Chapter Fifty-Five: Sink Or Swim Part One
Luna's Pov
I'm not sure how long I was knocked out for. Maybe a few minutes. Maybe even an hour but I doubt it.
My eyes began to flutter open, my vision was still blurry but it was slowly coming back.
"Luna! Luna! Sweetie, can you hear me?" I heard Tasha ask, her voice filled with nothing but worry.
When I had enough strength to fully open my eyes, my vision was slowly clearing up but the only thing I could see was Tasha hovering above me.
"Tasha?" I asked in a weak voice.
Finally my vision managed to clear up entirely and I really did see Tasha hovering above me, worry written all over her face.
"Luna, sweetie, can you hear me? Are you ok?" Tasha asked.
"Tasha!" I yelled.
I sat up from the ground, ignoring the slight headache I was feeling, and hugged Tasha tightly.
I heard her sigh in relief before hugging me back just as tightly, kissing my head.
"Thank goodness you're awake" Tasha said as we pulled away from the hug.
I looked around and saw dad and Leo on the ground, unconscious as well.
"Tasha, what the hell happened?" I asked.
"I was in the kitchen packing up our stuff for when we had to leave when all of a sudden you and the boys geo-leaped into the living room. I was about to ask what was wrong when I heard a loud boom and the ground began to shake. You three fell to the ground and were knocked unconscious" Tasha explained.
"Are you ok? Were you hurt?" I asked.
"I'm fine. Donald and Leo are fine too, I didn't see any bruises or bleeding. But I was more worried about you. You hit your head on the coffee table, I had to gather some bandages to stop the bleeding" Tasha explained, frowning.
When she said that I slowly brought my hand up to my head, before wincing in pain.
Now I know why I have such a terrible headache.
I opened my mouth to say something when I heard groaning. Me and Tasha turned around to see dad and Leo slowly waking up.
"Dad!" I yelled.
"Donald! Leo!" Tasha yelled.
They both slowly opened their eyes and sat up from the ground, holding onto their heads.
I quickly crawled to them and wrapped my arms around them, pulling them both into a tight hug.
Tasha quickly crouched down and wrapped her arms around us, joining in on the hug.
"Thank goodness you two are awake" I said.
"We were getting worried" Tasha said.
Dad and Leo didn't say anything, they just wrapped their arms around us, hugging both of us tightly.
A few seconds passed and we pulled away from our group hug.
Dad looked at Tasha before looking at me. When he saw the bandage on my head, he frowned and gently placed his hands on my shoulders.
"Pumpkin, are you ok? What happened?" Dad asked, worried.
"I'm fine, dad. Don't worry" I softly said.
"Yeah, she just hit her head. She's fine, just a little bleeding" Tasha reassured him, rubbing his arm.
I nodded and dad sighed, nodding back.
Tasha gently grabbed his arm and pulled him up from the ground. Leo grabbed my arm and pulled me up with him.
"Are you guys ok? What happened?" Tasha asked.
"Douglas happened" Leo angrily spat, making me nod.
"He blew up the lab with us in it. Luckily Luna geo-leaped us out in time" Dad explained.
I nodded, resting my head on Leo's shoulder, who rested his head on top of mine.
"At least my sprinkler system put the fire out before it spread to the rest of the house" Dad said and I nodded.
"What about the lab?" Tasha softly asked, worried.
Me, dad and Leo glanced at each other before sighing. Already knowing the answer.
Back Down In The Lab
We all went back down to the lab and everything was completely destroyed.
Everything was burnt and ruined. It was all a complete mess.
"It's worse than I thought" Dad said.
"The blast took out everything" I said.
"I can't believe your own brother would do this. He could've killed Leo and Luna" Tasha said.
Dad looked at her with wide eyes as she quickly corrected herself.
"And you" Tasha said and I slightly snorted.
Dad walked towards the capsule while Leo walks towards his mission specialist desk.
"My mission specialist desk" Leo said, clearly angry.
I gave him a sad look and gently patted his head, Tasha rubbed his shoulder.
"Okay, this just got real! I'm gonna hurt Douglas where he lives!" Leo yelled.
He started walking away before stopping and turning back around to look at us.
"As soon as I find out where he lives" Leo said, I snorted at that but nodded.
"Look at their capsules, there's nothing left" Dad said in sadness.
I turned around to where Eddy's screen is and sighed.
"Even Eddy's gone" I said in sadness.
