Chapter Fifty: My Little Brother
Luna's Pov
Me, Chase and Adam were in the lab getting ready for school.
I was putting my books into my purse when I saw Adam sitting on top of the cyberdesk while sniffing his shoe.
"Ugh! Smells like something died in here" Adam said and I gagged in disgust
"Whoa! Something did die in here! Chase, look at this!" Adam said with a smile.
"No" Chase said.
"Well, at least tell me if this is fur or mold" Adam said as he tried showing him his shoe but Chase shoved it away.
"No!" Chase said in annoyance.
"Adam just hurry, we need to get to school soon" I said.
Adam just groaned and nodded as he tried putting on his show but it goes right through the shoe, making a massive hole in it.
"What the hell?" I asked in confusion.
"Adam, what did you do to your shoe?" Chase asked.
"I guess I don't know my own strength. The same thing happened yesterday with my underwea" Adam said and I gave him a weird look.
"Ooh, that reminds me, I got your a new headband for gym class" Adam said as he took out his underwear and placed it on Chase's head.
Chase gagged in disgust as he took it off his head and threw it to the ground.
"Man, Mr. Davenport warned us about this. As we get older, our chips have to be re-calibrated to adjust for our growth" Chase said as we all walked over to a table.
"Oh, well, then yours will never have to be adjusted. 'Cause your body doesn't grow, get it?" Adam mocked him.
Chase rolled his eyes while I glared at him.
"I'm saying you're small" Adam said.
"I get it!" Chase snapped at him.
"When Mr. Davenport gets back, he can re-calibrate your super strength. Toss me my backpack" Chase said.
Adam nodded as he grabbed his backpack and throws it at him but it misses and slams into the lab doors, slightly bending them.
My eyes widened in shock along with Chase's as we stared at Adam.
"Or we could do it now" Chase said and I nodded.
"Quick, get in your capsule" I said.
"Ah, but I like being ridiculously strong. I'm like King Kong without the little lady in his hand" Adam grinned.
"Go ahead, Chase, jump in" Adam said as he held out his hand to Chase.
"Go!" Chase yelled.
"Fine" Adam said as he walked into his capsule and closed the door as me and Chase walked over to the consoles.
"All right, let's see, Adam's size parameters. Six-one, hundred and seventy-five pounds" Chase said as he started typing things.
"Hold on, you can adjust my strength?" Adam asked and Chase nodded.
"Well, don't dial me down, make me a 10!" Adam yelled.
"No way, that would just cause problems" I said and Chase nodded.
"That would be like giving a stick of dynamite to a...well, you" Chase said and I giggled.
Chase then presses a button and a light flashes a couple of times in Adam's capsule.
"There. Done. Now hurry. We're gonna be late for school" Chase said.
"Come on" I said as I grabbed my purse and walked away with Chase.
"Uh, yeah, I'll be right there! I just have to...not do something for a minute" Adam yelled and I rolled my eyes.
At School
Classes were boring as usual and right now we're in the cafeteria getting our lunch.
Once me, Chase and Adam got our trays we walked over to an empty table.
We were about to sit down but Chase looked at his chair and moved it a little before he groaned in annoyance.
"Man, I always get stuck with the wobbly chair" Chase said.
"Here, let me fix it. Hold my tray" Adam said as he handed his tray to Chase.
Adam then tried fixing the chair but my eyes widened when he ripped off the back of the chair, causing everyone to look at us.
"Adam!" I scolded him as Chase looked at everyone.
"Budget cuts, am I right? The evidence is all around us, people" Chase said to the other students.
Once they all turned away we looked at Adam.
"You maxed out your super strength, didn't you?" Chase asked.
"Of course I did, look who you're talking to" Adam said.
"I'm honestly not even surprised anymore" I said and Chase nodded.
"This is so dangerous. You can't control your strength, and it could cause a ton of glitches. We have to change you back, now!" Chase said.
"Calm down, you're overreacting" Adam said.
He then set his tray down on the table but the whole table collapses to the ground, causing everyone to look at us once again.
"Okay, you can dial me down to a 9" Adam said.
"More like a 5" I said and Chase nodded.
We quickly threw out our lunches and walked out of the cafeteria.
Once we made it outside of school I grabbed onto the guys and geo-leaped us to the lab.
Once we got there we found Adam's capsule door all the way on the other side of the lab.
"I can't believe you maxed out your strength after I specifically told you not to" Chase said in annoyance.
"In my defense, you telling me what to do is like a monkey telling a hedgehog what to do--It's ridiculous. But it would make an awesome buddy cop movie" Adam grinned.
"Can we just please get this over with? I gotta get back to school. It's karaoke day in my Latin class and I'm singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" Chase said.
