked.
"Oh no, I'm not falling for that. First I tell you my plan, then something goes wrong, then you use it against me, not gonna happen!" Douglas yelled.
"It doesn't matter what you're planning. I'm sure that Mr. Davenport is looking for us already. He'll be here any minute to take us home" I said and my siblings nodded.
"Oh yeah, there's no place like home" Douglas chuckled as he pitcked up his tablet.
"No, seriously. There's no place like home. I blew it up!" Douglas grinned as he walked over to us and showed us his tablet.
We looked at it and our eyes widened at the sight of the lab being blown up.
I sighed in relief when I saw that Luna had used her superspeed to get her, Mr. Davenport and Leo out of there.
But what happened to them?
Are Leo and Mr. Davenport alright?
Is Luna alright?
"You destroyed our lab?" Bree asked in disbelief.
"Yup. Hope you backed up your music libraries" Douglas said as he walked away.
I growled and glared at him
Luna's Pov
Me and Tasha were back at the house waiting for dad and Leo to come home.
Tasha got a call from the bank saying that someone, aka Douglas and his partner, did hack into dad's account and stole all of his money.
So we quickly packed all of our bags and left the school and made it back home.
We were waiting for dad and Leo when they walked into the house.
"Please don't text "Hurry home" when we're in a helicopter, I left my lunch all over the Rosenblatts' roof" Leo said and I cringed in disgust.
"So what happened?" Tasha asked.
"Where are Adam, Bree and Chase?" I asked.
"Douglas got to them before we did" Dad said and I groaned in furstration.
"Your brother, again? Okay, you are done complaining about my mother" Tasha said while pointing a finger at him.
"We have no idea where they are, but they're smart, they will figure out a way to escape" Dad said but me and Leo gave him a look.
"Well, two of them will" Dad said while holding up two fingers.
"I do have some good news. The FBI finished their investigation and proved you were cyber hacked" Tasha explained and I nodded.
"So I'm getting all my money back?" Dad asked with a smile.
"No. All the money was stolen, you're still broke" Tasha said.
"But I'm getting all my stuff back, right? My boats, my cars, my planes?" Dad asked.
"Just the house. Everything else including Davenport industries is gone" Tasha said.
It's fair to say that dad looked heartbroken as hell.
"But the good news is that now we can all move back in together!" Tasha grinned while hugging Leo who grinned as well.
"Not even like a jet-ski or a motorcycle with one wheel?" Dad asked.
We all rolled our eyes at him.
"So what are you going to do about the kids?" Tasha asked.
"Well, they're not gonna come back here because they still don't think it's safe" I said.
"I just wish there was some way we could get a message to them and let them know everything's alright" Leo said.
"Well the only thing I can do remotely is update Chase's software" Dad said before his eyes widened in realization.
"Wait. Maybe that's it! Maybe I can embed a cyber message into the update. Leo, find us a computer!" Dad yelled.
"Got it" Leo nodded as he went to look around but stopped as we all looked around the empty room.
"Is there anything I can do?" Tasha asked.
Dad sighed as he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Tasha, now is not the time for jokes" Dad said she glared at him.
Back At The WareHouse
Chase's Pov
"I can't believe the lab is gone. That's our home!" Bree yelled at Douglas while me and Adam glared at him,
"If anything happened to our family or my girlfriend. I will end you" I growled at him.
Just the thought of Mr. Davenport, Leo and more importantly Luna being hurt makes me sick to my stomach.
"Yeah! Then we'll put your body in an old-lady dress so everyone laughs during your funeral" Adam mocked him, in a way.
"Guys, guys, I understand you're mad. But what's done is done! So let's focus on moving forward together. First order of business, what do you say we make Monday's family game night?" Douglas grinned.
Me and Bree looked at him in annoyance while Adam slightly smiled.
"This guy, still evil, still fun" Adam said while nodding.
Douglas grins and nods as he walks away from us.
"Guys, something's happening to me. I'm getting a tingling sensation" I said as I started feeling a bit weird.
"Aw, you hear that Bree? Pretty soon he'll have a baby mustache" Adam grinned and Bree smiled.
"Aw!" Bree smiled as she tried touching me but I got annoyed and smacked her hand away.
"No! I just got a software update on my chip. That's really weird. Why would I just—" I started but I stopped when I realized something.
"Wait. Mr. Davenport must be trying to send us a message" I said.