"Yes!" Tasha yelled in relief.
Me, dad and Leo looked at her with wide eyes and she quickly stopped.
"Yes, he will be missed" Tasha said.
Dad sighed as he walked over to us.
"He was my best friend" Dad said.
"Mine too" I said.
"I thought I was your best friend" Tasha said to dad.
"No, it was him" Dad said and Tasha rolled her eyes at him.
"What are we gonna do?" Leo asked.
"There's nothing much we can do. The house isn't even ours anymore" Dad said.
"Speaking of which the bank wants us out, I'll go gather what's left of our stuff" Tasha said.
She patted me and Leo on our shoulders before leaving the lab.
The three of us continue looking around the lab in sadness and anger.
"All your hard work. Millions of dollars worth of equipment. Gone" Leo said.
"All of this stuff can be replaced. Adam, Bree and Chase can't. We have to find them before Douglas does" Dad said.
"How? They disabled their GPS locations, they could be anywhere by now" Leo said.
"I don't give a damn, we're going to find them and we're not going to stop until we do" I said and dad nodded.
Meanwhile, On A Cargo Ship
Chase's Pov
Me and my siblings come out of our hiding spots on the cargo ship as the crew members were leaving.
Once they all left we all fully came out of our hiding spots.
"Well, after the last six hours, I can confidently say that there is no lady like way to sit on an anchor" Bree said.
I looked at her in annoyance as I took out some seagull hair.
"What are you complaining out? I had a seagull using my head as a nest" I said in annoyance.
"Where are we headed anyway?" Bree asked.
"No idea. I can't pinpoint our coordinates without our GPS locators" I said.
"I bet we're going to Acapulco. It's where all the cruise ships go" Adam said with a smile.
"Adam, we're not on a cruise ship. It's a cargo freighte" I reminded him.
"Whatever it is, we're on vacation. Okay? I'm making the most out of it" Adam said as he walked away from us.
"This is not a vacation. We're hiding from the FBI" Bree said and I nodded.
"And if they find out about us, we'll become government guinea pigs and Mr. Davenport will go to jail" I explained.
Adam sat down on a pile of ropes and sighed in annoyance at us.
"Oh, will you relax" Adam said as he placed his sunglasses on.
"Ah, it's nice to get away every once in a while, isn't it?" Adam said.
Me and Bree ignored him as he lifted up his sunglasses.
"And where is that waiter?" Adam asked.
Me and Bree sighed in annoyance and looked away.
My eyes wandered to the 'C' ring Luna had given me for our 2nd year anniversary.
Then my eyes wandered to the black couple bracelet she gave me on christmas.
I softly smiled at them as I tried not to cry.
I miss Luna so badly right now and I really wish I didn't leave, but it was for the best.
I just hope her and the others are alright.
Meanwhile, Back At The Davenport House
Luna's Pov
All of us made it back upstairs and packed what we had left so we could get ready to leave.
I know what you're thinking, why the hell am I wearing all pink?
Thing is I had already packed all my other clothes and I needed an outfit to change into before we could leave.
These clothes were the only ones I had left that I hadn't packed in my bags so I had no choice but to wear these.
Ok, if I'm being honest I actually like these clothes.
I don't like pink but I can tolerate this outfit right now.
Anyway, we're in the living room right now as Tasha comes downstairs with two bags.
"Almost ready. Just three more bags" Tasha said.
"Tasha, we're homeless. Do you really need all these clothes?" Dad asked.
"These are yours" Tasha deadpanned at him and I snorted.
"Oh, good. Did you get my cashmere socks?" Dad asked but all Tasha did was roll her eyes at him.
"I cannot believe they're kicking us out. Where the hell are we gonna go?" I asked,
"Look, there is a five star hotel downtown. We can stay there until they can prove my account was hacked" Dad said.
"How? You have no money, no credit cards, nothing" Leo said,
"Well, yeah, but I just thought we could tap into your college fund" Dad said.
Leo's eyes widened along with Tasha as he shakes his head and points a finger at him.
"What? I am a proud man I cannot sleep on the streets" Dad defended.
Tasha sighed as she pulled out her phone.
"I'll just call my mother, I'm sure we can stay there" Tasha said but dad quickly stopped her.
"Street it is" Dad said and we all glared at him.
Soon there was a knock on the door as Leo walked over to answer it.
Once he opened the door his eyes widened as we saw Principal Perry.
"'Sup, Dooley" Principal Perry said.