Soon he started singing Twinkle Little Star in Latin and laughs.
Adam looks at him weirdly before looking at me.
"Luna, why are you still dating him?" Adam asked.
Chase glared at him while I rolled my eyes at him.
"Because I love him" I said as I wrapped my arms around Chase's waist from behind him.
He turned around and smiled at me as he pecked me on the lips.
"Get in your capsule" Chase said while turning back to Adam.
Adam sighs but nods as he walks into his capsule and closes the door once he gets inside.
Chase starts pressing some buttons while I just continued hugging his waist from behind him.
"All right, reducing super strength in 3, 2, 1..." Chase said as he pressed a button.
A bright light flashes a couple of times in Adam's capsule.
"All right, we should probably test it out to make sure that you're back to normal. Come here" Chase said.
Adam got out of his capsule as the three of us walk over to some metal container.
"This is made out of ultra-strength titanium. Think you can break it?" Chase asked.
"Sure, stand still while I smash it over your head" Adam grinned.
"No, with your hand" I said and Chase nodded.
"Not as fun, but okay" Adam nodded.
Adam sighs as he started hitting the container but nothing happened, he tried hitting it again but nothing happened.
"Ugh! I'm back to normal. Now I'm only a hundred times stronger than you" Adam said before sighing.
"I guess I'm gonna have to hit you more often to make up for it" Adam said.
"You really don't have to" Chase said.
"Oh, that's sweet, but I really do" Adam said.
"No, you don't" Chase said as he started to walk away.
"Yes, I do" Adam said as he slowly started walking towards Chase.
"No, you don't" Chase said as he started walking faster.
"Come here" Adam said as he started picking up the pace.
"Stop. Get away. Don't touch me. Don't-- Get away, get away. No, no!" Chase yelled.
He tried running away but Adam caught up to him and tackled him to the ground.
I rolled my eyes at them as I walked over to them and grabbed their arms.
I then geo-leaped us outside of school.
They both got off the ground and dusted themselves off.
"Maybe try using your superspeed next time sweetheart, geo-leaping is still new to me" Chase said.
I just nodded as we held hands and walked back inside the school.
"Hey, Chase, when you zapped me, I think you took a little bit of weight off" Adam said.
"Adam, that's impossible. It doesn't work like that" Chase said as he let go of my hand and walked over to the water fountain.
"The re-calibration adjusts the ratio of your muscle mass to your body frame and, who am I kidding? You stopped listening five seconds ago, right?" Chase asked.
"Most likely" I said while crossing my arms.
"Adam? Adam?" Chase asked as we turned around only to see that Adam was gone.
"Uh...bubba, where is he?" I asked.
"I don't know" Chase said.
"I'm down here!" Adam yelled.
We looked down and saw Adams clothes and shoes on the ground, but what shocked me the most was that he had shrunk.
He was literally so small and he was inside of his shoe, naked.
"Told you I was losing weight" Adam said.
"Holy shit" I said.
Chase lays down on the ground to get a closer look at Adam while I crouched down to the floor.
"Chase, what's going on?" Adam asked.
"I-- I, I guess I was in such a rush to re-calibrate your chip, I accidentally forgot to enter the size parameters, which caused a glitch and--" Chase explained but got cut off by Adam.
"I'm two inches and naked! Do something!" Adam yelled.
After a few minutes Adam was inside of Chase's locker wearing a purple ninja suit Chase found.
"Really, Chase? A purple ninja outfit? You know purple's not my color!" Adam said.
"It was from the lost and found" I said and Chase nodded.
"There were only two action figures, this and power girl. And you do not have the legs to work that skirt" Chase said.
I shuddered in disgust and nodded.
"Ha. Just hurry up and fix this! I can't stand being smaller than you" Adam said.
Chase gave him an annoyed look and I can kind of see where this is going.
"You know, I've been smaller than you for my entire life. Now you know what it's like. Do you remember all the names you called me?" Chase asked.
"Not all of 'em, but I remember there was Tinypants McGoo, Microman, Tiny Boy, Ant Boy, Eency Meency Little Woman..." Adam said while laughing.
Chase glared at him before taking his thermos lid and placed it over Adam.
"Hey! Whoa, hey! Why is it dark? What's going on? Let me out!" Adam yelled.
Chase laughed while I rolled my eyes but giggled.
Chase then took the lid off of Adam.
"Hey, what'd you do that for?" Adam asked.
"I wanted you to see what it's like to be picked on by someone larger than you. But, since I'm a nice guy, now I'll take you home to fix you" Chase said.
"Thank you, Chase. That's really big of you. And I don't get to say that very often" Adam chuckles.
"You just can't stop yourself, can you?" Chase asked in annoyance.