I then pressed my fingers against my temple and soon a holographic image of Mr. Davenport shows up in front of us.
"Guys, I know Douglas has you. Leo and I are doing everything we can to find you. But if you can escape, come home. Perry has agreed to keep our bionic secret" Mr. Davenport explained.
Me and my siblings looked at each other and smiled.
"Can we do that again? I just feel like this hologram makes me look fat" Mr. Davenport said.
Then he was pushed aside and my eyes widened when I saw that it was Luna.
"Guys, guys please come home. It's safe to come home, please just find a way to escape from Douglas and return home. We miss you guys so much. I miss my two best friends that I consider my sister and brother" Lun a said.
I smiled as I looked at Bree and Adam who were smiling and crying.
"I miss my boyfriend. Chase, bubba, I miss you so much. I can't do any of this without you, please come back. I love you" Luna said while tears were streaming down her face.
I smiled as tears started streaming down my face as I released my fingers from my temple.
I soon started laughing as I looked over at my siblings.
"Mr. Davenport is okay! Luna's okay!" I said in relief.
Bree nodded with a smile on her face before it changed to a frown and she looked confused.
"Was Mr. Davenport wearing guy-liner?" Bree asked.
I just rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Now we just have to find a way to get out of here" I said.
"What if I use my blast wave abilities to destroy the rings?" Adam asked.
"But if you do that, you'll destroy the rings and everything around us—including us!" Bree said and I nodded.
"But we'll be free" Adam grinned.
"Here's an idea. How 'bout we come up with a plan where we escape and survive?" I suggested and Bree nodded.
"Wait a second, if these rings are titanium, can't you just use your magnetism app to repel them apart?" Bree asked.
"Douglas would expect that, just like he would expect me to use my molecular kinesis to manipulate them" I said.
"So do both. He wouldn't expect that" Adam said and Bree nodded.
"Adam, you can't use two abilities at the same time" I said.
"Why not?" Bree asked.
"Because...I don't know" I said while shrugging but my siblings gave me confused looks.
"We've never tried it before" I argued.
"Well, I say you try it now and if your head explodes, the survivors will move on to Plan B" Adam said while pointing to him and Bree.
"Okay. I'll give it a try" I nodded as I moved forwards.
I got into position as I put both of my hands up.
"Activating magnetism app" I said and I could see my siblings taking a few steps away from me.
Soon I start to manipulate the rings.
"And molecular kinesis" I said.
Once again my siblings covered themselves up.
"Focus, Chase" Adam said to me.
I let my hands drop and gave him an annoyed look.
"When you tell me to focus it makes me not focus!" I yelled at him in annoyance.
I turned back around and put my hands back up.
"You can do it!" Bree cheered me on.
"Stop talking!" I yelled at her in annoyance.
I then bended the rings so that they flew apart from each other and away from me and my siblings.
"Way to go, Chase!" Bree said to me with a smile.
"Oh, man. Thought for sure his head was gonna explode" Adam said.
I just gave them a small nod before I fell to the ground and passed out.
Back At Home
Luna's Pov
After we sent the message to the trio we walked back into the living room where Tasha was unboxing everything.
"Still no word from the kids?" Tasha asked.
"No" Dad sighed as he shook his head.
"You're a tech whiz. Isn't there something else you can do, like send them a text alert, or friend request, or have them paged?" Tasha suggested.
We all gave her weird looks as dad looked at me and Leo.
"I'll be honest, sometimes I wonder how you two ended up together" Leo said and I nodded.
"Look, all we can do is hope they got the cyber message. Until then, we just have to wait" Dad said as him and Tasha sat down on the couch.
Just as he said that the door opened and my eyes widened and my jaw dropped.
It was Adam, Bree and Chase.
They were really here.
"We're home!" Bree said with a smile as they walked inside.
Dad and Tasha smiled as they stood up from the couch.
"Well, that didn't take long" Leo said with a smile on his face.
Tears streamed down my face as I let out a huge smile.
I quickly ran to Chase as I jumped on him, wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him as tight as I could.
He chuckled as he hugged me back and I could hear him slightly crying too.
We pulled away from the hug as he set me down on the ground.
Then I smashed my lips onto his and he happily kissed me back.
We pulled away as we pressed our foreheads against each others.
"I missed you so much" I said.
"I missed you too sweetheart" Chase said.
Then we heard someone clearing their throat as we turned around and saw that it was Bree.