"Oh no" Leo said as he quickly shut the door but Principal Perry stopped him as she pushed her way inside.
"Well, I see you did your squats today" I said.
"That's the power of protein" Principal Perry said as she starts flexing.
"I eat three whole chickens a day" Principal Perry grinned as I rolled my eyes at her.
"Uhhh! Principal Perry, what do you want?" Tasha asked in annoyance.
"Nothin' from you, Betty blue" Principal Perry said as Tasha glares at her but she ignores her and walks to dad.
"I just came here to shake down old Donnie for my hush money. Keeping a bionic secret really takes it out of a gal" Principal Perry said as she took a nearby wallet.
"And here I thought you were just winded from walking up the driveway" Dad said in annoyance as he took the wallet from her and placed it back where it was.
"Look, you know I'm broke" Dad said and I nodded.
"Well, then perhaps I'll have to find another way to get my money. Maybe a tell-all book. How one adorkable principal saved America from three bionic freaks!" Principal Perry grinned.
"Or you should write a book about how you barely survived the wrath of Luna Walker as she beat you up" I said in annoyance.
"Look, I will get you your hush money, but first, we need a place to live. And then we have to find Adam, Bree and Chase" Dad said and I nodded.
"Who?" Principal Perry asked in confusion.
We all gave her annoyed looks as Leo spoke up.
"The freaks" Leo said.
It took her a few seconds to figure out who we were talking about, "oh" Principal Perry said and dad nodded.
"Oh. So, you're telling me the sooner you find a place, the sooner I get my money?" Principal Perry asked and we all nodded.
"That's right, T.P. You help us out, we help you out. You wash our back, we––ohhh" Leo stops and cringes as he realized what he was about to say.
Dad shook his head in disgust while I shuddered in disgust.
No way in hell would I ever go near that woman.
At all.
"Hmmm. All right, I'm in. You can stay at my place. As long as you don't mind sharing the john with eight cats and the occasional semi-pro bowler" Principal Perry grinned while winking at us.
"I'd rather stay on the streets" I whispered to Leo who nodded.
Soon Tasha stepped up and walked towards her.
"What if we stay at the school temporarily? Like when you set up the shelter for people after the big storm last year" Tasha said while smiling.
"Oh! So that's why everyone was bangin' on the door trying to get in!" Principal Perry grinned while laughing.
We all looked at her weirdly.
Seriously, how is she still the principal?
"All right, you can stay at the school" Principal Perry nodded and dad sighed in relief.
"Oh, good. Well, you wanna help us with our bags?" Dad asked.
"My pleasure" Principal Perry nodded.
She picked up a few bags and walked outside to her car.
Then we heard her starting her car and then she drove off.
"We're never gonna see those bags again, are we?" Dad asked.
"No, no we are not" I said while nodding.
Guys, where are you?
Please be safe.
Back On The Cargo Ship
Chase's Pov
Once the crew left I walked back over to my siblings and sat down on a crate.
"Okay, we're all clear. The crew just went to eat" I said.
"If it's veal shank, I'm giving us up" Adam said as he stood up.
"Adam!" Bree yelled at him in annoyance as he sighed and sat back down.
"So, what's our plan?" Bree asked.
"Well, as soon as we get wherever we're going, I guess we just blend in and live normal lives" I said.
"So does this mean we're done with missions forever?" Adam asked and I nodded.
"We have to be. Using bionics will only get us caught" I said and Bree nodded.
"Man, if I'm not mission leader anymore, I don't know who I am" I said in sadness.
"Hey, don't worry, Chase. You'll have plenty of girlfriendless years ahead of you to figure it out.
I glared at him in annoyance and anger.
But also in sadness since he brought up Luna.
I already miss her so much and just wish I could have her in my arms.
"At least I have, or had, a girlfriend. What are you gonna do besides move pianos and mouth kiss every dog you see?" I asked.
"You can't shake their paws! Those things are filthy" Adam said and I sighed.
"We're just gonna have to learn to live like regular people. Kind of sad, isn't it?" I asked.
"If by "sad" you mean "awesome, I finally get to move far away from you two," then yes, tragic" Bree said and I rolled my eyes at her.
"You can move wherever you want. We're still gonna have to spend the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders" I said.
"Don't be ridiculous, Chase. They can attack us from the front too" Adam said.
I really wish Luna was here but she would've stopped me from hurting Adam because of his stupidity.