"I'll try. Um, you're small. Nope, can't do it" Adam grinned.
"You know what? Forget home. We're gonna have a little fun" Chase smirked.
He then grabbed Adam's shirt from behind and picked him up as he closed his locker.
"No, no, no, no. No! No!" Adam yelled.
"You know that new tarantula in the science lab?" Chase asked and Adam nodded.
"Oh, yeah, Harvey! He's great" Adam said.
"Well, let's see how great he is when he gets a surprise visit from a tiny, purple ninja.
"No!" Adam yelled but Chase ignored him and put him in his pocket while smiling.
"Really bubba?" I asked.
"Sweetheart, he's been making fun of me for being short for years. It's time I get some payback" Chase said and I sighed.
"Alright, I get that. But just don't go too overboard" I said.
"Don't worry sweetheart, that's not going to happen" Chase reassured me and I nodded.
Then he smirked as he moved closer to me.
"You know, since Adam is tiny and in my pocket and I want payback, why not start now?" Chase said.
"Ok, what do you want to do?" I asked.
"This" Chase said.
Before I knew it he had pinned me to the lockers and started kissing me.
I wrapped both arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me.
He then grabbed both of my arms and pinned them above my head as he continued kissing me but a bit more roughly.
He then licked my bottom lip and I let him in.
I moaned really loudly when he deepened the kiss.
"Oh gross, don't tell me you guys are making out?" Adam asked from inside of Chase's pocket.
We pulled away and started panting to catch our breath.
Chase smirked while I was flustered as hell.
"That was nice" Chase said.
"You're telling me" I said.
He chuckled as he let go of my arms.
"Sorry I did that out of the blue, I just really wanted some kisses" Chase said with a soft smile.
I smiled at him and pecked him on the lips.
"Don't worry bubba, I get it" I said.
He smiled as he wrapped one arm around my waist as we walked away.
A Few Hours Later
Chase had been messing with Adam all day and it was funny yet annoying to be honest.
But this is jus this payback since Adam has been making fun of him all those years.
"All right, Adam, time for a water fountain jerk bath" Chase smirked.
Soon he reaches into his pocket to get Adam out but his eyes widened in fear.
"Adam? Adam? Oh, no! Adam? Adam?" Chase panicked.
"Bubba, what's wrong?" I asked.
He shook his head before he started fumbling around and shaking his legs, I looked at him weirdly along with two other girls that had passed by and stared at him.
"New internet dance craze. Look it up!" Chase said.
Both girls just rolled their eyes at him and walked away.
Soon Leo walked in from the front.
"Leo!" me and Chase yelled as we ran up to him.
"Sup" Leo said.
"I need your help. I accidentally shrunk Adam and he is gone!" Chase said.
"I got your back. You were with me. We were kayaking. No questions asked" Leo said and I glared at him.
"No! I He was in my pocket but he fell out. I lost him!" Chase said.
"They'll never buy it. Stick to the kayak" Leo said and I glared at him.
"I don't know where he is. He could be anywhere!" Chase sighed.
We continued looking around for a few seconds until Leo had gotten both mine and Chase's attention.
"Luna, Chase, I think I just saw a little, purple ninja dive into that book bag. And there's something I'll never say again" Leo said.
"Go, go!" Chase said.
They both ran to try and get the book bag while I walked but before they could even grab the bag the girl grabbed her bag and walked away.
Then they both ran into the cafeteria while I walked.
They ran over to the girl from earlier and started going through her bag while she looked confused.
"Sorry, ma'am. Random bag search. There's been a rash of crouton theft as the salad bar" Leo explained to the girl while she gave him an offended look.
"We're not saying it's you, but we're all thinkin' it" Leo said.
"A-ha! I got him!" Chase whispered to us as we walked away from the girl.
"You got him?" Leo asked and Chase nodded.
We were about to leave but Chase had bumped into Principal Perry who was wearing really really weird clothing.
"Dude! You almost spilled my third lunch" Principal Perry said.
"Right. Sorry" Chase said and I nodded.
Me, Chase and Leo walk away as Chase opens his hands, but to our shock Adam isn't there anymore.
"Where is he?" I asked but Chase just shrugged.
Leo then pointed somwhere and we turned around only to see that Adam is sitting on Perry's burger.
"Oh" Chase said.
Principal Perry then puts her bun on her burger, trapping Adam as she brings up to her mouth.
"Adam, get out of there!" Chase yelled in fear.
Perry starts to take a bite while Adam screams, and Chase runs over and tries to wrestle the burger out of her hands.
"Braver men than you have tried to take my food before. They ain't men now" Principal Perry said while glaring at Chase.
"I won't let you eat my brother!" Chase said.