"As much as I love seeing you two lovebirds reunite, I wanna hug my bestie. Aka, my sister" Bree said.
"Me too" Adam said.
I giggled as Chase rolled his eyes but nodded.
I ran to Bree and hugged her as she hugged me back.
"Thank goodness you're ok" I said.
"I'm so glad you're ok too" Bree said as we pulled away from the hug.
I then moved onto Adam as we hugged, him hugging me a bit too tight but I didn't mind.
"Welcome home buddy" I said.
"Thanks lil sis" Adam joked, causing me to giggle.
We pulled away as I walked back over to Chase who wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
"You guys okay?" Dad asked.
"We're fine, but Douglas has a new partner" Chase said.
"Eh, give it six months. Big one's super high maintenance" Adam said as he walked into the kitchen.
"He's some crazy billionaire named Victor Krane, and he's implanting himself with bionics" Chase explained.
"That's crazy" I said.
"His face is disturbing! He could definitely use some of your man makeup" Bree said, causing me to giggle.
Dad turned to her and gave her an offended look.
"I don't wear— It's bronzer!" Dad defended.
"Krane must be the guy that helped Douglas escape from your warehouse" Leo said and I nodded.
"I've never even heard of him, but I'm gonna find out who he is and how to stop him" Dad said as he walked away.
"You guys must be starving. I'll get dinner started" Tasha grinned as Bree nodded and followed behind her.
"Look at this. Things are finally getting back to normal" Leo grinned as he walked into the kitchen.
I turned to Chase as I kissed his cheek.
"I'm so glad you're back" I said.
He smiled at me and softly pecked me on the lips.
"I'm so sorry I left like that. I'm here now and I'm staying" Chase reassured me.
I nodded as I snuggled closer to him as he wrapped both arms around me.
A Few Minutes Later
We all managed to unpack a few things before resting.
I sat on the couch next to Chase as I had my head rest on his shoulder and he had his hand wrapped around my shoulder.
Adam and Bree sat next to us as they were eating some chips.
"Then the lab blew up and we got trapped in the elevator. Big D confided his deepest secrets with me. Hiding you three in the basement, not even top ten" Leo explained.
I giggled and nodded.
Then all of a sudden Chase shot up from the couch and walked over to Leo.
I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.
Why are his eyes green?
"Hey, what's up with your eyes?" Leo asked.
Then all of a sudden he grabbed Leo by his collar and lifted him up.
"Hey! Hey! Easy on the chest hairs. I only have two" Leo said.
I then turned around only to see Adam and Bree sitting up straight from the couch and both of their eyes were green.
I stood up and walked away from them as Adam walked over to dad and Tasha.
He then shoved dad to the ground as he stared at Tasha.
"Adam, please don't throw him. You know how delicate your father is" Tasha said.
"Dad, what the hell is going on?" I asked.
"Douglas must've enabled their Triton app. Look at their eyes. He's controlling them" Dad yelled.
Then Bree turned to Tasha and my eyes widened.
"Mom, watch out!" Leo yelled.
Bree ran at Tasha with her superspeed but luckily Tasha managed to dodge in time.
"Forget the tuna, I'm about to open up a can of Bree surprise" Tasha yelled.
Then Bree shot up from behind the counter.
Tasha yelled in surprise as her and dad started running.
Leo managed to get free from Chase as we started running away from them.
We all continued running before we tiptoed in front of the elevator.
"I think we lost them" Dad whispered.
Then the elevator doors opened as we turned around and saw Adam behind us.
We all screamed as he shot his heat vision at us as we continued running.
"Why are they trying to hurt us?" Tasha asked.
"It's not them, it's Douglas. Let's get out of here" Dad said as we all quickly nodded.
We tried running towards the door but Chase used his molecular kinesis and blocked the door with a huge box.
"Oh come on!" I yelled in annoyance.
We then turned around to try and run to the other side but Bree superspeeded in front of us, blocking our way.
Chase threw boxes across the room as we all ducked so we wouldn't get hit.
"Okay, you and your brother need to just hug this out!" Leo yelled and I nodded.
Then we all went different ways.
Bree was chasing after Leo.
Adam was shooting his lasers at dad and Tasha as they hid behind the counter in the kitchen and grabbed some kitchen utensils to protect them.
While Chase, my own boyfriend, was after me.
"Why the hell are you coming at me. Why not Adam? He's the one who always picks on you" I yelled at him.
He then had me cornered as my back was against the wall and he was in front of me.