"Hey, look, I got a bite!" Adam gasped as he walked to the front.
"Aw, she's a fighter!" Adam said as he started reeling in the fishing rod as me and Bree looked at him in shock and annoyance.
"Adam, what are you doing?!" Bree asked.
"Deep sea fishing. Come on, fishy baby, come to daddy! Yahh!" Adam yells as he reels the fish up.
Aaah!" I yelled as the fish comes flying at me and hits me in the chest as I caught it but fell to the ground.
Soon we heard noises and we started panicking.
"They're coming. Hide!" Bree said.
I quickly shoved the fish off of me as me and my siblings quickly hid behind the crates.
Soon an old guy that might be the captain comes out and grins as he sees the fish.
"Ahh, poor bugger musta jumped right on board. Ha ha ha! Well, I can't have a fish stinkin' up my ship!" the captain grinned as he picked up the fish.
Adam got scared and was about to reveal our hiding spot but me and Bree quickly pulled him back.
"Ha ha ha! Be free!" the captain yelled as he threw the fish back into the ocean and walked away.
At Mission Creek High
Luna's Pov
When we arrived at the school Principal Perry had set up four cots for us.
Though something is telling me that those beds aren't clean or haven't even been washed.
"Here you go, three cots. Ah, this takes me back to the good ol' days in the prison infirmary" Principal Perry grinned.
"You were a nurse?" Tasha asked.
"No, I was in prison" Principal Perry said.
"Shocking" I sarcastically said.
"Okay, you kids settle in. I'm gonna go try and find some less crusty blankets" Principal Perry said and I cringed in disgust.
"Is there some place we can store our things?" Tasha asked.
"Sure. You can take the gym locker next to mine. You might wanna wear slip-ons in the shower. I got something in between my toes that just won't quit" Principal Perry said as she walked away.
Me and Tasha cringed in disgust as she turned to look at dad.
"This was better than my mother's?" Tasha asked in annoyance.
"Yes" Dad nodded.
Tasha rolled her eyes at him before walking away.
Soon Leo walked in while rolling in some computers from the computer lab.
"Good news, Big D. I got some of this stuff from the computer lab. Maybe you can use it to track Adam, Bree and Chase's last GPS location" Leo explained.
"I highly doubt those things are gonna even turn on" I scoffed.
"Or, judging by its age, the last location of King Tut" Dad said.
Leo gave him a 'seriously' look while dad sighed.
"Sorry, Leo, I'm just frustrated. Without my stuff, without my lab, this is hopeless" Dad said.
"Come on, Big D, you're a tech titan" Leo said and I nodded.
"Yeah dad. You built an empire out of nothing" I said with a smile.
"Yeah, but it was so hard" Dad pouted as he sat down on his bed.
"But you did it. And if you put your mind to it, you can do anything" Leo said.
"Yeah dad. Don't forget that you're a genius inventor. You're brilliant" I grinned.
Dad looked at me and Leo before a smile appeared on his face as he nodded.
"You know what? You're right, Leo, pumpkin. I am handsome. And brilliant" Dad said.
Me and Leo looked at him weirdly.
We never mentioned handsome.
"Hold on, we didn't say–" Leo started but dad cut him off.
"I'm back!" Dad yelled in happiness as he walked over to the computers to get to work.
Me and Leo looked at each other and just rolled our eyes while sighing.
Back On The Cargo Ship
Chase's Pov
"Guys, we're in luck" Adam grinned as he walked over to us with a box in his hands.
"You found food?" I asked in relief.
"Better" Adam grinned as he set the box down and removed the top part of it.
"Crate full of boomerangs" Adam said.
Me and Bree looked at him in annoyance before turning to each other.
"If he should mysteriously disappear at sea, it was me" Bree said and I nodded.
"Time for target practice" Adam said.
He then threw the boomerang into the sky as he activated his heat vision but missed and hit a seagull.
"Hey well, good news, Chase, you don't have to worry about that seagull anymore" Adam said.
"Knock it off. You are making too much noise, and we all agreed we weren't gonna use bionics" Bree scolded him and I nodded.
"Whoa!" all three of us yelled as we ducked in time before the boomerang could hit it.
But it smashes right into the cargo ship window.
"Whoa. It's like that boomerang came right back at us!" Adam said and I groaned in annoyance.
Soon the crew and the captain came out and our eyes widened in fear when they spotted us.