Principal Perry scoffed as she got up from her chair.
"You vegetarians make me sick. It's a turkey, not your brother! Now give me back that bird, hippie!" Principal Perry said.
Then they both were wrestling for the burger and Principal Perry was close to winning when Bree walked in.
"Drop the burger, Terry!" Bree yelled while pointing at her.
She let go of Chase but had the burger in her other hand.
"How about I drop you, girlie?" Principal Perry said.
"Hmm, I had a feeling you might say that. Which is why I brought in the big guns" Bree said.
I looked at her confused before the doors to the cafeteria flung open.
"Theresa!" some old lady yelled as she barged in.
I looked over at Principal Perry whose face was pale as she gulped nervously.
"Mother? What are you doing here?" Principal Perry asked.
Hmm, so this is her mother huh?
Well I can't wait for what's about to happen.
I think I might call her mama Perry, yeah I'll do that.
"This lovely young lady called me and said you were causing trouble" Mama Perry said while pointing at Bree.
"What did I tell you about wrestling for food?" Mama Perry asked.
"That if you're gonna do it, you better win?" Principal Perry shrugged.
"Don't you sass your momma!" Mama Perry said as she walked over to her.
"Sorry, mother" Principal Perry said while looking down.
I had to bit back a laugh because this was getting good.
Mama Perry grabbed the burger from her and put it on her tray.
Chase tried getting it but Mama Perry smacked his hand away.
"Hands off, troll!" Mama Perry said and Chase held his hands up in surrender as he walked away.
"I apologize for her causing so much trouble" Mama Perry said to Bree who nodded.
"She's not really the principal!" Principal Perry said.
"And you're not really a child, so stop acting like one!" Mama Perry snapped at her.
'I swear Principal Perry getting lectured by her mother in front of the school is amazing' I thought with a small smirk.
"Theresa, what do you say to Principal Bree?" Mama Perry said while crossing her arms.
"Sorry" Principal Perry muttered under her breath.
"Big girl voice!" Mama Perry said.
"Sorry!" Principal Perry said much louder.
"I'm going to take her home and give her a good talking to" Mama Perry said to Bree who smiled and nodded.
"Mm, I think that's a great idea" Bree said while shooting Principal Perry a smirk.
Mama Perry then grabbed Principal Perry by the ear as she started dragging her away.
"No, momma, no, no, no, momma! No, no" Principal Perry whined.
Mama Perry snatched the burger from her and threw it in the trash as they left the cafeteria.
"Ahh!" both Leo and Chase yelled.
"Come on, let's get back home and fix him" I said and they nodded.
They grabbed onto the trash bin as we quickly left the school.
Back At Home
In the Lab
We made it back to the lab as Leo and Chase started searching through the bin to find Adam while I stood off to the side watching them.
"Ooh, I found him!" Chase yelled.
"Yes!" I yelled with a smile on my face.
Chase quickly ran over to his capsule and placed him inside, quickly closing his door and running back over to the console.
"He was curled up inside a burrito" Chase said to me and Leo and I rolled my eyes.
"Of course" I said.
Chase and Leo started wiping their hands and once Chase's hands were cleaned he started typing on the console.
"Uh, Adam size parameters, six-one, hundred and seventy-five-pounds. Strength level, six. Clothing-- " Chase started.
"Yes, please" me and Chase said together.
Soon Chase pressed a button and a light flashed in Adam's capsule and before we knew it Adam was back to his regular size.
He looks at us before stepping out of his capsule.
"Whoa! Chase, I just had the most awesome dream! I was a tiny ninja in a land of butt giants" Adam said.
"No, Adam, that wasn't a dream. I made mistake and shrunk you" Chase said and I nodded.
"That's right! And I had nothing to do with it. For once, Leo's part of the solution to a problem he didn't create! Yes!" Leo yelled in happines as he left the lab.
"Wow, I think I finally understand what it feels like to be smaller brother" Adam said and I smiled.
"Finally! So does this mean that you're not gonna make short jokes at my expense anymore?" Chase asked.
"I'm sorry, can you speak up? I can't hear you down there" Adam joked.
"You just cannot help yourself, can you?" Chase asked in annoyance.
"Oh, I'm just kidding. Look, I don't think you're that small. And for turning me back to normal, I got you a gift. Okay, close your eyes" Adam said.
Chase closed his eyes and I bit back a laugh when I saw that Adam had his purple ninja outfit in his hands.
"Open 'em" Adam said.
Chase opened his eyes and he glared at Adam when he saw the ninja outfit.
"It's a tiny ninja costume! Oh, don't worry about the size. You'll grow into it" Adam joked.
Chase glared at him while I rolled my eyes but giggled.
It was good to have Adam back in his regular size.
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