"Chase Davenport, if you weren't being controlled right now by Douglas's stupid triton app, I would be beating your ass up right now!" I yelled at him.
Then he used his molecular kinesis to lift a heavy box near him and place it above me.
"No, no, no. Chase, no" I said, clearly worried.
"Donald! Do something!" Tasha yelled at him when she looked over to where I was.
Dad looked over to me and his eyes widened in fear.
"Chase don't drop it! Listen to me" Dad yelled as Chase looked at him.
"The Triton app only controls your bionics. Not your human side. You have to fight it!" Dad yelled and I nodded as Chase turned back to me.
"Yes, Chase remember. All those times we spent together, everything that we've been through together. Remember, when we first met. Our first date, when you asked me to be your girlfriend. Every kissed we shared, all those times we would makeout and not care about who saw us" I reminded him.
His eyes still hadn't changed so I kept going.
"Remember the first time we said 'I love you' to each other. Remember that time I defended you against my ex best friend. Remember on my 16th birthday, you gave me a promise ring. Right here" I said.
I held up my hand and pointed to the promise ring.
He looked at it and I can tell he was slowly starting to remember.
"On our 2nd year anniversary, I got you a ring that has the letter 'C' on it. We went out to dinner and we went to the woods where you set up a nice tent there for us. Bree helped set it up for us. Oh, and our first christmas together. Remember, I got us couple bracelets. I'm wearing mine right now while you're wearing yours" I reminded him.
I then showed him my gold bracelet.
He looked at it before his eyes wandered down to his black one on his wrist.
I slowly started walking towards him as he turned to look at me.
"You're in there somewhere Chase. I know you are. Fight it bubba, fight this stupid triton app and come back us. Come back to me" I softly sai.
I stopped when I was right in front of him.
His eyes were slowly changing, I was getting there.
I smiled softly at him as I gently cupped his face with my hands.
"You're in there somewhere bubba. I know you are. Just please, come back to me" I said while caressing his cheek.
"Sweetheart" Chase whispered.
"I'm here bubba, I'm here" I softly said.
Our lips were close to each other as I slowly moved closer to him.
"I love you" I whispered.
Then I pressed my lips onto his and closed my eyes.
I then opened them as I felt him wrap one arm around my waist and he slowly closed his eyes as he kissed me back.
I ran my hands through his hair as tugged on it, earning a small moan from him.
We then pulled away and soon his eyes changed back to normal.
He then threw the box across the room and I let out a sigh of relief.
"You're back" I whispered.
"I'm back" Chase nodded before he passed out on the ground.
"Honestly, I did not think that was gonna work" Dad said, causing Tasha to hit him on his arm.
Soon the others ran towards us as I crouched down next to Chase and started shaking him to get him to wake up.
He then opened his eyes as he groaned in pain.
We all smiled at him as we pulled him back up.
"My head is killing me" Chase said.
"It was Douglas' Triton App" Leo said and I nodded.
"He probably doesn't remember anything" Dad said.
Soon we turned around to see Adam and Bree staring at us.
"Bree? What's wrong with your eyes?" Chase asked in confusion.
"Douglas is controlling them. You have to fight back!" Dad said but Chase shook his head.
"I can't fight them! They're my—" Chase started but was cut off by Adam hitting him in the stomach with his heat vision.
Chase stumbled back while the others screamed.
"Fight!" Leo yelled.
Him, Tasha and dad ran behind the couch and hid there as me and Chase stood next to each other.
"You take care of Adam, I'll hold off Bree" I said.
"Be careful sweetheart" Chase said.
I smiled and pecked him on the lips.
"Always" I said.
I then turned around before running at Bree with my superspeed.
She did the same as we both tried punching each other.
I managed to dodge hers while I was able to punch her straight in the face, causing her to stumble back.
"Bree, listen to me. You're being controlled by the triton app just like Adam. You need to fight it" I said.
She ignored me as she tried running at me with her superspeed.
I acted fast and geo-leaped behind her.
"Bree, I don't want to fight you. You're my bestie, and not just my bestie but my sister as well" I said.
She superspeeded towards me and managed to kick me in the stomach.
I groaned in pain as I stumbled back just a bit.
She then tried punching me but I grabbed her arm and bended it.
"Bree, remember me. Remember who I am. I'm Luna Walker, I'm your best friend. Remember everything we did together. Remember we went shopping for your first school dance with your ex crush Ethan. And remember on your second day of school I gave you half a best friend necklace" I reminded her.