"Freeze! Call the coast guard. We got ourselves some illegal stowaways" the captain said as one of his crew members left to call the coast guard.
"What are we gonna do?" Bree asked in panic.
"Guys, I got this" Adam said as he turned to face the captain.
"Sir, we are not stowaways, we're cruisers. I'm Bob Dunwoody from Tampa, Florida, this is my wife, Joan" Adam said while pointing to Bree as she nodded and walked towards Adam.
"And our lovely daughter, Piper" Adam said and I glared at him.
"Adam" I snapped at him.
"Now now Piper, the grown-ups are talking" Adam said and Bree nodded as they turned around to the captain.
I rolled my eyes at them.
"Look, I don't know who you are or how you got on my ship, but the coast guard's coming, and they'll find out. Keep an eye on these criminals" the captain said as he walked away.
"So, where you from?" Adam asked to one of the crew members.
Bree grabs his arm and drags him away.
"Adam, I cannot believe you got us caught" Bree said in anger.
"When the coast guard gets here, they're gonna trace us back to Davenport and we'll be right back where we started, with the FBI knocking on our door" I angrily explained to him.
"Calm down. We'll just escape" Adam tried reassuring us.
"We're in the middle of the ocean. Where are we gonna go?" Bree asked.
"Well, we can't go home. Tampa's miserable this time of year" Adam said I glared at him.
Soon a buzzer sounds goes off and the three of us looked confused.
"Shh, hold on. Something's wrong" I said.
Soon the captain came back out as the crew members surrounded him.
"Ah, listen up, men. Coast guard's gonna be a while. There's a submarine that's lost control speeding towards the ocean floor. If it hits, it'll wipe out the entire crew" the captain explained.
Me and my siblings looked at each other in shock and fear.
"Poor guys. Well, I gotta go up here and moisturize" the captain said as he walked back inside.
"Okay. That bought us some time. I'll scan the ship to see if there's a life raft we can escape on" I said.
"Forget us. We have to rescue that sub" Bree said but I shook my head at her.
"We can't. I'd have to enable my GPS, and if I did, it would give our location to the FBI" I said.
"But it's what we do" Bree said and I once again shook my head at her.
"No, it's what we used to do. Just let the coast guard handle it. We can't save the world anymore" I said, slightly raising my voice at her.
"Piper, do not take that tone with your mother" Adam scolded me.
Bree nodded as she gave me a stren look as she placed her hands on her hips while I sighed in annoyance.
Back At Mission Creek High
Luna's Pov
The three of us were still testing out the computers to see if we could find the trio.
We need to find them before Douglas and that other dude does.
Who knows what they'll do to the trio if they get to them first.
Leo then walked back in.
"Principal Perry was hogging the Internet in her office, so I snuck in, plugged in our wire instead. Turns out she's a day trader for the Japanese stock market" Leo explained.
"That did it. We are now able to pinpoint their precise location when they turned off their GPS" I said and dad nodded.
Dad smiled as he pulled me into a side hug and patted Leo on his shoulder.
"You know, Leo, with my genius and your ability to follow wiring, we make a great team" Dad said.
"Hey, what about me?" I asked while pouting at him.
Dad chuckled as he kissed my forehead.
"And pumpkin with your smarts and good thinking, it's making all of this more easier" Dad said.
I smiled and nodded.
Soon Principal Perry barged in.
" Did you three snake my Internet?" Principal Perry asked.
"Principal Perry, look, we just–" Leo started but she cut him off.
"Get out of my way, gym squatters. My online auction is about to close" Principal Perry said as she shoved Leo away.
Then she started typing some things the computer dings.
"Wahoo! I got it! Guess who owns a slaughterhouse?" Principal Perry asked us while grinning.
"This stuff ain't cheap. Get me my money" Principal Perry said while glaring at dad before walking away.
Dad rolled his eyes as they went back to typing.
"Their last known location was at the port. They must have jumped on a ship" Dad said.
"It says there were three freighters that left around the same time. They must be on one of them" I said while looking at Leo's computer.
"Douglas may already have a jump on us. We have to act fast" Dad said and I nodded.
"But even if we know which freighter it is, how are we gonna get to it?" Leo asked.
Soon dad looked at us and a grin appeared on his face.
"I have a secret. I have a helicopter I keep stashed away for special occasions, and nobody knows about it! Ha!" Dad grinned while laughing.
I just nodded as Leo gave him a grin as well.
"I have a secret too. I know. I use it on weekends" Leo nodded with a nervous smile.
Dad looked at him in shock while I rolled my eyes.
Back On The Cargo Ship
Chase's Pov
It was already getting dark as me and my siblings were sitting on the crates.
Soon the captain walked over to us.
"Good news. The coast guard's bringing another ship to arrest you" the captain said.
The three of us looked at each other in worry while th captain grinned.
"Well, good for us, bad for you. I guess I shoulda just said, "bad news!" Ha ha ha ha!" the captain laughed.
"Wait. What about the submarine?" Bree asked.
"Doesn't look good. It's tough being this close and realizing there's nothing anyone can do to help" the captain said before walking away to his crew members.
"Chase, we have to do something" Bree said as she stood up.
"Yeah, we're the only ones who can save 'em" Adam said as he stood up as well.
"You do realize that we would be giving ourselves up. Our lives will be over" I said.
"We have no choice. People are in trouble, and I would rather rot in jail knowing that we did the right thing" Bree said.
"Me too" Adam nodded.
I looked at them and nodded as I stood up.
"Who am I kidding? Of course we have to help. Bree, how fast can you subdue the crew?" I asked.
"Look who you're talking to. "Fast" is my middle name" Bree said.
"Lucky. Mine's Charles" Adam said.
"Adam, once I give you the coordinates, use your strength to propel yourself deep enough to reach the sub, then you can divert it to the surface" I explained.
"Got it. And you can boss people around like you usually do" Adam said and I glared at him.
"First of all, I would never boss Luna around because I love her and if I did she would beat me up" I said.
"True, that girl is strong. Bionics or not" Bree said and I quietly chuckled.
Yeah, my girl is strong.
"And two, I do not boss people around! I lead. I am a leader" I defended.
"Oh, yes you are, aren't you?" Adam said to me in a baby voice as he tried to touch me but I smacked his hand away.
"Come on!" Bree yelled.
She took the ropes nearby and superspeeded around the crew and captain and tied them up.
Then she superspeeded away with them and a few seconds later she superspeeded back to us.
"Okay. The crew's tied up below deck. Hurry" Bree said and I nodded.
"This is it. I'm activating my GPS" I said.
I soon pressed my fingers against my temple and soon my GPS was back on.
"Got it. Okay, Adam, they're not far, but we're running out of time. I'll send you the coordinates wirelessly" I explained to him.
"Ooh. Got 'em" Adam nodded as he walked away.
"Let's do this" I said as I tried walking away but Bree stopped me.
"Wait. Chase, we've never trained for an underwater rescue mission" Bree said.
"I know. We're just gonna have to take our chances" I said while sighing.
"Cannonball!" Adam yelled.
Me and Bree turned around only to see Adam jump off the ship and into the water.
We both screamed in shock as ran over there and looked down at the ocean.
"We can track the sub on my sonar scan" I said.
I then pressed my fingers against my temple again as the hologram of the sub appears in front of us.
"Come on, Adam" Bree said.
"Five hundred feet to impact. The sub's about to hit!" I yelled in worry but Bree placed her hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry. He can do this" Bree said and I nodded.
"Three hundred feet. Two hundred feet. One hundred feet. It's fifty feet away!" I yelled.
After a few seconds my eyes widened.
"He did it! Look!" I yelled as I pointed towards the front.
Soon the submarine comes back up safe and sound.
"They're safe! Yes!" Bree yelled and I nodded as me and her hugged.
Then we pulled away with huge smiles on our faces.
"You know, no matter what happens to us, it was worth it" Bree said and I nodded.
"Yeah. Mr. Davenport and Luna would be proud of us" I said.
Bree smiled and nodded.
After a few seconds we realized that Adam was still not here with us.
"Hey, where's Adam?" Bree asked as we looked around.
"Adam?" Bree yelled.
"Adam? Adam!" I yelled in worry.
"He's been down there too long. No one can go that long without oxygen" I said.
"This can't be happening" Bree said in worry.
"I should have never sent him down there. It's all my fault" I said.
The both of us sighed as we looked down.
"What are we staring at?" we heard Adam whispering to us.
The both of us turned around and I sighed in relief when we saw Adam alright and standing behind us.
"Adam!" Bree yelled as she hit him on his shoulder.
"We thought you were dead!" Bree yelled.
"How did you survive so long without oxygen?" I asked.
"By breathing under water" Adam simply said.
Me and Bree looked at each other in shock.