Her eyes slowly started changing a bit but they still remained green.
She shoved my arm away, managing to get herself free.
I then heard a thump as I turned around only to see Adam now on the ground, as well as Chase.
Now it's just Bree.
"Come on Bree. Try and remember" I said.
She tried running at me again but I activated my heat vision and shot it at her.
She then backflipped away to avioid getting hurt from it.
"Bree, remember on my 2nd year anniversary with Chase. You were in my room helping me get ready for my date. Well...not really, but we did talk for a while about your boy problems. I gave you really good advice and you took it. You thanked me and told me that I'm the sister you've always wanted" I said.
She stopped for a second to stare at me.
"Hurry pumpkin, she's the only one left!" Dad yelled.
"Bree, look at me. Look at me. Remember everything we did together, all the shopping we did together, all the times we would hang out in my room and have our own sleepovers. Remember that time we managed to skip school to go to the mall" I said.
"Wait, you did what!" Dad yelled.
"Shut it!" Tasha and Leo yelled at him.
"Bree, listen to me. You're in there somewhere, I know you are. The Bree I know would never want to hurt her family or her friends. Let alone her best friend" I yelled at her.
She stopped walking as she stared at me and I can see her eyes slowly losing the green.
'I'm almost there' I thought.
"Bree, you're not just my bestie. You're my sister, you're the sister I've always wanted. Growing up with dad alone was nice, but I always wanted a sister in my life so I could have someone to talk to and bond with. And ever since we met you became that sister I've always wanted. You told me yourself that you not only think of me as your bestie, but as your sister too" I reminded her.
She continued staring at me and I could see the green slowly leaving from her eyes.
"Come on Bree. I know you're in there somewhere. You've just got to fight it. Where is my sister Bree! Where is my sister!" I yelled at her.
She stared at me for a few seconds before the green went away from her eyes and they were back to her normal color.
I sighed in relief and smiled at her.
She then dropped to the ground.
"Yes!" the others yelled as they jumped up from behind the couch.
Soon Chase and Adam were slowly waking up.
I crouched down in front of Bree as she started waking up.
She looked at me and blinked in confusion.
"Luna? Luna, what's going on? What happened?" Bree asked.
"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad to have you back sis" I smiled at her.
Her confused look turned into a happy one as she smiled back at me.
"Oh, Luna" Bree said as she pulled me into a hug.
"I love you sis" I said.
"I love you too sis" Bree said.
In The Elevator
After the whole disaster with the triton app everything was back to the way it was.
Right now we're all in the elevator so we could show the now destroyed lab to the trio.
Me and Chase stood next to each other as he had one arm wrapped around me.
"This Krane person seems extremely dangerous, and having Douglas still out there, we're all gonna have to watch our backs more than ever" Dad explained and we all nodded.
"Quick question, um, is anyone on your side of the family not a deranged maniac?" Bree asked.
Dad gave her an annoyed look while I giggled.
"Do you guys remember anything when that Triton App thingy was going?" Tasha asked.
"Tasha, we just got home, what's with the third degree?" Adam asked in annoyance as she rolled her eyes at him.
Soon the elevator dinged and I knew were down at the lab.
Before the door opened dad looked at the trio.
"Ge about to see is pretty disturbing" Dad said and I nodded.
Once the doors opened we all stepped out of the elevator.
I looked at the trio and I could see that they were completely shocked and scared at the destroyed lab.
"Wow" Bree said and I nodded.
"The whole reason I built this place was to protect you, and I couldn't even do that. I feel like I failed you" Dad said in sadness and guilt.
"Well, I'm glad someone said it" Adam said.
Dad looked at him with wide eyes while I glared at him.
"You didn't fail us. If you hadn't brought us together as a family, and let us live like normal kids, we would never have been able to defeat the Triton App" Chase reassured him.
We all looked at dad and smiled.
Dad smiled at us as he walked over to Chase and side hugged him, bringing us all into the hug as well.
"Thanks, guys. You're right. I am handsome and brilliant" Dad said.
Me, Tasha and Leo rolled our eyes at him while Chase looked confused.
"I didn't—" Chase started but Leo stopped him.
"No, no. Let him go, it's how he copes" Leo said and I nodded.
Soon we all smiled at each other and then a family hug.
The lab might be gone, but the most important thing is that our family is back together.
That's all that matters right now.
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