"What, you guys can't?" Adam asked.
No, nobody can.
Then his eyes widened as he looked at us with an angry expression.
"Wait, you didn't know that and you sent me down there without any oxygen?!" Adam asked in anger.
Me and Bree looked at each other and started laughing nervously.
"Of course not!" Bree said.
"No! Congratulations, buddy!" I said as I patted his back.
"You did it! Yay!" Bree said as she patted his shoulder as he grinned and nodded.
After a few minutes we got Adam a towel so he could dry up after being in the water.
"Well, I guess we're back to using our bionics for missions" Bree smiled and I nodded.
"Oh, great. So now it's a working vacation. You just can't unplug anymore. I blame the Internet" Adam said.
"Now it's time for our next mission: finding a life raft and getting off this ship" I said.
The both of them nodded but before we could get away the crew and captain walked back in.
"Don't move!" the captain yelled.
"I thought you tied them up" I said while looking at Bree.
"Well, I said I could tie fast, not well" Bree defended and I just sighed.
Soon we heard noises from above and the wind started blowing faster around us.
We all looked up at the sky to see a helicopter above us.
My eyes widened along with my siblings when I see Mr. Davenport in the helicopter.
"It's Mr. Davenport!" Bree yelled.
Soon a ladder came down from the helicopter.
"Quick! Climb on!" Mr. Davenport yelled.
"Later!" Bree yelled as she superspeeded onto the ladder.
"Get 'em! Come on men!" the captain yelled.
The crew members tried coming after us but Adam fights them off with a crowbar, pushes them away.
Then he throws towel into my face as he ran towards the rop ladder and and starts climbing it.
"Adam, wait!" I yelled at him but he didn't listen and soon the ladder begins to pull him up.
"You're not goin' anywhere!" the captain yelled at me.
I quickly threw the towel at him and ran towards the ladder and grabbed on as it continued going up.
But then it stopped as I looked down to see the captain holding onto my leg.
"Adam, help!" I yelled at him.
"Well, I know you're pathetically weak, but can't you at least try kicking free?" Adam asked.
I rolled my eyes as I quickly kicked the captains hand away from me and luckily he let go as the ladder continued going up.
The captain jumped and grabbed onto the ladder as I quickly started climbing.
Once I was at the top Adam helped me up and pulled me inside.
Once he got inside he lifts the ladder up and lets it go as it falls into the ocean, as well as the captain.
We all looked down and cringed when he landed in the water.
"Whoops. Hey, at least a shark broke his fall" Adam said and we all nodded.
Soon Mr. Davenport flew away and we all sighed in relief.
"It is so good to see you guys" Mr. Davenport said with a smile.
We all smiled at him as Adam patted his back.
"Hey, Mr. Davenport, where's Leo and Luna?" I asked.
I really thought Leo and Luna would be here.
I so desperately wanted her in my arms again and kiss her.
"Oh, they're waiting for us at one of my offshore facilities. We're gonna have to hide out there since the FBI is on our tails" Mr. Davenport explained.
We all nodded and he looked back at us and sent us a small smile.
"Relax, you're safe now" Mr. Davenport reassured us.
We smiled and nodded at him.
As long as I get to see my brother and girlfriend again, that's all that matters to me.
Sighing I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep.
Back At Mission Creek High
Luna's Pov
Dad and Leo had left to find the trio and I wanted to go but dad wanted me to stay here for safety reasons.
I was in the gym room with Tasha as she sat on her bed brushing her hair getting ready for bed.
I had my hair in a ponytail as I wore a black crop top, white shorts and black socks.
I slowly paced back and forth while biting my nails nervously.
"Sweetie, relax. Everything is going to be fine" Tasha reassured me.
"I hope so, I really want dad and Leo to find them first before Douglas" I said.
"They will find them first sweetie, I promise you" Tasha said.
I sighed and nodded.
Soon Principal Perry burst into the gym wearing her pajamas while dragging in her cot.
"Oh. Come to keep us company until Donald and Leo get back?" Tasha asked.
"No. I got a little flea problem, so I'm crashing here tonight" Principal Perry said and I groaned in annoyance.
"Your cats have fleas?" Tasha asked.
"No, I do. I'm crashing here so I don't give them to the cats" Principal Perry said and I scoffed.
"How thoughtful" me and Tasha sarcastically said.
Then she started scratching herself as she took Tasha's brush from her and started scratching her back with it.
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